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<p>The burly tanuki looks the proud Anagram up and down. &quot;Never heard of him,&quot; he says pleasantly, with only a little spray of cookie crumbs, &quot;But I guess we could interrogate him if he wants.&quot; Fenris has not really recieved any kind of assignment yet, so is willing to just roll with things until something comes from higher up.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena eyes the husky from the mild distance, taking in the story with a small frown. Her attention drifts from there to Anagram and the others, tail curling and twitching idly behind her. She had no stake in any of this of course, but she liked information. She liked knowing. So she drifts a little closer, quite eager to see what she might hear.</p></div><div title="Rokarion"><p>Rokarion keeps a steady gaze at the taller kemo-canine. Remaining silent while Magnus answered. However, the Tanuki&#39;s response shifted the poodle&#39;s gaze momentarily. Rokarion let out a soft sigh and rubbed the bridge of their nose, realizing the current situation. It almost seemed like some of the other higher ups decided to throw this mess at the poodle instead of being here. The K9 officer looked back up again at the three assembled gentlemen. &quot;Fact of the matter is that Eureka is outside our jurisdiction. There have never been an official integration of our various policing regulations. We have barely even started syncing up with other peace keeping organizations within Fairhaven.&quot; The poodle said, idly tilting their head towards the FCIU detective. </p>
<p>The burly tanuki looks the proud Anagram up and down. &quot;Never heard of him,&quot; he says pleasantly, with only a little spray of cookie crumbs, &quot;But I guess we could interrogate him if he wants.&quot; Fenris has not really recieved any kind of assignment yet, so is willing to just roll with things until something comes from higher up.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena eyes the husky from the mild distance, taking in the story with a small frown. Her attention drifts from there to Anagram and the others, tail curling and twitching idly behind her. She had no stake in any of this of course, but she liked information. She liked knowing. So she drifts a little closer, quite eager to see what she might hear.</p></div><div title="Rokarion"><p>Rokarion keeps a steady gaze at the taller kemo-canine. Remaining silent while Magnus answered. However, the Tanuki&#39;s response shifted the poodle&#39;s gaze momentarily. Rokarion let out a soft sigh and rubbed the bridge of their nose, realizing the current situation. It almost seemed like some of the other higher ups decided to throw this mess at the poodle instead of being here. The K9 officer looked back up again at the three assembled gentlemen. &quot;Fact of the matter is that Eureka is outside our jurisdiction. There have never been an official integration of our various policing regulations. We have barely even started syncing up with other peace keeping organizations within Fairhaven.&quot; The poodle said, idly tilting their head towards the FCIU detective. </p>
<p>&quot;If Anagram is interested in expanding to Fairhaven, and looking to cooperate, then he is more than welcome to give us a confession, and discuss how he is planning to start in Fairhaven.&quot; The poodle then gestured towards the various curious bystanders in the main hall. &quot;Obviously, this will have to be done in the interrogation cells with proper supervision, and away of disquisitive citizens. Don&#39;t want INU getting their paws on this information just yet.&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram takes a deep breath. &quot;sorry for the theatrics then. I am welcome to discus everything that I will be doing, including removing problems from my organization, in turn with negotiating deals for me and my employees relative to the Fairhaven juristiction. In turn, I am asking for help with these same negotiations with the Eureka juristiction, and government paperwork for my employment in Eureka&#39;s and Fairhaven&#39;s legitamate markets.&quot;</p></div>
<p>&quot;If Anagram is interested in expanding to Fairhaven, and looking to cooperate, then he is more than welcome to give us a confession, and discuss how he is planning to start in Fairhaven.&quot; The poodle then gestured towards the various curious bystanders in the main hall. &quot;Obviously, this will have to be done in the interrogation cells with proper supervision, and away of disquisitive citizens. Don&#39;t want INU getting their paws on this information just yet.&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram takes a deep breath. &quot;sorry for the theatrics then. I am welcome to discus everything that I will be doing, including removing problems from my organization, in turn with negotiating deals for me and my employees relative to the Fairhaven juristiction. In turn, I am asking for help with these same negotiations with the Eureka juristiction, and government paperwork for my employment in Eureka&#39;s and Fairhaven&#39;s legitamate markets.&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Magnus blinks a few times and casts a bewildered glance towards Rokarion. &quot;Jurisdiction... are you serious?! We have a chance to make everything better for everyone both here in the city and in Eureka, and you are worried about JURISDICTION?!&quot; Magnus huffs and shakes his head, then looks back up towards Anargram. &quot;Look, I&#39;ve spent my time in the underworld. Here&#39;s what I can do for you. You and me, we&#39;re going down to the interrogation cell. You want my help, I can hook you up, you&#39;ll be importing your goods all the same, but will become subject to import taxes since Big Z&#39;s wallet is bigger than their heart.&quot; The fennec winks &quot;But! Everything is gonna be on paper, registered, legit, clean as a whistle. Your salvage is gonna hit the bigger market, you&#39;ll have a broader buyer base and odds are you won&#39;t just make up the tax through bid-wars but even make some scratch on top.&quot; </p>
