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<div></div><br> <br>The day is beautiful, the tempratures starting to warm up, the sun shining, only a few clouds in the sky. All in all a great day to do anything. However, Miranai knows she is getting a little too close. With great effort, the taur manages to waddle her way into the Triage room. She hoped beyond hope that Daniel would not be in, and that either Kilsa or Shirai would come soon. If they didn't she would radio them. As she hit with the spray nozzles, she yips a bit, still not used to them, but thankful that Kilsa had taken into account her very round size. She'd done this far too many times, and knew it would be any day now.<br> <br>Danielle was indeed in his office, lounging on his desk with his feet propped up listening to his usual Plastic Beach album. He really needed to find more music, there's only so many times you can listen to 'Superfast Jellyfish' without losing your mind. When the taur waddles into the room, he can't help but smirk at her expression. "If you were expecting someone else to be in today, I'm the only doctor, so get used to me being around." He puts himself in a seated position, and with a few pages, sends out a message to whatever members might be in the K<br> <br>Miranai looks around as Daniel flies away. She doesn't stop watching him, but then decides maybe.. another set of eyes would be better. She radios for Tod to come to her and over in the comm room a yip can be heard as he starts running over to the triage. Mira herself, while still keeping eyes locked on Daniel, answers Spade and Shiria. "Umm.. wet towels, warm wet towels. And.. umm.. lots of space.. I should be on.. umm my back or laying on my.. umm belly, the latter b.. being better, some place.. comfortable would be best." Her answers sound almost mechanical as she continues to watch the tiny doctor.  "Other then that..umm.. just be.. umm .ready for a.. a lot of kits.. I.. I've never not had a litter and never a tiny litter either..." she says with a blush. Then, she feels a sturring, and her head tilts to the side a bit as her backside suddenly gets very wet and she yips, part excitement, part pain, and part fear. "I .. I guess.. it is today." She says urgently.<br> <br>Danielle looks up at the mare as she digs around in his cabinets, hopping up and flying over as she walks off with his whiskey. When she sees what she uses it for, a brow is arched, and shoulders shrugged. She wasn't... wrong... whiskey could be used as a good disinfectant, and the smell might calm her a bit, it calmed him that's for sure. Then he hears something that sounds like spilling, looking around, "Tiya, you didn't spill anything did y-" ... Nope, Mira's water broke. "Oh geez. Spade, get those wet towels! Shirai, help escort Mira over here!" He calls out orders as he flips a few switches on a rather large bed, more than likely made for taurs, lowering it to the ground. ... And then curiosity... how is his child doing? ... Now shouldn't be the time to be thinking of this but damn it he wanted to know. Shifting first to a human, and then to a female, a large blush comes across her face as their her jeans are suddenly soaked, heavily pregnant belly blocking the view. "... Yep! Baby's done here too!" Is all she can say.<br> <br>Shirai nods to the 'taur. "Okay, away from the wall now. Quickly, if you can... There's not enough space where you are right now." She requests, looking back up to Tiya. "...Miranai, a moment please." She murmers to the 'taur, quickly calling over to the equine. "Tiya, tiya, tiya! Probably not the best choice of cleaning stuffs." She comments, passing her a bottle of ethanol. "Use this, please. What you have there is for drinking. Still gets the job done, though." she notes, giving Dan a nod and offering her assistance to the 'taur for moving.<br> <br>Spade does as she's told and goes to get wet towels quickly as possible. When she returns she's holding more of a mound of them, not exactly sure how many the taur will actually need for various purposes throught this.<br> <br>Tiya whimpers as she notes the bed she's been cleaning is plainly the wrong one before jumping at Shirai's correction, looking a little concerned before sipping at the new bottle, coughing again. "It... tastes the same, though..." she comments, rewetting her rag and starting to wipe down the taur bed before looking up at around at Daniel, noting her huge belly and the wetness of her trouser. "My foal's coming out? What should I do, doctor?"