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* [[Bleu]] (male herm)
* [[Bleu]] (male herm)
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Next part: [[Peach Parlay Afterparty, part 2: Alcoholic Boogalewd]]
Next part: [[Peach Parlay Afterparty, part 2: Alcoholic Boogalewd - RPLOG]]
==OOC highlights==
==OOC highlights==

Latest revision as of 05:35, 6 November 2019


And an OOC cameo appearance by Fluffess




Bleu saunters right on into his apartment, looking quite satisfied with himself. Made a good tried, snogged his mate, and managed to get two cute guys to follow him home, too! "Welcome to Casa de la Bleu. Make yourselves at home... Can I get either of you anything? A drink? Snack?" He slips off his windbreaker, leaving himself entirely au naturale. "Isn't the view up here amazing?"

Fenris looks dumbfounded around the glorious penthouse apartment. "How does a satyr afford a place like this?" he asks, jaw almost on the floor, "just keeping the floors stable must cost a fortune this high up!" He ogles the marble counters, then the furniture, then the jaccuzzi. Finally, he can keep his jaw hanging no longer and it snaps shut like a rolling curtain. "Definitely gonna want that drink," he says.

Richard asks, "What've you got available?" Taking in his surroundings, he can't help but crack wise. "Caviar and pre P-Day vintage alcohol? I'm with Fen on this. What's your secret?"

Bleu laughs. "No caviar, I'm afraid. Can't stand it. As for how I can afford it... I wasn't bluffing earlier when I said I spent 10k freecred on that player. I'm loaded. I've... Got a keen eye for business, I guess you could say." He approaches the minibar, and checks over the bottles. "Got some beer in the fridge. Wines, whiskey. One bottle of vodka I keep for my friends. Don't really care for the stuff." He pops open a bottle of wine. "The wine, incidentally, is almost all from... Well... I'm not sure I can explain. I'm an initiate of Dionysus, see?"

Fenris is a tanuki, the original booze hound. Any concerns he has are immediately silenced at the mention of giggle water. "You had me at Dionysus," he says, bellying up to the minibar, "Hit me!"

Richard finds that explanation a little lacking in the details department, but heck, he's a guest. No need to press the issue. He settles onto a barstool and says "One beer, please. Whatever's good." As for the other brief explanation, he just nods along. "Lotta gods coming out of the woodwork," he states, unslinging his long-guns and resting them under the seats of the mini-bar. "Makes sense that the god of having a good time would be interested in mortals' day-to-day affairs now..."

Bleu grins, and decides to demonstrate precisely what he means by 'unexplainable', as his two guests would find him suddenly holding a Roman decanter, from which he pours Fenris a glass of wine. Reaching under the bar, he also produces said beer. "I have no idea how it is that I can make wine appear out of thin air," he remarks.

Fenris is happy to partake of a little magical wine, gulping it happily from his glass and smacking his lips. The burly tanuki licks his whiskers and grins. "It's a good trick!" he says, holding out his cup for a refill, "I like a practical god."

In the span of a single blink, Richard finds his host has acquired a container of wine that he certainly did not have before. Richard blinks a few more times before straightening up and saying, "Practical is right. The god of parties gave you a fantastic party trick. I think that's all we need to know about it."

Bleu laughs heartily, as he refills Fenris' glass. "Ha, well, Dionysus would be pleased to hear you both say that. A shocking amount of folks in Fairhaven still don't actually believe he exists, despite the ample evidence to the contrary." The satyr shrugs. "Their loss. Of course, one of you is a tanuki, the other an elf, so I suppose you'd be more inclined to recognize the supernatural..."

Fenris nods and takes a little more time with this glass. "I've met more than a few gods," the tanuki says, "I've made the supernatural sort of my area of study." He licks his lips and slurps down the rest of his drink before holding out the cup for more. "Dionysus seems like one I should put on my 'to meet' list!"

