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Said interior of the building is all building-ish. Dirty, rubble strewn about from the blast, an armless wolf writhing about on the floor from the blast... From where the group is standing, they can see inside. There're some stairs on the left side of the entryway, some doors on the right... Nowhere to go on the left. Alley to the right of the porch, should anyone want to go around back.
Said interior of the building is all building-ish. Dirty, rubble strewn about from the blast, an armless wolf writhing about on the floor from the blast... From where the group is standing, they can see inside. There're some stairs on the left side of the entryway, some doors on the right... Nowhere to go on the left. Alley to the right of the porch, should anyone want to go around back.
&quot;You might want to split into two groups. Make it quicker.&quot;<br> <br>Hardly waiting for the smoke to clear, the coyote is through the freshly created hole and up the stairs. Does he have any self-preservation instinct at all?<br> <br>Rev rolls his shoulders, qnd draws his ebony blade. Which gleams as he stalks into the smoke. Spotting the wolf writing on the floor. He alters his course slightly, and stops a short distance away, then attempts to plant his foot on it&#39;s chest then cl<br> <br>cleave the ferals head from it&#39;s shoulders. While glancing about with a somewhat predatory grin. For any other ferals that may have been present nesr the entrance..<br> <br>Edel lifts her shoulders in a little shrug and heaves a sigh, shuffling off towards the building at a leisurely pace. Seems the others weren&#39;t wasting any time, but she was certainly going to take hers.<br> <br>Seguro spies the figure thought the smoke and dust though the whole in the destroyed building, with haste the dragon fallows rev into the destroyed building, fearing an ambush Seguro hides hir form using another nanite power Camouflage, soon hir form begins to vanish from sight, as the light its self bends around hir, flowing around hir like water upon a rock, hir form becoming little more than a distorted shimmer of its former self. Seguro readies hir  stun baton as shi steps inside.
&quot;You might want to split into two groups. Make it quicker.&quot;<br> <br>Hardly waiting for the smoke to clear, the coyote is through the freshly created hole and up the stairs. Does he have any self-preservation instinct at all?<br> <br>Rev rolls his shoulders, qnd draws his ebony blade. Which gleams as he stalks into the smoke. Spotting the wolf writing on the floor. He alters his course slightly, and stops a short distance away, then attempts to plant his foot on it&#39;s chest then cl<br> <br>cleave the ferals head from it&#39;s shoulders. While glancing about with a somewhat predatory grin. For any other ferals that may have been present nesr the entrance..<br> <br>Edel lifts her shoulders in a little shrug and heaves a sigh, shuffling off towards the building at a leisurely pace. Seems the others weren&#39;t wasting any time, but she was certainly going to take hers.<br> <br>Seguro spies the figure thought the smoke and dust though the whole in the destroyed building, with haste the dragon fallows rev into the destroyed building, fearing an ambush Seguro hides hir form using another nanite power Camouflage, soon hir form begins to vanish from sight, as the light its self bends around hir, flowing around hir like water upon a rock, hir form becoming little more than a distorted shimmer of its former self. Seguro readies hir  stun baton as shi steps inside.<br> <br>At the top of the stairs, there are more rooms! Two of &#39;em! Well, two that aren&#39;t blocked completely/clearly empty from where he&#39;s standing. One of the other doors open, and, bam. Lion beast lunging for him with its teeth. Sharp teeth. All... lion-y.
And, now there&#39;s a headless twitching corpse lying by the door. Glorious. Blade passes through bone, severs head. From a door not overly far from Rev, comes a hybrid lion/wolfdude. Erm, dudette. Lacking a dick. Tries to tackle him, since, he has the impreg parts she needs. Very heat-y, this one... Can&#39;t see the solar dragon.<br> <br>Seemingly not even phased by the appearance of the lionbeast, the coyote takes a diving tackle at the mutant&#39;s legs, avoiding the creature&#39;s attempted bite.<br> <br>Rev braces himself in place when he sees the lioness flying in his direction despite his abysmal aura. A grin parts his lips as he prepares for a possibky small fight with tbe lion...wolfess? Or whatever.<br> <br>Edel slips up the stairs and glances around, ears twitching under her hat. Once the others engage, she keeps moving, looking for either another flight of stairs or another room. If she was going to fight something, she at least wanted to find something worth some sport and exercise.<br> <br>Seguro remains silent, hir form adjusting slightly for the size of the building, shrinking in size the dragon waits for the stairs to cleared before, shi can move further.<br> <br>Redd manages to tackle the lion at the top of the stairs, able to get on top, should he so choose... As Edel passes both them, and Rev and Seguro&#39;s ground level altercation. In which, Rev now has a lioness grinding up on him, whispering such romantic things as &#39;fuck me full of babies&#39; to him.