<br> <br>Miranai looks much more worried about Danielle's sudden movement around then anything else. She lets Shirai guide her to the bed, stopping once when a contraction hits her, but smiles after she yips. She loved this, every moment, conception to birth. However, her worried looks never leave Danielle. That is, till Tod yips from the spray on him and he is allowed into the room. She orders him to 'guard' Danielle, and now, instead of her staring at him, Dnaielle has a small feral fox that never looks away from her, relaying the imagry to Mira. Once the bed is cleaned and Mira near it, she steps up on it and settles down, her tail raised to give whomever will be helping with the process as much room as she can give them. Her expansive twin cunts look very ready to pass the kits in her at a moment's notice. Tod yips and Mira looks very concerned a moment when Danielle says it is her time too, and wonders, now that she should stay very still, if the subject of her fears will be along side her as well.<br> <br>Danielle grimaces, shuddering a little as she presses a few buttons on her wrist, her body letting out a little whine before a few clicks are heard. "Alright... I put abdomen into lockdown. I can't move any pectoral muscles, so it's a bit hard for me to breathe... thankfully however I have my rebreather to keep the child supplied with oxygen. She waddles over to the taur, crouching behind her with a wince as she feels a contraction of her own. "Ow... doesn't stop my body from trying it seems. Thankfully that was just my muscles trying to force themselves to move. A-alright everyone, I'm going to be handing you the kits as they come out, I need you to line them up on the beds. There should be enough room for four each without any risk of them falling off, so ONLY put FOUR on." She was very thankful she had so many beds, there was no doubt going to be a lot of babies. "Alright Mira, don't fight me now, I need you to push!" She shouts to her, gently resting one of the warm wet towels against her nethers.<br> <br>Spade stands ready to start recieving children from Daniel, looking slighty worried about their doing this in their condition. "Is your child going to be alright?" ehs asks curiously, not entirely sure if a 'lockdown' is healthy for a child. <br> <br>Shirai puts a hand to her face and groans slightly as Tiya announces her foal as well and Danielle proclaims hers. "Oh for christ's sake!" She curses. "Dan, have you got Miranai covered? Tiya might need some help here as well. Speaking of - Tiya, I'll explain the difference later. Right now, get up on a bed if your water just broke."<br> <br>Tiya puts her head on the side, frowning at Shirai's reaction before a light dawns. She points at Danielle, smiling. "My foal's in there," she says, bending a little to raise her skirt, revealing herself to Shirai before letting it drop. "I don't have a pussy, so I can't foals. Doctor's carrying mine, though," she explains, moving to the indicated beds, starting to wipe them all down with ethanol, making them all spotless for the incoming kits.<br> <br>Miranai looks very very very concerned as Dan flies behind her, so much so that she squarms where she is, as she lines up with the taur. Then, when she is actually touched, all hell breaks lose in the taur's mind. She whimpers, whines and looks about her in a frenzy, heart pounding away. Even though she has her oxygen recycling set to max, she still pants with her sudden panic. She struggles every moment to not move, DO NOT MOVE, her children depend upon this simple thing. But she can't quiet handle it starting to black out from the sudden stress. Tod follows Danielle, yipping and growling at Danielle when she touches the towel to Mira, but doesn't do anything to harm the tiny doctor.<br> <br>Meanwhile, behind the taur, her twin cunts pulse and contractions push the first pair of pups out toward the world.<br> <br>Danielle peeks from behind the taur to nod to Spade, "Yeah yeah, I've done it before. All it does is lock up my muscles to kinda-" She pauses to wince, then continues. "...stop the labor for a while. Hurts like a bitch, but I can still focus." She glances at the fox as he approaches her, rolling her eyes. "That makes it hard to focus though, please stop that." she flatly comments as she feels the pups coming out. With a gentle motion, she scoops them up and away as they finally slip free, snips the umbilical cords from them and hands them off to Spade. She readies another towel, and prepares to repeat the motion. "Tiya, I have blankets in the cabinet next to my desk, hand them off to whoever isn't carrying the babies at the time, in this case, Shirai."