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<div></div><br> <br>    Having been reported a loud crash from the east forest, Zephyr has sent out a team to investigate.
<div></div><br> <br>    Having been reported a loud crash from the east forest, Zephyr has sent out a team to investigate.
The forest is quite quiet, only the wind in the trees and sometimes a presumedly feral in the distance can be heard.<br> <br>A large golden scaled dragon clad  in heavy armor soon arrives on the scene, the 12 foot solar dragon&#39;s claws dig in to the soft forest soil as Seguro walks. Strapped upon the herm dragons back is a battered grenade launcher, and what appears to be numerous med packs emblazed with the Zypher logo. Seeing how shi is the first to arrive on site, Seguro leans up against the tree as shi a waits for the rest of the squad to arrive.<br> <br>Lochlan is the second one to come to the scene, in the more muscular and battle-ready of his two favourite forms - a winged dark elf. He makes a couple of circles in the air to assess what could have caused the crash, then lands softly on a big branch at the end of the clearing.<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura is currently wandering along after hearing word about something happening. Not having been on a mission in months and finding herself missing the fun of being plo-uh, helping Zephyr, she decided to come along and help out. For once though she doesn&#39;t have Ebony along with since it was kind of late and the other pony couldn&#39;t stay awake. Oh well, more mutants for her to fu-er, beat up. Yes.<br> <br>Bringing up the rear a male husky jogs up to the scene, slowly coming to a stop and lightly panting from exertion.  His senses tingled from the anticipation of getting his first real &quot;mission&quot; from his mysterious employers, and he looked around at his with critical eyes as he leaned up against a tree to catch his breath.<br> <br>The near silence in the forest suddenly is broken by a loud, terrified sounding scream from the north west. Though it doesn&#39;t sound like today&#39;s usual mutant ...<br> <br>Seguro looks over the rest of the assembled agents, the solar dragon&#39;s sun hued eyes lingering on the form of the nightmare as shi mutters to hirself in a hiss. &quot;There is a strain you don&#39;t see every day&quot; Seguro words break off in mid thought as the sound of a scream permeates the night air, the large dragon shudders at the sound, pulling the warn grenade launcher from its holster, the solar begins to move in the direction of the scream, hissing to the fellow agents as shi walks. &quot;Seems we don&#39;t have time for proper introductions, my name is Seguro by the way, I hope that the scream we heard was not someone becoming a feral&#39;s dinner tonight.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;We&#39;ve met before, I&#39;m sure. But in Zeph&#39;s headquarters I&#39;m usually smaller and more fey-like.&quot; Lochlan answers to Seguro, but then introduces himself to the others, some of which he sees for the first time. As he hears the piercing scream, the young man leaps in the air once again, trying to reach the source from above and better vision on whatever is happening in this forrest.<br> <br>Nekura of course wasn&#39;t really paying attention to the others as they started talking to one another but then again that&#39;s pretty normal for her. Yet upon hearing the scream the Nightmare heads off in the direction it came from. Not like she imagines there&#39;s anything that could compete with getting gang banged by three husky primes the other month!<br> <br>Rex&#39;s muscled feral body tensed at the sound of the shrill scream, his paws clenching as his large radar-like ears twitched and oriented into alertness.  He took several deep scent gathering breaths with his nose as he began to move, yet the air seemed only filled with hearty woodland scents, resins, and the cold dampness of winter. &quot;I heard something that way.. no, a little to the left.&quot; he barked lightly, gesturing to the north-west in alignment with his ears as the impromptu pack followed the sounds. Just what on earth was making this noise?  It didn&#39;t sound like any of the other ferals he was used to hearing in Fairhaven.  &quot;Call me Rex...&quot; he uttered brusquely, eying his teammates with a mix of suspicion and careful respect as they moved.<br> <br>Following the scream, the air seems to get hotter and smells of burnt wood and other materials. The agents soon stumble across the wreck of a eurofighter, the cockpit open with it&#39;s glass roof missing.<br> <br>The solar long golden scaled tapered tail sway slowly behind hir, its movement stopped at the sight of the downed plane, seguro hisses as shi begins look over the wreck with eyes. &quot;Hmm I wonder if the scream we heard was the pilot&#39;s. Anyway I wonder if the flight recorder is still intact.  It might give us a clue to what happened, perhaps a carrier nearby.&quot;  Without so much as a word the dragon begins to search the wreckage for both survivors or the flight recorder.<br> <br>On hir search Seguro notices the seat is missing from the cockpit too and the weapons all got removed and replaced by fuel tanks, making the fighter fit for large ranges, though most of them leaking fuel.<br> <br>Lochlan continues to circle from above, trying to locate signs of second crash location - deployed parachute most likely or other parts of the aircraft.<br> <br>NOt having the faintest clue the significance of the plane Nekura instead goes to look around for any signs of where the pilot(s) was/were drug off. It&#39;ll be hard to get a reward if she doesn&#39;t learn such an important thing. Nevermind she&#39;s also daydreaming about the possibility of being humped by whatever or whoever is responsible.<br> <br>Rex began to look around, scampering across the crash site as he began to investigate the wreck, looking for traces of the screamer.  His eyes and sensitive nose began to lightly sting from the thick scent of smoke and fumes in the air, forcing him to pull back slightly and return to the group as he gently coughed.  &quot;This is a....&quot; he paused, clearing his throat as he tried to remember what this strange machine was called. &quot;... a jet?&quot; he panted, his mind suddenly unlocking a fragmented burst of forgotten knowledge from a bygone time... a time before...  &quot;its... foreign?&quot; he asked, looking at Seguro and the rest of the team for confirmation.  &quot;How&#39;d it get here?  and someone brought it here and screamed, so where are they?&quot;  That the thought of that someone possibly being a human added urgency to the question, (and sent a small tingle through the &quot;domesticated&quot; Alpha which he decided to keep to himself)<br> <br>as the agents still look over the jet with Seguro looking for the blackbox, the kerosine leaking from the tanks catches fire, the flames quickly reaching said tank, heating it up and making the pressure inside rise.<br> <br>Seguro rummages  the wreckage of the downed fighter, golden claws turning over can examining debris  before shi rises hir regal head to address Rex with a hiss. &quot;It&#39;s a small short range Fighter craft fitted for extremely long ranges, perhaps it flew a crossed the ocean?&quot; Seguro stop to sniff the air, before hir head cranes around to see the fuel tanks catch fire, with a look of utter shock, the solar turns to run, trying to get clear of the plain before it explodes, shi shouts &quot;Run its going to blow!&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan decides to stay from above, continuing to search for signs of a second crash, or better - landing. He really, really wants to get hold on that fighter plane, just for all the salvage he can rip, but trusts enough the rest of the team to be able to deal with the flame. <br> <br>Deciding getting blown up wasn&#39;t exactly something she signed up for Nekura ends up exiting stage left rather speedily. At least she goes back the same way she came this time.<br> <br>Rex may not understand everything about the world anymore, but fire and explosions (and trigger happy agents) are something he was all too aware of.  At the Dragon&#39;s warning he takes off with a jolt, moving away from the fire on all fours as fast as his paws could take him.  