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<div></div><br> <br>There is a sudden, unexpected gust of wind that rattles the windows on this otherwise calm day. Heavy footfalls outside the door herald the arrival of a truly massive pair of breasts, and the large shadow dragon they are attached to. Her scales and eyes and especially her windblown hair glitter iridescent with reflected light. One can only guess what else of her does, as her nipples and groin are just /barely/ covered in black cloth that does nothing to hide her outrageous figure. Running her claws through her hair to push it back out of her eyes, she looks around to find the lobby of the saloon... empty. &quot;Huh, weird,&quot; she mutters before making her way to the back with long strides and taking the offering bowls out through the curtained inner doorway.<br> <br>Rotero arrives following a winding path through the deserted streets, unchallenged by any feral on this quiet afternoon. He pauses at the entrance of a large establishment before him, thinking for a moment whether to enter it or not. Though, he does step inside anyway catching smell of another presence in the building which looks almost deserted. He does not call out but steps carefully into the room, taking in the view of the surroundings.<br> <br>Nisha walks through the door and stretches her wings a few times before folding them at her back. She nods to the only other preson in the room, and begins to  look about at the lavish decorations on display.<br> <br>Sherri had walked in just behind Rotero, and was conveniently hiding her short frame behind him as the others showed up, only just peeking out from behind him. She didn&#39;t think that anyone would be in here and has just blindly followed him inside.<br> <br>The dragon from before reemerges from the interior room carrying bowls filled with fresh milk and fresh cum and is mildly startled to see the group that has arrived. &quot;Well hello there!&quot; she says, &quot;Welcome to the Mother&#39;s Milk Saloon, I&#39;ll be right with you in a minute.&quot; With great care not to spill any, she sets both bowls down in their appointed places and pauses a moment with her head bowed. Turning back to the group she flashes a brilliant smile as she continues, &quot;It&#39;s good to see our little spa is gaining some popularity. How can we help to ease your burdens this eve?&quot;<br> <br>Rotero naturally reaches for his pistol upon the sight of a shadow dragon, though he finds none after feeling about a bit. His form is lacking of any kind of weapon or gadget save a ear hoop, just as Zephyr personnel at the base is lacking his attendance tonight. As the beast moves, its form straining against its clothing, Rotero watches calmly, letting his arms fall harmlessly to his sides. It looks some kind of ritual but he is not certain of its origin nor has any knowledge thereof. He stands in front of Sherri sheilding her from the eyes of Natalie as best as he can. Being greeted rather amiably, however, he offers a matching smile, and says, &quot;Hello, to you as well. Interesting place you have here. I hope I am not intruding.&quot;<br> <br>Nisha turns to face the newcomer when she hears her enter the room. Nisha watches as the shadow dragon replaces the bowls she had seen when she came in. &quot;I was looking for some relief from the cold. Even with all this fur, it seems my body is determined that I be miserable when the temperature is low.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri nestles herself as closely behind Rotero as she can, trying to keep quiet and hidden. She learns more if she stays like that after-all, but she knows eventually she&#39;ll have to say hello too. She can&#39;t hide forever.<br> <br>The unnamed dragon&#39;s eyes grow hard and fixate on Rotero a moment, one hand held stiffly with fingers together and palm to the floor. Eventually her gaze passes, moving between the three of them, her lips remaining curved into a polite smile. Her gaze softens again while she replies, &quot;You are not intruding at all, this is a House of pleasurable relaxation and utmost care. If a warm and safe place to be for the next few minutes is all you wish for, than that is what we shall give you. Should you prefer to hide from strangers,&quot; she adds with a wink towards Sherri, &quot;we can accomodate that too.&quot;<br> <br>Rotero&#39;s eyes shift briefly from the dragoness towards the shadows before returning to her. The hand gesture is not missed either. The smile remains on his face reduces to a more formal one. &quot;House of pleasure,&quot; he lets the words roll over his tongue without adding more to the topic on his part. He notes Nisha&#39;s arrival, too, albeit belatedly and turns to greet her. Sherri is exposed, but then it is not like the dragoness did not notice her. &quot;Looks like this is going to be a party,&quot; he comments to the panther taur.<br> <br>&quot;In that case, thank you for your hospitality.&quot; Nisha says to the dragoness, and gives a small bow. She looks at Rotero when he speaks up, &quot;A party, huh?&quot; she muses, &quot;As long as you don&#39;t expect me to drink any alcohol, this should be interesting. I may have three times the body mass I used to, but I&#39;ll bet I still can&#39;t hold my liquor.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri freezes as she realises she&#39;s been spotted this entire time, and when Rotero moves from in front of her she starts her wings buzzing, prepared to take flight at a moments notice if anything that frightens her too much occurs.<br> <br>The dragon&#39;s smile breaks into a toothier grin as she slowly relaxes and drops her hand. &quot;Party if you like, food and drinks both alcoholic and not are all free. We do &#39;charge&#39; for our other services in a form of barter but it&#39;s never beyond anyone&#39;s means. Is there anything I can get or have brought out for you?