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[[The Enigma Complex Pt 1 - Discovery - RPLOG|Part 1]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 2 - The Termites - RPLOG|Part 2]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 3-1 - Ghost in the Machine - RPLOG|Part 3.1]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 3-2 - Ghost in the Machine - RPLOG|Part 3.2]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 3-3 - Ghost in the Machine - RPLOG|Part 3.3]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 3-4 - Ghost in the Machine - RPLOG|Part 3.4]], [[The Enigma Complex Pt 3-5 - Ghost in the Machine - RPLOG|Part 3.5]]
* [[User:Booker|Booker]]
* [[User:Booker|Booker]]
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<div></div><div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Pause. Rewind. Restore. We return to our heroes in the depths of the Bunker as they wait out the chaos on the upper section of hydroponics. The ultimate question is...what now? Do examine the rest of hydroponics or see what&#39;s further down?</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker continued to look over the floor they were currently on, the big tree in the middle obviously not being very interesting other than a testament to how long this place had been contructed. He glanced to Junes. &quot;I feel like there should be something of interest here... other than the big ol&#39; sky hole&quot; He pointed upward toward the apparent blue sky. as he meandered around poking around various corners and crannies.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes responded back &quot;i mean yeah just look at this place! lots around to see&quot; pointing up at the flower ysadora held they mention &quot;by the way i dont think that flower has a name so unless its a really rare one this might be something new!&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora situates the jar with flower in her messenger bag, then follows Booker&#39;s finger up to the illusory skylight. &quot;Why is that the only illusion, anyway? Do you think, maybe...it&#39;s hiding something? Should we climb up the tree to poke at it?&quot; Ysadora cranes her neck to look up and down the tree, then frowns behind her visor. &quot;Not like I&#39;d have any chance of it, even if I wasn&#39;t in this bulky suit. You know I&#39;m not the athletic type, but...&quot; Her eyes cut to Booker, leaving the obvious conclusion unsaid.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) While there&#39;s a great deal of overgrowth, the potential at play is great. While Ysadora is mainly focused on some pretty flowers growing out of a bucket of nearby soil, Booker and Junes note that it appears that, beneath the wild and untamed plants, there are hydroponic devices that were quite experimental for their time. While some are definitely not operational, they could be fixed to provide the Bunker with plenty of food. Umeko, meanwhile, spots what looks like a mole shuffling past a well obscured entry to a lower level. It looks kind of odd. It has no eyes and has large ears that seem to easily fold back to press tightly against its body.</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko continued looking about the hydroponics area carefully as she spoke, &quot;I definitely agree that there&#39;s likely something more down here, as evidenced by all this life... I feel like they had a bigger project going on somewhere, perhaps aquaponics or some sort of &#39;ark&#39; for the apocalypse...&quot; As she notices the mole, she points over to it and the direction as she went to inspect the way down and began to open it up, &quot;Aha! Over here! I think this might be the way, let&#39;s check it out and see what else is living in here.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Curious, Umeko moves forward and peers to the lower level. Readings suggest humidity is increasing as you go down and from what you can make out there&#39;s actually a small ecosystem. Several kinds of animals are making their best lives down here. Not a ton, but enough to be noticed. You can make out a passage to another lower level nearby, but a root from the massive tree has grown over it which is preventing all but the smallest of creatures to get through.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker wandered over to where Umeko had pointed out, looking around quietly. &quot;Weird...&quot; He nudged junes forward. &quot;You wanna sneak a peep?&quot; He chuckled, &quot;Well... hopefully they&#39;re friendly... We shall defend craig with our very lives.&quot; He placed a fist over his chest, a moment before. He gently tugged on June&#39;s attention-spanning leash. &quot;I do wonder wonder what kinda ecosystem developed in a sealed off bunker... aside from the fact that opening it probably ruined it.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Junes and Umeko take the lead and edge down to the floor below them, carefully moving through as to not disturb any local critters. Various vine like plants and roots hang and break up the space which makes it almost look like a miniature forest. There&#39;s the sound of movement here and there suggesting small animals make their home here.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes marvelled at the different forms of life and took it all in, from a small fuzzy creature with something hard on its back digging, moss with something white on them, some dragonfly with flowing bits that dart around freely, some creeping vines with something on them then more crabs and it seems some have some tails as well! they lowered slightly to let umeko have a look &quot;its amazing down there! i hope we can learn more but maybe we should clear out the cumrot first, as much as i want to just go down there and see these amazing things we can always later and be more careful to not disturb anything since we&#39;re suited up, plus if cumrot gets here who knows what could happen... whatever the case its clear this place needs to be protected&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora peers down. &quot;How long has this stuff even been sealed away to develop? I mean, this was built during the war, right? I&#39;m no scientist, but I feel like evolution usually takes longer than that.