In the distance he spies a large upturned tree bathed in the dim shimmering light of the flames and runs towards the base, diving down into the small crater left in the loamy forest soil where its mighty roots once were nested.  He squishes his body down deep into the hole and within the protection of the upturned earth and roots, and hopes it will be enough.<br> <br>Behind and below the agents the flames cause the fuel tank to burst, the kerosine inside exploding and destroying the aircraft&#39;s remains, sending debris flying into all directions. A few seconds later nothing is left of the jet, though a second sream can be heard, still coming from the north west.<br> <br>Lochlan sees the others fleeing, but is not quick enough to do anything before the explosion. As the smoke clears, he starts shouting from above &quot;The fuck, guys? Are you ok?! You let the fuckin&#39; plane blow up?! That babe was priceless!!!&quot; He leaves the others to regroup after the explosion and glides towards the northwest to explore something he have noticed. <br> <br>Rex feels a burst of heat and pressure rush over him.  After it passes, he climbs out of his crater and looks around at the exploded and flaming wreckage, eyes widening in awe at the flaming sea of fuel and smoke coating the area and turning the trees into candle-sticks.  His immediate concern however turns to the sound of the screaming which he rushes to follow, unwilling to lose it this time around, his eyes noticing the flying Lochlan above and following him.<br> <br>Soon after the explosion Lochlan and Rex find another crashsite, though not a plane this time, but a Feral Dragon, a large wound on it&#39;s side looking as if it crashed into the jet. The dragon has it&#39;s eyes closed, but is still alive, only unconscious, the wound already healing helped by the nanites.<br> <br>&quot;Rexie tie that thing to the tree, I&#39;m going further to the north-west.&quot; Lochlan shouts from above, then continues towards the dark-green piece of cloth he had spotted. Feral dragons, in his oppinion, were a dime a dozen. Fighter pilots from the other side of the world - something completely different.<br> <br>Rex blinks. &quot;tie that thing?  With what?&quot; he asks as he looks around, lightly scrambling about and taking deep sniffs of the air - he doesn&#39;t seem to find what he&#39;s looking for however.  He looks around once more, wondering just where Lochlan is headed, and gently easing away from the beast.<br> <br>Dolan getting closer to Lochlans destination, the agents now hear some whimpers. Finding a small clearing they find a human in a pilot&#39;s suit, a finnish flag on his arm, hanging in the ropes of a parachute that got cought in the trees. The reason of his whimpers gets quite clear, as below him a foxtaur is sleeping, but wakes up when the man spots the agents, letting out yet another terrified scream.<br> <br>Seguro rubs the back of hir head, hir burred vison slowly coming into focus, had shi been knocked out by the blast wave? With a sigh the dragon raises hirself back on shaky feet, trying to regain hir bearings, with the flick of a golden tail, Seguro dashes off to rejoin the other members of hir team.<br> <br>&quot;Oooh girl, you are up for a surprise.&quot; Lochlan lands on the higher branches of the same tree and starts pulling the fighter pilot up by the ropes of her own parachute. The fox taur, he doesn&#39;t care about yet. The thing looks rather climbing-challenged to him.<br> <br>Rex pauses as he spots the dangling Human in the trees, eyes growing wide for a moment at the hanging &quot;fruit&quot; Lochlan was reeling in, before he in turn notices the fox-taur beneath them.  As he looks at the lurking feral he feels a bolt of rage and indignation and sprints into action, plowing into the Fox-taur with a snarl.  There&#39;d be time to greet the human later and sort things out later.  He grapples with it, giving it several socks in the head and chest, while his feet kick and rake at its belly.  He snaps and snarls at it. &quot;GET LOST.&quot;<br> <br>Dolan the human feels himself getting pulled up, looks up at Lochlan and starts to scream continuously, only pausing to catch fresh air. Prefering to take his chances at ground level, he decides to cut the ropes with a knive. Below the human the foxtaur looks quite quizzed at the attacking Rex, only trying to block the attacks, but not attacking hirself, emitting a confused &quot;What the hell?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro happens to come across the two agents and what looked like a mutated human, the solar speaks &quot;Hello,  we mean you no harm , we can help you, but it is important that you come with us,  Are you able to understand what we are saying?.&quot;  The dragons blink quickly as shi watches the human and the foxtaur&#39;s response. The dragon hissing a reply to the two as shi shift back to human form, golden scales receding, giving way to pink human flesh, taloned hands become small human paws with stubby nails.&quot;Hmm seems  the fox still has a mind, there does this form put you at ease?  Look I  need to take you back to our HQ at Zypher you need your inoculations or you risk falling to this nanite plague.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Fuck dude, don&#39;t you even...&quot; Lochlan folds his wings,  jumping down after the pilot, then extends right before touching the ground and lands with a tumble. &quot;Dude, I&#39;m trying to save your ass. Stop running away, damnit!&quot;<br> <br>Rex the growling husky blinks at the sudden language and defensive posture and pauses, receiving a swift counter-move that sends him sprawling in bewilderment.  As he scampers back to his feet he holds himself tenderly, looking at the mutant with shock but doesn&#39;t make an aggressive move despite the conflicting instincts raging inside him. &quot;You talk?&quot; he barks, panting gently as he shifts to the back foot.  The human drops to the ground, and Rex stares, a sinking feeling dropping into his gut as he looks at the human and the fox.  He raises his paws up into the air, and takes a step back from the human, looking to Seguro and taking a second step back.  &quot;Ah shit...&quot;<br> <br>The human pilot falls right onto the foxtaur&#39;s back, making said fox jump and yip in surprise and the human scream once more as he flails to get off the foxtaur and towards Seguro who&#39;s shift he didn&#39;t even notice in the rush. Looking up at hir, he exclaims &quot;Hey, what&#39;s going on, miss? What the hell are those?!&quot; while pointing at the other agents and mutants.
The forest is quite quiet, only the wind in the trees and sometimes a presumedly feral in the distance can be heard.<br> <br>A large golden scaled dragon clad  in heavy armor soon arrives on the scene, the 12 foot solar dragon&#39;s claws dig in to the soft forest soil as Seguro walks. Strapped upon the herm dragons back is a battered grenade launcher, and what appears to be numerous med packs emblazed with the Zypher logo. Seeing how shi is the first to arrive on site, Seguro leans up against the tree as shi a waits for the rest of the squad to arrive.<br> <br>Lochlan is the second one to come to the scene, in the more muscular and battle-ready of his two favourite forms - a winged dark elf. He makes a couple of circles in the air to assess what could have caused the crash, then lands softly on a big branch at the end of the clearing.<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura is currently wandering along after hearing word about something happening. Not having been on a mission in months and finding herself missing the fun of being plo-uh, helping Zephyr, she decided to come along and help out. For once though she doesn&#39;t have Ebony along with since it was kind of late and the other pony couldn&#39;t stay awake. Oh well, more mutants for her to fu-er, beat up. Yes.<br> <br>Bringing up the rear a male husky jogs up to the scene, slowly coming to a stop and lightly panting from exertion.  His senses tingled from the anticipation of getting his first real &quot;mission&quot; from his mysterious employers, and he looked around at his with critical eyes as he leaned up against a tree to catch his breath.<br> <br>The near silence in the forest suddenly is broken by a loud, terrified sounding scream from the north west. Though it doesn&#39;t sound like today&#39;s usual mutant ...