Given there is only one other room that&#39;s not empty/completely blocked off by shit... She ends up in there. And, there&#39;s a muzzled arctic fox hanging upside down with a knife in his chest and pissed off look on his face. &lt;Thelergramor&gt; Also in that room is another lion-wolf hybrid. Male, and completely flaccid. Doesn&#39;t look rape-y! Possibly a Sexually Controlled Feral! He peers at Edel, sniffing at the air, blood on his claws and shit. Charges at Edel, taking a swipe at her with his claws.<br> <br>Tearing the sling off his rocket launcher, the coyote manages to tie the lionbeast&#39;s limbs down, effectively immobilizing him. &quot;One down, Anybody else up here?&quot; The coyote barely even tries to hide his presence from any ferals still around, calling out in hopes of a challenge. His ears pivot, listening for a response.<br> <br>Rev smirks, and lets out a soft chuckle when instead of attacking him the lion-wolfess hybrid grinds against him. &quot;Oh but of course I will my dear.&quot; The dusk dragon. Says as his strong hands explore her body. One caressing her sides, and moving to lightly fondle her rear. While the other comes to lightly fondle one of her breasts. While his face slips passed hers, and pressed against hrr neck. The solar dragon kisses her neck lightly as his hands move to hold her firmly against him. As his head pulls back just a smidge as his jaws open wide. Then his head lunges forwards his jaws gently closing around the spot on her neck right above her shoulder. His sharp fangs pierce the flrsh of her neck, and introduce his sedative like saliva into her bloodstream.<br> <br>Edel raises her brow at Thelergramor for only a brief moment before her attention is stolen by the charging feral. She leaps backwards out of reach of the feral swipe, a hand flying out to grab the edge of the door as she goes, intent on bringing it shut. &quot;Good, good... You&#39;re mine,&quot; she says, dropping into a ready stance, hand hovering above the hilt of her sword and ready for a draw. She doesn&#39;t, yet, though, and instead leaps forward to try to smash her knee into its abdomen.<br> <br>Seguro hears the scuffle upstairs and hurries up the stairs stun baton at the ready, being none too careful about the amount of sound shi is making as hir large clawed feet trudges up the ruined stairs, hoping to assist the agent up stair, arriving Seguro tries to assess the situation.<br> <br>Rev&#39;s deceptive seduction payed off, as that lionwolf thing collapses. Yup. All sedated and bleeding from the bite. At least it&#39;s less painful than having your throat torn out... But, while he was doing that, the other door flew open! Anotehr wolf comes out, this one hermaphroditic, and seeing that Rev is all occupied with his sister, runs upstairs towards Seguro! Grabs at the dragon. For rape.
The pissed off lion upstairs struggles against his bindings, fails to break out. Just keeps gnashing his teeth towards Redd.
Edel manages to bring her knee straight into the feral&#39;s abdomen, knocking the wind from his lungs. He remains standing, snarling angrily at the tanuki but too winded to attack right now...
Seguro comes upon Redd and a tied up Lionbeast! But, there&#39;s that door which was just closed!
Thel, currently wounded and muzzled, writhes around upside down, yelling muffled things at Edel.<br> <br>Rev catches the lion-wolfess as she collapses. The dusk dragon propers her against the wall, and whipsers. &quot;Sleep well my dear.&quot; He says while looking up in time to see the hermaphroditic wolf run up the stairs. The crouching dragon stands, and straightens his outfit. Before moving along to check out tbe room tbe wolf came out of.<br> <br>The opponent didn&#39;t press the attack. That was a mistake, and not one that Edel was going to make. In a flash, her blade is drawn in both hands and brought to its neck, but she does not make the cut. &quot;Surrender. You&#39;ve lost this battle,&quot; she says, eyes locked on the foe. &quot;Even a feral must know when they have been caught at a disadvantage.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro side steps the oncoming wolf morph, fire begins to crakle in the dragon&#39;s jaws, soon a blinding flash of yellow light and searing fire barrels down the hall, engulfing the wolfmorph aflame, Seguro then continues searching checking in doorways  for anything of interest.<br> <br>Rev finds that aside from the usual things ferals need to live, y&#39;know, food and shit, that the rooms is pretty much empty. WEll, devoid of interesting things, anyway. Just some furniture that&#39;s not in any kind of good condition.