<p>The fox then goes on, gesticulating with one hand as he explains the deal. &quot;But... like I said, you and me, we gonna go down to the interrogation room, and I want you to snitch. You&#39;re gonna snitch and you&#39;re gonna snitch hard. You&#39;re gonna expose every gang, every smelly group, every ragtag band, every filthy fat cat mob leader, every mugger, every thug, every dirty Harry and smelly Samuel you got in your black book. We&#39;ll do the cleanup job... odds are you&#39;ll have to go into hiding for a month or so, assuming you&#39;re scared someone&#39;s gonna come after your balls for outing them. We&#39;ll cover that too, hell it&#39;ll help root out more of the filth underground... and I promise you... if your info&#39;s legit... you&#39;ll emerge a bigger, stronger, rich motherfucker with a business to envy. I mean after all, there&#39;s always a market, for pretty much everything...&quot; </p>
<p>Magnus points to a window on the wall. &quot;Look out there. The fuckin&#39; city&#39;s reviving. The market is like a husky with her legs wide open, waiting for someone to grab her and make her their bitch. You help me, you help US, and that&#39;ll put you at the front of the line to take that shot. The rest is up to you. Eh?&quot; Magnus smirks and offers his hand for a handshake. &quot;Either we do that, or you&#39;ll end up having to keep crawling through the sewers like you used to... and seeing as you&#39;re here, I doubt that&#39;s what you want, is it?&quot; </p>
<p>Meanwhile, the husky that&#39;d just expressed her concerns was at least showing a soft smile. She seems to have been given at least some hope, and in her place now stood someone else, occupying Madeline&#39;s time. The person in question was a tall and muscular looking polar bear. He too seems to recognize Anagram, growling softly but doing little more than tossing the male a glance. He introduces himself, and places a suitcase on Madeline&#39;s desk. Once he opens it up, she goes wide-eyed and casts a look over towards Fenris, calling out to him. The contents of the case revealed to be several files, all containing details on a missing person case. This... polar bear character confesses that he&#39;d been moonlighting as a part-time investigator, however his lead on a case he&#39;d been hired on was growing cold. He needed a detective to pick up his case, and was interested in signing on with the K9 unit...</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Fenris accepts Rokarion&#39;s nod of recognition with a grin before stuffing another cookie in his face. &quot;Not gonna lie,&quot; he says, &quot;It&#39;s still hard to even say what the law IS, let alone enforce it. It&#39;s not like we have a government or anything, no matter what the RSX guys tell you. I&#39;m just here to prevent as much damage as possi-&quot; The tanuki trails off as his attention is pulled away. &quot;Yeah. Good luck with the smuggling,&quot; he says with a wave, trotting over to look at the bear&#39;s files. &quot;Whatcha got here, big guy?&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Someone going legitimate? How interesting! Nena strokes her chin in contemplation, before pushing up her glasses. That would sure shake things up in Eureka, if it was true. Though, that was none of her business, now was it? And if they moved to the interrogation rooms, well, she wasn&#39;t going to press her luck with trespassing in a police station, so the tigress lets her attention- And her body, roam onward to the next exciting tidbit: The polar bear and the tanuki, and the promise of investigations.</p></div><div title="Rokarion"><p>Rokarion eyes Magnus, their countenance unchanging in the face of the outburst. &quot;Officer, learn to control your temper. Citizens equally want to feel safe from us, and want to know that we follow some kind of law, not just arbitrarily decide what is &#39;right&#39;. But I digress.&quot; The poodle rolls their shoulders and returns their gaze towards Anagram. &quot;But our friend seems like he is willing to cooperate. So, it would be ideal to move to the interrogation chamber.&quot; The poodle then turns around, and signals for one of the other officers to prepare the cells in anticipation of a guest.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram takes Magnus&#39;s hand in a firm handshake with a smile. &quot;Exactly my plan. Lead the way.&quot; He whistles the same complex tune to his dog, which stands up and follows Anagram to whichever interrogation room Magnus would take him to, giving nothing but a cursory glance at any security, cameras, locks, and police in the area. If questioned on his manerisims, he simply replies &quot;Habit.&quot; before sitting down where Magnus directs him. Speaking as if it was small talk, he then mentions offhandedly &quot;On my way around Fairhaven this morning I came across a husky boy hanging out at the south end of third street. The boy was rather polite for someone with drunk friends.&quot; He otherwise stays silent.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Magnus shakes Anagram&#39;s hand, then gestures towards the interrogation chamber. &quot;I&#39;ll be with you in a moment...&quot; he&#39;d note &quot;My colleagues will take care of the rest.&quot; He&#39;d nod and cast a glance towards Madelyn, who was already noting down the lead Anagram had given them. She sends out a call to someone over her comm unit, and casts a nod back at them. Seems someone was already on it. The fennec turns towards Rokarion and nods. &quot;Alright, well uh... shall we?&quot; he&#39;d ask of the other and gesture towards the doorway leading into the interrogation cells. </p>