<br> <br>Seguro looks over the rest of the assembled agents, the solar dragon&#39;s sun hued eyes lingering on the form of the nightmare as shi mutters to hirself in a hiss. &quot;There is a strain you don&#39;t see every day&quot; Seguro words break off in mid thought as the sound of a scream permeates the night air, the large dragon shudders at the sound, pulling the warn grenade launcher from its holster, the solar begins to move in the direction of the scream, hissing to the fellow agents as shi walks. &quot;Seems we don&#39;t have time for proper introductions, my name is Seguro by the way, I hope that the scream we heard was not someone becoming a feral&#39;s dinner tonight.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;We&#39;ve met before, I&#39;m sure. But in Zeph&#39;s headquarters I&#39;m usually smaller and more fey-like.&quot; Lochlan answers to Seguro, but then introduces himself to the others, some of which he sees for the first time. As he hears the piercing scream, the young man leaps in the air once again, trying to reach the source from above and better vision on whatever is happening in this forrest.<br> <br>Nekura of course wasn&#39;t really paying attention to the others as they started talking to one another but then again that&#39;s pretty normal for her. Yet upon hearing the scream the Nightmare heads off in the direction it came from. Not like she imagines there&#39;s anything that could compete with getting gang banged by three husky primes the other month!<br> <br>Rex&#39;s muscled feral body tensed at the sound of the shrill scream, his paws clenching as his large radar-like ears twitched and oriented into alertness.  He took several deep scent gathering breaths with his nose as he began to move, yet the air seemed only filled with hearty woodland scents, resins, and the cold dampness of winter. &quot;I heard something that way.. no, a little to the left.&quot; he barked lightly, gesturing to the north-west in alignment with his ears as the impromptu pack followed the sounds. Just what on earth was making this noise?  It didn&#39;t sound like any of the other ferals he was used to hearing in Fairhaven.  &quot;Call me Rex...&quot; he uttered brusquely, eying his teammates with a mix of suspicion and careful respect as they moved.<br> <br>Following the scream, the air seems to get hotter and smells of burnt wood and other materials. The agents soon stumble across the wreck of a eurofighter, the cockpit open with it&#39;s glass roof missing.<br> <br>The solar long golden scaled tapered tail sway slowly behind hir, its movement stopped at the sight of the downed plane, seguro hisses as shi begins look over the wreck with eyes. &quot;Hmm I wonder if the scream we heard was the pilot&#39;s. Anyway I wonder if the flight recorder is still intact.  It might give us a clue to what happened, perhaps a carrier nearby.&quot;  Without so much as a word the dragon begins to search the wreckage for both survivors or the flight recorder.<br> <br>On hir search Seguro notices the seat is missing from the cockpit too and the weapons all got removed and replaced by fuel tanks, making the fighter fit for large ranges, though most of them leaking fuel.<br> <br>Lochlan continues to circle from above, trying to locate signs of second crash location - deployed parachute most likely or other parts of the aircraft.<br> <br>NOt having the faintest clue the significance of the plane Nekura instead goes to look around for any signs of where the pilot(s) was/were drug off. It&#39;ll be hard to get a reward if she doesn&#39;t learn such an important thing. Nevermind she&#39;s also daydreaming about the possibility of being humped by whatever or whoever is responsible.<br> <br>Rex began to look around, scampering across the crash site as he began to investigate the wreck, looking for traces of the screamer.  His eyes and sensitive nose began to lightly sting from the thick scent of smoke and fumes in the air, forcing him to pull back slightly and return to the group as he gently coughed.  &quot;This is a....&quot; he paused, clearing his throat as he tried to remember what this strange machine was called. &quot;... a jet?&quot; he panted, his mind suddenly unlocking a fragmented burst of forgotten knowledge from a bygone time... a time before...  &quot;its... foreign?&quot; he asked, looking at Seguro and the rest of the team for confirmation.  &quot;How&#39;d it get here?  and someone brought it here and screamed, so where are they?&quot;  That the thought of that someone possibly being a human added urgency to the question, (and sent a small tingle through the &quot;domesticated&quot; Alpha which he decided to keep to himself)<br> <br>as the agents still look over the jet with Seguro looking for the blackbox, the kerosine leaking from the tanks catches fire, the flames quickly reaching said tank, heating it up and making the pressure inside rise.<br> <br>Seguro rummages  the wreckage of the downed fighter, golden claws turning over can examining debris  before shi rises hir regal head to address Rex with a hiss. &quot;It&#39;s a small short range Fighter craft fitted for extremely long ranges, perhaps it flew a crossed the ocean?&quot; Seguro stop to sniff the air, before hir head cranes around to see the fuel tanks catch fire, with a look of utter shock, the solar turns to run, trying to get clear of the plain before it explodes, shi shouts &quot;Run its going to blow!&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan decides to stay from above, continuing to search for signs of a second crash, or better - landing. He really, really wants to get hold on that fighter plane, just for all the salvage he can rip, but trusts enough the rest of the team to be able to deal with the flame. <br> <br>Deciding getting blown up wasn&#39;t exactly something she signed up for Nekura ends up exiting stage left rather speedily. At least she goes back the same way she came this time.<br> <br>Rex may not understand everything about the world anymore, but fire and explosions (and trigger happy agents) are something he was all too aware of.  At the Dragon&#39;s warning he takes off with a jolt, moving away from the fire on all fours as fast as his paws could take him.  In the distance he spies a large upturned tree bathed in the dim shimmering light of the flames and runs towards the base, diving down into the small crater left in the loamy forest soil where its mighty roots once were nested.  He squishes his body down deep into the hole and within the protection of the upturned earth and roots, and hopes it will be enough.<br> <br>Behind and below the agents the flames cause the fuel tank to burst, the kerosine inside exploding and destroying the aircraft&#39;s remains, sending debris flying into all directions. A few seconds later nothing is left of the jet, though a second sream can be heard, still coming from the north west.<br> <br>Lochlan sees the others fleeing, but is not quick enough to do anything before the explosion. As the smoke clears, he starts shouting from above &quot;The fuck, guys? Are you ok?! You let the fuckin&#39; plane blow up?! That babe was priceless!!!&quot; He leaves the others to regroup after the explosion and glides towards the northwest to explore something he have noticed. <br> <br>Rex feels a burst of heat and pressure rush over him.  After it passes, he climbs out of his crater and looks around at the exploded and flaming wreckage, eyes widening in awe at the flaming sea of fuel and smoke coating the area and turning the trees into candle-sticks.  His immediate concern however turns to the sound of the screaming which he rushes to follow, unwilling to lose it this time around, his eyes noticing the flying Lochlan above and following him.<br> <br>Soon after the explosion Lochlan and Rex find another crashsite, though not a plane this time, but a Feral Dragon, a large wound on it&#39;s side looking as if it crashed into the jet. The dragon has it&#39;s eyes closed, but is still alive, only unconscious, the wound already healing helped by the nanites.<br> <br>&quot;Rexie tie that thing to the tree, I&#39;m going further to the north-west.&quot; Lochlan shouts from above, then continues towards the dark-green piece of cloth he had spotted. Feral dragons, in his oppinion, were a dime a dozen. Fighter pilots from the other side of the world - something completely different.