The feral squints at Edel and her blade. Raises hands slowly in surrender while at the same moment, Thelergramor chews through his muzzle! &quot;Hey, Edel. Glad to see you. This fucker? He&#39;s different. Didn&#39;t rape anything the whole time I&#39;ve been strung up here. Nope. Just stabbed me a few times...&quot; Heavy handed delivery of exposition accomplished.
That wolf is on fire. Screaming. All kinds of burning going on as he flails and falls down the stairs... Rolls around, gets up, runs outside... Poor bastard.<br> <br>Rev pokes his head out of the rook when he hears the flaming wolf tumble down the stairs, and raises a brow. The n burstd into laughter as the wolf flees out the door. Then turning back to look over all the usless junk one last time. Before exiting the room, and heading upstairs to look around for something more interesting.<br> <br>Edel keeps her eyes steady on the feral before lowering her blade. &quot;Good.&quot; Stepping around behind the defeated opponent, she puts her clothing nanomagic to work conjuring up a length of silk fabric, stemming from somewhere within those voluminous sleeves, which she quickly puts to work trying to bind the feral&#39;s wrists together. Of course, since the fabric has to remain connected to her, it also serves as a sort of leash.<br> <br>Seguro continues to check the rooms hoping to find something of note, checking all the closed doors for any signs of life,  eventually shi heads back down the stairs to await hir fellow agents outside.<br> <br>As the coyote is finally satisfied that the lionbeast is secured, he smells something, &quot;Why do I smell fox?&quot; The coyote comes to the closed door, and gives it a firm shove (totally ignoring the doorknob). As the door opens, he sees the hanging fox, and goes to untie him. (though he puts the rope back around the fox&#39;s muzzle, need to keep him quiet if he&#39;s gonna sneak him off somewhere.) &gt;.&gt;<br> <br>Important non sexy feral is restrained, wordless, he remains. And, the hanging fox continues to try to free himself, with no success. &quot;Uh, thanks?&quot; He coughs, as there is still a knife in his chest. &quot;What ar- Ummpf&quot; Bound with rope, his muzzle is...
Seguro&#39;s search turns up no other ferals. Either this was a -really- small pack, or the rest aren&#39;t home...
And Rev similarly finds nothing of note. Just some more feral crap.<br> <br>Edit note: Fix the above paragraph. X_x<br> <br>As the coyote ties up the fox&#39;s muzzle, he pulls the knife out, and slips it into a pocket, (Always can use a even half-decent blade!) and tosses the fox over his shoulder, before dashing towards a back window.<br> <br>Rev takes his time climbing the stairs. Seeing as things seem to be coming to be wrapping up in tbe building. The dragon upon reaching the top of the stairs. Glances about, and heads fir the nearest room. To look about for anything interesring.<br> <br>Edel turns to finally help Thel down, only to see Redd already taking care of it. And... Putting the rope back on his muzzle. &quot;I don&#39;t think there&#39;s any need to do that now, is there? We should be helping him with that knife before anything- Hey!&quot; A tentacle slides out from under her robe, snaking out to try to catch Redd by the leg. &quot;You can&#39;t just go taking my friends like that, I&#39;m afraid.&quot;<br> <br>Rev finds a shitload of used dildos, vibrators and other assorted sex toys.
And, while Edel and Redd are having their altercation... Thelergramor remains all nude and bloody. And held captive by Redd.
Dick, who is still outside, walks over to Seguro. &quot;Hey, how&#39;d it go in there?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro nods to the human, hissing a quick reply &quot;Hmm I think that the nut dog may have found something good, what was hir namefoany who I am mostly keeping watch on the allies in case some of them try to flee, but if you want a status report, you just a com call away.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Fine, if he&#39;s your friend, I thought he was just another feral being held by them, That Dick guy did say we could keep anything valuable...&quot; With that, the coyote tosses the fox towards Edel, and grabs the lionbeast he tied up. &quot;I&#39;ll take this one instead then.