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The good doctor Daniel relaxed in his office, listening to his old scavenged music albums with a little grin. He'd recently found a toy desk and chair to set up on the larger, normal sized desk, which allowed him to sit back and relax with his feet up on the table. With a content little sigh, he takes a bite of his candy stick before singing along. "You've got to press it on you, you just think it, that's what you do baby. Hold it down, dare."

"Come on Mirana. Trust me, the doc is a pretty good guy. A bit of a minute fairy but he is about as safe as it gets. Plus worse come to worse you know it will be over soon." She says loudly enough to for anyone in the dorms to hear as she leads the fox taur inside of the room. "Hey Doc, I like the little desk. Very cute." She winks, "This is Miranai, you met her breifly before."

Miranai waddles very slowly behind Kilsa, "It.. it isn't getting a .. umm.. checkup Mistress.. I.. I just don't like this place..." she says very quietly. Tod yips up at her and she smiles back to the little Fox. Mira is in her usual clothes, her pack on her back. Inside all her bots and usual gear. Upon her chest is a patch, 'Litter on Board' "And... the doc... I.. I think... umm.." is all she says about that. Inside Cup's room she just rubs her arm by holding it under her bust, looking everywhere but at the fairy, but still giving a "H.. hello..." to Cup.

Looking over to the pair, the fairy nonchalantly pulls a remote out of his pocket, and turns the music down to a more respectable level. "Morning you two... 'least I think It's morning. Just woke up." He checks his watch, giving a little shrug when he realizes he hasn't changed the batteries in years. "What brings you two here, just wanna hang out or are one of you two here for treatment?" He turns his attention to the ever-nervous taur with a smile and a nod, "Good to see you again Mira, sorry the place still makes you nervous. Good news is I should be moving to a new location once the complex is done."

The adept looks at Cupnoodle, "Mira's here for a little check up." She smiles and gives small group to the soon to be mothers breasts. "Just want to make sure that she and the kids are ok." Kilsa's com device begins to buzz, "LEt me get this." Kilsa nods for a second and growls, "No NO no NO! You listen to me fucker, you said sunday today is monday." She grabs the bridge of her nose and sighs. "Ok.... I'm going to take a walk to the work site. When I get there everything should be finished or I'm going to beat a refund out of each and every one of your workers. You have till the time I get there." Kilsa hangs up the com and looks to the pair a sweet smile spread across her muzzle. "I'll be back, I need to go negotiate with the foreman of our new complex..... I'll be back soon. Be Good Miranai and Daniel can be trusted so relax."

Miranai bows her head and listens to Cup, then Kilsa, "Yes.. j.. just a check up.. I.. I'm fine.. but.. just to make sure.." She says, looking up once in a while. When Kilsa talks about her comm and starts yelling at someone on it, Mira gets an idea. She already had Kilsa's access codes, and her left eye glows a soft green a moment. She gets about halfway though hacking into Kilsa's comm signal when she decides that would NOT be a good way to stay on her mistress's good side. She might have needed such tricks before, but, maybe she wouldn't now? Instead she nods, "Ok Mistress.. I.. I'll be good.." Then she looks up to Cup, "Daniel..?"

The fairy gives a little smirk to Kilsa when he realizes he'd be left alone with the shy one. "You sure she'll be cool here by herself? I mean, she can hardly trust me as it is, but giving her a medical exam?" He chuckles a bit as he shrugs, glancing back up to Miranai. "Either way, it looks like you and I will be alone for a bit. I assure you nothing bad will happen as long as you don't touch any of the chemicals in my cabinets." Nodding a bit to punctuate this, he points to the rack of patient gowns hung from the wall. "If you're comfortable with partial nudity, there are some gowns over there that you can change into. It's not necessary, but it'd make things a ton easier on my part."

