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<div></div><br> <br>A broken tether and a discarded collar. That is all that remains of Mira, where she was tied up outside of Miora's house. It is a rainy, yet warm day. She was here but an hour ago, so she must have escaped recently. However, when a taur starts running, they can get fair before anyone notices. A small bit of comfort could be had from the fact that her gear, including her bots, are gone as well, presumably with the rampaging Fox Taur.<br> <br>Alkain grumbles at the rain and shakes his head, he had come to visit Mira and blinks as he spots the collar, "Huh?" he looks around and frowns, "Mira? You around here?" he calls out as he looks very worried<br> <br>Shotgun strapped to his back, Dio walks at a leisurely pace, peering at a drenched piece of paper riddled with various scribbles. "Hmmm," the silver lion murmurs, removing his gaze from the paper and onto the scene.  "Hello sir," Dio shouts, moving closer towards the kitsune with a friendly smile. "You're looking for miss Miranai as well? I wrote down her possible coordinates here on this paper, but it appears she's slipped from my grasp." With a bow, Dio continues, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dio and I'm here to assist our mutual friend. We have a slight history together."<br> <br>The rain gets a bit harder, soaking all those outside. Thunder crackles through the air and lightning strikes down a couple of blocks away. The pair outside would find themselves soaked to the bone if they have no rain gear.<br> <br>Alkain blinks at Dio and nods, "Hi." he blinks at that and nods, "Yes, I am. You have her location? Where is she?" he nods at the introduction and shrugs, "Alkain." he blinks at the rain and grumbles as he looks about, "Damn rain..." he moves to hide under the roof of the house if possible<br> <br>A shiver rides the lion's spine, water splashing sporadically as his mane shakes with a violent passion in the dense rain. "This certainly won't be good for my suit," a grumble complains as his large hands stuff the wet paper within the safety of his pockets. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. I'll be joining you under the roof, if you don't mind." With long strides, accompanied by the splashing sound of wet ground, Dio makes his way over to the kitsune beneath the roof. "I've never actually been to the Surrogate Brotherhood, nor this place. Using an AI down at K<br> <br>A pleased smirk grows on Dio's lips as he watches the ferals evacuate the area. However, it quickly fades when he realizes that not all were quite so cowardly. The lion roars in return, charging at the male and pushing him down upon the floor. Without much hesitation, Dio stomps a large padded and clawed foot upon his chest, bringing the shotgun to the husky's head. With a simple click, a loud gun shot echos, complimented by the bursting of the husky's head, causing a bit of blood to splash back upon his suit. For awhile, he stands there in silence, but then regains his typical stance and smiles at Alkain. "Shall we continue?"<br> <br>After the majority of the ferals have fled, including the largest female, and the defeat of the largest male, the security system stops issuing out its warning. The building seems safe to approch again, and the faint trail from Mira seems to lead up to it.<br> <br>Alkain looks at Dio as he stands on the corpse and shakes his head, "Did you really need to kill it?" he sighs as he search for the trail and smiles when he spots it, "Looks like she went in..." as he catiously makes his way into the building<br> <br>"I take self defense very seriously," he snarls, keeping the shotgun at his side in case any hidden dangers lay in wait. "But the time for moral debate is not now. I'll follow you in." With a nod, the lion cocks the shotgun, preparing the next shell and walks along the Kitsune's side into the building.