&quot;<br> <br>The dragon&#39;s smile breaks into a toothier grin as she slowly relaxes and drops her hand. &quot;Party if you like, food and drinks both alcoholic and not are all free. We do &#39;charge&#39; for our other services in a form of barter but it&#39;s never beyond anyone&#39;s means. Is there anything I can get or have brought out for you?&quot;<br> <br>Rotero feels more relaxed with the turn of events. He winks at the female panthertaur as the dragoness explains the deal. Turning to Natalie once again, he says with a curious headtilt, &quot;Food sounds lovely right now. But what kind of charge do you expect from us?&quot; And gestures to both Nisha and Sherri.<br> <br>Nisha chuckles as the wolf winks at her. &quot;This should be an interesting night, provided I can afford it. I have credits, though my supply of them has dwindled as of late, I have a large amout of salvage I could offer for trade, however.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri slowly calms down, realising she isn&#39;t in any danger. She slowly starts to smile as she relaxes and eventually her wings stop buzzing behind her. &quot;Hello...&quot;. Up until this point her mind had been clouded with thoughts of flight, and escape so she wasn&#39;t entirely sure what was going on.<br> <br>The unnamed shadow dragon shakes her head once again. &quot;Nothing, food and drinks of any kind are free. We are proud of our hospitality here.&quot; Turning to Nisha she adds, &quot;We don&#39;t accept credits here. Salvage we will trade for, as well as other useful items. In the end it simply needs to be something of equal value. If one of our girls spends an hour tending to your needs then you would owe us an hour of your time in return. One which we would do our best to make pleasurable to all involved.&quot; She closes her eyes a moment as if listening to something far away before making a half-turn towards the north room. &quot;I&#39;m afraid I must be going now, please enjoy your stay. If you need anything just ask for Natalie, that&#39;s me, and I&#39;ll do what I can to make things right. Have a good night,&quot; she says, before vanishing through the north door further into the saloon.<br> <br>Rotero listens carefully to the hostess. He likes the deal so far, and a mischieful smile returns to his face. &quot;Did you hear that?&quot; he says turning to the other two. &quot;Free food and drinks. And lots of banging!&quot; Well, at least that&#39;s what he understands from Natalie&#39;s explanation. Pumping up a fist, he proclaims, &quot;I could make my home right here.&quot; The wolf is suddenly less of a Zephyr agent and leaning more towards a Promethean tendencies.<br> <br>Nisha can&#39;t help but laugh at Rotero&#39;s exhuberance. &quot;Free food is certainly always welcome these days.&quot; She says. &quot;With everything else going on, and especially since I got this taur morph, it can be hard to find enough food to feed myself on bad days. And some stress relief wouldn&#39;t go wrong right now either.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri finally speaks up a little more. &quot;Free drink sounds delightful, although I could do without food for the moment.&quot;. She smiles even more, genuine delight brightening her cute face.
<div></div><br> <br>There is a sudden, unexpected gust of wind that rattles the windows on this otherwise calm day. Heavy footfalls outside the door herald the arrival of a truly massive pair of breasts, and the large shadow dragon they are attached to. Her scales and eyes and especially her windblown hair glitter iridescent with reflected light. One can only guess what else of her does, as her nipples and groin are just /barely/ covered in black cloth that does nothing to hide her outrageous figure. Running her claws through her hair to push it back out of her eyes, she looks around to find the lobby of the saloon... empty. &quot;Huh, weird,&quot; she mutters before making her way to the back with long strides and taking the offering bowls out through the curtained inner doorway.<br> <br>Rotero arrives following a winding path through the deserted streets, unchallenged by any feral on this quiet afternoon. He pauses at the entrance of a large establishment before him, thinking for a moment whether to enter it or not. Though, he does step inside anyway catching smell of another presence in the building which looks almost deserted. He does not call out but steps carefully into the room, taking in the view of the surroundings.<br> <br>Nisha walks through the door and stretches her wings a few times before folding them at her back. She nods to the only other preson in the room, and begins to  look about at the lavish decorations on display.<br> <br>Sherri had walked in just behind Rotero, and was conveniently hiding her short frame behind him as the others showed up, only just peeking out from behind him. She didn&#39;t think that anyone would be in here and has just blindly followed him inside.<br> <br>The dragon from before reemerges from the interior room carrying bowls filled with fresh milk and fresh cum and is mildly startled to see the group that has arrived. &quot;Well hello there!&quot; she says, &quot;Welcome to the Mother&#39;s Milk Saloon, I&#39;ll be right with you in a minute.&quot; With great care not to spill any, she sets both bowls down in their appointed places and pauses a moment with her head bowed. Turning back to the group she flashes a brilliant smile as she continues, &quot;It&#39;s good to see our little spa is gaining some popularity. How can we help to ease your burdens this eve?&quot;<br> <br>Rotero naturally reaches for his pistol upon the sight of a shadow dragon, though he finds none after feeling about a bit. His form is lacking of any kind of weapon or gadget save a ear hoop, just as Zephyr personnel at the base is lacking his attendance tonight. As the beast moves, its form straining against its clothing, Rotero watches calmly, letting his arms fall harmlessly to his sides. It looks some kind of ritual but he is not certain of its origin nor has any knowledge thereof. He stands in front of Sherri sheilding her from the eyes of Natalie as best as he can. Being greeted rather amiably, however, he offers a matching smile, and says, &quot;Hello, to you as well. Interesting place you have here. I hope I am not intruding.