Miranai looks up to Daniel, Cup, and blushes deeply. "M.. Mistress wants me to.. umm.. get an exaimination.. and.. s.. says to trust you.. so..." And she shivers a bit. The only way she knew how to get a physical was fully nude, more like livestock then a person, so, she unbuckles the belt that holds her 'skirt' up and shakes it off, it nearly falling to the floor before she reaches around to catch it. She shugs off her pack, and opens a pouch up. Her left eye once more glows softly as she pulls out a metal box? After she sets it down though, the box unfolds into a small bot! It is fairly small, but has a large shield attatched to its left arm. It is roughly human in overall shape, and as it powers on, its eyes glow the same green as Mira's left one. Silent commands pass from user to bot and it helps her undo her vest and get her undershirt off. She then passes all the clothes to the bot, who walks around the taur and stands outside, closing the door on its way and just standing there holding her clothes. Mira's left eye continues to glow.

Cupnoodle watches the whole ordeal unfold before him with an eyebrow quirked. Huh, she needed help getting undressed, that's pretty sad actually but at least she had little robots to help her out. He gives her a moment to consider the garb, shrugging as she just stands there nude before leading her to the exam table, glancing at her and then the table before realizing there'd be no easy way for her to sit on it. "Note to self, rebuild exam table with taur capability." He murmurs to himself before looking back to her. "Alright, so how's this working. Just making sure your kids are doing alright or am I giving you the whole shebang?"

Miranai follows the small one over to a table that would be hopeless to hold her up even if she wasn't with litter, and she blushes a bit. Standing there in the nude, everything was on view. Being a doctor helped her a bit with the normally overwhelming embarassment, but she still blushed deep enough that her skin looked the same shade as her fur. She makes very useless attempts at modesty, almost wishing she'd grabbed something to cover up with, but, again, to her, a proper exam could only be done clothless. "Umm.. e.. everything.. Mistress wants to .. umm. make sure.. I ... I'm fully capable.." she says looking more like she's sunburnt then anything.

Giving her a little nod, Cup flies into one of his cabinets to suit up. Returning with a fresh set of clothes, as well as a doctor's mask and mirror, he flies under the sink to wash himself sterile. "We should probably get that sunburn of yours taken care of." He jokes, waving his hand apologetically. "I'm sorry... just had to." The pre-exam measures taken, he flies back over before switching his eyes to night vision mode, causing them to glow an bright green. "Alright, if you could say 'Aah' please?"

Miranai her own left eye continues to glow a bright green as she looks out though her bot's eyes, making sure no one else was around, and distracting her a bit from herself. She giggles slightly at the joke, shuffling her paws around a bit. She watches as Cup gets himself prepared. When he returns she does as she is told, opening her mouth wide to show her razor teeth with an very high pitched, "Aaaahhh..."

"Well it goes without saying I won't need to give you a dental exam at least, these teeth are impeccable." Cup gives one of the tips a little poke before withdrawing his hand, shaking it a bit with a little hiss. "Sharp too." He flies inside, peering down the taurs throat as he examines for any abnormalities before doing the same with her sinuses, trying not to tickle her. "You should really blow your nose sometime, more cluttered in here than my old appartment!"

Miranai tries not to swallow, nor laugh as she is examined on the inside!? That was new for the taur, but she goes along with it. Kilsa told her to get checked out, and she was going to do so. To try and help Cup out while inside her. She blinks a few times and stops her breathing. Nanites in her lungs now processing the air inside to preform oxygen recycling. She nods a bit to indicate she can hear him inside her, but only every so slightly.

Finished inside her mouth, Cup flies back out with a thumbs up. "Alrighty, you can close your mouth and resume breathing. Thanks for showing restraint too, most people TRY to swallow me." He shakes his head a bit, flying up to the side of hers to peer into her ears. This was a fairy easy procedure, done with it in a few seconds before flying down to her back. Unscrewing his ear and turning a little nob on the inside, he sets it against her back. "Deep breaths please." He does this in 4 different spots, 2 upper back and 2 lower back.