&quot; She pauses. &quot;Although...I guess with nanites nothing should be taken for granted. This could be a neat way to see how an ecosystem develops with nanits in isolation?&quot; Ysadora has now visibly waded so far out of her depth that the confusion registers on her face under the visor. &quot;Anyway, be careful down there, Junes. Umeko. We&#39;ll be ready to back you up, if you give the signal.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko carefully took a peek as well, before nodding in agreement with Junes, &quot;Yeah, we may have already disupted the ecosystem to a degree by simply coming here, but we should come back later when things are more cleared out and sanitary. Plus we&#39;ll need to find a way to get past those roots without hurting the tree... Perhaps shrinking down but hard to do with the hazmat gear.&quot; She looked back to Ysaddora, &quot;Well, this place was made during the Cold War but stranger things have certainly happened in nature after P-Day. Animals have changed like the three eyed fish, but it is strange how there would have been less nanites down here than the surface... There&#39;s also supernatural things to consider as well...&quot;</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker nodded to the group. &quot;Alright, so where to next? I assume we&#39;ll be sealing off this area for further exploration..&quot; He looked over amoungst the group. &quot;I mean do we even know how many floors are in this place?&quot;</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes answered back &quot;with the cockblock in front we might not need to seal, although have to decide whether we clear the cockblock or not but that&#39;s for later, anyways im backing up okay umeko?&quot; once ready they crawled backwards carefully, and avoided the root but reached a hand carefully and brushed it before lowering once again and crawling out &quot;hmm so where should we seal up out there...&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) As Junes says that, readings show almost no cumrot spores in the air. This area is almost devoid of the stuff. No additional sealing will be needed here.</div><div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes was low to the ground and nearly out before the two in the hole noticed something, deep in the hole partially obstructed by a tree was... something inhuman, obscured by shadow but distinguished from the pale white of a figure, the legs stretching, the left arm hidden but right facing lower with a slight movement and then the most distinguished feature being the round shape of a head but then two large dark pits where eyes would be just looking back</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes saw this and jumped back &quot;what is that!&quot; thankfully just about out as they stood up and asked anyone else see that a little behind that one tree?&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out her map. &quot;We only have so many seals, although I guess we could go back for more. How do we get to the next location we&#39;re supposed to seal off anyway? I&#39;d guess back the way we came?&quot; She studies the map closely, looking for a route to the next objective. Seeming to have an idea, she fiddles with her comms unit. &quot;Hey Syntax, can you hear us? We&#39;re in hydroponics right now, and there&#39;s a lot of weird stuff in here but no cumrot, thank goodness. Should we head to the silo across the way next, do you think, or-&quot; She cuts off at Junes&#39; exclamation. &quot;What is it, Junes?&quot; Squinting behind her fogged-up visor, there might be a few blurs in that direction but not much else. &quot;What did you see down there?&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko was getting ready to leave as she spoke, &quot;I don&#39;t know if we exactly have to seal it at this point, seemed to have been doing fine so far and the cumrot is receding at least, and not in here. Also what are you talking ab-&quot; She went to take a look for the creature, catching a glimpse of it and drawing her gun, just in case. &quot;What the hell is even that? I... I don&#39;t think it&#39;s an illusion, I&#39;m detecting anything... Honestly wish it was right about now...&quot; she said with quite a bit of concern in her voice.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes watched as booker reached a hand deep into the hole and in a surprising turn managed to hold the now illuminated creature as it turned out to be a pitch black opossum of sorts with the white figure revealed to be markings on its back, currently the opossum is limp with its mouth open</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker pulled the Oppossum out from its hiding place before bringing it out of the hole. He held it up and out. &quot;Its uhh... June&#39;s its just a small animal.&quot; He patted it head, carefully dodging the teeth if it was in typical possum pose with its mouth open. </div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes was watching wide-eyed and seemed even more surprised when the being was... actually rather cute! still those markings are scary but they held a hand up to gently pet the opossum &quot;mind if i hold onto that...is it a opossum? either way hmm we cant bring them with us with the cumrot but if we have some protection maybe, although for now we should plan for heading down the hall to whatever&#39;s next too...