<br> <br>The rain continues as the pair approch the building. Upon entering, they would find most of the place trashed. Furnature overturned, like it was in the middle of being used as the breeding den that the ferals likely intended it to be. Over the loudspeaker "Warning, security override in place. Authorization, User Miranai. Warning, Security override ..." the message repeats over and over again.<br> <br>Alkain shakes his head at Dio and frowns, but doesn't press the issue further. At the inside of the building he blinks, "Was it like this last time you were here?" as he looks around for anything that might indicate where Mira went, along with trying to catch her scent<br> <br>"Oh my," Dio murmurs, rubbing at his head with a worried expression. "Kilsa won't like hearing about this. And then Tiya... Well, we'll figure that out later." The lion listens to the repeating message, perking an ear as he thinks it over. "Log in user Dio," he shouts, "Stop the security override and locate user Miranai. User Miranai is not of mind to operate serve due to basal damage. Prevent her operations until repairs are complete."<br> <br>The computer system stops a moment, then returns, "User level of User Dio insufficent to override commands from User Miranai. Access denied." However, there is an open terminal nearby.<br> <br>Miranai's scent has been here recently, her scent is everywhere, but it is a bit old, not too old though.<br> <br>Alkain shakes his head at that and hmms, "Her scent is everywhere..." he looks to the terminal and ponders, "We could try using that to find her, right?" as he walks over to take a look at it, "Hmm, not confident in my skills to hack it... But maybe we can rewire it?"<br> <br>Dio spots the mentioned terminal, walking over to it. "We could, but this is only a dummy terminal. It'll be considerably more difficult from here." Suddenly, the lion takes off down a hallway, waving at Alkain. "Follow me, we need to get to the main server room."<br> <br>Alkain nods at that, "Alright." he moves to follow and hmms, "I wonder..." as he looks around while following the lion, "Could Kilsa have hidden it in here somewhere?" he ponders that a bit<br> <br>After a bit of running, Dio leads Alkain over to the main server room. "Nah," he returns, putting a paw to the door and springing it open. "Here we are." With a few steps, the lion makes his way into the main server room, searching about. "Let's get started."<br> <br>The server is large and imposing, however, the side of it is easily removed and accessed. The insides are actually very very neat and orderly, however, completely unmarked! It would seem that Mira must have the entire insides commited to memory. This would take a little bit of work to rewire without frying the whole system.... and maybe yourselves in the process.<br> <br>Alkain nods to Dio as he looks at the computer and winces once he gets it open, "Ok, not good... They are all unmarked... Great..." he tinkers a little but after a few shocks he shakes his head, "Yeeeaaahhh... I'm not going to be able to do this... Maybe I can hack it though..." as he gets up to try that unless stopped<br> <br>Dio crouches down, attempting to assist the Kitsune, but mostly just supplies whatever advice he could give. "It's like some sort of jungle down there," he laughs, rising back up to his feet. "Well, hmmm..." The lion thinks for a moment, wondering what the best course of action would be. "I never figured Kilsa as much of a computer person, but she certainly has the highest access." Looking around, Dio attempts to find a terminal nearby to use.<br> <br>The stubbern computer zaps Alkain a few times as he toys with its insides, and relenquishes nothing to him. Dio's search for a terminal would go very easily, there are 5 inside this room alone!