Miranai blinks her eyes a few times after Cup is back out, and restarts her breathing. She watches him as she flies around a bit, till doing so hinders the exam. She then does exactly as Cup asks. She tries hard not to move much, but she can't help shaking slightly as he goes along, still blushing furiously. She also wonders why he wasn't examining her ... part? That was usually the only thing people worried about examining on her. "Umm..D.. Danial was. was it? Why.. umm.. are you concerned.. w.. with my ears.. or.. throat?" she voices up.

The doctor quirks his brow at the question, flying back around to her front to look up at her when he was finished. "Well this is usually how a medical exam goes, you check to see if the whole body is healthy." Cup scratches his head with a little look of embarrassment, not sure why she'd be asking him that... she WAS the one who needed it done, right? "If you want me to focus my attention on something else, feel free to let me know. I don't really know what you and Kilsa had in mind if it isn't this."

Miranai blushes a bit more and rubs at her arm under her bust, "Umm.. I..well.. m.. most people.. j.. just are conserned with my..." and somehow that blush seems to deepen and her breath gets a bit short, "My.. umm.. 'parts'.." she says softly and wonders if Cup has a comm unit himself. "I.. I'm not sure.. w.. what Mistress wanted.. j.. just what most of.. my old masters.. m.. ment by an.. exam."

Giving a bit of an understanding nod, he peers down below the taur. "I see what she meant now. Well sure, I could focus my attention here first and then examine the rest of your body after. ... Assuming you haven't passed out from that cute shyness of yours." He giggles a bit, nodding. "Alright, a few simple tests then. Need to check if the shafts themselves are healthy, then test how your cum production is doing. Don't need to touch the womanly bits, since you carrying a litter lets us know you're already receptive to pregnancy, I can check on said litter with an ultrasound if you'd like though."

Miranai licks her lips a bit and shuffles slightly where she stands. She was still in tact and hadn't needed to call on her bot nor her pet to help her, so it seemed she was in good hands. She continues to blush though. She wonders a moment about these tests but, decides instead of asking about that to try and see if there was an easier way to communicate to the good doctor. "Umm.. d... doctor.? D.. do you have.. umm.. a .. comm unit t.. too?" She asks as he flys out of sight of her.

Goodness the sheaths themselves were huge... he can only imagine how horrifyingly large the actual shafts must be. Cup lets out a little sigh before looking up at her. "Hm? Oh, a comm unit? Well I have one built into my ear for use, but I think I still have my old one from when I was still human in my cabinets. Lemme check real fast." He scrambles into one of his cabinets, the sound of glass clanking can be heard before he drags the unit out with a grin. "Yep!"

Miranai nods and accesses the Zypher Comm Mainframe. Her eye flickers more as she actively uses her wetware. Accessing Cup's files she gets his general comm ID. She patches that into her wetware and preforms a quick bit test. When it passes she starts talking, 'Hello? Doctor, can you hear me ok?' she says via messaging. It was easier for her to communicate this way honestly, gave her... a bit of distance. 'And.. if it would be helpful I can patch my thoughts directly through."

"Mira?" Cup responds through the comm himself, "... Well this is certainly a new way of communicating with my patient, but if it makes you more comfortable I suppose it works." He hops back out of his cabinet before flying under her again, looking over her sheaths with a little grimace. "I can't do this alone, gonna need some help." He flies up beside her, putting his hands on his hips. "Well since your malenesses are both huge, I'm going to need to use a little fairy trick. I'm gonna sprinkle a powder on you from my wings, and it's gonna make you see a lot of me. It won't do anything else than that, so don't okay?"

Miranai nods and continues through her comm, 'If you need more hands, I can help there, just let me know what you need and I'll do my best to help.' At least when she talks directly through her head she doesn't stammer near as much. Pulling up another screen, she activates NURSE. From her pack still in the other part of Cup's room, comes another bot, pure white, and roughly egg shaped. It hovers very slightly off the ground and has a large screen where its face would otherwise be. Mira uploads some information to this bot as she explains to Cup, 'This is NURSE, Nanite Using Resusitation and Sustaining Electroid. It now has your basic user set up, just talk to it and it will respond. However, please go ahead with your procedures as you see fit, and thank you.' The bot looks to Cup, a face appearing on its viewscreen as it says in a digital, but womanly voice, "User Danial recognised, please input commands when ready."