&quot;<br> <br>Rev eyes all the clearly used sex toys, and backs out of the room. Shutting it behind him then heads back downstairs. Where he stops infront of the lion-wolfess he had sedated. &quot;Hmmmmmmm well it would be such a waste to leave you hear for a feral, or worse to claim my dear. So I think I will take you home, abd train you as a maid.&quot; He mutters mainky two himself before scooping her up, and draping the feral woman over his shoulder, and heads out the door, or what remains of it anyways.<br> <br>Edel brings her arms to catch Thelergramor as he is thrown, eyeing the fox for a moment before looking up at Redd. &quot;Fine by me,&quot; she says, the frown turning upside down and adopting a cheery tone. The tentacle withdraws from Redd and back up under her robe. &quot;Have a nice night, then! I just wasn&#39;t going to go having my friends being kidnapped.&quot; She sets Thel down and reaches up to pull the ropes off his muzzle. &quot;You doing alright there?&quot; She casts a glance to the more controlled feral being held by the filk cloth.<br> <br>Seguro taps hir clawed foot becoming annoyed at the amount of time this is taking, the dragon quickly switches forms barrowing the template for a moment of a larger mutant, quickly the dragon locks hir size stabilizer before regaining hir draconic form. Seg shouts at the now small human standing between hir ankles to move out of the way. Placing hir blade like claws within the second floor windows, seguro pulled hard trying to drop the wall of building. The walls was already weakened from the rocket launcher it would not take much more to bring it down, or at least shi hoped.<br> <br>Thelergramor smiles at Edel, happy now that he&#39;s free from bondage/torture/foxnapping. &quot;Oh, yeah, I&#39;m fine. Just bleeding a bit. IT&#39;ll heal... Uh, maybe, downplay your part in my rescue if you tell Jian about this? MAybe... Tell her I was all heroic or something?&quot; Shrugs, stands and proceeds to walk, well, limp, outside.
Rev meets no resistance from the sedated feral.
Dick gets out of the way, confused as to what Seguro was going to atte- &quot;Ah, got it.&quot; Doesn&#39;t get it.
And, while Seguro&#39;s effort was valiant, the only structural damage was on the first floor. And, thus, pull as shi did, the structure remains unharmed. Mostly. A brick comes loose and falls towards hir foot.<br> <br>Redd&#39;s lion struggles a bit, but is helpless.<br> <br>The coyote carries the lionbeast outside, and drops him at Dick&#39;s feet. &quot;Alright, how much was that job for? Wait, I forgot something.&quot; With that, he rushes back into the building, grabbing his rocket launcher, which was now missing it&#39;s strap, and had to be carried in a somewhat awkward fashion<br> <br>Rev turns back to look at the building as seguro fails in their attempt to wrip psrt of the wall off. And just waits for those left in the building to come out. However in the mean time he digs out a rope. To secure his captives hands, and feet. He raises a brow as best he can in his currejt form seeing as the coyote has more or less had tbe same idea he did.<br> <br>Once Thel moves off, Edel is just behind him, leading the silk-bound feral along as if she were walking a dog. Except bound by the wrists. &quot;Heeey. I&#39;ve got something for you, buddy,&quot; she calls out towards Dick before gesturing to the feral. &quot;Well, something for Zephyr to be taken there by you, that is. Get something to hold him, though, because the silk won&#39;t last.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro curses as hir attempt on the wall fails, looking down shi sees the agents finally exit the building, with a sigh, seguro undoes hir size stabilizer shrinking down back to hir normal size, before looking over the captives hir fellow agent retrieved. Sighing dragon begins patching up Thelegramor.<br> <br>Dick nods at Edel as she calls out to him, getting his totally-not-for-sex handcuffs out. And as the various agents move out of the building and such, he hand cuffs the important feral for... study? Eh, study makes sense. &quot;Hey, thanks. I&#39;ll tell ya right now I lied to bring you all out here. I just wanted Thelergramor brought out safely...&quot; And, Thelergramor responds with: &quot;Always getting other agents to do your work, Dick.&quot; And, then the fox is grabbed by Seguro for what must be the fifth or sixth time in his life... For medical attention! Dick again nods. &quot;I&#39;ll make sure Zephyr sends you something for the work. Just needs some paperwork done...&quot;
One shitload of paperwork later, and the agents/survivors and whatever the fuck you wanna call &#39;em recieve payment and... probably get on with their lives in some way...[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 08:44, 20 December 2014