<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at Dio and nods at that, "It is..." he sighs and shakes his head, "One I am unable to get through." he looks at the lion after that and blinks, "Oh? Well... We could try to hack her account..." he shrugs a bit<br> <br>"Ah, there's one," the lion exclaims, finding a nearby terminal and getting to work. "Okay, I suppose I'll start with common passwords people use. Let's see..." Dio's finger clacks on the terminal as he continues, "One of the most popular I've heard is to use your name and then 1234 after that. However, I d-" Access granted, the terminal rung, on only the first attempt. "We'll have to talk about this later. But for now... Suspend all user activities of user Miranai until further notice. Return security to normal patterns and locate user Miranai."<br> <br>The computer animates a small foxtaur, much like Mira, working on reading some files and digging up something, then a ding as a light appears above its head. The terminal speaks using her voice, "Commands exicuted. User Miranai out of range. Warning, range hindered to storm, satalite function limited to 5 block range. User Miranai access dropped to Guest level." The icon of a little foxtaur returns to the bottom left corner, same place the 'windows' button would be on a PC.<br> <br>Alkain blinks at that and shakes his head, "I... Seriously? That was the password?" utter disbelief is in his voice, "Anyway... She doesn't seem to be in the building, and we can't find her with this... Hmm, where could she have gone?" he thinks a bit<br> <br>"Out of range," Dio scoffs, cursing the storm under his breath. "Mira must've came here for a reason, and she might've found what she was after." The lion turns his head, looking back at Alkain. "Is there any object or something Mira's been fixated on perhaps? If not, I have an idea." Turning back towards the computer, the lion lets out a soft cough and issues another command. "Pull up all recent activity for user Miranai."<br> <br>The computer whrils and churns for a while, the icon of a foxtaur looks like it is working with a filing cabnet! Does everything Mira do involve something cute? Eventually, another light bulb above the icon's head and shi tosses some papers 'toward' the screen, a list of everything Mira had done for the last week. Most if it is ordinary maintance done remotely, but the most recent entries include 'disable external security systems' and 'access Kilsa personal files'.<br> <br>Alkain hmms at that and nods, "Yes actually... Her remote, we've been hoping to find it soon..." he watches the icon and chuckles a bit with a shake of his head, "Hmm, maybe we can find her last known location?"<br> <br>Dio looks at the various 'cute' displays, quirking an eyebrow as they deflect off his masculine pride. "Her remote? I remember coming across it once. One of her previous owners was in possession of it. Quite powerful against Mira." Hearing the kitsune's idea, the lion nods and turns back to the terminal. "Good idea. Locate user Miranai's last known location. Pull up all of 'my' recently accessed personal files."<br> <br>After a few more displayes the foxtaur icon displays that Mira was heading toward... Z tower? And it shows Kilsa's files, particualarly her records of what she did with Mira's remote, or rather, ideas she had for what to do with it! Various locations Kilsa thought it would be 'safe' at. One is deep in the Creepy Forest near Eureka, one in the East Forest. Another is in the KS building itself, still another in the sewers, and a final place, Point Zero.<br> <br>Alkain blinks at the lion and nods, "When was this and who had it?" he eyes the files and shakes his head, "Well, let's start with finding her shall we? Then we can find her remote..."<br> <br>"I don't remember the name," Dio explains, shaking his head. "I just remember it was one of her old masters. I'm sure those in the Brotherhood or Kilsa would know more about it than I would." With a click, Dio prints out the locations for the remotes and Mira's last known location, handing the paper to the kitsune. "Here, take this to your group. They'll know what to do with it I'm sure." Straightening out his wet suit and logging off the terminal, Dio turns to face the door. "Let's go find Mira."[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 07:19, 20 May 2013





