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<div></div><br> <br>You all got a request to join Nicole into the taskmaster quarters of New Dawn. While such communication wasn't a secret, seems that only part of the Prometheans got invited. And by the look of it, everyone has clothes on them.. quite an unusual sight in these times. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the survivors busy with their daily missions.<br> <br>Snowblind padds in and gives a greeting to Nicole before finding a spot to lower her tauric body down. She gives a small yawn and crosses her forepaws before adjusting the straps on her saddlebags. "Hello Nicole, good to be out here again. I don't stop by as often as I should. I think the others are right behind me, at least I saw one person I have not seen in awhile follow close by."<br> <br>Rosalyn strides confidently into the room, her hooves thudding dully on the ground as she moves over to Nicole to confirm her arrival. Once the preliminaries are taken care of, she trods over to where Snowblind has settled in, smiling and greeting her.<br> <br>Rsp peeks in, looking cautiously around the room before slinking in on all fours along the wall. He silently approaches Nicole and touches his nose against her ankle. "I got your message." He says softly, eyes zipping around the room warily. "It's been a long time, I don't think I've been here since I helped raise the walls up..." The thud of a hoof falling makes the scarred vulpine jump a little, cowering back and pressing against the wall to look at everyone else with large eyes.<br> <br>Nai slithers into the room, quiet and without a sound, wearing a very hastily-looking put together of hir usual clothes, including the large coat, which seems to have been padded with a bit of extra protection. The spear in hir hand making a firm thud as shi taps the floor with it, leaning on the spear with one arm curled around it. Hood pulled over hir head and saying nothing, just giving a visible nod.<br> <br>A little later than most, an odd metallic chimera slithers up to the building's side before settling down and resting her head near one of quarters' windows. Gosha's dressed simply with an oversized apron providing much of her front's modesty, a similarly oversized skirt covering everything from the lowerhalf ill suited for public awareness. "Sorry for being late," She thrumms through the window to those inside.<br> <br>Nicole smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here, giving a wink to the late Gosha at the window. "That's fine, sister. Don't worry. Oh, you should be Rsp.. it's nice to see old muzzles around here, I hope everything it's alright for you." she replies with a smile as Rsp gets closer to her. Giving the sign to sit down on either the chairs or the carpets on the floor, the racoon girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you all for being here, my brothers and sisters. And I didn’t summoned you here for giving you the usual daily.. but to seek the aid for a more important project." Nicole starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Nicole, the taskmaster of New Dawn. And for today, I have a big task to offer.. for all those interested in improving the current situation. As you may know, we aren't too happy of the situation in Fairhaven. Zephyr is a big resource, but the lifestyle between its halls is.. decadent and not good for our youngsters, often lured by that easygoing life. To solve this issues, we started to seek a new place to move in, with less influence from the Zephyr... with great efforts and sacrifices, but with the resolve of many of our children. For the last months, they challenged the wastelands, seeking for new nanite bubbles and cities within them. And.. I won't deny that it was difficult, leaving their families for so long. But in the end, it payed up. We found a suitable site for a new start, the city of Clairmont. Any question so far?"<br> <br>Snowblind nods to all and gives a small giggle to herself as everyone arives. Raising a hand she waits a bit before asking her question anyway. "I have one. I don't want to displace someone who is already there. Did the scouts find any survivors or have they at least warned them of our comming?" Pausing she thinks a bit as her tail flicks from side to side. "Or I guess that might be this little groups job?"<br> <br>Having taken a chair next to Snowblind's spot on the carpet, Rosalyn quiets down for Nicole's announcement. A look of thoughtful consideration crosses her face at the revelation, but she remains silent for now, nodding along with Snowblind's question.<br> <br>"A new home? Away from Zephyr and RSX too?" Rsp asks, sitting more upright on the floor as his ears perk and his tail-tip begins to twitch excitedly. He looks over to Snowblind as she asks her question, adding additionally in a halting tone. "Yes, what d-do we know about this place, and what have you c-called us together to do?"<br> <br>Nai quietly thumps the ground with the butt of hir spear. A little restless, shifting on hir coils before curling up and sitting, a little awkwardly, on the length of hir own tail. Trying not to comment on the obvious, they were here to find that out already. Tongue flickering a bit, hissing very faintly and hugging hir coat closer around hirself.<br> <br>Smiling back at the winking Raccoon Girl Gosha looks inside for a few more seconds before turning her head to listen to the conversation within. After Snowblind offers her question the VTOL quickly finds herself nodding in agreement. "Whether this will be a new Promethean settlement or more an embassy would be nice to know. I have no other questions just yet, only a hope that this won't replace our charity efforts here."<br> <br>Nicole goes silent for a bit, like if answering to this would be a bit more intense than expected. Then, she rises her muzzle and answers, "The place had survivors, until recent times. But as we got there, we didn't found any survivors. That place has its dangers, I suspect that the ferals in that area aren't friendly and neither stupid. We left a little, armed group to patrol the area, they should be fine for now. But beside that, we don't know what else is there, and it needs further investigation.". After a long pause Nicole resumes, "Sadly Rsp, the situation is quite dire.. too dire for us to face it alone. The place is fit for sustaining itself, but we don't have all the technology to fix the factories and make them running. This is why we decided to look at Rsx. They have a lot of technical knowledge, but our intel is reporting a critical lack of resources to keep up their place in Woodfield. This is why we offered a part of the production for their support.. which came shortly after a intense bargain. This accord had another effect as well, it lured in Zephyr. I'm quite sure they would love to stop this project, preferring to keep everything in Fairhaven. But they are greedy as well... they offered they economic help to the mission, in exchange of some freedom with the local market. While this isn't the original plan, their help is definitely useful, especially after we settled the matter by stating that the moral conduct of the place will follow our rules. Rules for not being feral beasts, like no public sex and keeping up some clothes. One of the reasons because you were contacted is because you should have these requirements, and your support in this mission would be really important. And if you hoped in a place free from Zephyr and Rsx.. that's quite impossible. But for sure, we'll a lot more freedom there than any we could have here."<br> <br>Snowblind takes another glance around and gives a small wince like she was hurt at the news that the city was found empty with signs of survivors having tried to live there. "So we should all likely bring weapons... at least to start. But You got Zeypher and RSX to agree to the terms? That at least is some good news." Her sighs lingers on Rsp then Nai before she nods to herself. "I have no other questions, other then letting you all know that while out of the bubble I am still a very good medic. I might have a bit of a problem with the metal forms but if you..." She points to Nai, "And Gosha outside don't mind me giving a look over I should be alright with patching you up too."