<p>The files Fenris is granted to explore are details of a trail followed since last month, footprings, interrogations, leads, people the lost person had last contacted... the victim evidently a doe, brown-furred with an innocent look and bright pink irises. The reports provide a very detailed profile of her, her friends, family, boyfriend, where as the clues listed potential suspects, including a stalker she&#39;d had for a while by the looks of the reports. While Madelyn was busy with some paperwork, she leaves the talking to Fenris. Their polar bear friend was already focused on both Nena and the tanuki after all. &quot;My name&#39;s Lance. Lance Rosewood. I&#39;ve uh, always been great with my nose... it can rival that of a bloodhound, and that opened me up to tracking folks down. What was a side-business soon turned into my day job, but... well I figure I&#39;m better off trying to get a badge if possible. The case is all yours if you want it.&quot; </p>
<p>He&#39;d reach out and shuffle through the papers, pulling out a small folder labeled &quot;19.11.19&quot; detailing an interrogation Mr. Rosewood had conducted with one of the people to have last seen the victim. &quot;Poor girl... apparenty she got mixed up with some shady folks her boyfriend knows. I already spoke to the mucker about it, he denies having ties with them and... genuinely regrets ever hanging around with them. Reports that they have a grudge against him for his desertion. I wouldn&#39;t put it past those bastards to have abducted the poor girl as an act of revenge, but... no parents, no family, nothing. Just names, Yale Jameson... supposedly a black feline about your side, Ulric Fareweather, equine one head taller than me, and some nameless idiot that goes by the alias of &quot;Razor&quot;. Fucking teenager twats I&#39;d wager. Their last known haunt was in Southeastern Woodfield, but that&#39;s where the trail went cold. Nobody there has ever heard those names before...&quot;</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Fenris sorts carefully through the files, looking over each photo and report carefully. &quot;I can&#39;t help you get a badge, Mr. Rosewood,&quot; he says, &quot;But I can certainly help you look for a lost kid and the monsters that took her. That would probably do a lot more to get you an in than I can.&quot; </p>
<p>The burly tanuki looks up at the bear and around the station. &quot;Anything keeping me here?&quot; he calls out to Rokarion, &quot;I got a kid to find!&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;It&#39;s nice to meet you, Lance,&quot; Nena greets with a curtsy. She was in uniform of her own, that meant she had to take extra care of appearances. &quot;I&#39;m no officer myself, but I do make myself aware of many going-ons in the city. I will see if I can&#39;t keep my eyes and ears open for this missing person. Woodfield is a little further than I usually go these days, but next time I&#39;ve got free time maybe I will go looking. Assuming Fenris doesn&#39;t find it all before I get the chance.&quot;</p></div><div title="Rokarion"><p>Rokarion nods towards the other officers in the main hall before heading towards the interrogation rooms, hands behind their back and pace steady. Once Anagram is seated in one of the soundproof rooms, the poodle looks back at Magnus. &quot;Well, Officer Magnus. Given that you are still new, you are going to be the interrogator here so that we can see how you operate. I will be second detective.&quot; The poodle wonders how much of training has been given to Magnus, but decides that they would rather not know right now. &quot;We might be getting a few observers on the other side of the window.&quot; And with that, the kemo-canine walks into the room and takes a seat behind a desk that is situated to the side of Anagram, remaining silent and maintaining an idle gaze at the proceedings.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram waits for the &#39;interogation&#39; to be set up before proceeding, staying silent until offically started. Once he is asked, he says &quot;I already have all the confessions, evidence, and supporting details arriving by a courier I have employed. If you can please direct them to this room and let them go freely, I will be able to unlock the case he posesses. And for that to progress, I will discuss what will be done to ensure this task is done smoothly.&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Yeah, sure...&quot; Magnus nods and moves into the interrogation room, closing it behind himself while a different officer steps outside to assist Maddie with handling the arrivals. Within a short timespan, they&#39;d have reached a conclusion, hopefully a beneficial one, though it remains to be seen how it all turns out, no? Fenris and Nena too had their own trail to follow, a doe&#39;s life was on the line after all! Best of luck to both of them too!</p></div>[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 23:15, 1 December 2019