Alright, there's this here street. It looks like a street. Buildings, alleys... a dumpster and other fun inconsequential stuff. Standing on the sidewalk is a non mutated human guy. Middle aged, armed, smoking a cigar... Zephyr employee, by the look of him. WAiting for the agents responding to the call that was sent out.

"First mission after crossing the continent, and they send me back to clearing out buildings." The mumbling continues until it's source, a relatively lanky coyote morph, comes into view of the human. "Evening, this just staging area or the final site?"

Rev arrives just behind the grumbling coyote. The darkly dressed, and battle hardened dusk drqgon chuckles. "Hey no use griping atleast you are getting paid." He says as he plucks a oddly croomed lokking cigarett from between his lips, and exhales a cload of smoke. "So what are we clearing out today?" He asks as he looks to the human agent.

Shuffling down the street, the hems of her regal black and gold robe shifting about her paws, was Edel. She was no Zephyr employee anymore, but she was quite the curious one and tended to listen in on their comms anyway. Arm propped up on the pommel of her sword, the tanuki pauses a few paces away and offers a tip of her hat in greeting, and not much else.

A rustle an jiggle of medical packs echoes though the empty streets, a 12 foot tall golden scaled dragon hurries along to meet up with hir fellow agents, covered in heavy combat armor, the solar dragon Seguro has nothing but a stun baton strapped to herm dragon's side. Breathing heavily Seguro awaits for more info from the human figure.

"Staging area. Final site is across the street." The human, whom Edel and Seguro would recognize as Dick Johnson, the human with the unfortunate name. Points out a building. A really average building. Absolutley nothing special about said building. Brick, if it matters... Windows all... window-y. "Ferals are holed up in it, and we want 'em gone. For... I wasn't told why. But, go in, make 'em get out, get payed for it."

"Question, or rather a couple. Anything valuable that should be saved? If not, how much of the building do they want intact?" The coyote stares at the building across the street. Almost certainly thinking about the fastest way to bring it down. Sometimes you can just tell that about a person...

Rev eyes the building across the street as he tskes another drag of his cigarett. "Hrmmnmnn so I take it there is probably a reason they want the building cleared out so let's try to keep the building intact shall we..."Tbe dusk dragon says while nudging the coyote, andpocketing the eyepatch he had been wearing, and blinks as his left eye adjusts to not being covered up.

Edel flips a swich on the scabbard of her sword and strokes her chin. "Close quarters, then, it sounds like. Fine by me. I always was better with my sword than I was with my bow." Her tail gives a little flick before curling around her feet. "Well. I am ready whenever, then! Providing someone else would like to take the lead."

Seguro's golden tail begins to sway, hir sun hue gaze looks over hir fellow agent, the dragon hiss to hirself. " At least they do not look to be a green lot." Seguro begins to look though hir medical supplies, and sorting hir gear to make ready for what may lay inside the feral's nest. Reading a mutant power, the dragon activates the mutant power lionwithin, in order to protect hir squad with a layer of protective nanites. Hir perpetrations complete Seguro readies hirself to move out with the rest of the squad.

"Anything valuable you find is yours if you want it. They just want the ferals moved. The building doesn't mean dick." Dick says while smoking that cigar. "I'll be out here, another team is on its way for backup if you end up captured or something..."

Lo and behold! Lion within adding a bit of protection to the sorry bast- I mean heroes about to embark on clearing a building.

Said building just sits there... Waiting...

Building means nothing to Zephyr? This means fun! "Alright, stand clear of backwash!" The coyote is all to eager to begin demolition... pulling forward a somewhat battered rocket launcher from it's sling on his back, though it still fires just fine.

Rev scratches his chin. "Hrmmmmmm if the building doesnt mesn dick. Why not just rig it to blow from outsi......." He trails off mid sentence, and winces as yote fires off a rocket. But doesnt exactly stand clear.

Edel slowly raises her brow as a rocket is fired off towards the building. She frowns a little and reaches up to adjust her glasses before dropping her arms to link them at the sleeve. "I am not sure if that was entirely... Needed," she murmurs, tail twitching again. "But I can't say I'm surprised."

Seguro watches the Coyote ready out a rocket launcher for use on the door, shaking hir golden head at the sight, hissing to the rest of the group. "Maybe we should see if it is unlocked first, or try picking the door? We fire that thing off and they will know we are coming; we will have then lost any chance to pick them off one by one." Seuro begins to Duck as the yote tries to fire the rocket launcher, the dragon hisses in a regal tone. "Really? And I thought I was bad with my nova."

And, now there's a whole in the building. From a rocket launcher. No more door. Shrapnel. Dick just blinks. "Huh. Riiight... They didn't ask for the building, so, do what you want with it."

Said interior of the building is all building-ish. Dirty, rubble strewn about from the blast, an armless wolf writhing about on the floor from the blast... From where the group is standing, they can see inside. There're some stairs on the left side of the entryway, some doors on the right... Nowhere to go on the left. Alley to the right of the porch, should anyone want to go around back.

"You might want to split into two groups. Make it quicker."

Hardly waiting for the smoke to clear, the coyote is through the freshly created hole and up the stairs. Does he have any self-preservation instinct at all?