<br> <br>Rosalyn begins tapping the edge of one hoof lightly against the ground. "So, a dangerous, mostly uninhabited region, rich in resources but lacking the infrastructure to harness them? That definitely sounds interesting! Do we have any information on the local nanite... preferences?" She shrugs. "Fairhaven has animalistic tendencies, Woodfield has its human variants, what about this Clairmont?"<br> <br>Rsp seems upset at the prospect of Zephyr and RSX involvement, laying his ears back and supressing a growl. "How can this world move on with such sickness still festering in its' soul? I hope whomever came up with this accord has planned on earning our independence from it later... We cannot afford their disgusting ideologies to gain more traction..." The pale-furred vulpine takes a deep breath, opens his muzzle to speak again, and instead jumps as someone makes a noise outside, laying his ears back and looking around fearfully.<br> <br>Nai grumbles a bit, visibly twitching. Firmly grasping hir coat at the elbows, and hissing softly. "I can understand RSX, but sssssszephyr? We'd be better off just offering to let them put us on leashes like little obedient puppies. They may just get a minor slice now, but if you're not careful they'll act as if they own the place a few monthss into anything." Nai eventually says, looking over at Snowblind mentioning checkups. "If I mussst..." Shi murmurs, hugging part of hir own tail. The odd-looking metal gecko-snake huffing after some more thought. "I think our job might be to find out what kind of preference the place hasss..."<br> <br>"A pity," Gosha blurts as she hears of the survivors recent change in status. Anyone looking out the window can readily see the frown on her face. "Mercy on them all. Um, forgive me for interrupting. Continue." Her head shakes a few times as Nicole explains her theories and involvement of other parties, but this time she manages to hold her tongue and prevent from further delay.<br> <br>"As long as none of the Zephyr or RSX officials tasked as representative think too highly of themselves, I don't think we'll have to worry. RSX is almost as vested as us in rebuilding, and Zephyr can be trusted so long as the credits are good and steady. Maybe it can even help wash away some of the bad blood between all our people." Twisting her head to listen again there's a rattling noise outdoors as she chuckles at Snowblind's comment. "Thank you dear, I'll keep that in mind. If you happen to need cover during the endeavor I'm more than suited. And I'd like to know what sort of Lost Ones are around too. Not a repeat of Oregon, I hope?" A mechanical hiss, what passes for a sigh for her, is the only response Rsp's comment is merited.<br> <br>Nicole looks at Rsp, "It wasn't much of a choice. Zephyr and Rsx have their crimes that we won't forget, but it's not by putting aside their existence that we'll be able to make a new future... especially not a future based on hate.". The raccoon girl sighs a bit, "I can understand that you may not like the idea, but their resources are needed. To be honest, there isn't much of a independence since such thing is already there. Beside some rules, who will go to live in Clairmont will make the decisions. There won't be much place for interefences there.. A place for us to grow our children without corruption, a source of freecreds for Zephyr and munitions for Rsx, that's a good deal for everyone.". Turning to look at Snowblind and Ros, she adds, "Any competence is welcomed... we have to rebuild and run a city, any knowledge is important there. And about the ferals in the area... we haven't met them yet. That's what the scouts will have to do in that region." Nicoles takes a deep breath, "The matter is this. Right now, we are collecting resources and people that will be sent to Clairmont. Then, using the Zephyr and Rsx's vehicles, we'll move there and starts to rebuild. I won't hide that, there is a lot of work to do for everyone, the life is harsh and teamwork will be the key for success. There won't be the free meal at Zephyr's cafeteria, there won't be guarded streets and getting a job will be mandatory. But again, we'll have the freedom we are seeking and a place where we'll be able to educate our children without the decadent influence of Zephyr. Of course, this is a free choice.. and far from being a secret. If you have any question, any further doubt, this is the time for it.. and if you want to join us, we'll be sure to work together like a family."<br> <br>"A new start. What Freehaven should have been after P-Day." Snow says and looks towards Nai. "If I have to insist I will. I don't want to push but I rather not harm you because I don't know that you need extra insulan do to your form or somthing. That goes for everyone actualy now that I know we are going to be the first after the scouts. Nicole, did all the scouts get a checkup before leaving with our local doctor?" Snow's question leads her to be looking back at the racoon. "Till we know what the nanites are like... It might be a mini P-day for all of us again when we go there. But the city... the city will be ours. Those of us that work on it. Our rules, not Z's not RSX's"<br> <br>Rosalyn nods firmly in agreement. "Yes, the more of us that get involved from day one, the less likely any other interests will be able to manipulate the society that arises. Count me in."<br> <br>"I'll go, of course. And maybe there will be someone there that will need us, just because they have not found any one, d-doesn't mean they don't exist..." He looks at Snowblind as the taur makes his proclimation, blanching a little. "You.. want to, do things to us?" He edges away, back toward a wall as he ducks his head.<br> <br>Nai sighs a bit, arms crossed. "I don't really care about this kind of thing. You wanted help, I'm helping. Just don't do anything stupid with the help I'm giving.. That really goes for any of the factions." Nai murmurs, tail flicking a bit, eyes still on Snowblind. "Well, alright.."<br> <br>Gosha uses her coils to pull back some before shaking her head a safe distance from the building's walls. "So long as this does not become a stepping point to bigotry or isolationism, I think I'm satisfied with what you're saying. What everyone needs these days is hope, cooperation, progress. This... Clairmont? It sounds like just what we need. But, uh, I might need to acquire some infection samples before I'm fit for riding." There's a scraping noise as she adjusts again, painfully aware of how much of the village she takes up.<br> <br>"Standard check-up, it's not like the city has some of those... goo, devouring nanites nor mind-controlling ones. True, there could be something else, but after a couple of months of actual scouting and analysis, there shouldn't be dangers like those. This isn't an excuse to lower our guard, of course." Nicole replies, before nodding at Rosalyn, "Yes sister, that's quite the point. Also, by being a jointed effort, this won't be seen like 'The Promethean's city', which wouldn't be good for the future relationships. Instead, a new start where every citizen can influence the future of the city is a more... health and positive approach. I prefer to work alongside comrades, than spies sent from Zephyr or infiltrators from Rsx.". The raccoon girl takes another break, sipping some fresh water, "Yes, we need help. But we need the help of who can trust in this project, and be able to work alongside the others. Some of the leaders weren't happy about having Rsx and Zephyr in the project. There are people against this project as well, calling it a failure. And while Zephyr and Rsx shouldn't work against us, in their own interest, they won't drop a tear if things go bad. Help? Yes, we need all the help and supports from the people that will accept to take this task. You'll be alone out there, quite isolated since it's a long travel from Fairhaven, so if you don't think you can cover the back of another prometheans or a Zephyr or Rsx agent.. then I would ask to step back. I'm not asking any of you of hug the other faction's members.. but to be able to consider them allies and work along them."