Sunday December 1, 2019=Log=

"Yeah, yeah Maddie I get it. We gotta look professional, since we are! Right?" Magnus would speak out to a female doberman in his presence, the feisty woman having just brought in a stack of report blanks to fill out for the event. "I got my uniform on, what you on about?" Magnus would ask her, casting a confused glance among his two other colleagues, one german shep in uniform, leaned against a wall with a sharp eye out on the situation at hand. The other a poodle of all things, though no less stoic as he leans against one of the desks and watches his comm unit nervously. "Alright, looks like it's time to get this show going." Magnus rubs his hands together, before taking a seat on one of the desks.

As the clock struck noon, the hour of their event had started, and though the main hall of the police station remained empty for a start, it didn't take long for folks to start trickling in. Unfortunately, the first were just business-as-usual visitors, junk reports of excessive noise in the resodiential district, or someone having done something involving someone else's girlfriend, trash complaints that they'd get all the time and need to either dismiss politely or deal with whenever their schedules permitted it. Maddie, bless her soul, had more willpower than the lot of her team combined, simply because even after having to deal with all such bogus complaints, she still finds the strength to smile and be courteous on her desk job. Magnus meanwhile would simply observe her work, and offer to pass her a thing or two from time to time. He was the rookie in the team, after all...

Fenris is already here. He has not been assigned a desk yet, but he has claimed an office chair from somewhere and is spinning in happy circles. The burly tanuki is wearing a shirt and tie and a long coat. His shiny new copper badge is clipped to his belt, showing DETECTIVE CHUBBS. They got that wrong, but it is still official.

Nena does not work here. Nor does she have a complaint to file. So why was she here? Well, she's not entirely sure, herself. She heard there was something going on, a new effort made by the police, and she felt like it'd be a novel experience to check in on it. Maybe ask a few questions. So it is that the ever changing woman- A tiger today, has come across the threshold. And who does she see but Magnus! "... I never took you for the police type. Mister Rebel, mister rogue, mister ne'er-do-well," she says with a teasing wink.