<br> <br>Spade hurries safely to set her quarry on the bed, returning to Miranai and Danielle for more. "It doesn'thurt htem at all to be held too long?" she quizzes as she looks her over once, unsure if she should try and discourage the Tod. She ops to stand ready, looking to Shirai for help. <br> <br>Shirai blinks for a moment at Tiya's explanation and puts a hand to her face. "...You've got to be... Apologies, Tiya, Dan." She replies, gently putting a hand on Miranai's shoulder. "You'll be okay. You're not going to be hurt here. Your kits will be safe..." she murmers to the 'taur comfortingly. "Spade, please keep the doctor supplied with towels." she requests.<br> <br>Tiya obediently goes towards cabinet, putting the ethanol next to a bed and pulling out an armful of towels, giving a pair each to Shirai and Spade, smiling. "What now, doctor? Do you need help calming mistress Mira?" she says, tossing her mane a little, plainly worried as she looks to the panicing taur.<br> <br>Miranai shakes and trembles as Shirai touches her, then, not thinking, tries to pull the wolf a bit tighter to her, breasts too large for her to have someone infront of her and be hugged. She whimpers more, "Please.. no.. no no no.. please.. I... Pet can't take anymore.. please.." mind odvious not where she is, her eyes wide and pupils like specks, "Please.. Pet can't take any more...." Tod sniffs at the pups as they are passed along, a pair of huskies, and two more sliding out easily. Followed easily by another two, her enormous pussies and long passages easily pushing out the pups with Mira hardly noticing. The children cry loudly as they are moved around, whimpering, and whining softly in much the way a hungry dog would.<br> <br>Danielle continues the trained motions, though this is admittedly more babies than she's used to delivering. Still, this did not falter her will one bit, continuing right along... slip, snip, pass... slip, snip, pass. God this seems to go on forever, at least the taur's stomach is slowly getting smaller though, so she knows it's not ENDLESS at least. She's also happy Tod seems to be distracted with focusing on the babies rather than yipping in her ear now, certainly makes things much easier. "Just keep an eye on things and supply as needed, Tiya. If they need more towels, get more towels. If they seem like they're tiring, splash a little water on them to cool them off."<br> <br>Spade continues the not so endless process of assisting Danielle with evicting dozens of children from Miranai's womb. She says to Shirai "I've got my hands full but I'll try." she says, noting that she's not recieving any help besides being handed towels and handed children. Oh well, the life of a nurse. "How is she doing?"<br> <br>Shirai moves around to the side of the 'taur, giving her a quick hug. "You're not a pet Miranai, you're a woman. Please, be calm." She murmers, looking rather obviously concerned. "Spade, could you help get the children something to drink? there should be some bottles around here somewhere..." She murmers, looking around the triage. I don't think we were prepared for this many babies at all."<br> <br>Tiya frowns at the crying of the babies, putting the towels down within reach of the pair carrying the spawn, mutely picking up one of the babies, cradling it gently in the crook of her arm, cooing maternally. She seems to have taken Danielle's order to supply things as needed rather laterally, pulling down the cleavage of her dress to put one breast on the outside, putting the nipple to the kit's mouth, cooing, hoping it will attach and start to suckle as it's mother was too busy.<br> <br>Miranai continues to whimper and holds on to Shirai with supprising strength for one who looks so slight. "Please... no more.. Pet is... is.." she just whines again. One advantage to having her panicing is that her muscles are working double time, pushing the small huskies out of her with ease and speed, eight more slipping free from their mother, but she isn't half done yet. Tod comes back to sniff at the new borns as they flow from Mira, curiousity about them ebbing and flowing. The one at Tiya's breast does latch on and starts to suckle, little teeth growing in quickly as the nureshment reinforces the nanites of the child, triggering the start of the rapid growth that all children go through after P-Day.<br> <br>Danielle can't help but feel a little panic as the 'flow' of pups increases. Adjusting to the situation, the fae uses her biochemical nanomagic to enhance her adrenaline production. Her heart racing, time almost seems to slow for her as her focus hits it's peak. And yet her touch was still gentle despite the quick and precise movements, handing them off to whoever didn't have their hands full, even the fox that sat beside her. "If you want to ensure Mira's happiness after this, I recommend doing this for me fox." This comes out almost as an order, her more serious nature taking the wheel.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 02:47, 2 March 2013