&quot;<br> <br>Nisha turns to face the newcomer when she hears her enter the room. Nisha watches as the shadow dragon replaces the bowls she had seen when she came in. &quot;I was looking for some relief from the cold. Even with all this fur, it seems my body is determined that I be miserable when the temperature is low.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri nestles herself as closely behind Rotero as she can, trying to keep quiet and hidden. She learns more if she stays like that after-all, but she knows eventually she&#39;ll have to say hello too. She can&#39;t hide forever.<br> <br>The unnamed dragon&#39;s eyes grow hard and fixate on Rotero a moment, one hand held stiffly with fingers together and palm to the floor. Eventually her gaze passes, moving between the three of them, her lips remaining curved into a polite smile. Her gaze softens again while she replies, &quot;You are not intruding at all, this is a House of pleasurable relaxation and utmost care. If a warm and safe place to be for the next few minutes is all you wish for, than that is what we shall give you. Should you prefer to hide from strangers,&quot; she adds with a wink towards Sherri, &quot;we can accomodate that too.&quot;<br> <br>Rotero&#39;s eyes shift briefly from the dragoness towards the shadows before returning to her. The hand gesture is not missed either. The smile remains on his face reduces to a more formal one. &quot;House of pleasure,&quot; he lets the words roll over his tongue without adding more to the topic on his part. He notes Nisha&#39;s arrival, too, albeit belatedly and turns to greet her. Sherri is exposed, but then it is not like the dragoness did not notice her. &quot;Looks like this is going to be a party,&quot; he comments to the panther taur.<br> <br>&quot;In that case, thank you for your hospitality.&quot; Nisha says to the dragoness, and gives a small bow. She looks at Rotero when he speaks up, &quot;A party, huh?&quot; she muses, &quot;As long as you don&#39;t expect me to drink any alcohol, this should be interesting. I may have three times the body mass I used to, but I&#39;ll bet I still can&#39;t hold my liquor.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri freezes as she realises she&#39;s been spotted this entire time, and when Rotero moves from in front of her she starts her wings buzzing, prepared to take flight at a moments notice if anything that frightens her too much occurs.<br> <br>The dragon&#39;s smile breaks into a toothier grin as she slowly relaxes and drops her hand. &quot;Party if you like, food and drinks both alcoholic and not are all free. We do &#39;charge&#39; for our other services in a form of barter but it&#39;s never beyond anyone&#39;s means. Is there anything I can get or have brought out for you?&quot;<br> <br>Rotero feels more relaxed with the turn of events. He winks at the female panthertaur as the dragoness explains the deal. Turning to Natalie once again, he says with a curious headtilt, &quot;Food sounds lovely right now. But what kind of charge do you expect from us?&quot; And gestures to both Nisha and Sherri.<br> <br>Nisha chuckles as the wolf winks at her. &quot;This should be an interesting night, provided I can afford it. I have credits, though my supply of them has dwindled as of late, I have a large amout of salvage I could offer for trade, however.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri slowly calms down, realising she isn&#39;t in any danger. She slowly starts to smile as she relaxes and eventually her wings stop buzzing behind her. &quot;Hello...&quot;. Up until this point her mind had been clouded with thoughts of flight, and escape so she wasn&#39;t entirely sure what was going on.<br> <br>The unnamed shadow dragon shakes her head once again. &quot;Nothing, food and drinks of any kind are free. We are proud of our hospitality here.&quot; Turning to Nisha she adds, &quot;We don&#39;t accept credits here. Salvage we will trade for, as well as other useful items. In the end it simply needs to be something of equal value. If one of our girls spends an hour tending to your needs then you would owe us an hour of your time in return. One which we would do our best to make pleasurable to all involved.&quot; She closes her eyes a moment as if listening to something far away before making a half-turn towards the north room. &quot;I&#39;m afraid I must be going now, please enjoy your stay. If you need anything just ask for Natalie, that&#39;s me, and I&#39;ll do what I can to make things right. Have a good night,&quot; she says, before vanishing through the north door further into the saloon.<br> <br>Rotero listens carefully to the hostess. He likes the deal so far, and a mischieful smile returns to his face. &quot;Did you hear that?&quot; he says turning to the other two. &quot;Free food and drinks. And lots of banging!&quot; Well, at least that&#39;s what he understands from Natalie&#39;s explanation. Pumping up a fist, he proclaims, &quot;I could make my home right here.&quot; The wolf is suddenly less of a Zephyr agent and leaning more towards a Promethean tendencies.<br> <br>Nisha can&#39;t help but laugh at Rotero&#39;s exhuberance. &quot;Free food is certainly always welcome these days.&quot; She says. &quot;With everything else going on, and especially since I got this taur morph, it can be hard to find enough food to feed myself on bad days. And some stress relief wouldn&#39;t go wrong right now either.&quot;<br> <br>Sherri finally speaks up a little more. &quot;Free drink sounds delightful, although I could do without food for the moment.&quot;. She smiles even more, genuine delight brightening her cute face.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 10:17, 5 March 2015