The fairy blinked slightly at the bot, sitting on the taurs head as he did. 'A medical robot, eh.' Cup speaks again, 'Never did think of building one of those... though it might help in this situation.' He nods a bit, taking to the air again and sprinking the dust all over his patient. She snaps out of consciousness for a split second before seeing a small army of fairies in front of her. "Alright, we'll all do our best!" The group cheers, flying down below the taur to start stimulating her shafts. One remains outside though, the real one, to supervise.

Miranai yips slightly after she comes awake again at the sight! Regardless of what was happening though, her left eye stays glowing softly, as it always did when she was actively controlling her bots. As the army fly under her to start stimulating her, she tries to stay a bit modist. It was important for her new/old mistress to know her capabilities, but she didn't want to just be bursting out. Gradually her lenths both slide out, just as huge as the sheaths would suggest. She starts to pant slightly as she is stimulated, small moans escaping her.

Daniel looks up at the work his dopplegangers have done so far, nodding with a little smile. "While I'm shocked at how large they've gotten, I'd say we're still making good progress." He continues to nod, setting down the jugs and counting them. 20, probably way more than he'd need, but again, better safe than sorry. He was left with nothing to do though, causing him to shrug and fly into the back room again. He returns wearing a... rather tacky looking swimsuit. "I'm joining in! I'm wearing my LEAST favorite swimsuit for this!" He shouts, before joining his pre-coated clones, more specifically at one of the two tips.

Miranai moans out loudly as she hits her full length, twin red rocket cocks sticking out two feet from her, dribbling feely and pooling quiet a mess upon the floor. Her knots swell behind them and she can't help but start rocking very roughtly as if to knot into someone or something, "... D... Dan.iel... g..can't.. hold... long.." she say as she pants and moans, body tensing up and balls pulling in toward her. The pulsing from her rods gives a clear indication that soon there will be a new coat of 'whitewash' all over the good doctor's walls.

Daniel can't help but notice this, and with a start he whistles. He remains clinging to the tip of the shaft to continue the stimulation while the army flies off, ready for orders. "Alright, I need you all to focus on those jugs, all of you take one, and hold a pair up to these tips here! When those two fill, alternate to an empty pair! Make sure we get as much as possible!" The group cheers 'Sir yes sir!', and takes off for the jugs, snatching them up and holding them up to the taur's cock heads ... trapping the real Daniel in the process. "... I probably should have let go."

Miranai yips out loudly as her balls churn audibly, pushing out a literal torrent of cum though both cock tips. Even between pulses enough seed is coming out to make it seem that she is continusouly cumming without end. She has enough sense left in her to try and help out. NURSE replicates a pair of clamps at the end of its handless arms and when one set of jugs are full, the bot clamps Mira's cocks, just past the knots, till new ones are set up, forcing a painful yip from the taur. She would manage to fill 12 of the jugs before the flow ebates, 6 from each tip, and take about 5 minutes in doing so.

The fairies set down the last set of jugs before looking around for their leader, who seems to have vanished entirely. ... Something breaks the surface of one of the jugs! Seems to be some kind of... human shaped golem made of cum. It wipes it's face, and reveals itself to be Daniel, who flashes a thumbs up. "Alright, I th-" He stops to cough, seems he accidentally inhaled the stuff while he was in there. "Whew... sorry... I think we got enough for my tests!" He smiles a bit before eeping, looking down at the cum he's covered in. "No god damn it, I'm not an egg, quit that!" He wipes at himself furiously.

Miranai sighs in relief, she'd completely coated her back side in her honey's and seems to have coated Dan in her cream. She can't help but giggle for a bit, and move to lick the fae completely clean. "Umm.. is.. is that everything.. doctor.. or.. did you have more.. you wanted to do?" she asks. Usually this was where those doing an examination of the taur were done. But he has started oddly to the vixen and she wasn't sure if he had more for her or not. "And.. what kinds of.. t.. test?" she asks.