<br> <br>Snowblind nods "That I can do." The taur says before uncrossing her forepaws and getting up into a seated position. "Little fox, Rsp Right? I want to keep you alive is all. I promass that I will do nothing to you that you do not alow me to." She places a hand over her heart as she says this then looks around once more at everyone here. With a bit of a nod she smiles slightly before looking outside. "We may need a bit bigger form Gosha, but when you come for your checkup can you be in the form you are thinking of going to Clairmont in?" With that said she tugs at the him of her jacket a bit in what may just be a nervious act.<br> <br>Rosalyn's fingers toy with one of the small devices at her waist as she addresses Nicole. "I'll need a bit of time to conclude some dealings in town, but I've many capable hands I can leave my current projects in. How far away is Clairmont, and when did you plan on having us set out?"<br> <br>Rsp looks curiously at Gosha, then asks "Are we riding *you*? I thought miss Nicole said that there were cars or something." He looks back to Snowblind with a slight frown, but does nod a little. "I'm sorry... I guess it'll be okay. I just, d-don't like people who say they're d-doctors."<br> <br>Nai uncoils, for the most part, leaning on hir stick. Just being all ears for a moment. "I already said I don't really care. I already don't like 'people'. Individuals are alright provided they don't shit in my corn flakes." Nai murmurs, softly.<br> <br>"I think I'll be able to manage." Pressing her ear near the window to listen to the other agents talk within, her head briefly tilts down to nod with Snow's request. "Understood. For convenience's sake I will probably go with the... Fey Folke, strain, I think most people call it? Relatively easy to acquire samples, and tend not to conflict with old gear." Rsp's inquiry leads to another rattling laugh, head moving dangerously close to the wall before she catches herself and stops from knocking in a wall. "No, I don't think any of you will be riding me. Not for this mission anyways."<br> <br>"We managed to get access to those helicopters, so we'll be able to move without riding our sister." Nicole says, getting that sentence to try to relax a bit. She's clearly worried a bit, especially when she looks at Nai. After another sip of fresh water, she answers to Rosalyn, "We are collecting some materials and the starting resources. Food, money and basic gear.. and all the factions need to end their interviews as well. If I have to tell you a good estimations... within two weeks, the first group will land on Clairmont."<br> <br>"I'm not a doctor, just a medic." Snow says with a smile and then gets onto her paws. "Two weeks to get ready ourselfs ready. Then we are there for how long till we are able to get the heli's back out there... incase." She says the incase softly as in her mind a list of things that might go wrong go through it. With a small shake of her head she smiles again. "Not that I don't think those of us here can't handle themselves. And I will have my lance... incase." That word again. But this time she keeps her smile all the way though it.<br> <br>"Two weeks? That should give me all the time I need." Rosalyn pulls out a tablet, sketching down some notes with the stylus. "How large of a representation is each faction sending? I'm sure it'll take more than a dozen or so of us, to get an entire town up and running again."<br> <br>Rsp looks around the room with an expression of dawning comprehension. He looks back toward Nicole suddenly and asks. "Wait, it's not just us here going, but a mixed group?! Like the other two factions are picking people out and they're going to all come too?!" He lays his ears back and whines. "But, how are they deciding who to send? What if they send bad people, or someone who doesn't like me?" He suddenly blinks as another realization hits him, and asks. "How are *you* deciding who goes? What has made you choose to offer this to us here?"<br> <br>Nai snorts a bit and rolls hir eyes, then shakes hir head. Slithering up towards Nicole and leaning in close, eyes narrow. Then blushing a little and retreating. "You keep looking at me as if you're seeing a train crash in slow motion. Why?"<br> <br>"Two weeks, understood." Much of the room's commentary is lost to Gosha as she briefly rises to stretch. Metal groans briefly as it's put under stress before there's a thump and the chimera is back at window-level. "Are you going to contact us at that time, or are we assume anyone who isn't back by then has excused themselves? And can we expect any of the closer survivor or sister communities to offer help if we need it? I'd rather not need to take the long trek to Fairhaven or Woodfield if it's unnecessary."<br> <br>"I want to clear up another point. While I'm really glad if you can watch over your back, warriors is not we only need. Artisans, farmers, miners.. even traders. We need any kind of competence, because cooperation is the key to succeed. As for your question, Rosalyn..." Nicole says calmly, "We already have around two dozens of children, from Zephyr and Rsx as well, taking hold of the place. More will be sent during these two weeks, and as for the factions' representations... I can't answer yet. I expect around a dozen of people for each faction, maybe less, maybe more. I think this is the first interview. Also, I would love to know some extend of your abilities. I heard already of Snowblind and Rosalyn, a bit less from the others.". Then, she focus on Rsp, Gosha and Nai, "I'll decide upon the impression I got from all of you, and by what you are able to do. It's my duty to worry about this, being in charge of selecting the squad to go there. Both for the good outcome of the project and for your own safety. When you'll be out there, you'll be alone. Hours of helicopter from the nearest safe den. And I won't hide it, being the vehicles property of Rsx and Zephyr, likely you won't have the better places. I'm pretty sure that Zephyr and Rsx are sending competent people, because it's their interest for this to work out. This is one of the few things I'm sure of.".<br> <br>Snowblind smiles at the racoon and gives a slight bow. "Good... good. But even though two weeks is good for getting ready for the trip, for today I need to get back out there and does what I can. Till I leave I still work here in Fairhaven." With that she offers a hug to the Racoon then to everyone in turn. Though when she gets outside (weither or not her hugs where acepted) she just gives Gosha a light pat agenst the side. "See you when your smaller dear." With that the medic taur heads back out once again."<br> <br>Rosalyn returns Snowblind's hug affectionately. "Well, I hope to see you again soon, then!" After the taur medic leaves, she resumes taking notes on her device, remaining quiet for a bit to give Nicole time to address the others' concerns.<br> <br>Nai ends up, if anything, accepting the hug. Afterwards, gathering up hir spear, and giving a brief, if a bit awkward bow. "I need to go prepare some paper, and teach the kids how to do some of it for when I'm gone.. There.. aren't a lot of people able to process that resource anymore, at least not around here." Nai also offers a handshake to the raccoon before leaving, waving to the rest. "Someone's going to want utilities when we get there, I think. Someone always wants utilities." Shi murmurs, stretching a bit. There's a bit of a clatter of metal scales. Then the soft sliding sound of the odd chimera leaving.<br> <br>There's a soft thrumm from outside as Gosha hums in thought. Waiting a few moments for one of the others to offer their specialty first, she eventually leans in to offer her own area of expertise. "Before being sent to the field I, well, helped with the fields. If need be I can help with tending any fields or planting crops. I'm afraid I'm not too brushed up on ranching though, so it'll mostly be plants for me. Other than that I have some minor experience in medicine, infected classification, and fortifying buildings."