A broken tether and a discarded collar. That is all that remains of Mira, where she was tied up outside of Miora's house. It is a rainy, yet warm day. She was here but an hour ago, so she must have escaped recently. However, when a taur starts running, they can get fair before anyone notices. A small bit of comfort could be had from the fact that her gear, including her bots, are gone as well, presumably with the rampaging Fox Taur.

Alkain grumbles at the rain and shakes his head, he had come to visit Mira and blinks as he spots the collar, "Huh?" he looks around and frowns, "Mira? You around here?" he calls out as he looks very worried

Shotgun strapped to his back, Dio walks at a leisurely pace, peering at a drenched piece of paper riddled with various scribbles. "Hmmm," the silver lion murmurs, removing his gaze from the paper and onto the scene. "Hello sir," Dio shouts, moving closer towards the kitsune with a friendly smile. "You're looking for miss Miranai as well? I wrote down her possible coordinates here on this paper, but it appears she's slipped from my grasp." With a bow, Dio continues, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dio and I'm here to assist our mutual friend. We have a slight history together."

The rain gets a bit harder, soaking all those outside. Thunder crackles through the air and lightning strikes down a couple of blocks away. The pair outside would find themselves soaked to the bone if they have no rain gear.

Alkain blinks at Dio and nods, "Hi." he blinks at that and nods, "Yes, I am. You have her location? Where is she?" he nods at the introduction and shrugs, "Alkain." he blinks at the rain and grumbles as he looks about, "Damn rain..." he moves to hide under the roof of the house if possible

A shiver rides the lion's spine, water splashing sporadically as his mane shakes with a violent passion in the dense rain. "This certainly won't be good for my suit," a grumble complains as his large hands stuff the wet paper within the safety of his pockets. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. I'll be joining you under the roof, if you don't mind." With long strides, accompanied by the splashing sound of wet ground, Dio makes his way over to the kitsune beneath the roof. "I've never actually been to the Surrogate Brotherhood, nor this place. Using an AI down at K

A pleased smirk grows on Dio's lips as he watches the ferals evacuate the area. However, it quickly fades when he realizes that not all were quite so cowardly. The lion roars in return, charging at the male and pushing him down upon the floor. Without much hesitation, Dio stomps a large padded and clawed foot upon his chest, bringing the shotgun to the husky's head. With a simple click, a loud gun shot echos, complimented by the bursting of the husky's head, causing a bit of blood to splash back upon his suit. For awhile, he stands there in silence, but then regains his typical stance and smiles at Alkain. "Shall we continue?"

After the majority of the ferals have fled, including the largest female, and the defeat of the largest male, the security system stops issuing out its warning. The building seems safe to approch again, and the faint trail from Mira seems to lead up to it.

Alkain looks at Dio as he stands on the corpse and shakes his head, "Did you really need to kill it?" he sighs as he search for the trail and smiles when he spots it, "Looks like she went in..." as he catiously makes his way into the building

"I take self defense very seriously," he snarls, keeping the shotgun at his side in case any hidden dangers lay in wait. "But the time for moral debate is not now. I'll follow you in." With a nod, the lion cocks the shotgun, preparing the next shell and walks along the Kitsune's side into the building.

The rain continues as the pair approch the building. Upon entering, they would find most of the place trashed. Furnature overturned, like it was in the middle of being used as the breeding den that the ferals likely intended it to be. Over the loudspeaker "Warning, security override in place. Authorization, User Miranai. Warning, Security override ..." the message repeats over and over again.

Alkain shakes his head at Dio and frowns, but doesn't press the issue further. At the inside of the building he blinks, "Was it like this last time you were here?" as he looks around for anything that might indicate where Mira went, along with trying to catch her scent

"Oh my," Dio murmurs, rubbing at his head with a worried expression. "Kilsa won't like hearing about this. And then Tiya... Well, we'll figure that out later." The lion listens to the repeating message, perking an ear as he thinks it over. "Log in user Dio," he shouts, "Stop the security override and locate user Miranai. User Miranai is not of mind to operate serve due to basal damage. Prevent her operations until repairs are complete."

The computer system stops a moment, then returns, "User level of User Dio insufficent to override commands from User Miranai. Access denied." However, there is an open terminal nearby.

Miranai's scent has been here recently, her scent is everywhere, but it is a bit old, not too old though.

Alkain shakes his head at that and hmms, "Her scent is everywhere..." he looks to the terminal and ponders, "We could try using that to find her, right?" as he walks over to take a look at it, "Hmm, not confident in my skills to hack it... But maybe we can rewire it?"

Dio spots the mentioned terminal, walking over to it. "We could, but this is only a dummy terminal. It'll be considerably more difficult from here." Suddenly, the lion takes off down a hallway, waving at Alkain. "Follow me, we need to get to the main server room."

Alkain nods at that, "Alright." he moves to follow and hmms, "I wonder..." as he looks around while following the lion, "Could Kilsa have hidden it in here somewhere?" he ponders that a bit

After a bit of running, Dio leads Alkain over to the main server room. "Nah," he returns, putting a paw to the door and springing it open. "Here we are." With a few steps, the lion makes his way into the main server room, searching about. "Let's get started."

The server is large and imposing, however, the side of it is easily removed and accessed. The insides are actually very very neat and orderly, however, completely unmarked! It would seem that Mira must have the entire insides commited to memory. This would take a little bit of work to rewire without frying the whole system.... and maybe yourselves in the process.

Alkain nods to Dio as he looks at the computer and winces once he gets it open, "Ok, not good... They are all unmarked... Great..." he tinkers a little but after a few shocks he shakes his head, "Yeeeaaahhh... I'm not going to be able to do this... Maybe I can hack it though..." as he gets up to try that unless stopped

Dio crouches down, attempting to assist the Kitsune, but mostly just supplies whatever advice he could give. "It's like some sort of jungle down there," he laughs, rising back up to his feet. "Well, hmmm..." The lion thinks for a moment, wondering what the best course of action would be. "I never figured Kilsa as much of a computer person, but she certainly has the highest access." Looking around, Dio attempts to find a terminal nearby to use.