<br> <br>Rex blinks. &quot;tie that thing?  With what?&quot; he asks as he looks around, lightly scrambling about and taking deep sniffs of the air - he doesn&#39;t seem to find what he&#39;s looking for however.  He looks around once more, wondering just where Lochlan is headed, and gently easing away from the beast.<br> <br>Getting closer to Lochlans destination, the agents now hear some whimpers. Finding a small clearing they find a human in a pilot&#39;s suit, a finnish flag on his arm, hanging in the ropes of a parachute that got cought in the trees. The reason of his whimpers gets quite clear, as below him a foxtaur is sleeping, but wakes up when the man spots the agents, letting out yet another terrified scream.<br> <br>Seguro rubs the back of hir head, hir burred vison slowly coming into focus, had shi been knocked out by the blast wave? With a sigh the dragon raises hirself back on shaky feet, trying to regain hir bearings, with the flick of a golden tail, Seguro dashes off to rejoin the other members of hir team.<br> <br>&quot;Oooh girl, you are up for a surprise.&quot; Lochlan lands on the higher branches of the same tree and starts pulling the fighter pilot up by the ropes of her own parachute. The fox taur, he doesn&#39;t care about yet. The thing looks rather climbing-challenged to him.<br> <br>Rex pauses as he spots the dangling Human in the trees, eyes growing wide for a moment at the hanging &quot;fruit&quot; Lochlan was reeling in, before he in turn notices the fox-taur beneath them.  As he looks at the lurking feral he feels a bolt of rage and indignation and sprints into action, plowing into the Fox-taur with a snarl.  There&#39;d be time to greet the human later and sort things out later.  He grapples with it, giving it several socks in the head and chest, while his feet kick and rake at its belly.  He snaps and snarls at it. &quot;GET LOST.&quot;<br> <br>The human feels himself getting pulled up, looks up at Lochlan and starts to scream continuously, only pausing to catch fresh air. Prefering to take his chances at ground level, he decides to cut the ropes with a knive. Below the human the foxtaur looks quite quizzed at the attacking Rex, only trying to block the attacks, but not attacking hirself, emitting a confused &quot;What the hell?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro happens to come across the two agents and what looked like a mutated human, the solar speaks &quot;Hello,  we mean you no harm , we can help you, but it is important that you come with us,  Are you able to understand what we are saying?.&quot;  The dragons blink quickly as shi watches the human and the foxtaur&#39;s response. The dragon hissing a reply to the two as shi shift back to human form, golden scales receding, giving way to pink human flesh, taloned hands become small human paws with stubby nails.&quot;Hmm seems  the fox still has a mind, there does this form put you at ease?  Look I  need to take you back to our HQ at Zypher you need your inoculations or you risk falling to this nanite plague.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Fuck dude, don&#39;t you even...&quot; Lochlan folds his wings,  jumping down after the pilot, then extends right before touching the ground and lands with a tumble. &quot;Dude, I&#39;m trying to save your ass. Stop running away, damnit!&quot;<br> <br>Rex the growling husky blinks at the sudden language and defensive posture and pauses, receiving a swift counter-move that sends him sprawling in bewilderment.  As he scampers back to his feet he holds himself tenderly, looking at the mutant with shock but doesn&#39;t make an aggressive move despite the conflicting instincts raging inside him. &quot;You talk?&quot; he barks, panting gently as he shifts to the back foot.  The human drops to the ground, and Rex stares, a sinking feeling dropping into his gut as he looks at the human and the fox.  He raises his paws up into the air, and takes a step back from the human, looking to Seguro and taking a second step back.  &quot;Ah shit...&quot;<br> <br>The human pilot falls right onto the foxtaur&#39;s back, making said fox jump and yip in surprise and the human scream once more as he flails to get off the foxtaur and towards Seguro who&#39;s shift he didn&#39;t even notice in the rush. Looking up at hir, he exclaims &quot;Hey, what&#39;s going on, miss? What the hell are those?!&quot; while pointing at the other agents and mutants.
The foxtaur meanwhile throws his arms up into the air, shouting &quot;Can&#39;t you even sleep anywhere in peace these days anymore&quot; while trotting off.<br> <br>Seguro smiles see that the human had calmed  down, still shi should take precautions, within moments the dragon&#39;s nice unit powers on, as shi aims a counter nano magic directly at the human, it should prevent random infections and make it safer to interact with out the worry of infecting the human. Seguro says is a calm tone, &quot;Greetings the two agents will not harm you,  there forms may be strange but they are not hostile, they are able to speak as I am, But you made land fall in the US, we were sent to investigate the crash, are you injured?&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan folds his wings again. &quot;My name is Lochlan. Your friendly neighbourhood flying elf dude. But if you prefer I can turn into something else - slime monster, dinosaur...&quot; He gives a somewhat creepy wink then leans on a nearby tree. &quot;Jokes aside, what were you doing here man? And what happened? You should have flown way too high for the bubble to affect you.&quot;<br> <br>Rex nods at the pilot, and takes another step backwards. &quot;...Hi.... name&#39;s Rex.&quot; he says with a light growl that he restrains, folding his arms together and looking at Seg.  &quot;You wanna fill him in? he barks, moving to take a seat for a moment and get a breather.<br> <br>The pilot just hides behind Seguro and shakes the head at hir question. As he hears Lochlan talk, he eases up a bit, but gets a quite dubfolded look as he asks &quot;Bubble, what bubble? The last thing before i had to eject was a larg ... dragon? But there are no dragons. And ... talking doggie?&quot; he asks, looking straight at Rex, then lets his mouth hang open.<br> <br>Seguro radios over hir come quickly getting in contact with Faction, &quot;Look we found an uninfected human, I am requesting a pick up, he is treated.&quot; Seguro looks back to human before answering hir questions, walking slowly toward him.&quot;Well it&#39;s a long story, but you&#39;re in the USA, a long story short is there is Nano technology fun amuck all over the place, and right now you are in a cloud of little robots, if left untreated they will reshape you into hundreds of forms, or worse they may cause you to louse a grip on your sanity without the treatment. Right now I am creating a field over you that can inhibit some of the more negative effects, so you need to stay close by. I think your would Is going  to get very strange from now on.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Meh, it&#39;s not that bad. You&#39;ll learn to cope and control it. But you didn&#39;t tell us why were you flying over this place?&quot; Lochlann inquires, before flying up to pick the parachute and whatever else is still on the tree. A consolation price for the fact that the plane blew up.<br> <br>Rex stands up, walking over to Seguro with a &quot;matter of fact&quot; look, giving the human a close look and a wag of his tail before talking to Seg.  &quot;We should move.  The locals would have to be blind to miss the explosion and smoke, and his screaming probably hasn&#39;t helped us.  Personally, I don&#39;t want to wait for that Dragon to come around.&quot;<br> <br>The human just stands in the clearing, his mouth still wide open as he stares at the husky before him, still not fully believing what he sees.<br> <br>Seguro takes the human&#39;s hand in hir own, dragging him along, talking as shi leads him away from the crash sight. &quot; Yes, I think you in for quite the shock once we get back to Zypher, what is that your called by?&quot; The former dragon waves to hir companions as leads him further away from the crash site, to an open clearing where mike might do a pickup with his chopper. Shi nods  to Lachlan  smiling at the question as shi asks, slipping hir hand within the humans own. &quot;Indeed why did you come here, your plane was modified to make  it a crossed the ocean no?