<br> <br>Aidan accepts the handshake with Nai with a smile, relaxing a bit, "I'm counting on you as well. Just.. I want you to know what's needed to survive in that place. In a way, accepting you to get part of this project means that I'm responsible for your life. I lost enough brothers and sisters, and I want to be sure of who I'm sending out there.". Then, the raccoon girl turns to Goasha, definitely smiling more "Knowledge about fields? That will be awesome. Food is one of our priorities, so if you can work there, it would be really awesome. For your other experiences, they are definitely useful for what are you going to face.". <br> <br>Nai halts in the doorway, tapping the butt of hir stick against the floor, tongue flickering a bit. Looking back for a moment. "Don't worry, I'm good at avoiding danger. I might need help if I get in a fight but I think, if anything, you're going to need someone who can check things out without being chased back out by hostiles..." Nai explains, smiling brightly, blushing a little. "Be seeing you." Shi murmurs, closing the door and stopping outside to gently pat Gosha, trying to smile up at the odd mecha-like lady. "Take care everyone.."<br> <br>Rsp listens to everyone as Nicole goes around the room, looking perturbed as each person lists their qualifications. By the time he's noticed the scrawny thing has managed to squeeze himself into a corner almost out of sight. "I... miss Nicole, maybe I shouldn't come." He says softly, lowering his eyes to the floor. "I-I don't think that I have any ability or skill that would be of use to anyone..."<br> <br>Rosalyn glances up from her tablet at the shy fox as he makes his presence known again. "Oh, you'd be surprised at the types of talents that might come in handy when rebuilding a city from the ground up..."<br> <br>"I'll see what I can do once we have a safe work environment then. Well, safer. I don't think it's really possible to have safe these days barring a few communities." The metal behemoth shifts some outside to make sure the departing Nai doesn't run into any obstacles on her way out. "And you probably have more to yourself than you realize. Erm, Gosha, by the way. To those who don't know me."<br> <br>Nicole scritches underneath her chin. "I won't ask for anyone to join, if they don't feel up for it. And the place is safe.. the children did some work to put most of the buildings and fields to a decent situation. A lot needs to be done, but for now.. things are safe to move there. We wouldn't be seeking for skillful people, instead of soldiers otherwise." the raccoon girl says, before adding, "Even just being knowledge of economics, or knowing how to gather food with survival skills.. everything is useful. But only if you feel up for it.". After a pause, Nicole puts a paw on Rsp's shoulder, "It's your choice, Rsp. But not judge that on which skills you think to have."<br> <br>"People call me Rsp, nice to meet you." The frail canid says softly toward Gosha as she speaks into the door. He looks up at Nicole and frowns a little, ears drooping. "There must be so many others with more skill, more... bravery. I want to help, but not at the expense of everyone else, not when someone better could have gone in my place!" He lets out a long breath, looking around the room.<br> <br>Rosalyn shrugs at Rsp. "Well, it's up to you, whether or not you've got something to offer. But, the idea has to pique your curiosity at least a little bit, doesn't it?"<br> <br>"You have to admit it is an interesting turn of events, even if you'd feel better keeping yourself away." Gosha adds in agreement with the others. "But understanding your own failings is just as admirable as taking part, if not moreso. Do not be afraid to remain here, I imagine the city won't be going anywhere."<br> <br>"You can go, if you prefer." Nicole replies, giving a pat on Rsp's shoulders and stepping back, not adding more pressure on the fox, "It's not a matter of other people coming.. it's actually matter of people that wishes to leave the safety and easy life of this place. Also, is just our sisters are saying.. staying here is not a 'bad' choice or anything.". Then, rising her head and looking at Rosalyn and Gosha, the raccoon girls adds with a smile, "You seem to had decided, isn't it?"<br> <br>"I want to go." Rsp says quietly, head still lowered. "I have done all I can to make this world a place that our children can live without being slaves or mere monsters to be sterilized and hunted like trophies..." He looks up at the raccoon, eyes glimmering as they catch the ambiant light. "If there's room for me to go, I will... And, I'll try not to get in anyones' way."<br> <br>Rosalyn flashes a grin back at Nicole. "Oh, quite! I'm already making preparations as we speak. I just didn't want to bore the others with detailed discussions of provisions, transportation, chain of command heirarchy, and all that other droll stuff."<br> <br>Gosha nods from outside the window. "There's only so much I can do here, and there is no shortage of people willing to take up the mantle in my absence. I'll join in with Clairmont."<br> <br>"I think is settled then." Nicole says, giving a nice, yet soft pat on Rsp's shoulder. "I'll update you in a week or so... if for any reason, you prefer to stay here, please do. I want all of you to be prepared and willing, with no doubts." the raccoon girl says, a bit more serious, "Who goes to Clairmont.. is going to face the oldest war of all, fighting to survive and create a new future. Only working together this can be done."<br> <br>Rsp looks at all of you in turn, speaking softly. "I hope the others chosen by RSX and Zephyr realize what this means for us. They have their old vices to go back to, their money and toys. All we have is hope, and each other."<br> <br>Rosalyn raises an eyebrow. "You don't believe that there are those in their employ who also dream of a better future?"<br> <br>Nicole pats her paws together, smiling just like a raccoon girl can do. "Alright than, I'll contact you next week.. by then, we should know how many people will join and how much resources will be needed before the expedition. Be sure to hug your family and friends... there won't be many trips with those helicopters. And... Thank you. Thank you all for this."<br> <br>"It's the least we can do," Gosha says, finally joining in again. Something outside must have distracted her. "Any sort of future we can provide is better than that from the Lost Ones. The opportunity to mend old bridges is an added bonus."<br> <br>Rsp looks over to Rosalyn and replies. "In my personal experience, they dream of a different future than I do, ma'am." He looks away and says softly. "I don't belong in their future." He looks back to Nicole and gives her an ingratiating smile. "Let me know when everyone is ready, I'll come."<br> <br>Rosalyn mulls over Rsp's words, and turns back to Nicole. "Well then, it sounds like we're all in, for this venture! Is there anything else we should know?"<br> <br>"Just that I count of you all. Whatever happens out there, you'll have only each other as help. Remember this. Also.. trust is earned, but it should still be offered if deserved. I have your comm's numbers, if anything happen, I'll inform you. Thank you again, brothers.. sisters. This is really our chance for a new start." Nicoles smiles and leads the people out of the room, clearly the raccoon girl about to do a lot of paperworks. She seems a bit tired, worried but at the same time relieved.. she seems to have hope for this group, and she can just wish them the best of luck.<br> <br>Rsp departs New Dawn shortly after being excused from the meeting. He travels along some distance away from anyone else going back to town, and vanishes into the streets once you reach the suburbs...<br> <br>Gosha's departure is no more spectacular. Approaching one of the domiciles briefly, she then visits the medical hut before striding off in the direction of the Mall and Zephyr HQ.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 01:10, 24 January 2013