The key-card locked door opened allowing another officer into the main hall, surprisingly another poodle in uniform, this one, however, shows less fur and more skin. The kemo-poodle had a rather cold facial expression. Either they were trying to look professional or were very bored, it was hard to tell. "So, how goes it?" The faux-canine asked the main reception desk as they slowly walked into the reception area. "The brass apparently thinks the quartermaster has nothing better to do than sit around in reception. So, here I am." The poodle said in a matter-of-fact tone that had a slight English accent to it.

It was at this moment that Anagram walked in, a German Sheperd himself shirtless and covered in tattoos, and an actual german sheperd dog at heel beside him. He dresses like a gangster and walks like an afluent businessman, and judging by the cold reactions of those who see him here it's amazing that a known criminal like him is even able to stride in this easy. He walks strait up to the front desk, and in calm tone Anagram says "I am here to talk about the offer of compassion."

"You can call me OFFICER now." The fennec answers with a cocky grin and a smirk as he moves over and give Nena a tight hug. "No, not really. I'llalways be just Mags. As for the uniform, I've been considering this for over a year now. Guess in the end I decided I'd rather be batting for the less murdery team, huh?" Looking Nena up and down, he'd smirk softly and whisper something in her ear, before pulling away with a snicker. "What brings you over here anyway? Have you been a bad bad girl? Talk to Officer Madison over there. Just try to be polite, she deals with folks being... less than constructive all day."

Turning towards Fenris, he'd call him over with a wave and a nod, that is at least when Rokarion enters and makes their presence known. Turning towards the poodle, Magnus reaches out and gives the quartermaster a brief bro-hug, for the lack of a better word. "Probably my fault. You're here to babysit the rookie ain't'cha?" Magnus snickers. "I'll make it up to ya. BAM!" he'd hold up a parcel of freshly baked crispy chocolate chip cookies. "Baked em' myself. If you're not the sweets type, hand em' to Chubbs. You don't need to ask to tell he loves his treats." Magnus snickers. "Anyway, I pulled a few strings..." he'd then lean in and whisper something into Rokarion's ear, before pulling away with a nod, patting the other's shoulder.

It was then that Anagram walks right in, though thankfully Madison had already dealt with the latest person to approach the desk. She looks up at Anagram and scowls lightly. She points the tip of her pen to the left, specifically towards the desk Magnus was leaned against. She explains that the movement is being directed by the fennec and asks him to step out of line now, as there was someone else standing behind him. Magnus grabs the newcomer's arm, perhaps recognizing him, and pulls him aside. "Didn't think I'd be seeing YOU here of all places. What's the deal here?" he'd ask, crossing his arms and peering intently at the male.

Fenris catches Magnus's wave and hops up, staggering dizzily over and giving a lazy salute. "Reporting for duty," he says, swaying a little unsteadily. The tanuki shakes his head to clear it and finally steadies himself. "How can I help? And did I hear someone say cookies?"

"Alright, officer Magnus," Nena says with a playful smirk of her own, before her ear flicks. "There are worse teams to be on, certainly, and no. I've been very good. I have not even thrown a punch in nearly a month, deserved or not. I'm just here to see what's what, I guess. I figure if police presence is going to be on the rise, I should... Be aware of it? And my own work is taken care of for now, so I had free time." There's a little wave in Fenris' direction, and a, "Thanks for the help the other day with the carrying."

Rokarion raises a brow as the rookie suddenly pulls them into a 'bro-hug', which the kemo-canine does not reciprocate. "Brass decisions are on a need to know basis." The poodle responds in the same unemotional tone. Eyeing the cookies, Roka turns their gaze towards Fenris. "Yes, officer Magnus baked those for you." Following that, the poodle lifts one of their droopy ears up to listen to the whispering canine. With Magnus done, the poodle straightens their back. "One more thing, officer Magnus. Try and minimize physical contact with me, especially while on-duty." The statement with delivered with the same detached voice.

However, there was no time to dwell on that as Anagram walked into the building. Unlike the other officer, Rokarion offered the same uninterested look towards the German shepherd, and simple observed as Magnus approached Anagram, one wonders if that was related to the earlier whispering.