&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan gathers the parachute and folds it as much as he can (for someone who&#39;ve never folded a parachute), tying the bundle with what&#39;s left of the cut cords. Satisfied with the result, he approaches the pilot once again and says directly &quot;Dude, empty your pockets. Then tell me what day of the week we are, how you are called and what&#39;s the maiden name of your mother.&quot;<br> <br>Rex pads along behind them, scanning the tree-line and sky for signs of malicious activity, pacing restlessly (and trying to best ignore the light pressure he was feeling in his groin).  &quot;How about where he came from?  That&#39;d be a nice start.&quot; he says with a growl as he watches Lochlan barrage the poor man with questions.<br> <br>The pilot looks at Lochlan, then slowly begins to answer &quot;It&#39;s tuesday, my name&#39;s Vilho and my mothers maiden name is none of your business. I&#39;m pilot of the ..... damn. I don&#39;t remember who sent me and why i&#39;m here ...&quot;<br> <br>Seguro swats a the small dark elf,  as shi confirms her hunch on the downed pilot, using her bio monitoring nano magic to quickly check the status of Vilho&#39;s health. With speaking hir reply to hir fellow agents. &quot; Sorry I think he has a concussion, he may not remember, anyways we should get him back to Zephyr, he needs his shots. You don&#39;t mind do you Vilho without them after a while you got kind of go crazy, and turn into a sex addict.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Well, his pockets don&#39;t have amnesia. And he might recall stuff like altitude, airspeed, flight route... C&#39;mon work with me flyboy!&quot; Lochlan reaches to check for the pockets himself, while trying not to look too intruding.<br> <br>Vilho shys away from Lochlan &quot;Hey, don&#39;t get too close to me&quot; he exclaims, keeping close to Seguro.
The foxtaur meanwhile throws his arms up into the air, shouting &quot;Can&#39;t you even sleep anywhere in peace these days anymore&quot; while trotting off.<br> <br>Seguro smiles see that the human had calmed  down, still shi should take precautions, within moments the dragon&#39;s nice unit powers on, as shi aims a counter nano magic directly at the human, it should prevent random infections and make it safer to interact with out the worry of infecting the human. Seguro says is a calm tone, &quot;Greetings the two agents will not harm you,  there forms may be strange but they are not hostile, they are able to speak as I am, But you made land fall in the US, we were sent to investigate the crash, are you injured?&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan folds his wings again. &quot;My name is Lochlan. Your friendly neighbourhood flying elf dude. But if you prefer I can turn into something else - slime monster, dinosaur...&quot; He gives a somewhat creepy wink then leans on a nearby tree. &quot;Jokes aside, what were you doing here man? And what happened? You should have flown way too high for the bubble to affect you.&quot;<br> <br>Rex nods at the pilot, and takes another step backwards. &quot;...Hi.... name&#39;s Rex.&quot; he says with a light growl that he restrains, folding his arms together and looking at Seg.  &quot;You wanna fill him in? he barks, moving to take a seat for a moment and get a breather.<br> <br>The pilot just hides behind Seguro and shakes the head at hir question. As he hears Lochlan talk, he eases up a bit, but gets a quite dubfolded look as he asks &quot;Bubble, what bubble? The last thing before i had to eject was a larg ... dragon? But there are no dragons. And ... talking doggie?&quot; he asks, looking straight at Rex, then lets his mouth hang open.<br> <br>Seguro radios over hir come quickly getting in contact with Faction, &quot;Look we found an uninfected human, I am requesting a pick up, he is treated.&quot; Seguro looks back to human before answering hir questions, walking slowly toward him.&quot;Well it&#39;s a long story, but you&#39;re in the USA, a long story short is there is Nano technology fun amuck all over the place, and right now you are in a cloud of little robots, if left untreated they will reshape you into hundreds of forms, or worse they may cause you to louse a grip on your sanity without the treatment. Right now I am creating a field over you that can inhibit some of the more negative effects, so you need to stay close by. I think your would Is going  to get very strange from now on.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Meh, it&#39;s not that bad. You&#39;ll learn to cope and control it. But you didn&#39;t tell us why were you flying over this place?&quot; Lochlann inquires, before flying up to pick the parachute and whatever else is still on the tree. A consolation price for the fact that the plane blew up.<br> <br>Rex stands up, walking over to Seguro with a &quot;matter of fact&quot; look, giving the human a close look and a wag of his tail before talking to Seg.  &quot;We should move.  The locals would have to be blind to miss the explosion and smoke, and his screaming probably hasn&#39;t helped us.  Personally, I don&#39;t want to wait for that Dragon to come around.&quot;<br> <br>The human just stands in the clearing, his mouth still wide open as he stares at the husky before him, still not fully believing what he sees.<br> <br>Seguro takes the human&#39;s hand in hir own, dragging him along, talking as shi leads him away from the crash sight. &quot; Yes, I think you in for quite the shock once we get back to Zypher, what is that your called by?&quot; The former dragon waves to hir companions as leads him further away from the crash site, to an open clearing where mike might do a pickup with his chopper. Shi nods  to Lachlan  smiling at the question as shi asks, slipping hir hand within the humans own. &quot;Indeed why did you come here, your plane was modified to make  it a crossed the ocean no?&quot;<br> <br>Lochlan gathers the parachute and folds it as much as he can (for someone who&#39;ve never folded a parachute), tying the bundle with what&#39;s left of the cut cords. Satisfied with the result, he approaches the pilot once again and says directly &quot;Dude, empty your pockets. Then tell me what day of the week we are, how you are called and what&#39;s the maiden name of your mother.&quot;<br> <br>Rex pads along behind them, scanning the tree-line and sky for signs of malicious activity, pacing restlessly (and trying to best ignore the light pressure he was feeling in his groin).  &quot;How about where he came from?  That&#39;d be a nice start.&quot; he says with a growl as he watches Lochlan barrage the poor man with questions.<br> <br>The pilot looks at Lochlan, then slowly begins to answer &quot;It&#39;s tuesday, my name&#39;s Vilho and my mothers maiden name is none of your business. I&#39;m pilot of the ..... damn. I don&#39;t remember who sent me and why i&#39;m here ...&quot;<br> <br>Seguro swats a the small dark elf,  as shi confirms her hunch on the downed pilot, using her bio monitoring nano magic to quickly check the status of Vilho&#39;s health. With speaking hir reply to hir fellow agents. &quot; Sorry I think he has a concussion, he may not remember, anyways we should get him back to Zephyr, he needs his shots. You don&#39;t mind do you Vilho without them after a while you got kind of go crazy, and turn into a sex addict.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Well, his pockets don&#39;t have amnesia. And he might recall stuff like altitude, airspeed, flight route... C&#39;mon work with me flyboy!&quot; Lochlan reaches to check for the pockets himself, while trying not to look too intruding.<br> <br>Vilho shys away from Lochlan &quot;Hey, don&#39;t get too close to me&quot; he exclaims, keeping close to Seguro.
Meanwhile in the distance a roar can be heard, followed by the flapping of large wings, from the sound the dragon that awoke again, but seems to fly away from the agents.
Meanwhile in the distance a roar can be heard, followed by the flapping of large wings, from the sound the dragon that awoke again, but seems to fly away from the agents.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 15:07, 23 January 2015