You all got a request to join Nicole into the taskmaster quarters of New Dawn. While such communication wasn't a secret, seems that only part of the Prometheans got invited. And by the look of it, everyone has clothes on them.. quite an unusual sight in these times. The room seems to be reserved, away from the usual chaos of the survivors busy with their daily missions.

Snowblind padds in and gives a greeting to Nicole before finding a spot to lower her tauric body down. She gives a small yawn and crosses her forepaws before adjusting the straps on her saddlebags. "Hello Nicole, good to be out here again. I don't stop by as often as I should. I think the others are right behind me, at least I saw one person I have not seen in awhile follow close by."

Rosalyn strides confidently into the room, her hooves thudding dully on the ground as she moves over to Nicole to confirm her arrival. Once the preliminaries are taken care of, she trods over to where Snowblind has settled in, smiling and greeting her.

Rsp peeks in, looking cautiously around the room before slinking in on all fours along the wall. He silently approaches Nicole and touches his nose against her ankle. "I got your message." He says softly, eyes zipping around the room warily. "It's been a long time, I don't think I've been here since I helped raise the walls up..." The thud of a hoof falling makes the scarred vulpine jump a little, cowering back and pressing against the wall to look at everyone else with large eyes.

Nai slithers into the room, quiet and without a sound, wearing a very hastily-looking put together of hir usual clothes, including the large coat, which seems to have been padded with a bit of extra protection. The spear in hir hand making a firm thud as shi taps the floor with it, leaning on the spear with one arm curled around it. Hood pulled over hir head and saying nothing, just giving a visible nod.

A little later than most, an odd metallic chimera slithers up to the building's side before settling down and resting her head near one of quarters' windows. Gosha's dressed simply with an oversized apron providing much of her front's modesty, a similarly oversized skirt covering everything from the lowerhalf ill suited for public awareness. "Sorry for being late," She thrumms through the window to those inside.

Nicole smiles as she sees everyone finally gathered here, giving a wink to the late Gosha at the window. "That's fine, sister. Don't worry. Oh, you should be Rsp.. it's nice to see old muzzles around here, I hope everything it's alright for you." she replies with a smile as Rsp gets closer to her. Giving the sign to sit down on either the chairs or the carpets on the floor, the racoon girl takes a deep breath, before starting to talk. "First of all, thank you all for being here, my brothers and sisters. And I didn’t summoned you here for giving you the usual daily.. but to seek the aid for a more important project." Nicole starts to explain, smiling as her usual, "For who doesn’t know me, I'm Nicole, the taskmaster of New Dawn. And for today, I have a big task to offer.. for all those interested in improving the current situation. As you may know, we aren't too happy of the situation in Fairhaven. Zephyr is a big resource, but the lifestyle between its halls is.. decadent and not good for our youngsters, often lured by that easygoing life. To solve this issues, we started to seek a new place to move in, with less influence from the Zephyr... with great efforts and sacrifices, but with the resolve of many of our children. For the last months, they challenged the wastelands, seeking for new nanite bubbles and cities within them. And.. I won't deny that it was difficult, leaving their families for so long. But in the end, it payed up. We found a suitable site for a new start, the city of Clairmont. Any question so far?"

Snowblind nods to all and gives a small giggle to herself as everyone arives. Raising a hand she waits a bit before asking her question anyway. "I have one. I don't want to displace someone who is already there. Did the scouts find any survivors or have they at least warned them of our comming?" Pausing she thinks a bit as her tail flicks from side to side. "Or I guess that might be this little groups job?"

Having taken a chair next to Snowblind's spot on the carpet, Rosalyn quiets down for Nicole's announcement. A look of thoughtful consideration crosses her face at the revelation, but she remains silent for now, nodding along with Snowblind's question.

"A new home? Away from Zephyr and RSX too?" Rsp asks, sitting more upright on the floor as his ears perk and his tail-tip begins to twitch excitedly. He looks over to Snowblind as she asks her question, adding additionally in a halting tone. "Yes, what d-do we know about this place, and what have you c-called us together to do?"

Nai quietly thumps the ground with the butt of hir spear. A little restless, shifting on hir coils before curling up and sitting, a little awkwardly, on the length of hir own tail. Trying not to comment on the obvious, they were here to find that out already. Tongue flickering a bit, hissing very faintly and hugging hir coat closer around hirself.

Smiling back at the winking Raccoon Girl Gosha looks inside for a few more seconds before turning her head to listen to the conversation within. After Snowblind offers her question the VTOL quickly finds herself nodding in agreement. "Whether this will be a new Promethean settlement or more an embassy would be nice to know. I have no other questions just yet, only a hope that this won't replace our charity efforts here."

Nicole goes silent for a bit, like if answering to this would be a bit more intense than expected. Then, she rises her muzzle and answers, "The place had survivors, until recent times. But as we got there, we didn't found any survivors. That place has its dangers, I suspect that the ferals in that area aren't friendly and neither stupid. We left a little, armed group to patrol the area, they should be fine for now. But beside that, we don't know what else is there, and it needs further investigation.". After a long pause Nicole resumes, "Sadly Rsp, the situation is quite dire.. too dire for us to face it alone. The place is fit for sustaining itself, but we don't have all the technology to fix the factories and make them running. This is why we decided to look at Rsx. They have a lot of technical knowledge, but our intel is reporting a critical lack of resources to keep up their place in Woodfield. This is why we offered a part of the production for their support.. which came shortly after a intense bargain. This accord had another effect as well, it lured in Zephyr. I'm quite sure they would love to stop this project, preferring to keep everything in Fairhaven. But they are greedy as well... they offered they economic help to the mission, in exchange of some freedom with the local market. While this isn't the original plan, their help is definitely useful, especially after we settled the matter by stating that the moral conduct of the place will follow our rules. Rules for not being feral beasts, like no public sex and keeping up some clothes. One of the reasons because you were contacted is because you should have these requirements, and your support in this mission would be really important. And if you hoped in a place free from Zephyr and Rsx.. that's quite impossible. But for sure, we'll a lot more freedom there than any we could have here."

Snowblind takes another glance around and gives a small wince like she was hurt at the news that the city was found empty with signs of survivors having tried to live there. "So we should all likely bring weapons... at least to start. But You got Zeypher and RSX to agree to the terms? That at least is some good news." Her sighs lingers on Rsp then Nai before she nods to herself. "I have no other questions, other then letting you all know that while out of the bubble I am still a very good medic. I might have a bit of a problem with the metal forms but if you..." She points to Nai, "And Gosha outside don't mind me giving a look over I should be alright with patching you up too."