Richard swigs a couple mouthfuls of beer, then sets his glass down. "Elfhood's got nothin' to do with it. We don't understand how the nanites do what they do, we don't understand how the gods do what they do, we just see it happen and go with it. I'm just glad that this cosmic horror show is more of a cosmic horny show."

Bleu's gaze sweeps over Richard. "I dunno. Elfhood's certainly made you very pretty, at least." Seems he can't go even a few minutes without shamelessly flirting with Richard. He takes a sip of wine from his own jug, and chuckles, before happily refilling the tanuki's glass. "You should definitely meet him. He blessed me with this wonderfully horny form over a year ago, and my life's been more fun ever since..."

"Ha! Cosmic Horny show!" Fenris guffaws, gulping down yet another glass of satyr wine, "You know, a lot of the supernaturals I have met are pretty confused by how everything they do here tips toward sex!" He holds out his cup for a refill, eyes twinkling with mirth, interest, and more than a little booze. "So he accepted you in person?" he asks, "Dionysus, I mean?"

Richard waves a hand at the compliment. "Nah... everyone's good looking now. Gotta get really unlucky with your infections not to be. Like uhhh..." he drums his fingers against the marble countertop as he thinks. "Dwarves! Yeah, there are some dwarves just south of where I picked this infection up who have horrible skin conditions. Every single one of them. And blade beasts. Don't get me started, man. I've been around."

Bleu fixes his gaze on the elf again. "I *bet* you have," he replies. "Speaking of skin, yours looks *flawless*." His ears perk. He's being especially shameless tonight. "Oh, Fen, to answer your question... Yes. He did. It was truly memorable. Happened in a remote forest clearing. I had the most intense experience of love making. May have been just a vision, though..."

Fenris laughs and beats out a short drum rhythm on his belly. "Lord Tanuki accepted my dedication personally," he says, "And he got me looking my best!" The burly tanuki looks quite proud of his fluffy tail and soft, sturdy form.

He slurps down another glass of wine. He gives a long, loud belch and laughs again. "I'm not super interested in sex," he admits, then gives his relatively large Tanuki endowment a slap, "But Lord Tanuki did give me some bells worth ringing."

Richard breaks eye contact with Bleu at the compliment. "Just nanomachines. Plenty of beautiful forms out there." Incidentally, his gaze lands on Fenris's... pride, as he gives it a thorough jiggling. Oh dear. He sits up in his chair and returns his eyes to Bleu's. "Any mutations that you guys admire? Don't say your literally god-given ones, either. I mean, ones you can really appreciate even if they're not you." He drinks a little more as he waits for an answer.

Bleu gives the tanuki's package an appraising glance. "Not into sex? That is a shame..." He smirks over at Richard. "Ah. A good question, my man. I've always been rather partial to rabbits, goats, otters, and horses. But the one I adore the most is the red kangaroo. Shall I demonstrate it for you?"

Fenris tilts his head, pondering the question. "What do you mean?" he asks, scratching his fluffy chest through his open shirt. "Like, on me? Or to look at? I like a good tail, I guess? Beings with a little hair on their chests and a good chest for putting hair on." He shrugs. "We tanuki are shapeshifters, you know," he says, "More than just making our bells bigger. I've tried a whole lot of different shapes."

Richard asks, "Are you both shifters? Is that a nanite thing or a magic thing?" And, to Fenris specifically, "What do you mean by a 'good tail?' Like, floofy, or long, or doesn't get in the way of anything?" He swirls his beer around idly. "I prefer the latter, myself. Humans and similar, though yeah, there are a bunch of good horse and fox morphs running around. I'm kind of old fashioned that way." He also nods a quick assent to Bleu's question.

Bleu chuckles a little. "In my case it's nanite based. I'm a nanite adept, which means I can cause the nanites in my body to change into forms that I've mastered beforehand. Like this..." And with that, the satyr suddenly grows a lot furrier, becoming the aforementioned red kangaroo. "As an aside, my dear Richard... I gotta thing for humans and human-like forms... Such as yourself..." The kangaroo grins.