The day is beautiful, the tempratures starting to warm up, the sun shining, only a few clouds in the sky. All in all a great day to do anything. However, Miranai knows she is getting a little too close. With great effort, the taur manages to waddle her way into the Triage room. She hoped beyond hope that Daniel would not be in, and that either Kilsa or Shirai would come soon. If they didn't she would radio them. As she hit with the spray nozzles, she yips a bit, still not used to them, but thankful that Kilsa had taken into account her very round size. She'd done this far too many times, and knew it would be any day now.

Danielle was indeed in his office, lounging on his desk with his feet propped up listening to his usual Plastic Beach album. He really needed to find more music, there's only so many times you can listen to 'Superfast Jellyfish' without losing your mind. When the taur waddles into the room, he can't help but smirk at her expression. "If you were expecting someone else to be in today, I'm the only doctor, so get used to me being around." He puts himself in a seated position, and with a few pages, sends out a message to whatever members might be in the K

Miranai looks around as Daniel flies away. She doesn't stop watching him, but then decides maybe.. another set of eyes would be better. She radios for Tod to come to her and over in the comm room a yip can be heard as he starts running over to the triage. Mira herself, while still keeping eyes locked on Daniel, answers Spade and Shiria. "Umm.. wet towels, warm wet towels. And.. umm.. lots of space.. I should be on.. umm my back or laying on my.. umm belly, the latter b.. being better, some place.. comfortable would be best." Her answers sound almost mechanical as she continues to watch the tiny doctor. "Other then that..umm.. just be.. umm .ready for a.. a lot of kits.. I.. I've never not had a litter and never a tiny litter either..." she says with a blush. Then, she feels a sturring, and her head tilts to the side a bit as her backside suddenly gets very wet and she yips, part excitement, part pain, and part fear. "I .. I guess.. it is today." She says urgently.

Danielle looks up at the mare as she digs around in his cabinets, hopping up and flying over as she walks off with his whiskey. When she sees what she uses it for, a brow is arched, and shoulders shrugged. She wasn't... wrong... whiskey could be used as a good disinfectant, and the smell might calm her a bit, it calmed him that's for sure. Then he hears something that sounds like spilling, looking around, "Tiya, you didn't spill anything did y-" ... Nope, Mira's water broke. "Oh geez. Spade, get those wet towels! Shirai, help escort Mira over here!" He calls out orders as he flips a few switches on a rather large bed, more than likely made for taurs, lowering it to the ground. ... And then curiosity... how is his child doing? ... Now shouldn't be the time to be thinking of this but damn it he wanted to know. Shifting first to a human, and then to a female, a large blush comes across her face as their her jeans are suddenly soaked, heavily pregnant belly blocking the view. "... Yep! Baby's done here too!" Is all she can say.

Shirai nods to the 'taur. "Okay, away from the wall now. Quickly, if you can... There's not enough space where you are right now." She requests, looking back up to Tiya. "...Miranai, a moment please." She murmers to the 'taur, quickly calling over to the equine. "Tiya, tiya, tiya! Probably not the best choice of cleaning stuffs." She comments, passing her a bottle of ethanol. "Use this, please. What you have there is for drinking. Still gets the job done, though." she notes, giving Dan a nod and offering her assistance to the 'taur for moving.

Spade does as she's told and goes to get wet towels quickly as possible. When she returns she's holding more of a mound of them, not exactly sure how many the taur will actually need for various purposes throught this.

Tiya whimpers as she notes the bed she's been cleaning is plainly the wrong one before jumping at Shirai's correction, looking a little concerned before sipping at the new bottle, coughing again. "It... tastes the same, though..." she comments, rewetting her rag and starting to wipe down the taur bed before looking up at around at Daniel, noting her huge belly and the wetness of her trouser. "My foal's coming out? What should I do, doctor?"