Rosalyn begins tapping the edge of one hoof lightly against the ground. "So, a dangerous, mostly uninhabited region, rich in resources but lacking the infrastructure to harness them? That definitely sounds interesting! Do we have any information on the local nanite... preferences?" She shrugs. "Fairhaven has animalistic tendencies, Woodfield has its human variants, what about this Clairmont?"

Rsp seems upset at the prospect of Zephyr and RSX involvement, laying his ears back and supressing a growl. "How can this world move on with such sickness still festering in its' soul? I hope whomever came up with this accord has planned on earning our independence from it later... We cannot afford their disgusting ideologies to gain more traction..." The pale-furred vulpine takes a deep breath, opens his muzzle to speak again, and instead jumps as someone makes a noise outside, laying his ears back and looking around fearfully.

Nai grumbles a bit, visibly twitching. Firmly grasping hir coat at the elbows, and hissing softly. "I can understand RSX, but sssssszephyr? We'd be better off just offering to let them put us on leashes like little obedient puppies. They may just get a minor slice now, but if you're not careful they'll act as if they own the place a few monthss into anything." Nai eventually says, looking over at Snowblind mentioning checkups. "If I mussst..." Shi murmurs, hugging part of hir own tail. The odd-looking metal gecko-snake huffing after some more thought. "I think our job might be to find out what kind of preference the place hasss..."

"A pity," Gosha blurts as she hears of the survivors recent change in status. Anyone looking out the window can readily see the frown on her face. "Mercy on them all. Um, forgive me for interrupting. Continue." Her head shakes a few times as Nicole explains her theories and involvement of other parties, but this time she manages to hold her tongue and prevent from further delay.

"As long as none of the Zephyr or RSX officials tasked as representative think too highly of themselves, I don't think we'll have to worry. RSX is almost as vested as us in rebuilding, and Zephyr can be trusted so long as the credits are good and steady. Maybe it can even help wash away some of the bad blood between all our people." Twisting her head to listen again there's a rattling noise outdoors as she chuckles at Snowblind's comment. "Thank you dear, I'll keep that in mind. If you happen to need cover during the endeavor I'm more than suited. And I'd like to know what sort of Lost Ones are around too. Not a repeat of Oregon, I hope?" A mechanical hiss, what passes for a sigh for her, is the only response Rsp's comment is merited.

Nicole looks at Rsp, "It wasn't much of a choice. Zephyr and Rsx have their crimes that we won't forget, but it's not by putting aside their existence that we'll be able to make a new future... especially not a future based on hate.". The raccoon girl sighs a bit, "I can understand that you may not like the idea, but their resources are needed. To be honest, there isn't much of a independence since such thing is already there. Beside some rules, who will go to live in Clairmont will make the decisions. There won't be much place for interefences there.. A place for us to grow our children without corruption, a source of freecreds for Zephyr and munitions for Rsx, that's a good deal for everyone.". Turning to look at Snowblind and Ros, she adds, "Any competence is welcomed... we have to rebuild and run a city, any knowledge is important there. And about the ferals in the area... we haven't met them yet. That's what the scouts will have to do in that region." Nicoles takes a deep breath, "The matter is this. Right now, we are collecting resources and people that will be sent to Clairmont. Then, using the Zephyr and Rsx's vehicles, we'll move there and starts to rebuild. I won't hide that, there is a lot of work to do for everyone, the life is harsh and teamwork will be the key for success. There won't be the free meal at Zephyr's cafeteria, there won't be guarded streets and getting a job will be mandatory. But again, we'll have the freedom we are seeking and a place where we'll be able to educate our children without the decadent influence of Zephyr. Of course, this is a free choice.. and far from being a secret. If you have any question, any further doubt, this is the time for it.. and if you want to join us, we'll be sure to work together like a family."

"A new start. What Freehaven should have been after P-Day." Snow says and looks towards Nai. "If I have to insist I will. I don't want to push but I rather not harm you because I don't know that you need extra insulan do to your form or somthing. That goes for everyone actualy now that I know we are going to be the first after the scouts. Nicole, did all the scouts get a checkup before leaving with our local doctor?" Snow's question leads her to be looking back at the racoon. "Till we know what the nanites are like... It might be a mini P-day for all of us again when we go there. But the city... the city will be ours. Those of us that work on it. Our rules, not Z's not RSX's"

Rosalyn nods firmly in agreement. "Yes, the more of us that get involved from day one, the less likely any other interests will be able to manipulate the society that arises. Count me in."

"I'll go, of course. And maybe there will be someone there that will need us, just because they have not found any one, d-doesn't mean they don't exist..." He looks at Snowblind as the taur makes his proclimation, blanching a little. "You.. want to, do things to us?" He edges away, back toward a wall as he ducks his head.

Nai sighs a bit, arms crossed. "I don't really care about this kind of thing. You wanted help, I'm helping. Just don't do anything stupid with the help I'm giving.. That really goes for any of the factions." Nai murmurs, tail flicking a bit, eyes still on Snowblind. "Well, alright.."

Gosha uses her coils to pull back some before shaking her head a safe distance from the building's walls. "So long as this does not become a stepping point to bigotry or isolationism, I think I'm satisfied with what you're saying. What everyone needs these days is hope, cooperation, progress. This... Clairmont? It sounds like just what we need. But, uh, I might need to acquire some infection samples before I'm fit for riding." There's a scraping noise as she adjusts again, painfully aware of how much of the village she takes up.

"Standard check-up, it's not like the city has some of those... goo, devouring nanites nor mind-controlling ones. True, there could be something else, but after a couple of months of actual scouting and analysis, there shouldn't be dangers like those. This isn't an excuse to lower our guard, of course." Nicole replies, before nodding at Rosalyn, "Yes sister, that's quite the point. Also, by being a jointed effort, this won't be seen like 'The Promethean's city', which wouldn't be good for the future relationships. Instead, a new start where every citizen can influence the future of the city is a more... health and positive approach. I prefer to work alongside comrades, than spies sent from Zephyr or infiltrators from Rsx.". The raccoon girl takes another break, sipping some fresh water, "Yes, we need help. But we need the help of who can trust in this project, and be able to work alongside the others. Some of the leaders weren't happy about having Rsx and Zephyr in the project. There are people against this project as well, calling it a failure. And while Zephyr and Rsx shouldn't work against us, in their own interest, they won't drop a tear if things go bad. Help? Yes, we need all the help and supports from the people that will accept to take this task. You'll be alone out there, quite isolated since it's a long travel from Fairhaven, so if you don't think you can cover the back of another prometheans or a Zephyr or Rsx agent.. then I would ask to step back. I'm not asking any of you of hug the other faction's members.. but to be able to consider them allies and work along them."