Having been reported a loud crash from the east forest, Zephyr has sent out a team to investigate.

The forest is quite quiet, only the wind in the trees and sometimes a presumedly feral in the distance can be heard.

A large golden scaled dragon clad in heavy armor soon arrives on the scene, the 12 foot solar dragon's claws dig in to the soft forest soil as Seguro walks. Strapped upon the herm dragons back is a battered grenade launcher, and what appears to be numerous med packs emblazed with the Zypher logo. Seeing how shi is the first to arrive on site, Seguro leans up against the tree as shi a waits for the rest of the squad to arrive.

Lochlan is the second one to come to the scene, in the more muscular and battle-ready of his two favourite forms - a winged dark elf. He makes a couple of circles in the air to assess what could have caused the crash, then lands softly on a big branch at the end of the clearing.

Meanwhile Nekura is currently wandering along after hearing word about something happening. Not having been on a mission in months and finding herself missing the fun of being plo-uh, helping Zephyr, she decided to come along and help out. For once though she doesn't have Ebony along with since it was kind of late and the other pony couldn't stay awake. Oh well, more mutants for her to fu-er, beat up. Yes.

Bringing up the rear a male husky jogs up to the scene, slowly coming to a stop and lightly panting from exertion. His senses tingled from the anticipation of getting his first real "mission" from his mysterious employers, and he looked around at his with critical eyes as he leaned up against a tree to catch his breath.

The near silence in the forest suddenly is broken by a loud, terrified sounding scream from the north west. Though it doesn't sound like today's usual mutant ...

Seguro looks over the rest of the assembled agents, the solar dragon's sun hued eyes lingering on the form of the nightmare as shi mutters to hirself in a hiss. "There is a strain you don't see every day" Seguro words break off in mid thought as the sound of a scream permeates the night air, the large dragon shudders at the sound, pulling the warn grenade launcher from its holster, the solar begins to move in the direction of the scream, hissing to the fellow agents as shi walks. "Seems we don't have time for proper introductions, my name is Seguro by the way, I hope that the scream we heard was not someone becoming a feral's dinner tonight."

"We've met before, I'm sure. But in Zeph's headquarters I'm usually smaller and more fey-like." Lochlan answers to Seguro, but then introduces himself to the others, some of which he sees for the first time. As he hears the piercing scream, the young man leaps in the air once again, trying to reach the source from above and better vision on whatever is happening in this forrest.

Nekura of course wasn't really paying attention to the others as they started talking to one another but then again that's pretty normal for her. Yet upon hearing the scream the Nightmare heads off in the direction it came from. Not like she imagines there's anything that could compete with getting gang banged by three husky primes the other month!

Rex's muscled feral body tensed at the sound of the shrill scream, his paws clenching as his large radar-like ears twitched and oriented into alertness. He took several deep scent gathering breaths with his nose as he began to move, yet the air seemed only filled with hearty woodland scents, resins, and the cold dampness of winter. "I heard something that way.. no, a little to the left." he barked lightly, gesturing to the north-west in alignment with his ears as the impromptu pack followed the sounds. Just what on earth was making this noise? It didn't sound like any of the other ferals he was used to hearing in Fairhaven. "Call me Rex..." he uttered brusquely, eying his teammates with a mix of suspicion and careful respect as they moved.