&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora gasps as the possum and its markings come into view. &quot;False alarm, uh, Syntax. We just found a totally rad animal down here. It&#39;s probably harmless?&quot; Despite the crazy metal creature just below, she stays perched on the second level for now. &quot;Junes is right, though. We can adopt this little friend later. Taking it out of here...to where there might be cumrot...that might not work out well.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko stared at the opossum in disbelief and put her gun away. &quot;Huh... Well those are some strange markings on it... I guess this is a much better outcome than it actually being some creepy little guy living in the bunker all these years... But yeah, we might as well leave him here for now, not like he&#39;s really going to get far. He is kind of cute though once you get past the weird pattern on his fur and all.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) As the lot gather around the little creature, the rumbling from above begins to fade.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker gestures upward, setting the possum back into the hole. &quot;Well seems like the uhh.. toasty lightshow upstairs is done... Shall we proceed to the next area and let this place get back to itself?&quot; He dusted his hands off on his suit.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes nodding and gave a small wave to the unusual critter &quot;yeah hopefully soon we can clear the source of the cumrot...or figure out whoever the dreamer is, although i have a good feeling even if some of the signals are ominous and sometimes vague, so let&#39;s go!&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora nods in assent to Booker&#39;s suggestion. &quot;Go on ahead, big boy. I&#39;ll be right behind you. The Dreamer awaits!&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko carefully made her way back up as well, &quot;Sounds good, careful heading back up though, make sure there isn&#39;t intense lingering heat or anything, not sure how intense it all ways up there.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) While the dangerous effects have cleared above, it looks like a completely different landscape. A desert wasteland, charred plants, and a dark cloudy sky. The distant top of the tree appears to be burning, though the actual bark of the tree is pretty much untouched. It&#39;s incredibly hot to the touch, but otherwise not nearly as burned as you might expect.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker headed back up to the hallway, heading back down the hallway, sort of dragging Junes with him. &quot;Well theres only one area left right?&quot; He gestured forward, quietly turning his head back toward Junes and anyone else following along.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes followed along with booker and at the wasteland &quot;hmm i heard volcanic ash is the best fertilizer so who knows, maybe this is the best for some of these plants?&quot; looking up and thinking of those eyes they felt when vanishing and thinking &quot;hmm I wonder if there&#39;s any other way we can chat with our dreamer or show we mean no harm...or how we&#39;re being watched? could be something like my biodetection or this uhh...nanite seeing ability&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out the map as they walk. &quot;That&#39;s right! The silo. It should be straight ahead. Oh, and we should probably be back on our guard for any cumrot.&quot; Pondering for a moment, she turns to Junes. &quot;I get the feeling this...presence either isn&#39;t able or isn&#39;t willing to communicate with us directly. That&#39;s just a hunch, though.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko looked around once they came up, giving a little whistle. &quot;What a strange place... I don&#39;t know if this &#39;Dreamer&#39; is even sapient honestly, but we should still be careful. If it tries to heat the place up again, be ready to raise the field so we can at least have a little buffer, though I think we&#39;re going to be at its mercy regardless. I guess we can keep on going to that silo though like Ysadora said, worth checking out.&quot;</div><div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) With hydroponics behind them, the group begins to return towards the way they came. As they tread old ground, a singular flower begins to bud in the wasteland behind them. Hope in a wasteland. Hopefully there&#39;s hope to get to the bottom of the weirdness of this place beyond.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) TO BE CONTINUED</div>
<div></div><div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Pause. Rewind. Restore. We return to our heroes in the depths of the Bunker as they wait out the chaos on the upper section of hydroponics. The ultimate question is...what now? Do examine the rest of hydroponics or see what&#39;s further down?</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker continued to look over the floor they were currently on, the big tree in the middle obviously not being very interesting other than a testament to how long this place had been contructed. He glanced to Junes. &quot;I feel like there should be something of interest here... other than the big ol&#39; sky hole&quot; He pointed upward toward the apparent blue sky. as he meandered around poking around various corners and crannies.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes responded back &quot;i mean yeah just look at this place! lots around to see&quot; pointing up at the flower ysadora held they mention &quot;by the way i dont think that flower has a name so unless its a really rare one this might be something new!