Rev rolls his shoulders, qnd draws his ebony blade. Which gleams as he stalks into the smoke. Spotting the wolf writing on the floor. He alters his course slightly, and stops a short distance away, then attempts to plant his foot on it's chest then cl

cleave the ferals head from it's shoulders. While glancing about with a somewhat predatory grin. For any other ferals that may have been present nesr the entrance..

Edel lifts her shoulders in a little shrug and heaves a sigh, shuffling off towards the building at a leisurely pace. Seems the others weren't wasting any time, but she was certainly going to take hers.

Seguro spies the figure thought the smoke and dust though the whole in the destroyed building, with haste the dragon fallows rev into the destroyed building, fearing an ambush Seguro hides hir form using another nanite power Camouflage, soon hir form begins to vanish from sight, as the light its self bends around hir, flowing around hir like water upon a rock, hir form becoming little more than a distorted shimmer of its former self. Seguro readies hir stun baton as shi steps inside.

At the top of the stairs, there are more rooms! Two of 'em! Well, two that aren't blocked completely/clearly empty from where he's standing. One of the other doors open, and, bam. Lion beast lunging for him with its teeth. Sharp teeth. All... lion-y.

And, now there's a headless twitching corpse lying by the door. Glorious. Blade passes through bone, severs head. From a door not overly far from Rev, comes a hybrid lion/wolfdude. Erm, dudette. Lacking a dick. Tries to tackle him, since, he has the impreg parts she needs. Very heat-y, this one... Can't see the solar dragon.

Seemingly not even phased by the appearance of the lionbeast, the coyote takes a diving tackle at the mutant's legs, avoiding the creature's attempted bite.

Rev braces himself in place when he sees the lioness flying in his direction despite his abysmal aura. A grin parts his lips as he prepares for a possibky small fight with tbe lion...wolfess? Or whatever.

Edel slips up the stairs and glances around, ears twitching under her hat. Once the others engage, she keeps moving, looking for either another flight of stairs or another room. If she was going to fight something, she at least wanted to find something worth some sport and exercise.

Seguro remains silent, hir form adjusting slightly for the size of the building, shrinking in size the dragon waits for the stairs to cleared before, shi can move further.

Redd manages to tackle the lion at the top of the stairs, able to get on top, should he so choose... As Edel passes both them, and Rev and Seguro's ground level altercation. In which, Rev now has a lioness grinding up on him, whispering such romantic things as 'fuck me full of babies' to him.

Given there is only one other room that's not empty/completely blocked off by shit... She ends up in there. And, there's a muzzled arctic fox hanging upside down with a knife in his chest and pissed off look on his face. <Thelergramor> Also in that room is another lion-wolf hybrid. Male, and completely flaccid. Doesn't look rape-y! Possibly a Sexually Controlled Feral! He peers at Edel, sniffing at the air, blood on his claws and shit. Charges at Edel, taking a swipe at her with his claws.

Tearing the sling off his rocket launcher, the coyote manages to tie the lionbeast's limbs down, effectively immobilizing him. "One down, Anybody else up here?" The coyote barely even tries to hide his presence from any ferals still around, calling out in hopes of a challenge. His ears pivot, listening for a response.

Rev smirks, and lets out a soft chuckle when instead of attacking him the lion-wolfess hybrid grinds against him. "Oh but of course I will my dear." The dusk dragon. Says as his strong hands explore her body. One caressing her sides, and moving to lightly fondle her rear. While the other comes to lightly fondle one of her breasts. While his face slips passed hers, and pressed against hrr neck. The solar dragon kisses her neck lightly as his hands move to hold her firmly against him. As his head pulls back just a smidge as his jaws open wide. Then his head lunges forwards his jaws gently closing around the spot on her neck right above her shoulder. His sharp fangs pierce the flrsh of her neck, and introduce his sedative like saliva into her bloodstream.

Edel raises her brow at Thelergramor for only a brief moment before her attention is stolen by the charging feral. She leaps backwards out of reach of the feral swipe, a hand flying out to grab the edge of the door as she goes, intent on bringing it shut. "Good, good... You're mine," she says, dropping into a ready stance, hand hovering above the hilt of her sword and ready for a draw. She doesn't, yet, though, and instead leaps forward to try to smash her knee into its abdomen.

Seguro hears the scuffle upstairs and hurries up the stairs stun baton at the ready, being none too careful about the amount of sound shi is making as hir large clawed feet trudges up the ruined stairs, hoping to assist the agent up stair, arriving Seguro tries to assess the situation.