Following the scream, the air seems to get hotter and smells of burnt wood and other materials. The agents soon stumble across the wreck of a eurofighter, the cockpit open with it's glass roof missing.

The solar long golden scaled tapered tail sway slowly behind hir, its movement stopped at the sight of the downed plane, seguro hisses as shi begins look over the wreck with eyes. "Hmm I wonder if the scream we heard was the pilot's. Anyway I wonder if the flight recorder is still intact. It might give us a clue to what happened, perhaps a carrier nearby." Without so much as a word the dragon begins to search the wreckage for both survivors or the flight recorder.

On hir search Seguro notices the seat is missing from the cockpit too and the weapons all got removed and replaced by fuel tanks, making the fighter fit for large ranges, though most of them leaking fuel.

Lochlan continues to circle from above, trying to locate signs of second crash location - deployed parachute most likely or other parts of the aircraft.

NOt having the faintest clue the significance of the plane Nekura instead goes to look around for any signs of where the pilot(s) was/were drug off. It'll be hard to get a reward if she doesn't learn such an important thing. Nevermind she's also daydreaming about the possibility of being humped by whatever or whoever is responsible.

Rex began to look around, scampering across the crash site as he began to investigate the wreck, looking for traces of the screamer. His eyes and sensitive nose began to lightly sting from the thick scent of smoke and fumes in the air, forcing him to pull back slightly and return to the group as he gently coughed. "This is a...." he paused, clearing his throat as he tried to remember what this strange machine was called. "... a jet?" he panted, his mind suddenly unlocking a fragmented burst of forgotten knowledge from a bygone time... a time before... "its... foreign?" he asked, looking at Seguro and the rest of the team for confirmation. "How'd it get here? and someone brought it here and screamed, so where are they?" That the thought of that someone possibly being a human added urgency to the question, (and sent a small tingle through the "domesticated" Alpha which he decided to keep to himself)

as the agents still look over the jet with Seguro looking for the blackbox, the kerosine leaking from the tanks catches fire, the flames quickly reaching said tank, heating it up and making the pressure inside rise.

Seguro rummages the wreckage of the downed fighter, golden claws turning over can examining debris before shi rises hir regal head to address Rex with a hiss. "It's a small short range Fighter craft fitted for extremely long ranges, perhaps it flew a crossed the ocean?" Seguro stop to sniff the air, before hir head cranes around to see the fuel tanks catch fire, with a look of utter shock, the solar turns to run, trying to get clear of the plain before it explodes, shi shouts "Run its going to blow!"

Lochlan decides to stay from above, continuing to search for signs of a second crash, or better - landing. He really, really wants to get hold on that fighter plane, just for all the salvage he can rip, but trusts enough the rest of the team to be able to deal with the flame.

Deciding getting blown up wasn't exactly something she signed up for Nekura ends up exiting stage left rather speedily. At least she goes back the same way she came this time.

Rex may not understand everything about the world anymore, but fire and explosions (and trigger happy agents) are something he was all too aware of. At the Dragon's warning he takes off with a jolt, moving away from the fire on all fours as fast as his paws could take him. In the distance he spies a large upturned tree bathed in the dim shimmering light of the flames and runs towards the base, diving down into the small crater left in the loamy forest soil where its mighty roots once were nested. He squishes his body down deep into the hole and within the protection of the upturned earth and roots, and hopes it will be enough.

Behind and below the agents the flames cause the fuel tank to burst, the kerosine inside exploding and destroying the aircraft's remains, sending debris flying into all directions. A few seconds later nothing is left of the jet, though a second sream can be heard, still coming from the north west.

Lochlan sees the others fleeing, but is not quick enough to do anything before the explosion. As the smoke clears, he starts shouting from above "The fuck, guys? Are you ok?! You let the fuckin' plane blow up?! That babe was priceless!!!" He leaves the others to regroup after the explosion and glides towards the northwest to explore something he have noticed.

Rex feels a burst of heat and pressure rush over him. After it passes, he climbs out of his crater and looks around at the exploded and flaming wreckage, eyes widening in awe at the flaming sea of fuel and smoke coating the area and turning the trees into candle-sticks. His immediate concern however turns to the sound of the screaming which he rushes to follow, unwilling to lose it this time around, his eyes noticing the flying Lochlan above and following him.

Soon after the explosion Lochlan and Rex find another crashsite, though not a plane this time, but a Feral Dragon, a large wound on it's side looking as if it crashed into the jet. The dragon has it's eyes closed, but is still alive, only unconscious, the wound already healing helped by the nanites.

"Rexie tie that thing to the tree, I'm going further to the north-west." Lochlan shouts from above, then continues towards the dark-green piece of cloth he had spotted. Feral dragons, in his oppinion, were a dime a dozen. Fighter pilots from the other side of the world - something completely different.

Rex blinks. "tie that thing? With what?" he asks as he looks around, lightly scrambling about and taking deep sniffs of the air - he doesn't seem to find what he's looking for however. He looks around once more, wondering just where Lochlan is headed, and gently easing away from the beast.

Getting closer to Lochlans destination, the agents now hear some whimpers. Finding a small clearing they find a human in a pilot's suit, a finnish flag on his arm, hanging in the ropes of a parachute that got cought in the trees. The reason of his whimpers gets quite clear, as below him a foxtaur is sleeping, but wakes up when the man spots the agents, letting out yet another terrified scream.

Seguro rubs the back of hir head, hir burred vison slowly coming into focus, had shi been knocked out by the blast wave? With a sigh the dragon raises hirself back on shaky feet, trying to regain hir bearings, with the flick of a golden tail, Seguro dashes off to rejoin the other members of hir team.

"Oooh girl, you are up for a surprise." Lochlan lands on the higher branches of the same tree and starts pulling the fighter pilot up by the ropes of her own parachute. The fox taur, he doesn't care about yet. The thing looks rather climbing-challenged to him.

Rex pauses as he spots the dangling Human in the trees, eyes growing wide for a moment at the hanging "fruit" Lochlan was reeling in, before he in turn notices the fox-taur beneath them. As he looks at the lurking feral he feels a bolt of rage and indignation and sprints into action, plowing into the Fox-taur with a snarl. There'd be time to greet the human later and sort things out later. He grapples with it, giving it several socks in the head and chest, while his feet kick and rake at its belly. He snaps and snarls at it. "GET LOST."