&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora situates the jar with flower in her messenger bag, then follows Booker&#39;s finger up to the illusory skylight. &quot;Why is that the only illusion, anyway? Do you think, maybe...it&#39;s hiding something? Should we climb up the tree to poke at it?&quot; Ysadora cranes her neck to look up and down the tree, then frowns behind her visor. &quot;Not like I&#39;d have any chance of it, even if I wasn&#39;t in this bulky suit. You know I&#39;m not the athletic type, but...&quot; Her eyes cut to Booker, leaving the obvious conclusion unsaid.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) While there&#39;s a great deal of overgrowth, the potential at play is great. While Ysadora is mainly focused on some pretty flowers growing out of a bucket of nearby soil, Booker and Junes note that it appears that, beneath the wild and untamed plants, there are hydroponic devices that were quite experimental for their time. While some are definitely not operational, they could be fixed to provide the Bunker with plenty of food. Umeko, meanwhile, spots what looks like a mole shuffling past a well obscured entry to a lower level. It looks kind of odd. It has no eyes and has large ears that seem to easily fold back to press tightly against its body.</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko continued looking about the hydroponics area carefully as she spoke, &quot;I definitely agree that there&#39;s likely something more down here, as evidenced by all this life... I feel like they had a bigger project going on somewhere, perhaps aquaponics or some sort of &#39;ark&#39; for the apocalypse...&quot; As she notices the mole, she points over to it and the direction as she went to inspect the way down and began to open it up, &quot;Aha! Over here! I think this might be the way, let&#39;s check it out and see what else is living in here.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Curious, Umeko moves forward and peers to the lower level. Readings suggest humidity is increasing as you go down and from what you can make out there&#39;s actually a small ecosystem. Several kinds of animals are making their best lives down here. Not a ton, but enough to be noticed. You can make out a passage to another lower level nearby, but a root from the massive tree has grown over it which is preventing all but the smallest of creatures to get through.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker wandered over to where Umeko had pointed out, looking around quietly. &quot;Weird...&quot; He nudged junes forward. &quot;You wanna sneak a peep?&quot; He chuckled, &quot;Well... hopefully they&#39;re friendly... We shall defend craig with our very lives.&quot; He placed a fist over his chest, a moment before. He gently tugged on June&#39;s attention-spanning leash. &quot;I do wonder wonder what kinda ecosystem developed in a sealed off bunker... aside from the fact that opening it probably ruined it.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) Junes and Umeko take the lead and edge down to the floor below them, carefully moving through as to not disturb any local critters. Various vine like plants and roots hang and break up the space which makes it almost look like a miniature forest. There&#39;s the sound of movement here and there suggesting small animals make their home here.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes marvelled at the different forms of life and took it all in, from a small fuzzy creature with something hard on its back digging, moss with something white on them, some dragonfly with flowing bits that dart around freely, some creeping vines with something on them then more crabs and it seems some have some tails as well! they lowered slightly to let umeko have a look &quot;its amazing down there! i hope we can learn more but maybe we should clear out the cumrot first, as much as i want to just go down there and see these amazing things we can always later and be more careful to not disturb anything since we&#39;re suited up, plus if cumrot gets here who knows what could happen... whatever the case its clear this place needs to be protected&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora peers down. &quot;How long has this stuff even been sealed away to develop? I mean, this was built during the war, right? I&#39;m no scientist, but I feel like evolution usually takes longer than that.&quot; She pauses. &quot;Although...I guess with nanites nothing should be taken for granted. This could be a neat way to see how an ecosystem develops with nanits in isolation?&quot; Ysadora has now visibly waded so far out of her depth that the confusion registers on her face under the visor. &quot;Anyway, be careful down there, Junes. Umeko. We&#39;ll be ready to back you up, if you give the signal.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko carefully took a peek as well, before nodding in agreement with Junes, &quot;Yeah, we may have already disupted the ecosystem to a degree by simply coming here, but we should come back later when things are more cleared out and sanitary. Plus we&#39;ll need to find a way to get past those roots without hurting the tree... Perhaps shrinking down but hard to do with the hazmat gear.&quot; She looked back to Ysaddora, &quot;Well, this place was made during the Cold War but stranger things have certainly happened in nature after P-Day. Animals have changed like the three eyed fish, but it is strange how there would have been less nanites down here than the surface... There&#39;s also supernatural things to consider as well...&quot;</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker nodded to the group. &quot;Alright, so where to next? I assume we&#39;ll be sealing off this area for further exploration..