Rev's deceptive seduction payed off, as that lionwolf thing collapses. Yup. All sedated and bleeding from the bite. At least it's less painful than having your throat torn out... But, while he was doing that, the other door flew open! Anotehr wolf comes out, this one hermaphroditic, and seeing that Rev is all occupied with his sister, runs upstairs towards Seguro! Grabs at the dragon. For rape.

The pissed off lion upstairs struggles against his bindings, fails to break out. Just keeps gnashing his teeth towards Redd.

Edel manages to bring her knee straight into the feral's abdomen, knocking the wind from his lungs. He remains standing, snarling angrily at the tanuki but too winded to attack right now...

Seguro comes upon Redd and a tied up Lionbeast! But, there's that door which was just closed!

Thel, currently wounded and muzzled, writhes around upside down, yelling muffled things at Edel.

Rev catches the lion-wolfess as she collapses. The dusk dragon propers her against the wall, and whipsers. "Sleep well my dear." He says while looking up in time to see the hermaphroditic wolf run up the stairs. The crouching dragon stands, and straightens his outfit. Before moving along to check out tbe room tbe wolf came out of.

The opponent didn't press the attack. That was a mistake, and not one that Edel was going to make. In a flash, her blade is drawn in both hands and brought to its neck, but she does not make the cut. "Surrender. You've lost this battle," she says, eyes locked on the foe. "Even a feral must know when they have been caught at a disadvantage."

Seguro side steps the oncoming wolf morph, fire begins to crakle in the dragon's jaws, soon a blinding flash of yellow light and searing fire barrels down the hall, engulfing the wolfmorph aflame, Seguro then continues searching checking in doorways for anything of interest.

Rev finds that aside from the usual things ferals need to live, y'know, food and shit, that the rooms is pretty much empty. WEll, devoid of interesting things, anyway. Just some furniture that's not in any kind of good condition.

The feral squints at Edel and her blade. Raises hands slowly in surrender while at the same moment, Thelergramor chews through his muzzle! "Hey, Edel. Glad to see you. This fucker? He's different. Didn't rape anything the whole time I've been strung up here. Nope. Just stabbed me a few times..." Heavy handed delivery of exposition accomplished.

That wolf is on fire. Screaming. All kinds of burning going on as he flails and falls down the stairs... Rolls around, gets up, runs outside... Poor bastard.

Rev pokes his head out of the rook when he hears the flaming wolf tumble down the stairs, and raises a brow. The n burstd into laughter as the wolf flees out the door. Then turning back to look over all the usless junk one last time. Before exiting the room, and heading upstairs to look around for something more interesting.

Edel keeps her eyes steady on the feral before lowering her blade. "Good." Stepping around behind the defeated opponent, she puts her clothing nanomagic to work conjuring up a length of silk fabric, stemming from somewhere within those voluminous sleeves, which she quickly puts to work trying to bind the feral's wrists together. Of course, since the fabric has to remain connected to her, it also serves as a sort of leash.

Seguro continues to check the rooms hoping to find something of note, checking all the closed doors for any signs of life, eventually shi heads back down the stairs to await hir fellow agents outside.

As the coyote is finally satisfied that the lionbeast is secured, he smells something, "Why do I smell fox?" The coyote comes to the closed door, and gives it a firm shove (totally ignoring the doorknob). As the door opens, he sees the hanging fox, and goes to untie him. (though he puts the rope back around the fox's muzzle, need to keep him quiet if he's gonna sneak him off somewhere.) >.>

Important non sexy feral is restrained, wordless, he remains. And, the hanging fox continues to try to free himself, with no success. "Uh, thanks?" He coughs, as there is still a knife in his chest. "What ar- Ummpf" Bound with rope, his muzzle is...

Seguro's search turns up no other ferals. Either this was a -really- small pack, or the rest aren't home...

And Rev similarly finds nothing of note. Just some more feral crap.

Edit note: Fix the above paragraph. X_x

As the coyote ties up the fox's muzzle, he pulls the knife out, and slips it into a pocket, (Always can use a even half-decent blade!) and tosses the fox over his shoulder, before dashing towards a back window.

Rev takes his time climbing the stairs. Seeing as things seem to be coming to be wrapping up in tbe building. The dragon upon reaching the top of the stairs. Glances about, and heads fir the nearest room. To look about for anything interesring.

Edel turns to finally help Thel down, only to see Redd already taking care of it. And... Putting the rope back on his muzzle. "I don't think there's any need to do that now, is there? We should be helping him with that knife before anything- Hey!" A tentacle slides out from under her robe, snaking out to try to catch Redd by the leg. "You can't just go taking my friends like that, I'm afraid."

Rev finds a shitload of used dildos, vibrators and other assorted sex toys.