Miranai looks much more worried about Danielle's sudden movement around then anything else. She lets Shirai guide her to the bed, stopping once when a contraction hits her, but smiles after she yips. She loved this, every moment, conception to birth. However, her worried looks never leave Danielle. That is, till Tod yips from the spray on him and he is allowed into the room. She orders him to 'guard' Danielle, and now, instead of her staring at him, Dnaielle has a small feral fox that never looks away from her, relaying the imagry to Mira. Once the bed is cleaned and Mira near it, she steps up on it and settles down, her tail raised to give whomever will be helping with the process as much room as she can give them. Her expansive twin cunts look very ready to pass the kits in her at a moment's notice. Tod yips and Mira looks very concerned a moment when Danielle says it is her time too, and wonders, now that she should stay very still, if the subject of her fears will be along side her as well.

Danielle grimaces, shuddering a little as she presses a few buttons on her wrist, her body letting out a little whine before a few clicks are heard. "Alright... I put abdomen into lockdown. I can't move any pectoral muscles, so it's a bit hard for me to breathe... thankfully however I have my rebreather to keep the child supplied with oxygen. She waddles over to the taur, crouching behind her with a wince as she feels a contraction of her own. "Ow... doesn't stop my body from trying it seems. Thankfully that was just my muscles trying to force themselves to move. A-alright everyone, I'm going to be handing you the kits as they come out, I need you to line them up on the beds. There should be enough room for four each without any risk of them falling off, so ONLY put FOUR on." She was very thankful she had so many beds, there was no doubt going to be a lot of babies. "Alright Mira, don't fight me now, I need you to push!" She shouts to her, gently resting one of the warm wet towels against her nethers.

Spade stands ready to start recieving children from Daniel, looking slighty worried about their doing this in their condition. "Is your child going to be alright?" ehs asks curiously, not entirely sure if a 'lockdown' is healthy for a child.

Shirai puts a hand to her face and groans slightly as Tiya announces her foal as well and Danielle proclaims hers. "Oh for christ's sake!" She curses. "Dan, have you got Miranai covered? Tiya might need some help here as well. Speaking of - Tiya, I'll explain the difference later. Right now, get up on a bed if your water just broke."

Tiya puts her head on the side, frowning at Shirai's reaction before a light dawns. She points at Danielle, smiling. "My foal's in there," she says, bending a little to raise her skirt, revealing herself to Shirai before letting it drop. "I don't have a pussy, so I can't foals. Doctor's carrying mine, though," she explains, moving to the indicated beds, starting to wipe them all down with ethanol, making them all spotless for the incoming kits.

Miranai looks very very very concerned as Dan flies behind her, so much so that she squarms where she is, as she lines up with the taur. Then, when she is actually touched, all hell breaks lose in the taur's mind. She whimpers, whines and looks about her in a frenzy, heart pounding away. Even though she has her oxygen recycling set to max, she still pants with her sudden panic. She struggles every moment to not move, DO NOT MOVE, her children depend upon this simple thing. But she can't quiet handle it starting to black out from the sudden stress. Tod follows Danielle, yipping and growling at Danielle when she touches the towel to Mira, but doesn't do anything to harm the tiny doctor.

Meanwhile, behind the taur, her twin cunts pulse and contractions push the first pair of pups out toward the world.

Danielle peeks from behind the taur to nod to Spade, "Yeah yeah, I've done it before. All it does is lock up my muscles to kinda-" She pauses to wince, then continues. "...stop the labor for a while. Hurts like a bitch, but I can still focus." She glances at the fox as he approaches her, rolling her eyes. "That makes it hard to focus though, please stop that." she flatly comments as she feels the pups coming out. With a gentle motion, she scoops them up and away as they finally slip free, snips the umbilical cords from them and hands them off to Spade. She readies another towel, and prepares to repeat the motion. "Tiya, I have blankets in the cabinet next to my desk, hand them off to whoever isn't carrying the babies at the time, in this case, Shirai."

Spade hurries safely to set her quarry on the bed, returning to Miranai and Danielle for more. "It doesn'thurt htem at all to be held too long?" she quizzes as she looks her over once, unsure if she should try and discourage the Tod. She ops to stand ready, looking to Shirai for help.