&quot; He looked over amoungst the group. &quot;I mean do we even know how many floors are in this place?&quot;</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes answered back &quot;with the cockblock in front we might not need to seal, although have to decide whether we clear the cockblock or not but that&#39;s for later, anyways im backing up okay umeko?&quot; once ready they crawled backwards carefully, and avoided the root but reached a hand carefully and brushed it before lowering once again and crawling out &quot;hmm so where should we seal up out there...&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) As Junes says that, readings show almost no cumrot spores in the air. This area is almost devoid of the stuff. No additional sealing will be needed here.</div><div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes was low to the ground and nearly out before the two in the hole noticed something, deep in the hole partially obstructed by a tree was... something inhuman, obscured by shadow but distinguished from the pale white of a figure, the legs stretching, the left arm hidden but right facing lower with a slight movement and then the most distinguished feature being the round shape of a head but then two large dark pits where eyes would be just looking back</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes saw this and jumped back &quot;what is that!&quot; thankfully just about out as they stood up and asked anyone else see that a little behind that one tree?&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out her map. &quot;We only have so many seals, although I guess we could go back for more. How do we get to the next location we&#39;re supposed to seal off anyway? I&#39;d guess back the way we came?&quot; She studies the map closely, looking for a route to the next objective. Seeming to have an idea, she fiddles with her comms unit. &quot;Hey Syntax, can you hear us? We&#39;re in hydroponics right now, and there&#39;s a lot of weird stuff in here but no cumrot, thank goodness. Should we head to the silo across the way next, do you think, or-&quot; She cuts off at Junes&#39; exclamation. &quot;What is it, Junes?&quot; Squinting behind her fogged-up visor, there might be a few blurs in that direction but not much else. &quot;What did you see down there?&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko was getting ready to leave as she spoke, &quot;I don&#39;t know if we exactly have to seal it at this point, seemed to have been doing fine so far and the cumrot is receding at least, and not in here. Also what are you talking ab-&quot; She went to take a look for the creature, catching a glimpse of it and drawing her gun, just in case. &quot;What the hell is even that? I... I don&#39;t think it&#39;s an illusion, I&#39;m detecting anything... Honestly wish it was right about now...&quot; she said with quite a bit of concern in her voice.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes watched as booker reached a hand deep into the hole and in a surprising turn managed to hold the now illuminated creature as it turned out to be a pitch black opossum of sorts with the white figure revealed to be markings on its back, currently the opossum is limp with its mouth open</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker pulled the Oppossum out from its hiding place before bringing it out of the hole. He held it up and out. &quot;Its uhh... June&#39;s its just a small animal.&quot; He patted it head, carefully dodging the teeth if it was in typical possum pose with its mouth open. </div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes was watching wide-eyed and seemed even more surprised when the being was... actually rather cute! still those markings are scary but they held a hand up to gently pet the opossum &quot;mind if i hold onto that...is it a opossum? either way hmm we cant bring them with us with the cumrot but if we have some protection maybe, although for now we should plan for heading down the hall to whatever&#39;s next too...&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora gasps as the possum and its markings come into view. &quot;False alarm, uh, Syntax. We just found a totally rad animal down here. It&#39;s probably harmless?&quot; Despite the crazy metal creature just below, she stays perched on the second level for now. &quot;Junes is right, though. We can adopt this little friend later. Taking it out of here...to where there might be cumrot...that might not work out well.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko stared at the opossum in disbelief and put her gun away. &quot;Huh... Well those are some strange markings on it... I guess this is a much better outcome than it actually being some creepy little guy living in the bunker all these years... But yeah, we might as well leave him here for now, not like he&#39;s really going to get far. He is kind of cute though once you get past the weird pattern on his fur and all.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) As the lot gather around the little creature, the rumbling from above begins to fade.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker gestures upward, setting the possum back into the hole. &quot;Well seems like the uhh.. toasty lightshow upstairs is done... Shall we proceed to the next area and let this place get back to itself?&quot; He dusted his hands off on his suit.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes nodding and gave a small wave to the unusual critter &quot;yeah hopefully soon we can clear the source of the cumrot...or figure out whoever the dreamer is, although i have a good feeling even if some of the signals are ominous and sometimes vague, so let&#39;s go!&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora nods in assent to Booker&#39;s suggestion. &quot;Go on ahead, big boy. I&#39;ll be right behind you. The Dreamer awaits!