The human feels himself getting pulled up, looks up at Lochlan and starts to scream continuously, only pausing to catch fresh air. Prefering to take his chances at ground level, he decides to cut the ropes with a knive. Below the human the foxtaur looks quite quizzed at the attacking Rex, only trying to block the attacks, but not attacking hirself, emitting a confused "What the hell?"

Seguro happens to come across the two agents and what looked like a mutated human, the solar speaks "Hello, we mean you no harm , we can help you, but it is important that you come with us, Are you able to understand what we are saying?." The dragons blink quickly as shi watches the human and the foxtaur's response. The dragon hissing a reply to the two as shi shift back to human form, golden scales receding, giving way to pink human flesh, taloned hands become small human paws with stubby nails."Hmm seems the fox still has a mind, there does this form put you at ease? Look I need to take you back to our HQ at Zypher you need your inoculations or you risk falling to this nanite plague."

"Fuck dude, don't you even..." Lochlan folds his wings, jumping down after the pilot, then extends right before touching the ground and lands with a tumble. "Dude, I'm trying to save your ass. Stop running away, damnit!"

Rex the growling husky blinks at the sudden language and defensive posture and pauses, receiving a swift counter-move that sends him sprawling in bewilderment. As he scampers back to his feet he holds himself tenderly, looking at the mutant with shock but doesn't make an aggressive move despite the conflicting instincts raging inside him. "You talk?" he barks, panting gently as he shifts to the back foot. The human drops to the ground, and Rex stares, a sinking feeling dropping into his gut as he looks at the human and the fox. He raises his paws up into the air, and takes a step back from the human, looking to Seguro and taking a second step back. "Ah shit..."

The human pilot falls right onto the foxtaur's back, making said fox jump and yip in surprise and the human scream once more as he flails to get off the foxtaur and towards Seguro who's shift he didn't even notice in the rush. Looking up at hir, he exclaims "Hey, what's going on, miss? What the hell are those?!" while pointing at the other agents and mutants. The foxtaur meanwhile throws his arms up into the air, shouting "Can't you even sleep anywhere in peace these days anymore" while trotting off.

Seguro smiles see that the human had calmed down, still shi should take precautions, within moments the dragon's nice unit powers on, as shi aims a counter nano magic directly at the human, it should prevent random infections and make it safer to interact with out the worry of infecting the human. Seguro says is a calm tone, "Greetings the two agents will not harm you, there forms may be strange but they are not hostile, they are able to speak as I am, But you made land fall in the US, we were sent to investigate the crash, are you injured?"

Lochlan folds his wings again. "My name is Lochlan. Your friendly neighbourhood flying elf dude. But if you prefer I can turn into something else - slime monster, dinosaur..." He gives a somewhat creepy wink then leans on a nearby tree. "Jokes aside, what were you doing here man? And what happened? You should have flown way too high for the bubble to affect you."

Rex nods at the pilot, and takes another step backwards. "...Hi.... name's Rex." he says with a light growl that he restrains, folding his arms together and looking at Seg. "You wanna fill him in? he barks, moving to take a seat for a moment and get a breather.

The pilot just hides behind Seguro and shakes the head at hir question. As he hears Lochlan talk, he eases up a bit, but gets a quite dubfolded look as he asks "Bubble, what bubble? The last thing before i had to eject was a larg ... dragon? But there are no dragons. And ... talking doggie?" he asks, looking straight at Rex, then lets his mouth hang open.

Seguro radios over hir come quickly getting in contact with Faction, "Look we found an uninfected human, I am requesting a pick up, he is treated." Seguro looks back to human before answering hir questions, walking slowly toward him."Well it's a long story, but you're in the USA, a long story short is there is Nano technology fun amuck all over the place, and right now you are in a cloud of little robots, if left untreated they will reshape you into hundreds of forms, or worse they may cause you to louse a grip on your sanity without the treatment. Right now I am creating a field over you that can inhibit some of the more negative effects, so you need to stay close by. I think your would Is going to get very strange from now on."

"Meh, it's not that bad. You'll learn to cope and control it. But you didn't tell us why were you flying over this place?" Lochlann inquires, before flying up to pick the parachute and whatever else is still on the tree. A consolation price for the fact that the plane blew up.

Rex stands up, walking over to Seguro with a "matter of fact" look, giving the human a close look and a wag of his tail before talking to Seg. "We should move. The locals would have to be blind to miss the explosion and smoke, and his screaming probably hasn't helped us. Personally, I don't want to wait for that Dragon to come around."

The human just stands in the clearing, his mouth still wide open as he stares at the husky before him, still not fully believing what he sees.

Seguro takes the human's hand in hir own, dragging him along, talking as shi leads him away from the crash sight. " Yes, I think you in for quite the shock once we get back to Zypher, what is that your called by?" The former dragon waves to hir companions as leads him further away from the crash site, to an open clearing where mike might do a pickup with his chopper. Shi nods to Lachlan smiling at the question as shi asks, slipping hir hand within the humans own. "Indeed why did you come here, your plane was modified to make it a crossed the ocean no?"

Lochlan gathers the parachute and folds it as much as he can (for someone who've never folded a parachute), tying the bundle with what's left of the cut cords. Satisfied with the result, he approaches the pilot once again and says directly "Dude, empty your pockets. Then tell me what day of the week we are, how you are called and what's the maiden name of your mother."

Rex pads along behind them, scanning the tree-line and sky for signs of malicious activity, pacing restlessly (and trying to best ignore the light pressure he was feeling in his groin). "How about where he came from? That'd be a nice start." he says with a growl as he watches Lochlan barrage the poor man with questions.

The pilot looks at Lochlan, then slowly begins to answer "It's tuesday, my name's Vilho and my mothers maiden name is none of your business. I'm pilot of the ..... damn. I don't remember who sent me and why i'm here ..."

Seguro swats a the small dark elf, as shi confirms her hunch on the downed pilot, using her bio monitoring nano magic to quickly check the status of Vilho's health. With speaking hir reply to hir fellow agents. " Sorry I think he has a concussion, he may not remember, anyways we should get him back to Zephyr, he needs his shots. You don't mind do you Vilho without them after a while you got kind of go crazy, and turn into a sex addict."

"Well, his pockets don't have amnesia. And he might recall stuff like altitude, airspeed, flight route... C'mon work with me flyboy!" Lochlan reaches to check for the pockets himself, while trying not to look too intruding.

Vilho shys away from Lochlan "Hey, don't get too close to me" he exclaims, keeping close to Seguro. Meanwhile in the distance a roar can be heard, followed by the flapping of large wings, from the sound the dragon that awoke again, but seems to fly away from the agents.