Daniel shrugs, appreciating being clean and hugging the taur's muzzle happily. God he was happy he'd decided to be a guy for this, there's little to no doubt he'd be pregnant right now. He sighs, fixes his clothes, and nods. "I suppose we can continue with the previous exam if that's how it usually goes, I'll just have the others test this batch you produced." He sends the small army off to do some tests, and flies to his sink. "And the tests are simple, just tests for how potent the stuff is, the sperm cell count, basically tests that will reveal how easy it is for you to knock things up."

Miranai rubs her arm under her bust a bit, and blushes, "O.. ok .. an.. anything you say.. I. guess you changed ... your.. your mind about checking .. my.. my pussies then..." she says very blatently. And she kneels herself down into a breeding position to let Daniel have as good a look and examination as she can. She blushes though, "And.. a.. according to Anbessa... I.. I can't not get someone... p.. pregnate.."

Daniel shrugs, flying behind the taur to examine her clefts. "Yeah, according to the info I'm recieving, your sperm count is about three times higher than I normally see. They also seem to be a lot more active as well, like it knows exactly where to go. Every egg sample they tested, they went straight to it and one pierced inside almost immediately." His thoughts about being impregnated were rather reinforced with statistics like that, and he finds himself lucky. "Anyway, for the tests... are you currently carrying a litter?

Miranai listens as Dan confirms everything she already knew. "I.. I see Doctor... it is .. because ... because of the offering I made..." she says, blushing. "Ad.. and yes, I'm.. with litter...a.. alot of.. of them by the.. feel of things." She says blushing again. As the doctor flys behind her, she spreads her legs as far as she can, balls resting on the ground due to her lower stance.

Daniel nods, rubbing his chin. "This should go rather smoothly then, I'll be able to check and see how well they're all coming along and hopefully escape before your womb claims me as one of it's own." He gives a bit of an optimistic smile before pressing up against one of her slits, and squirming his way inside. She can feel him wiggling his way in deeper and deeper as he heads for her womb.

Miranai eeps out as Daniel presses into her and feels him squarming in. She starts panting as she feels worked up again, the taur on a hair trigger. "Is.. is everything... ahhhh.. o..ok .. in.. there D.. doct..mmmmm ... er..." she starts starts to rub on her breasts as she can't help the wonderful feeling. "P.. please h.. hurry.." she says feeling far too easily worked up, not having any either way for the last few weeks.

Miranai wiggles more and more as Dan works his way though her and back out. She is barely holding back when his sudden increase in speed causes her to yip out loudly, cumming again, though only slightly through her twin missles. Her female sexes actually gush out as she moans long and deep, pressing her hands as tightly into her now leaking breasts as she can. By the time Dan is out again, she is panting and looks much happier, though seeming ready for more at a moment's notice.

The fae emerges, coughing up the vixen's femmecum before flashing a thumbs up. "You'll be giving birth to a healthy litter of huskies!" He informs her, flying over to his pack and taking a towel from within. He wipes himself down, and shakes his head, his hair still slick with her juices. God damn he really needs to wear a gas mask when he examines her, her hormones were driving his mind wild, but he was able to shake it off for now. "You also seem to be producing a rather excessive amount of hormones, but that's to be expected with how well the rest of your erogenous zones perform."

Miranai pants a bit and seems a bit disappointed at not getting to clean Dan up again. She smiles though and gives a lick anyway, "So.. umm.. any thing else Doctor? Any other tests?" she seems to be relaxing the more Dan does with her. She must be just about done, male parts checked out, female parts checked out, what more was there really? And she hadn't had to call on any of her bots to come save her, so that was a big plus on the doc's side. Her eyes flashes a few times and NURSE turns to Dan, staring at him for a bit, "And.. umm.. mind.. mind if I get.. a.. record of you for.. for NURSE?" she asks.