Snowblind nods "That I can do." The taur says before uncrossing her forepaws and getting up into a seated position. "Little fox, Rsp Right? I want to keep you alive is all. I promass that I will do nothing to you that you do not alow me to." She places a hand over her heart as she says this then looks around once more at everyone here. With a bit of a nod she smiles slightly before looking outside. "We may need a bit bigger form Gosha, but when you come for your checkup can you be in the form you are thinking of going to Clairmont in?" With that said she tugs at the him of her jacket a bit in what may just be a nervious act.

Rosalyn's fingers toy with one of the small devices at her waist as she addresses Nicole. "I'll need a bit of time to conclude some dealings in town, but I've many capable hands I can leave my current projects in. How far away is Clairmont, and when did you plan on having us set out?"

Rsp looks curiously at Gosha, then asks "Are we riding *you*? I thought miss Nicole said that there were cars or something." He looks back to Snowblind with a slight frown, but does nod a little. "I'm sorry... I guess it'll be okay. I just, d-don't like people who say they're d-doctors."

Nai uncoils, for the most part, leaning on hir stick. Just being all ears for a moment. "I already said I don't really care. I already don't like 'people'. Individuals are alright provided they don't shit in my corn flakes." Nai murmurs, softly.

"I think I'll be able to manage." Pressing her ear near the window to listen to the other agents talk within, her head briefly tilts down to nod with Snow's request. "Understood. For convenience's sake I will probably go with the... Fey Folke, strain, I think most people call it? Relatively easy to acquire samples, and tend not to conflict with old gear." Rsp's inquiry leads to another rattling laugh, head moving dangerously close to the wall before she catches herself and stops from knocking in a wall. "No, I don't think any of you will be riding me. Not for this mission anyways."

"We managed to get access to those helicopters, so we'll be able to move without riding our sister." Nicole says, getting that sentence to try to relax a bit. She's clearly worried a bit, especially when she looks at Nai. After another sip of fresh water, she answers to Rosalyn, "We are collecting some materials and the starting resources. Food, money and basic gear.. and all the factions need to end their interviews as well. If I have to tell you a good estimations... within two weeks, the first group will land on Clairmont."

"I'm not a doctor, just a medic." Snow says with a smile and then gets onto her paws. "Two weeks to get ready ourselfs ready. Then we are there for how long till we are able to get the heli's back out there... incase." She says the incase softly as in her mind a list of things that might go wrong go through it. With a small shake of her head she smiles again. "Not that I don't think those of us here can't handle themselves. And I will have my lance... incase." That word again. But this time she keeps her smile all the way though it.

"Two weeks? That should give me all the time I need." Rosalyn pulls out a tablet, sketching down some notes with the stylus. "How large of a representation is each faction sending? I'm sure it'll take more than a dozen or so of us, to get an entire town up and running again."

Rsp looks around the room with an expression of dawning comprehension. He looks back toward Nicole suddenly and asks. "Wait, it's not just us here going, but a mixed group?! Like the other two factions are picking people out and they're going to all come too?!" He lays his ears back and whines. "But, how are they deciding who to send? What if they send bad people, or someone who doesn't like me?" He suddenly blinks as another realization hits him, and asks. "How are *you* deciding who goes? What has made you choose to offer this to us here?"

Nai snorts a bit and rolls hir eyes, then shakes hir head. Slithering up towards Nicole and leaning in close, eyes narrow. Then blushing a little and retreating. "You keep looking at me as if you're seeing a train crash in slow motion. Why?"

"Two weeks, understood." Much of the room's commentary is lost to Gosha as she briefly rises to stretch. Metal groans briefly as it's put under stress before there's a thump and the chimera is back at window-level. "Are you going to contact us at that time, or are we assume anyone who isn't back by then has excused themselves? And can we expect any of the closer survivor or sister communities to offer help if we need it? I'd rather not need to take the long trek to Fairhaven or Woodfield if it's unnecessary."

"I want to clear up another point. While I'm really glad if you can watch over your back, warriors is not we only need. Artisans, farmers, miners.. even traders. We need any kind of competence, because cooperation is the key to succeed. As for your question, Rosalyn..." Nicole says calmly, "We already have around two dozens of children, from Zephyr and Rsx as well, taking hold of the place. More will be sent during these two weeks, and as for the factions' representations... I can't answer yet. I expect around a dozen of people for each faction, maybe less, maybe more. I think this is the first interview. Also, I would love to know some extend of your abilities. I heard already of Snowblind and Rosalyn, a bit less from the others.". Then, she focus on Rsp, Gosha and Nai, "I'll decide upon the impression I got from all of you, and by what you are able to do. It's my duty to worry about this, being in charge of selecting the squad to go there. Both for the good outcome of the project and for your own safety. When you'll be out there, you'll be alone. Hours of helicopter from the nearest safe den. And I won't hide it, being the vehicles property of Rsx and Zephyr, likely you won't have the better places. I'm pretty sure that Zephyr and Rsx are sending competent people, because it's their interest for this to work out. This is one of the few things I'm sure of.".

Snowblind smiles at the racoon and gives a slight bow. "Good... good. But even though two weeks is good for getting ready for the trip, for today I need to get back out there and does what I can. Till I leave I still work here in Fairhaven." With that she offers a hug to the Racoon then to everyone in turn. Though when she gets outside (weither or not her hugs where acepted) she just gives Gosha a light pat agenst the side. "See you when your smaller dear." With that the medic taur heads back out once again."

Rosalyn returns Snowblind's hug affectionately. "Well, I hope to see you again soon, then!" After the taur medic leaves, she resumes taking notes on her device, remaining quiet for a bit to give Nicole time to address the others' concerns.

Nai ends up, if anything, accepting the hug. Afterwards, gathering up hir spear, and giving a brief, if a bit awkward bow. "I need to go prepare some paper, and teach the kids how to do some of it for when I'm gone.. There.. aren't a lot of people able to process that resource anymore, at least not around here." Nai also offers a handshake to the raccoon before leaving, waving to the rest. "Someone's going to want utilities when we get there, I think. Someone always wants utilities." Shi murmurs, stretching a bit. There's a bit of a clatter of metal scales. Then the soft sliding sound of the odd chimera leaving.

There's a soft thrumm from outside as Gosha hums in thought. Waiting a few moments for one of the others to offer their specialty first, she eventually leans in to offer her own area of expertise. "Before being sent to the field I, well, helped with the fields. If need be I can help with tending any fields or planting crops. I'm afraid I'm not too brushed up on ranching though, so it'll mostly be plants for me. Other than that I have some minor experience in medicine, infected classification, and fortifying buildings."