Anagram was about to do something when Magnus grabbed his arm, but in light of being a 'good guy' decided it would be better to play it cool. He gives a detailed whistle and the dog follows at heel once more, both Anagram and his dog now standing at Magnus's desk. He pauses before speaking in order to grab the attention of the room, then replies: "I am here to discuss terms of my surrender." He speaks as if he is in complete control, as if he won't be acutally giving up anything. "I may not have any buisness in Fairhaven, but further cooperation would require a preening of my less savory duties. If I am to expand, I must first cut the fat."

Once Anagram was pulled off to the side, the next person in line, a husky girl of fine stature but modest attire approaches, and starts explaining her situation. To those more well of hearing, she'd start confessing the mess her son was involved with, how her poor boy had run off with some street thugs, and would not turn himself in despite her numerous attempts to reason with him. She provides a picture that Madelyn, which the dobie woman takes, her ears falling flat as Anagram speaks up... she lets off a disgruntled groan and draws the husky's eyes back to herself, probing for more information such that another foolish youth might be pulled away from making some terrible life choices. While that happens... Magnus, Fenris and Rokarion were standing there with Anagram.

The fennec didn't look all that impressed with the sudden declaration of surrender from the male before himself. He'd cast Anagram a dull look. His eyes wander between Rokarion and Fenris, unsure what to make of this himself. Returning his gaze towards Anagram, Magnus sighs softly and asks. "Less drama, please. So you are looking to legitimize your operations. That goes into legal issues I am really not versed in. You'll have to step in for interrogation such we can see if we can do anything to help you. If not... I'm afraid the only way you'll walk away a free man is if we shut your entire shindig down." His glance wanders between Rokarion and Fenris, perhaps they had heard of this one... a smuggler that's been a thorn in Eureka's law enforcement for a long time now. "What your take on this, guys?"

Fenris gladly helps himself to Magnus's cookies, stuffing one into his mouth and chomping it happily while slipping a few into some inner pocket of his coat for later.

The burly tanuki looks the proud Anagram up and down. "Never heard of him," he says pleasantly, with only a little spray of cookie crumbs, "But I guess we could interrogate him if he wants." Fenris has not really recieved any kind of assignment yet, so is willing to just roll with things until something comes from higher up.

Nena eyes the husky from the mild distance, taking in the story with a small frown. Her attention drifts from there to Anagram and the others, tail curling and twitching idly behind her. She had no stake in any of this of course, but she liked information. She liked knowing. So she drifts a little closer, quite eager to see what she might hear.

Rokarion keeps a steady gaze at the taller kemo-canine. Remaining silent while Magnus answered. However, the Tanuki's response shifted the poodle's gaze momentarily. Rokarion let out a soft sigh and rubbed the bridge of their nose, realizing the current situation. It almost seemed like some of the other higher ups decided to throw this mess at the poodle instead of being here. The K9 officer looked back up again at the three assembled gentlemen. "Fact of the matter is that Eureka is outside our jurisdiction. There have never been an official integration of our various policing regulations. We have barely even started syncing up with other peace keeping organizations within Fairhaven." The poodle said, idly tilting their head towards the FCIU detective.

"If Anagram is interested in expanding to Fairhaven, and looking to cooperate, then he is more than welcome to give us a confession, and discuss how he is planning to start in Fairhaven." The poodle then gestured towards the various curious bystanders in the main hall. "Obviously, this will have to be done in the interrogation cells with proper supervision, and away of disquisitive citizens. Don't want INU getting their paws on this information just yet."

Anagram takes a deep breath. "sorry for the theatrics then. I am welcome to discus everything that I will be doing, including removing problems from my organization, in turn with negotiating deals for me and my employees relative to the Fairhaven juristiction. In turn, I am asking for help with these same negotiations with the Eureka juristiction, and government paperwork for my employment in Eureka's and Fairhaven's legitamate markets."

Magnus blinks a few times and casts a bewildered glance towards Rokarion. "Jurisdiction... are you serious?! We have a chance to make everything better for everyone both here in the city and in Eureka, and you are worried about JURISDICTION?!" Magnus huffs and shakes his head, then looks back up towards Anargram. "Look, I've spent my time in the underworld. Here's what I can do for you. You and me, we're going down to the interrogation cell. You want my help, I can hook you up, you'll be importing your goods all the same, but will become subject to import taxes since Big Z's wallet is bigger than their heart." The fennec winks "But! Everything is gonna be on paper, registered, legit, clean as a whistle. Your salvage is gonna hit the bigger market, you'll have a broader buyer base and odds are you won't just make up the tax through bid-wars but even make some scratch on top."