Shirai blinks for a moment at Tiya's explanation and puts a hand to her face. "...You've got to be... Apologies, Tiya, Dan." She replies, gently putting a hand on Miranai's shoulder. "You'll be okay. You're not going to be hurt here. Your kits will be safe..." she murmers to the 'taur comfortingly. "Spade, please keep the doctor supplied with towels." she requests.

Tiya obediently goes towards cabinet, putting the ethanol next to a bed and pulling out an armful of towels, giving a pair each to Shirai and Spade, smiling. "What now, doctor? Do you need help calming mistress Mira?" she says, tossing her mane a little, plainly worried as she looks to the panicing taur.

Miranai shakes and trembles as Shirai touches her, then, not thinking, tries to pull the wolf a bit tighter to her, breasts too large for her to have someone infront of her and be hugged. She whimpers more, "Please.. no.. no no no.. please.. I... Pet can't take anymore.. please.." mind odvious not where she is, her eyes wide and pupils like specks, "Please.. Pet can't take any more...." Tod sniffs at the pups as they are passed along, a pair of huskies, and two more sliding out easily. Followed easily by another two, her enormous pussies and long passages easily pushing out the pups with Mira hardly noticing. The children cry loudly as they are moved around, whimpering, and whining softly in much the way a hungry dog would.

Danielle continues the trained motions, though this is admittedly more babies than she's used to delivering. Still, this did not falter her will one bit, continuing right along... slip, snip, pass... slip, snip, pass. God this seems to go on forever, at least the taur's stomach is slowly getting smaller though, so she knows it's not ENDLESS at least. She's also happy Tod seems to be distracted with focusing on the babies rather than yipping in her ear now, certainly makes things much easier. "Just keep an eye on things and supply as needed, Tiya. If they need more towels, get more towels. If they seem like they're tiring, splash a little water on them to cool them off."

Spade continues the not so endless process of assisting Danielle with evicting dozens of children from Miranai's womb. She says to Shirai "I've got my hands full but I'll try." she says, noting that she's not recieving any help besides being handed towels and handed children. Oh well, the life of a nurse. "How is she doing?"

Shirai moves around to the side of the 'taur, giving her a quick hug. "You're not a pet Miranai, you're a woman. Please, be calm." She murmers, looking rather obviously concerned. "Spade, could you help get the children something to drink? there should be some bottles around here somewhere..." She murmers, looking around the triage. I don't think we were prepared for this many babies at all."

Tiya frowns at the crying of the babies, putting the towels down within reach of the pair carrying the spawn, mutely picking up one of the babies, cradling it gently in the crook of her arm, cooing maternally. She seems to have taken Danielle's order to supply things as needed rather laterally, pulling down the cleavage of her dress to put one breast on the outside, putting the nipple to the kit's mouth, cooing, hoping it will attach and start to suckle as it's mother was too busy.

Miranai continues to whimper and holds on to Shirai with supprising strength for one who looks so slight. "Please... no more.. Pet is... is.." she just whines again. One advantage to having her panicing is that her muscles are working double time, pushing the small huskies out of her with ease and speed, eight more slipping free from their mother, but she isn't half done yet. Tod comes back to sniff at the new borns as they flow from Mira, curiousity about them ebbing and flowing. The one at Tiya's breast does latch on and starts to suckle, little teeth growing in quickly as the nureshment reinforces the nanites of the child, triggering the start of the rapid growth that all children go through after P-Day.

Danielle can't help but feel a little panic as the 'flow' of pups increases. Adjusting to the situation, the fae uses her biochemical nanomagic to enhance her adrenaline production. Her heart racing, time almost seems to slow for her as her focus hits it's peak. And yet her touch was still gentle despite the quick and precise movements, handing them off to whoever didn't have their hands full, even the fox that sat beside her. "If you want to ensure Mira's happiness after this, I recommend doing this for me fox." This comes out almost as an order, her more serious nature taking the wheel.