Aidan accepts the handshake with Nai with a smile, relaxing a bit, "I'm counting on you as well. Just.. I want you to know what's needed to survive in that place. In a way, accepting you to get part of this project means that I'm responsible for your life. I lost enough brothers and sisters, and I want to be sure of who I'm sending out there.". Then, the raccoon girl turns to Goasha, definitely smiling more "Knowledge about fields? That will be awesome. Food is one of our priorities, so if you can work there, it would be really awesome. For your other experiences, they are definitely useful for what are you going to face.".

Nai halts in the doorway, tapping the butt of hir stick against the floor, tongue flickering a bit. Looking back for a moment. "Don't worry, I'm good at avoiding danger. I might need help if I get in a fight but I think, if anything, you're going to need someone who can check things out without being chased back out by hostiles..." Nai explains, smiling brightly, blushing a little. "Be seeing you." Shi murmurs, closing the door and stopping outside to gently pat Gosha, trying to smile up at the odd mecha-like lady. "Take care everyone.."

Rsp listens to everyone as Nicole goes around the room, looking perturbed as each person lists their qualifications. By the time he's noticed the scrawny thing has managed to squeeze himself into a corner almost out of sight. "I... miss Nicole, maybe I shouldn't come." He says softly, lowering his eyes to the floor. "I-I don't think that I have any ability or skill that would be of use to anyone..."

Rosalyn glances up from her tablet at the shy fox as he makes his presence known again. "Oh, you'd be surprised at the types of talents that might come in handy when rebuilding a city from the ground up..."

"I'll see what I can do once we have a safe work environment then. Well, safer. I don't think it's really possible to have safe these days barring a few communities." The metal behemoth shifts some outside to make sure the departing Nai doesn't run into any obstacles on her way out. "And you probably have more to yourself than you realize. Erm, Gosha, by the way. To those who don't know me."

Nicole scritches underneath her chin. "I won't ask for anyone to join, if they don't feel up for it. And the place is safe.. the children did some work to put most of the buildings and fields to a decent situation. A lot needs to be done, but for now.. things are safe to move there. We wouldn't be seeking for skillful people, instead of soldiers otherwise." the raccoon girl says, before adding, "Even just being knowledge of economics, or knowing how to gather food with survival skills.. everything is useful. But only if you feel up for it.". After a pause, Nicole puts a paw on Rsp's shoulder, "It's your choice, Rsp. But not judge that on which skills you think to have."

"People call me Rsp, nice to meet you." The frail canid says softly toward Gosha as she speaks into the door. He looks up at Nicole and frowns a little, ears drooping. "There must be so many others with more skill, more... bravery. I want to help, but not at the expense of everyone else, not when someone better could have gone in my place!" He lets out a long breath, looking around the room.

Rosalyn shrugs at Rsp. "Well, it's up to you, whether or not you've got something to offer. But, the idea has to pique your curiosity at least a little bit, doesn't it?"

"You have to admit it is an interesting turn of events, even if you'd feel better keeping yourself away." Gosha adds in agreement with the others. "But understanding your own failings is just as admirable as taking part, if not moreso. Do not be afraid to remain here, I imagine the city won't be going anywhere."

"You can go, if you prefer." Nicole replies, giving a pat on Rsp's shoulders and stepping back, not adding more pressure on the fox, "It's not a matter of other people coming.. it's actually matter of people that wishes to leave the safety and easy life of this place. Also, is just our sisters are saying.. staying here is not a 'bad' choice or anything.". Then, rising her head and looking at Rosalyn and Gosha, the raccoon girls adds with a smile, "You seem to had decided, isn't it?"

"I want to go." Rsp says quietly, head still lowered. "I have done all I can to make this world a place that our children can live without being slaves or mere monsters to be sterilized and hunted like trophies..." He looks up at the raccoon, eyes glimmering as they catch the ambiant light. "If there's room for me to go, I will... And, I'll try not to get in anyones' way."

Rosalyn flashes a grin back at Nicole. "Oh, quite! I'm already making preparations as we speak. I just didn't want to bore the others with detailed discussions of provisions, transportation, chain of command heirarchy, and all that other droll stuff."

Gosha nods from outside the window. "There's only so much I can do here, and there is no shortage of people willing to take up the mantle in my absence. I'll join in with Clairmont."

"I think is settled then." Nicole says, giving a nice, yet soft pat on Rsp's shoulder. "I'll update you in a week or so... if for any reason, you prefer to stay here, please do. I want all of you to be prepared and willing, with no doubts." the raccoon girl says, a bit more serious, "Who goes to Clairmont.. is going to face the oldest war of all, fighting to survive and create a new future. Only working together this can be done."

Rsp looks at all of you in turn, speaking softly. "I hope the others chosen by RSX and Zephyr realize what this means for us. They have their old vices to go back to, their money and toys. All we have is hope, and each other."

Rosalyn raises an eyebrow. "You don't believe that there are those in their employ who also dream of a better future?"

Nicole pats her paws together, smiling just like a raccoon girl can do. "Alright than, I'll contact you next week.. by then, we should know how many people will join and how much resources will be needed before the expedition. Be sure to hug your family and friends... there won't be many trips with those helicopters. And... Thank you. Thank you all for this."

"It's the least we can do," Gosha says, finally joining in again. Something outside must have distracted her. "Any sort of future we can provide is better than that from the Lost Ones. The opportunity to mend old bridges is an added bonus."

Rsp looks over to Rosalyn and replies. "In my personal experience, they dream of a different future than I do, ma'am." He looks away and says softly. "I don't belong in their future." He looks back to Nicole and gives her an ingratiating smile. "Let me know when everyone is ready, I'll come."

Rosalyn mulls over Rsp's words, and turns back to Nicole. "Well then, it sounds like we're all in, for this venture! Is there anything else we should know?"

"Just that I count of you all. Whatever happens out there, you'll have only each other as help. Remember this. Also.. trust is earned, but it should still be offered if deserved. I have your comm's numbers, if anything happen, I'll inform you. Thank you again, brothers.. sisters. This is really our chance for a new start." Nicoles smiles and leads the people out of the room, clearly the raccoon girl about to do a lot of paperworks. She seems a bit tired, worried but at the same time relieved.. she seems to have hope for this group, and she can just wish them the best of luck.

Rsp departs New Dawn shortly after being excused from the meeting. He travels along some distance away from anyone else going back to town, and vanishes into the streets once you reach the suburbs...

Gosha's departure is no more spectacular. Approaching one of the domiciles briefly, she then visits the medical hut before striding off in the direction of the Mall and Zephyr HQ.