The stubbern computer zaps Alkain a few times as he toys with its insides, and relenquishes nothing to him. Dio's search for a terminal would go very easily, there are 5 inside this room alone!

Alkain hmms? at Dio and nods at that, "It is..." he sighs and shakes his head, "One I am unable to get through." he looks at the lion after that and blinks, "Oh? Well... We could try to hack her account..." he shrugs a bit

"Ah, there's one," the lion exclaims, finding a nearby terminal and getting to work. "Okay, I suppose I'll start with common passwords people use. Let's see..." Dio's finger clacks on the terminal as he continues, "One of the most popular I've heard is to use your name and then 1234 after that. However, I d-" Access granted, the terminal rung, on only the first attempt. "We'll have to talk about this later. But for now... Suspend all user activities of user Miranai until further notice. Return security to normal patterns and locate user Miranai."

The computer animates a small foxtaur, much like Mira, working on reading some files and digging up something, then a ding as a light appears above its head. The terminal speaks using her voice, "Commands exicuted. User Miranai out of range. Warning, range hindered to storm, satalite function limited to 5 block range. User Miranai access dropped to Guest level." The icon of a little foxtaur returns to the bottom left corner, same place the 'windows' button would be on a PC.

Alkain blinks at that and shakes his head, "I... Seriously? That was the password?" utter disbelief is in his voice, "Anyway... She doesn't seem to be in the building, and we can't find her with this... Hmm, where could she have gone?" he thinks a bit

"Out of range," Dio scoffs, cursing the storm under his breath. "Mira must've came here for a reason, and she might've found what she was after." The lion turns his head, looking back at Alkain. "Is there any object or something Mira's been fixated on perhaps? If not, I have an idea." Turning back towards the computer, the lion lets out a soft cough and issues another command. "Pull up all recent activity for user Miranai."

The computer whrils and churns for a while, the icon of a foxtaur looks like it is working with a filing cabnet! Does everything Mira do involve something cute? Eventually, another light bulb above the icon's head and shi tosses some papers 'toward' the screen, a list of everything Mira had done for the last week. Most if it is ordinary maintance done remotely, but the most recent entries include 'disable external security systems' and 'access Kilsa personal files'.

Alkain hmms at that and nods, "Yes actually... Her remote, we've been hoping to find it soon..." he watches the icon and chuckles a bit with a shake of his head, "Hmm, maybe we can find her last known location?"

Dio looks at the various 'cute' displays, quirking an eyebrow as they deflect off his masculine pride. "Her remote? I remember coming across it once. One of her previous owners was in possession of it. Quite powerful against Mira." Hearing the kitsune's idea, the lion nods and turns back to the terminal. "Good idea. Locate user Miranai's last known location. Pull up all of 'my' recently accessed personal files."

After a few more displayes the foxtaur icon displays that Mira was heading toward... Z tower? And it shows Kilsa's files, particualarly her records of what she did with Mira's remote, or rather, ideas she had for what to do with it! Various locations Kilsa thought it would be 'safe' at. One is deep in the Creepy Forest near Eureka, one in the East Forest. Another is in the KS building itself, still another in the sewers, and a final place, Point Zero.

Alkain blinks at the lion and nods, "When was this and who had it?" he eyes the files and shakes his head, "Well, let's start with finding her shall we? Then we can find her remote..."

"I don't remember the name," Dio explains, shaking his head. "I just remember it was one of her old masters. I'm sure those in the Brotherhood or Kilsa would know more about it than I would." With a click, Dio prints out the locations for the remotes and Mira's last known location, handing the paper to the kitsune. "Here, take this to your group. They'll know what to do with it I'm sure." Straightening out his wet suit and logging off the terminal, Dio turns to face the door. "Let's go find Mira."