&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko carefully made her way back up as well, &quot;Sounds good, careful heading back up though, make sure there isn&#39;t intense lingering heat or anything, not sure how intense it all ways up there.&quot;</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) While the dangerous effects have cleared above, it looks like a completely different landscape. A desert wasteland, charred plants, and a dark cloudy sky. The distant top of the tree appears to be burning, though the actual bark of the tree is pretty much untouched. It&#39;s incredibly hot to the touch, but otherwise not nearly as burned as you might expect.</div> <div title="Booker" style="margin-top:2em">(Booker) Booker headed back up to the hallway, heading back down the hallway, sort of dragging Junes with him. &quot;Well theres only one area left right?&quot; He gestured forward, quietly turning his head back toward Junes and anyone else following along.</div> <div title="Junes" style="margin-top:2em">(Junes) Junes followed along with booker and at the wasteland &quot;hmm i heard volcanic ash is the best fertilizer so who knows, maybe this is the best for some of these plants?&quot; looking up and thinking of those eyes they felt when vanishing and thinking &quot;hmm I wonder if there&#39;s any other way we can chat with our dreamer or show we mean no harm...or how we&#39;re being watched? could be something like my biodetection or this uhh...nanite seeing ability&quot;</div> <div title="Ysadora" style="margin-top:2em">(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out the map as they walk. &quot;That&#39;s right! The silo. It should be straight ahead. Oh, and we should probably be back on our guard for any cumrot.&quot; Pondering for a moment, she turns to Junes. &quot;I get the feeling this...presence either isn&#39;t able or isn&#39;t willing to communicate with us directly. That&#39;s just a hunch, though.&quot;</div> <div title="Umeko" style="margin-top:2em">(Umeko) Umeko looked around once they came up, giving a little whistle. &quot;What a strange place... I don&#39;t know if this &#39;Dreamer&#39; is even sapient honestly, but we should still be careful. If it tries to heat the place up again, be ready to raise the field so we can at least have a little buffer, though I think we&#39;re going to be at its mercy regardless. I guess we can keep on going to that silo though like Ysadora said, worth checking out.&quot;</div><div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) With hydroponics behind them, the group begins to return towards the way they came. As they tread old ground, a singular flower begins to bud in the wasteland behind them. Hope in a wasteland. Hopefully there&#39;s hope to get to the bottom of the weirdness of this place beyond.</div> <div title="Syntax" style="margin-top:2em">(Syntax) TO BE CONTINUED</div>[[Category:RPLogs]][[Category:The Enigma Complex Events]][[Category:Eureka Renaissance Events]]

Latest revision as of 07:56, 31 July 2023

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.1, Part 3.2, Part 3.3, Part 3.4, Part 3.5





(Syntax) Pause. Rewind. Restore. We return to our heroes in the depths of the Bunker as they wait out the chaos on the upper section of hydroponics. The ultimate question is...what now? Do examine the rest of hydroponics or see what's further down?
(Booker) Booker continued to look over the floor they were currently on, the big tree in the middle obviously not being very interesting other than a testament to how long this place had been contructed. He glanced to Junes. "I feel like there should be something of interest here... other than the big ol' sky hole" He pointed upward toward the apparent blue sky. as he meandered around poking around various corners and crannies.
(Junes) Junes responded back "i mean yeah just look at this place! lots around to see" pointing up at the flower ysadora held they mention "by the way i dont think that flower has a name so unless its a really rare one this might be something new!"
(Ysadora) Ysadora situates the jar with flower in her messenger bag, then follows Booker's finger up to the illusory skylight. "Why is that the only illusion, anyway? Do you think, maybe...it's hiding something? Should we climb up the tree to poke at it?" Ysadora cranes her neck to look up and down the tree, then frowns behind her visor. "Not like I'd have any chance of it, even if I wasn't in this bulky suit. You know I'm not the athletic type, but..." Her eyes cut to Booker, leaving the obvious conclusion unsaid.
(Syntax) While there's a great deal of overgrowth, the potential at play is great. While Ysadora is mainly focused on some pretty flowers growing out of a bucket of nearby soil, Booker and Junes note that it appears that, beneath the wild and untamed plants, there are hydroponic devices that were quite experimental for their time. While some are definitely not operational, they could be fixed to provide the Bunker with plenty of food. Umeko, meanwhile, spots what looks like a mole shuffling past a well obscured entry to a lower level. It looks kind of odd. It has no eyes and has large ears that seem to easily fold back to press tightly against its body.
(Umeko) Umeko continued looking about the hydroponics area carefully as she spoke, "I definitely agree that there's likely something more down here, as evidenced by all this life... I feel like they had a bigger project going on somewhere, perhaps aquaponics or some sort of 'ark' for the apocalypse..." As she notices the mole, she points over to it and the direction as she went to inspect the way down and began to open it up, "Aha! Over here! I think this might be the way, let's check it out and see what else is living in here."