Fenris nods at Richard. "Big and fluffy!" he says happily, "Or thick and heavy! Or even with a big, fluffy tuft at the end. Tails are very attractive."

He shrugs at the second question. "Tanuki magic lets me always shift back to being either human or tanuki," he explains, "and I can turn into inanimate objects. Anything else uses the nanites, which is sort of our world's magic right now." He waves a hand at Bleu and grins, "Like, I could be a satyr too if I wanted."

Richard watches the fur fill in on Bleu's body and a third leg of a tail stretch out behind him. "Adept? Well, that makes two of us. Kind of why I broached the topic to begin with." He sets his beer down as Fenris explains that he's capable of being inanimate objects. "What, so I could be sitting on a tanuki right now and not know it?"

Bleu grins widely, taking another long sip from his jug of wine. "Nah, I check my place for stray tanuki. Not run across any yet..." He chuckles, then leans in, and give both Richard and Fenris a playful kiss, though there is a little more passion behind the one for the elf.

Fenris laughs warmly, first at the question, then at the kiss. "Stop!" he chuckles, "You'll make me blush!"

The tanuki gives Richard a wink, then turns a rather acrobatic cartwheel up onto the minibar. He stands on his hands and turns in a circle as his form slumps down like clay on a potter's wheel. It spins a little more, then resolves into a beautiful Greek Aphora, complete with etchings of rather lewdly carved satyrs chasing after tubby tanuki.

Richard flinches at the cold 'roo nose and warm lips on his cheek, recoiling at the sheer forwardness of it. His eyes go wide, and he barely has the presence of mind to watch the tanuki's demonstration. He chugs the rest of his beer before slamming the empty glass on the counter. "Two whiskey shots. Now," he orders. His brow is furrowed, but his lips are just barely turned up at the corners.

Bleu watches Fenris' display with keen interest. "Yeah, I can't do anything like that..." Richard's demand for two whiskey shots does not go unanswered, however, and the satyr opens a bottle, and fills up the elf's glass. "Ah, yes... Two whiskey shots..." He tries to read that expression, but doesn't know entirely what to make of it.

The ornate vase just sits there on the counter, for all the world like a perfectly ordinary bit of clay and paint. If someone were to put an ear to the mouth of the vase, they would hear gentle, wine scented snoring. Guess the tanuki has had his fill and is down for the count.

Next part: Peach Parlay Afterparty, part 2: Alcoholic Boogalewd - RPLOG

OOC highlights

  • Fenris was having trouble with his client's encoding all afternoon. He fixed it halfway through the RP. This log has been edited to remove those errors, but here's a prime example of what was happening to him.

?You had me at Dionysus,? he says, bellying up to the minibar, ?Hit me!?

<OOC> Fenris says, "This punctuation problem is vexing."

<OOC> Bleu says, "Can't help but read it as Fenris saying Hit Me?! in a very confused way, lol."

<OOC> Fenris says, "I know, right?"

Fluffess has arrived.

<Lick> Fluffess runs their tongue all over Bleu's face

Fluffess has left.

<OOC> Bleu is drive-by licked, apparently.

<OOC> Richard says, "Break yo self, fool."

<OOC> Fenris says, "Time for me to call it a night, gents."

<OOC> Fenris says, "Thanks for the RP."

<OOC> Bleu says, "See ya."

<OOC> Richard says, "Good night! That shift must've taken it out of you."

<OOC> Fenris says, "Concentrated the alcohol, I guess."

<OOC> Fenris says, "I just have to be elsewhere. Later!"

<OOC> Richard says, "Hope we didn't scare you off. I know you said you weren't interested in lewd."

<OOC> Fenris says, "Nah, you are fine. I just have to go. Have fun!"