There is a sudden, unexpected gust of wind that rattles the windows on this otherwise calm day. Heavy footfalls outside the door herald the arrival of a truly massive pair of breasts, and the large shadow dragon they are attached to. Her scales and eyes and especially her windblown hair glitter iridescent with reflected light. One can only guess what else of her does, as her nipples and groin are just /barely/ covered in black cloth that does nothing to hide her outrageous figure. Running her claws through her hair to push it back out of her eyes, she looks around to find the lobby of the saloon... empty. "Huh, weird," she mutters before making her way to the back with long strides and taking the offering bowls out through the curtained inner doorway.

Rotero arrives following a winding path through the deserted streets, unchallenged by any feral on this quiet afternoon. He pauses at the entrance of a large establishment before him, thinking for a moment whether to enter it or not. Though, he does step inside anyway catching smell of another presence in the building which looks almost deserted. He does not call out but steps carefully into the room, taking in the view of the surroundings.

Nisha walks through the door and stretches her wings a few times before folding them at her back. She nods to the only other preson in the room, and begins to look about at the lavish decorations on display.

Sherri had walked in just behind Rotero, and was conveniently hiding her short frame behind him as the others showed up, only just peeking out from behind him. She didn't think that anyone would be in here and has just blindly followed him inside.

The dragon from before reemerges from the interior room carrying bowls filled with fresh milk and fresh cum and is mildly startled to see the group that has arrived. "Well hello there!" she says, "Welcome to the Mother's Milk Saloon, I'll be right with you in a minute." With great care not to spill any, she sets both bowls down in their appointed places and pauses a moment with her head bowed. Turning back to the group she flashes a brilliant smile as she continues, "It's good to see our little spa is gaining some popularity. How can we help to ease your burdens this eve?"

Rotero naturally reaches for his pistol upon the sight of a shadow dragon, though he finds none after feeling about a bit. His form is lacking of any kind of weapon or gadget save a ear hoop, just as Zephyr personnel at the base is lacking his attendance tonight. As the beast moves, its form straining against its clothing, Rotero watches calmly, letting his arms fall harmlessly to his sides. It looks some kind of ritual but he is not certain of its origin nor has any knowledge thereof. He stands in front of Sherri sheilding her from the eyes of Natalie as best as he can. Being greeted rather amiably, however, he offers a matching smile, and says, "Hello, to you as well. Interesting place you have here. I hope I am not intruding."