(Syntax) Curious, Umeko moves forward and peers to the lower level. Readings suggest humidity is increasing as you go down and from what you can make out there's actually a small ecosystem. Several kinds of animals are making their best lives down here. Not a ton, but enough to be noticed. You can make out a passage to another lower level nearby, but a root from the massive tree has grown over it which is preventing all but the smallest of creatures to get through.
(Booker) Booker wandered over to where Umeko had pointed out, looking around quietly. "Weird..." He nudged junes forward. "You wanna sneak a peep?" He chuckled, "Well... hopefully they're friendly... We shall defend craig with our very lives." He placed a fist over his chest, a moment before. He gently tugged on June's attention-spanning leash. "I do wonder wonder what kinda ecosystem developed in a sealed off bunker... aside from the fact that opening it probably ruined it.
(Syntax) Junes and Umeko take the lead and edge down to the floor below them, carefully moving through as to not disturb any local critters. Various vine like plants and roots hang and break up the space which makes it almost look like a miniature forest. There's the sound of movement here and there suggesting small animals make their home here.
(Junes) Junes marvelled at the different forms of life and took it all in, from a small fuzzy creature with something hard on its back digging, moss with something white on them, some dragonfly with flowing bits that dart around freely, some creeping vines with something on them then more crabs and it seems some have some tails as well! they lowered slightly to let umeko have a look "its amazing down there! i hope we can learn more but maybe we should clear out the cumrot first, as much as i want to just go down there and see these amazing things we can always later and be more careful to not disturb anything since we're suited up, plus if cumrot gets here who knows what could happen... whatever the case its clear this place needs to be protected"
(Ysadora) Ysadora peers down. "How long has this stuff even been sealed away to develop? I mean, this was built during the war, right? I'm no scientist, but I feel like evolution usually takes longer than that." She pauses. "Although...I guess with nanites nothing should be taken for granted. This could be a neat way to see how an ecosystem develops with nanits in isolation?" Ysadora has now visibly waded so far out of her depth that the confusion registers on her face under the visor. "Anyway, be careful down there, Junes. Umeko. We'll be ready to back you up, if you give the signal."
(Umeko) Umeko carefully took a peek as well, before nodding in agreement with Junes, "Yeah, we may have already disupted the ecosystem to a degree by simply coming here, but we should come back later when things are more cleared out and sanitary. Plus we'll need to find a way to get past those roots without hurting the tree... Perhaps shrinking down but hard to do with the hazmat gear." She looked back to Ysaddora, "Well, this place was made during the Cold War but stranger things have certainly happened in nature after P-Day. Animals have changed like the three eyed fish, but it is strange how there would have been less nanites down here than the surface... There's also supernatural things to consider as well..."
(Booker) Booker nodded to the group. "Alright, so where to next? I assume we'll be sealing off this area for further exploration.." He looked over amoungst the group. "I mean do we even know how many floors are in this place?"
(Junes) Junes answered back "with the cockblock in front we might not need to seal, although have to decide whether we clear the cockblock or not but that's for later, anyways im backing up okay umeko?" once ready they crawled backwards carefully, and avoided the root but reached a hand carefully and brushed it before lowering once again and crawling out "hmm so where should we seal up out there..."
(Syntax) As Junes says that, readings show almost no cumrot spores in the air. This area is almost devoid of the stuff. No additional sealing will be needed here.
(Junes) Junes was low to the ground and nearly out before the two in the hole noticed something, deep in the hole partially obstructed by a tree was... something inhuman, obscured by shadow but distinguished from the pale white of a figure, the legs stretching, the left arm hidden but right facing lower with a slight movement and then the most distinguished feature being the round shape of a head but then two large dark pits where eyes would be just looking back
(Junes) Junes saw this and jumped back "what is that!" thankfully just about out as they stood up and asked anyone else see that a little behind that one tree?"
(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out her map. "We only have so many seals, although I guess we could go back for more. How do we get to the next location we're supposed to seal off anyway? I'd guess back the way we came?" She studies the map closely, looking for a route to the next objective. Seeming to have an idea, she fiddles with her comms unit. "Hey Syntax, can you hear us? We're in hydroponics right now, and there's a lot of weird stuff in here but no cumrot, thank goodness. Should we head to the silo across the way next, do you think, or-" She cuts off at Junes' exclamation. "What is it, Junes?" Squinting behind her fogged-up visor, there might be a few blurs in that direction but not much else. "What did you see down there?"