Daniel gives her another little muzzle hug and a kiss on the nose, most likely an apology for not letting her clean him the rest of the way. "Other tests, hm? Well I've got your genitals done, but there's still the usual tests for making sure the rest of you is healthy too." He glances over at NURSE, and gives her a nod. "Sure, I've got a couple documents on myself if it misses anything."

Miranai nods and soon NURSE uses the handless end of an arm to scan the doctor, soon saying "USER, DANIEL. CURRENT FORM, FAIRY. MOST COMMON FORM, FARIY. NANOBIOMETRICS ADDED TO DATABASE." And Mira wonders for a moment. "Wasn't.. that the usual tests?" she asks squarming a bit... did he mean to check her ability to give oral too? Or.. maybe the ass as well.. and she shutters at the thoughts.

Daniel arches his brow a bit, rubbing his chin before snapping his fingers. The perfect breeder thing, it had to tie into this somehow. "You've never had an actual medical exam, have you? People have always just examined your sexy bits, haven't they?" He laughs a bit, shaking his head. "No no no, usually a medical exam is how a doctor finds how well his patient's bodies are doing, not how well they breed. What I gave you just now was a breeding analysis, but I can give you an actual exam if you'd like to stick around a bit longer."

Miranai looks to Dan and shivers a bit, "Yes.. just to see if.. if I was capable. And.. just how capable.." she says. She listens and smiles a bit, feeling suddenly proud. "Oh! I usually just.. umm.. have NURSE do that for me... seeing how no one else would. She has all the information in her." she says "You mean things like my body temprature, height, weight, blood pressure, yeah?" she asks tail starting to wag at the idea of being able to help out with something.

Daniel nods and smiles, glad to see she understands what an actual exam consists of. "Yeah, usually that's what I do, though I have done the breeding analysis on request. I'm glad I could have been so thorough for you though." He gives a thumbs up to NURSE, "And thank you for making sure she's been healthy all this time." Sure the chance the bot had some sort of sentience was slim, but he still had to try. "Now then, I've already got everything all checked with your head checked out, let's get your blood pressure taken shall we?" He takes two sphygmomanometers and a stethoscope from his cabinets, and nods.

Miranai nods and waits for Dan to start, making sure that she doesn't move too much. NURSE actually replies, "YOU'RE WELCOME, USER DANIEL, THOUGH NURSE HAS NO RECORD OF COMMANDS ISSUED." Mira just giggles a bit, "I.. don't understand exactly how it works Daniel... just .. just that they all use this.. thing to talk to me and somehow I talk back, telling them what to do." she explains.

Daniel is surprised by the reply, but nods to the robo-nurse. "Commands hm? If you could handle the upper human body, I could probably handle the lower tauric one." He hands one of the tools to NURSE with a nod, and gets to work strapping his own around the right forearm of the tauric body. It takes a little time, but he finds the vein, listening in and eyeing the gague.

Miranai holds very still and lets Daniel work. NURSE takes the commands and gets information from Mira as to their meaning before doing its work. Forgoing the tools, she raises an arm and scans Mira much as she had Daniel a moment ago. Soon, on her screen is a readout of all the information, including milk production in her four upper breasts, general body temprature, pulse, blood pressure, and BMI of the upper half.

Daniel arches his brows in surprise, my that bot was as efficient as him when he did surgery. He had to learn it's secrets sometime, but he couldn't let that distract him for now. Right now he had to get what stats he could from her, which would be pulse and blood pressure. With a nod, he points to the scale while he calculates this data from human to taur... he really needed to write a chart for that.

Miranai continues to stand very still, unsure if Daniel was done or not. The read out on the screen would be very clear, showing graphs of all the information as well as touch screen tabs to permit additinal details to be seen. She looks over her shoulder though after a while, "Is.. is everything ok Doctor?"