Nisha turns to face the newcomer when she hears her enter the room. Nisha watches as the shadow dragon replaces the bowls she had seen when she came in. "I was looking for some relief from the cold. Even with all this fur, it seems my body is determined that I be miserable when the temperature is low."

Sherri nestles herself as closely behind Rotero as she can, trying to keep quiet and hidden. She learns more if she stays like that after-all, but she knows eventually she'll have to say hello too. She can't hide forever.

The unnamed dragon's eyes grow hard and fixate on Rotero a moment, one hand held stiffly with fingers together and palm to the floor. Eventually her gaze passes, moving between the three of them, her lips remaining curved into a polite smile. Her gaze softens again while she replies, "You are not intruding at all, this is a House of pleasurable relaxation and utmost care. If a warm and safe place to be for the next few minutes is all you wish for, than that is what we shall give you. Should you prefer to hide from strangers," she adds with a wink towards Sherri, "we can accomodate that too."

Rotero's eyes shift briefly from the dragoness towards the shadows before returning to her. The hand gesture is not missed either. The smile remains on his face reduces to a more formal one. "House of pleasure," he lets the words roll over his tongue without adding more to the topic on his part. He notes Nisha's arrival, too, albeit belatedly and turns to greet her. Sherri is exposed, but then it is not like the dragoness did not notice her. "Looks like this is going to be a party," he comments to the panther taur.

"In that case, thank you for your hospitality." Nisha says to the dragoness, and gives a small bow. She looks at Rotero when he speaks up, "A party, huh?" she muses, "As long as you don't expect me to drink any alcohol, this should be interesting. I may have three times the body mass I used to, but I'll bet I still can't hold my liquor."

Sherri freezes as she realises she's been spotted this entire time, and when Rotero moves from in front of her she starts her wings buzzing, prepared to take flight at a moments notice if anything that frightens her too much occurs.

The dragon's smile breaks into a toothier grin as she slowly relaxes and drops her hand. "Party if you like, food and drinks both alcoholic and not are all free. We do 'charge' for our other services in a form of barter but it's never beyond anyone's means. Is there anything I can get or have brought out for you?"

Rotero feels more relaxed with the turn of events. He winks at the female panthertaur as the dragoness explains the deal. Turning to Natalie once again, he says with a curious headtilt, "Food sounds lovely right now. But what kind of charge do you expect from us?" And gestures to both Nisha and Sherri.

Nisha chuckles as the wolf winks at her. "This should be an interesting night, provided I can afford it. I have credits, though my supply of them has dwindled as of late, I have a large amout of salvage I could offer for trade, however."

Sherri slowly calms down, realising she isn't in any danger. She slowly starts to smile as she relaxes and eventually her wings stop buzzing behind her. "Hello...". Up until this point her mind had been clouded with thoughts of flight, and escape so she wasn't entirely sure what was going on.

The unnamed shadow dragon shakes her head once again. "Nothing, food and drinks of any kind are free. We are proud of our hospitality here." Turning to Nisha she adds, "We don't accept credits here. Salvage we will trade for, as well as other useful items. In the end it simply needs to be something of equal value. If one of our girls spends an hour tending to your needs then you would owe us an hour of your time in return. One which we would do our best to make pleasurable to all involved." She closes her eyes a moment as if listening to something far away before making a half-turn towards the north room. "I'm afraid I must be going now, please enjoy your stay. If you need anything just ask for Natalie, that's me, and I'll do what I can to make things right. Have a good night," she says, before vanishing through the north door further into the saloon.

Rotero listens carefully to the hostess. He likes the deal so far, and a mischieful smile returns to his face. "Did you hear that?" he says turning to the other two. "Free food and drinks. And lots of banging!" Well, at least that's what he understands from Natalie's explanation. Pumping up a fist, he proclaims, "I could make my home right here." The wolf is suddenly less of a Zephyr agent and leaning more towards a Promethean tendencies.

Nisha can't help but laugh at Rotero's exhuberance. "Free food is certainly always welcome these days." She says. "With everything else going on, and especially since I got this taur morph, it can be hard to find enough food to feed myself on bad days. And some stress relief wouldn't go wrong right now either."

Sherri finally speaks up a little more. "Free drink sounds delightful, although I could do without food for the moment.". She smiles even more, genuine delight brightening her cute face.