(Umeko) Umeko was getting ready to leave as she spoke, "I don't know if we exactly have to seal it at this point, seemed to have been doing fine so far and the cumrot is receding at least, and not in here. Also what are you talking ab-" She went to take a look for the creature, catching a glimpse of it and drawing her gun, just in case. "What the hell is even that? I... I don't think it's an illusion, I'm detecting anything... Honestly wish it was right about now..." she said with quite a bit of concern in her voice.
(Junes) Junes watched as booker reached a hand deep into the hole and in a surprising turn managed to hold the now illuminated creature as it turned out to be a pitch black opossum of sorts with the white figure revealed to be markings on its back, currently the opossum is limp with its mouth open
(Booker) Booker pulled the Oppossum out from its hiding place before bringing it out of the hole. He held it up and out. "Its uhh... June's its just a small animal." He patted it head, carefully dodging the teeth if it was in typical possum pose with its mouth open.
(Junes) Junes was watching wide-eyed and seemed even more surprised when the being was... actually rather cute! still those markings are scary but they held a hand up to gently pet the opossum "mind if i hold onto that...is it a opossum? either way hmm we cant bring them with us with the cumrot but if we have some protection maybe, although for now we should plan for heading down the hall to whatever's next too..."
(Ysadora) Ysadora gasps as the possum and its markings come into view. "False alarm, uh, Syntax. We just found a totally rad animal down here. It's probably harmless?" Despite the crazy metal creature just below, she stays perched on the second level for now. "Junes is right, though. We can adopt this little friend later. Taking it out of here...to where there might be cumrot...that might not work out well."
(Umeko) Umeko stared at the opossum in disbelief and put her gun away. "Huh... Well those are some strange markings on it... I guess this is a much better outcome than it actually being some creepy little guy living in the bunker all these years... But yeah, we might as well leave him here for now, not like he's really going to get far. He is kind of cute though once you get past the weird pattern on his fur and all."
(Syntax) As the lot gather around the little creature, the rumbling from above begins to fade.
(Booker) Booker gestures upward, setting the possum back into the hole. "Well seems like the uhh.. toasty lightshow upstairs is done... Shall we proceed to the next area and let this place get back to itself?" He dusted his hands off on his suit.
(Junes) Junes nodding and gave a small wave to the unusual critter "yeah hopefully soon we can clear the source of the cumrot...or figure out whoever the dreamer is, although i have a good feeling even if some of the signals are ominous and sometimes vague, so let's go!"
(Ysadora) Ysadora nods in assent to Booker's suggestion. "Go on ahead, big boy. I'll be right behind you. The Dreamer awaits!"
(Umeko) Umeko carefully made her way back up as well, "Sounds good, careful heading back up though, make sure there isn't intense lingering heat or anything, not sure how intense it all ways up there."
(Syntax) While the dangerous effects have cleared above, it looks like a completely different landscape. A desert wasteland, charred plants, and a dark cloudy sky. The distant top of the tree appears to be burning, though the actual bark of the tree is pretty much untouched. It's incredibly hot to the touch, but otherwise not nearly as burned as you might expect.
(Booker) Booker headed back up to the hallway, heading back down the hallway, sort of dragging Junes with him. "Well theres only one area left right?" He gestured forward, quietly turning his head back toward Junes and anyone else following along.
(Junes) Junes followed along with booker and at the wasteland "hmm i heard volcanic ash is the best fertilizer so who knows, maybe this is the best for some of these plants?" looking up and thinking of those eyes they felt when vanishing and thinking "hmm I wonder if there's any other way we can chat with our dreamer or show we mean no harm...or how we're being watched? could be something like my biodetection or this uhh...nanite seeing ability"
(Ysadora) Ysadora checks out the map as they walk. "That's right! The silo. It should be straight ahead. Oh, and we should probably be back on our guard for any cumrot." Pondering for a moment, she turns to Junes. "I get the feeling this...presence either isn't able or isn't willing to communicate with us directly. That's just a hunch, though."
(Umeko) Umeko looked around once they came up, giving a little whistle. "What a strange place... I don't know if this 'Dreamer' is even sapient honestly, but we should still be careful. If it tries to heat the place up again, be ready to raise the field so we can at least have a little buffer, though I think we're going to be at its mercy regardless. I guess we can keep on going to that silo though like Ysadora said, worth checking out."
(Syntax) With hydroponics behind them, the group begins to return towards the way they came. As they tread old ground, a singular flower begins to bud in the wasteland behind them. Hope in a wasteland. Hopefully there's hope to get to the bottom of the weirdness of this place beyond.