The fae nods, looking up at her with a thoughtful look on his face. "Just going through a calculation process, trying to accomidate the info I have for the much larger lower half you have here." With a little ding, he nods. "Healthy! Now then, if you could just stand on the scale over there? It's plenty large enough for you, I had it custom made so even a dragon's big ole feet. Now then..." He looks over NURSE's display, chuckling a bit to himself as he recalls the first time he had a dragon patient. "Hey NURSE, does this body temperture count for the whole body, or just the upper half?"

Miranai nods to Daniel and waddles over to the scale, standing on it, then shifting to sit, letting her balls roll infront of her with a blush. "Is.. this ok Doctor?" she asks. NURSE replies, "TEMPRATURE ACCOUNTS FOR USER MIRA FROM HUMANOID WAIST TO EAR TIPS." Then shows a depiction of Mira, with the parts she mentions in red.

Daniel nods, looking over the scale and writing down what he finds. 1200? That's heavier than she looks, but it's probably due to the pregnancy. He rubs his chin hearing the info from NURSE, pondering how to get a reading from her lower body. "Now there's the problem of taking your lower body's temperture. There's two ways I can do it, either using a rectal thermometer, or having you eat me to take it from the inside. Now I know you're surprised about that second option, but honestly, would I be offering that if I wasn't digestion proof?" He knocks on his metal frame with a little smile. "Just choose which one sounds... LESS unpleasant."

Miranai yips a bit and thinks, "Umm.. umm.. I.. I don't want to.. umm.. eat you.. but but.. no.. no rectal anything please... please no.." she says almost terrified at the idea. NURSE's screen even turns back to its face and hovers close to Mira, Tod who was waiting back near the entrance yips and is quick to her side, some beeping comes from GBX, who is guarding the door, but at least that one doesn't move, "Please.. no..." and she starts shaking.

Daniel blows the bangs out of his eyes and sighs. Welp, didn't see mental trauma coming... poor girl. He flies up and hugs her muzzle again, "There there, it's okay... calm down. I won't use the thermometer, I'll just see if NURSE is okay with pulling the weight of the lower body's temperture." He continues to hug and pet her muzzle, still trying to calm the poor taur down.

Miranai continues to shake even as she is hugged on and reassured, "Please... no..." starting to cry. But something inside must have heard that things were not going to proceed, as NURSE hovers back to where it was, and Tod just yawns, looking once more like a lazy fox. Noting the command, NURSE takes a quick scan over Mira's tauric half and the same information is displayed as the upper half. Though she must no longer precieve a threat, she continues crying, "An.. anything else.. just anything else.. not that...."

While she's still crying, he sees that she no longer takes him as a threat. He flies into his back room and comes back with a cloth for the vixen to wipe her eyes with, smiling as he peeks out from under it. "Come now, I didn't mean to make you cry... I'll keep your lack of appreciation for butt things in mind though, I didn't know it set you off so violently." He frowns a bit, he didn't like making people cry, especially not his patients!

Miranai sniffles and tries to stop, completely missing most of what Daniel says, "What... what could.. could I offer instead..? Anything.. just anything but that..." she says though her sniffles, "I.. I want to please... but .. not that.. ok, anything else.." She squarms a bit, waiting for his answer, and looking as if the fae might cause her serious harm at a moments notice. The automated systems however, must know better.

Daniel looks confused, "Please me? No no, I think you have the wrong idea! You're not here to please me, I'm here to make sure you're feeling alright." He smirks a bit, shaking his head, "This was never once about my pleasure you silly." He gives her another hug, trying to further calm her down so they could continue with the procedure.

Miranai sniffles a few more times and tries to convince Daniel otherwise still, locked in her trap, "Please... Mistress would be upset if Pet didn't do something.... let Pet do something else.. please..?" And she seems lost for the moment, eyes glassed over and unblinking, pupals wide. Lost in her own little world of horrers.

The doctor sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. Looks like he'd have to do this, she was too far gone at the moment. "Alright, I have an idea." He offers her the same rag he did earlier, "Think you could wipe up that little mess you made earlier? Use this rag here, don't need you licking the floor... goodness knows what's on the bottom of my patient's feet."