The fox then goes on, gesticulating with one hand as he explains the deal. "But... like I said, you and me, we gonna go down to the interrogation room, and I want you to snitch. You're gonna snitch and you're gonna snitch hard. You're gonna expose every gang, every smelly group, every ragtag band, every filthy fat cat mob leader, every mugger, every thug, every dirty Harry and smelly Samuel you got in your black book. We'll do the cleanup job... odds are you'll have to go into hiding for a month or so, assuming you're scared someone's gonna come after your balls for outing them. We'll cover that too, hell it'll help root out more of the filth underground... and I promise you... if your info's legit... you'll emerge a bigger, stronger, rich motherfucker with a business to envy. I mean after all, there's always a market, for pretty much everything..."

Magnus points to a window on the wall. "Look out there. The fuckin' city's reviving. The market is like a husky with her legs wide open, waiting for someone to grab her and make her their bitch. You help me, you help US, and that'll put you at the front of the line to take that shot. The rest is up to you. Eh?" Magnus smirks and offers his hand for a handshake. "Either we do that, or you'll end up having to keep crawling through the sewers like you used to... and seeing as you're here, I doubt that's what you want, is it?"

Meanwhile, the husky that'd just expressed her concerns was at least showing a soft smile. She seems to have been given at least some hope, and in her place now stood someone else, occupying Madeline's time. The person in question was a tall and muscular looking polar bear. He too seems to recognize Anagram, growling softly but doing little more than tossing the male a glance. He introduces himself, and places a suitcase on Madeline's desk. Once he opens it up, she goes wide-eyed and casts a look over towards Fenris, calling out to him. The contents of the case revealed to be several files, all containing details on a missing person case. This... polar bear character confesses that he'd been moonlighting as a part-time investigator, however his lead on a case he'd been hired on was growing cold. He needed a detective to pick up his case, and was interested in signing on with the K9 unit...

Fenris accepts Rokarion's nod of recognition with a grin before stuffing another cookie in his face. "Not gonna lie," he says, "It's still hard to even say what the law IS, let alone enforce it. It's not like we have a government or anything, no matter what the RSX guys tell you. I'm just here to prevent as much damage as possi-" The tanuki trails off as his attention is pulled away. "Yeah. Good luck with the smuggling," he says with a wave, trotting over to look at the bear's files. "Whatcha got here, big guy?"

Someone going legitimate? How interesting! Nena strokes her chin in contemplation, before pushing up her glasses. That would sure shake things up in Eureka, if it was true. Though, that was none of her business, now was it? And if they moved to the interrogation rooms, well, she wasn't going to press her luck with trespassing in a police station, so the tigress lets her attention- And her body, roam onward to the next exciting tidbit: The polar bear and the tanuki, and the promise of investigations.

Rokarion eyes Magnus, their countenance unchanging in the face of the outburst. "Officer, learn to control your temper. Citizens equally want to feel safe from us, and want to know that we follow some kind of law, not just arbitrarily decide what is 'right'. But I digress." The poodle rolls their shoulders and returns their gaze towards Anagram. "But our friend seems like he is willing to cooperate. So, it would be ideal to move to the interrogation chamber." The poodle then turns around, and signals for one of the other officers to prepare the cells in anticipation of a guest.

Anagram takes Magnus's hand in a firm handshake with a smile. "Exactly my plan. Lead the way." He whistles the same complex tune to his dog, which stands up and follows Anagram to whichever interrogation room Magnus would take him to, giving nothing but a cursory glance at any security, cameras, locks, and police in the area. If questioned on his manerisims, he simply replies "Habit." before sitting down where Magnus directs him. Speaking as if it was small talk, he then mentions offhandedly "On my way around Fairhaven this morning I came across a husky boy hanging out at the south end of third street. The boy was rather polite for someone with drunk friends." He otherwise stays silent.