And, while Edel and Redd are having their altercation... Thelergramor remains all nude and bloody. And held captive by Redd.

Dick, who is still outside, walks over to Seguro. "Hey, how'd it go in there?"

Seguro nods to the human, hissing a quick reply "Hmm I think that the nut dog may have found something good, what was hir namefoany who I am mostly keeping watch on the allies in case some of them try to flee, but if you want a status report, you just a com call away."

"Fine, if he's your friend, I thought he was just another feral being held by them, That Dick guy did say we could keep anything valuable..." With that, the coyote tosses the fox towards Edel, and grabs the lionbeast he tied up. "I'll take this one instead then."

Rev eyes all the clearly used sex toys, and backs out of the room. Shutting it behind him then heads back downstairs. Where he stops infront of the lion-wolfess he had sedated. "Hmmmmmmm well it would be such a waste to leave you hear for a feral, or worse to claim my dear. So I think I will take you home, abd train you as a maid." He mutters mainky two himself before scooping her up, and draping the feral woman over his shoulder, and heads out the door, or what remains of it anyways.

Edel brings her arms to catch Thelergramor as he is thrown, eyeing the fox for a moment before looking up at Redd. "Fine by me," she says, the frown turning upside down and adopting a cheery tone. The tentacle withdraws from Redd and back up under her robe. "Have a nice night, then! I just wasn't going to go having my friends being kidnapped." She sets Thel down and reaches up to pull the ropes off his muzzle. "You doing alright there?" She casts a glance to the more controlled feral being held by the filk cloth.

Seguro taps hir clawed foot becoming annoyed at the amount of time this is taking, the dragon quickly switches forms barrowing the template for a moment of a larger mutant, quickly the dragon locks hir size stabilizer before regaining hir draconic form. Seg shouts at the now small human standing between hir ankles to move out of the way. Placing hir blade like claws within the second floor windows, seguro pulled hard trying to drop the wall of building. The walls was already weakened from the rocket launcher it would not take much more to bring it down, or at least shi hoped.

Thelergramor smiles at Edel, happy now that he's free from bondage/torture/foxnapping. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just bleeding a bit. IT'll heal... Uh, maybe, downplay your part in my rescue if you tell Jian about this? MAybe... Tell her I was all heroic or something?" Shrugs, stands and proceeds to walk, well, limp, outside.

Rev meets no resistance from the sedated feral.

Dick gets out of the way, confused as to what Seguro was going to atte- "Ah, got it." Doesn't get it.

And, while Seguro's effort was valiant, the only structural damage was on the first floor. And, thus, pull as shi did, the structure remains unharmed. Mostly. A brick comes loose and falls towards hir foot.

Redd's lion struggles a bit, but is helpless.

The coyote carries the lionbeast outside, and drops him at Dick's feet. "Alright, how much was that job for? Wait, I forgot something." With that, he rushes back into the building, grabbing his rocket launcher, which was now missing it's strap, and had to be carried in a somewhat awkward fashion

Rev turns back to look at the building as seguro fails in their attempt to wrip psrt of the wall off. And just waits for those left in the building to come out. However in the mean time he digs out a rope. To secure his captives hands, and feet. He raises a brow as best he can in his currejt form seeing as the coyote has more or less had tbe same idea he did.

Once Thel moves off, Edel is just behind him, leading the silk-bound feral along as if she were walking a dog. Except bound by the wrists. "Heeey. I've got something for you, buddy," she calls out towards Dick before gesturing to the feral. "Well, something for Zephyr to be taken there by you, that is. Get something to hold him, though, because the silk won't last."

Seguro curses as hir attempt on the wall fails, looking down shi sees the agents finally exit the building, with a sigh, seguro undoes hir size stabilizer shrinking down back to hir normal size, before looking over the captives hir fellow agent retrieved. Sighing dragon begins patching up Thelegramor.

Dick nods at Edel as she calls out to him, getting his totally-not-for-sex handcuffs out. And as the various agents move out of the building and such, he hand cuffs the important feral for... study? Eh, study makes sense. "Hey, thanks. I'll tell ya right now I lied to bring you all out here. I just wanted Thelergramor brought out safely..." And, Thelergramor responds with: "Always getting other agents to do your work, Dick." And, then the fox is grabbed by Seguro for what must be the fifth or sixth time in his life... For medical attention! Dick again nods. "I'll make sure Zephyr sends you something for the work. Just needs some paperwork done..."

One shitload of paperwork later, and the agents/survivors and whatever the fuck you wanna call 'em recieve payment and... probably get on with their lives in some way...