Miranai nods a few times, smiling very wide, "Yes Master! Pet could do that..." and she takes the rag. It take the slightly swollen taur a few tries to bend/kneel properly to reach the floor with the cloth, but soon gets to work on it, she has to get up and wring it out a few times in the sink, wishing the cloth off, and going back to it, but after a few more times she sighs a moment, "Daniel... what exactly am I doing right now?" she asks, currently bent over and kneeling to clean up the last parts of the mess.

Daniel shrugs, "You seem to have gone through some kind of PTSD, all other attempts at waking you seemed to be unsuccessful, so in the end I just had you do something simple." He points to the remains of the cum stain on the floor, and the rag in her hand. "Much better than taking advantage of you in my opinion, cleaning is a pain in the ass when you're this small!"

Miranai looks to the fae with a concerned look on her face. "Last.. thing I remember .. remember doing... was.. was to take off... my clothes.. t.. to start..t.. the physical?" she says looking around very confused. "And... c.. cleaning is.. no problem... j.. just ask.. ok.., what do you.. mean taking advantage of?" she asks. She rubs as close to her own ass as she can get, which is about halfway down her flank.. "and... why does it.. feel like.. my ass hurts?" she says with a whimper and whine.

Daniel shrugs again, "Well I won't say what caused it, lest I go about causing it again... but you went into some kinda crazy need-to-please state that I couldn't break you out of no matter how hard I tried. You were for some reason hell-bent on the concept that I wanted to fuck your butt, and trying to convince me to do otherwise. Maybe your butt hurts because of the memories of... whatever caused that?" He shrugs, "I can offer help for past trauma sometime if you need, I wouldn't mind at all."

Miranai shivers and looks very very concerned, her breathing shallows and pulse jumps up at the mention of such things, she stammers a bit worse then normal, "... just.. don't... ok.. never... please.." and though it is a struggle to keep the memories away, she is a bit more prepared for things this time. "Please, just.... do.. do we need to start.. the exam... what's going on exactly..?" she asks as she tries to scrunch herself up and holds her head.

Daniel raises a finger, "I... forgot to address this... but the exam is already over. We went through everything, but it was the last task that set you off. Eventually I just had NURSE over there do it for me in a much less complicated way... thank goodness it was around huh?" He shakes his head, letting out a little sigh. "Last thing I wanna do is break one of my patients, I'd feel terrible then."

Miranai nods and continues to shiver.. "I.. I don't.. re. recall.." she says. She continues to look around untrustingly of something as her mind tries to relive things for her, but she struggles to not let it. "If.. if ..w.. we're done.. then.. p..Pet will.. just wait for Mistress Kilsa... t.. to take me.. h. home again." she says, and stumbles a bit as she walks back over to the main entrance way. "T.. thank you... P.. pet hopes she... p.. preformed well..." dropping off the rag on a counter top as she goes back toward the door.

Daniel flies over, motioning the taur towards his bedroom. "Now now, you don't NEED to leave. I have a bed you could use until Kilsa returns, I honestly wouldn't mind letting you stay for a bit considering how much you hate Zephyr lobby... or Zephyr in general." He rolls his eyes a bit, "Not like I can use the bed anyway, the fuckers don't believe in tinier furnishings."

Miranai looks back to Daniel, still breathing very shallow, "O.. ok.. p.. Pet could.. could use some.. some rest.. some sleep... Pet.. w.. will wait.. in .. in there.." and she turns around shaking her head fairly violently a moment, "...m.. my head hurts..." she complains as she staggers past and practically falls into the bed versus laying. She shivers a bit, and but, is easily asleep in little time, mutter and mumble ... "Please... any... anywhere ... else..." exhausted from her mental struggle.

Daniel smiles a bit, pulling the covers over her with a grunt and some physical strain. Resting them over her, he sighs a bit before nodding, flying up to her face and giving her one last muzzle hug. "Hang in there you, I won't let nothing happen to ya while ya sleep, promise." And with that, he flies off to go record the data in his medical logs.