Magnus shakes Anagram's hand, then gestures towards the interrogation chamber. "I'll be with you in a moment..." he'd note "My colleagues will take care of the rest." He'd nod and cast a glance towards Madelyn, who was already noting down the lead Anagram had given them. She sends out a call to someone over her comm unit, and casts a nod back at them. Seems someone was already on it. The fennec turns towards Rokarion and nods. "Alright, well uh... shall we?" he'd ask of the other and gesture towards the doorway leading into the interrogation cells.

The files Fenris is granted to explore are details of a trail followed since last month, footprings, interrogations, leads, people the lost person had last contacted... the victim evidently a doe, brown-furred with an innocent look and bright pink irises. The reports provide a very detailed profile of her, her friends, family, boyfriend, where as the clues listed potential suspects, including a stalker she'd had for a while by the looks of the reports. While Madelyn was busy with some paperwork, she leaves the talking to Fenris. Their polar bear friend was already focused on both Nena and the tanuki after all. "My name's Lance. Lance Rosewood. I've uh, always been great with my nose... it can rival that of a bloodhound, and that opened me up to tracking folks down. What was a side-business soon turned into my day job, but... well I figure I'm better off trying to get a badge if possible. The case is all yours if you want it."

He'd reach out and shuffle through the papers, pulling out a small folder labeled "19.11.19" detailing an interrogation Mr. Rosewood had conducted with one of the people to have last seen the victim. "Poor girl... apparenty she got mixed up with some shady folks her boyfriend knows. I already spoke to the mucker about it, he denies having ties with them and... genuinely regrets ever hanging around with them. Reports that they have a grudge against him for his desertion. I wouldn't put it past those bastards to have abducted the poor girl as an act of revenge, but... no parents, no family, nothing. Just names, Yale Jameson... supposedly a black feline about your side, Ulric Fareweather, equine one head taller than me, and some nameless idiot that goes by the alias of "Razor". Fucking teenager twats I'd wager. Their last known haunt was in Southeastern Woodfield, but that's where the trail went cold. Nobody there has ever heard those names before..."

Fenris sorts carefully through the files, looking over each photo and report carefully. "I can't help you get a badge, Mr. Rosewood," he says, "But I can certainly help you look for a lost kid and the monsters that took her. That would probably do a lot more to get you an in than I can."

The burly tanuki looks up at the bear and around the station. "Anything keeping me here?" he calls out to Rokarion, "I got a kid to find!"

"It's nice to meet you, Lance," Nena greets with a curtsy. She was in uniform of her own, that meant she had to take extra care of appearances. "I'm no officer myself, but I do make myself aware of many going-ons in the city. I will see if I can't keep my eyes and ears open for this missing person. Woodfield is a little further than I usually go these days, but next time I've got free time maybe I will go looking. Assuming Fenris doesn't find it all before I get the chance."

Rokarion nods towards the other officers in the main hall before heading towards the interrogation rooms, hands behind their back and pace steady. Once Anagram is seated in one of the soundproof rooms, the poodle looks back at Magnus. "Well, Officer Magnus. Given that you are still new, you are going to be the interrogator here so that we can see how you operate. I will be second detective." The poodle wonders how much of training has been given to Magnus, but decides that they would rather not know right now. "We might be getting a few observers on the other side of the window." And with that, the kemo-canine walks into the room and takes a seat behind a desk that is situated to the side of Anagram, remaining silent and maintaining an idle gaze at the proceedings.

Anagram waits for the 'interogation' to be set up before proceeding, staying silent until offically started. Once he is asked, he says "I already have all the confessions, evidence, and supporting details arriving by a courier I have employed. If you can please direct them to this room and let them go freely, I will be able to unlock the case he posesses. And for that to progress, I will discuss what will be done to ensure this task is done smoothly."

"Yeah, sure..." Magnus nods and moves into the interrogation room, closing it behind himself while a different officer steps outside to assist Maddie with handling the arrivals. Within a short timespan, they'd have reached a conclusion, hopefully a beneficial one, though it remains to be seen how it all turns out, no? Fenris and Nena too had their own trail to follow, a doe's life was on the line after all! Best of luck to both of them too!