Difference between revisions of "Automated Multiplayer Updates/2018 April"

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<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Descriptions for Adept - Kemonomimi Software and - Satyric Software have been updated to reflect prior updates.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Descriptions for Adept - Kemonomimi Software and - Satyric Software have been updated to reflect prior updates.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;To update your container locks, you can now use <span style="color:#FFFF00">+gear/lockconfig here</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;To clarify the update about Remort and Spent Remorts, All Natural would count your current level unless you remorted, but it only counted Remorts and not Spent Remorts. Thus, if oyu spent all your Remorts, it showed you as current level and not max-level, reducing your loadout/upkeep. This has fixed that so you gain the full benefits of being remorted.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Due to the needs of those larger instature, a comms terminal has been set up just outside the Zephyr Building to contact Robery about daily missions. <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>You can now use boht Daily and PDaily form just outside the Zephyr Lobby, where Size Limit deposits those larger than limits<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;New Help File for Tags, Flags, and Supports. You can use <span style="color:#FFFF00">+help tags</span> or <span style="color:#FFFF00">+help flags</span> or <span style="color:#FFFF00">+help supports</span> to trigger this file.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;<span style="color:#FFFF00">+help support</span>&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;New help file: <span style="color:#FFFF00">+help OOC Etiquette</span>&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Automated Master edge fixed!&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;The research command should be fast now, it&#39;ll update it&#39;s cache every hour.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Fixed a significant internal error that would make things just plain not work.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed the Burning Rubber badge being unavailable due to a malformed talkscript requirements field <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>my bad<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Added Leg Splitter support to the Priapan Orca.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed a serious error in the Ember Matriarch quest that would complete it immediately if you talked to her again after the first step. Players who completed it this way have had their progress reset.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Warning, combat will get strange as I reach into its still beating heart and do... things.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;<span style="color:#FFFF00">+groin/real</span> now properly shows you your balls if you&#39;ve just 2.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;<span style="color:#FFFF00">+help renew</span> now available.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Combat revision rewound.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;<span style="color:#FFFF00">+help respec</span> is now available.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Condoms, condoms, condoms! The condom item is now available in the Token shop for 5 tokens, stackable! You can enable/disable the rubber in order to have it automagically work and deplete as they&#39;re used up <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>only when it would actually trigger<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span>. Thos who donated to the mako pool have their badges!&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;New Edge: <span style="color:#00FF00">Commerce Mastery</span>. This will enable your Negotiation, Intimidation, and Economics skills to give benefit above the normal cap when determining discounts from NPC shops <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>potential for an additional 10% discount<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;Pacifists may now not send mercs to parties, since mercenaries are more or less only for fighting.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Small bug in +reward has been fixed.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Fixed an excess line from emitting when you gain XP from combat. This should cut down some on the Merc spam. <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>GiveXP already shows you the amount, so, saying it beforehand was extraneous<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum chorruses, &quot;The Wiki&#39;s organ size table should  now work properly when the alternative size specification prop is used.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;9 member parties might not happen now. Probably best to report the circumstances if 9 or more members show up for a fight. Let me know if this is not the case, as it may only be a single issue that I&#39;ve fixed. Or not at all &gt;.&gt;&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;You should no longer receive both class XP notifications and XP notifications.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Fairhaven Municipal School proudly opens its doors to students eager to learn and teachers eager to teach.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;You can now give nanites with <span style="color:#FFFF00">give </span><span style="color:#FF00FF">&lt;#&gt;</span><span style="color:#FFFF00"> nanites to </span><span style="color:#FF00FF">&lt;player&gt;</span> in addition to prior methods.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Tiger Shark given Chubby support by player-submitted Infection Update.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Added a new, more detailed unbirth sex scene to the Ember Matriarch for players fully infected with ember strain parts.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;The Vibrant Strikes combat skill has been added to the game. It is likely a nice addition to those who like to keep their team-mates alive while also beating the snot out of your enemies.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;New Token Recipe: Tin Foil Hat. Keep out those &#39;alien wavelengths&#39; with this gaudy accessory!&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Psychic added to Stategical Offense, Poison added to Strategical Defenses.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;And, when the brain is firing on all cylinders: Specialized Defenses and Specialized Offense. Yes.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Sonic Boom Gun, brought to you by Otto. Knock &#39;em Dead! <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>warning, will likely not cause death in most mutants<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span> Get yours today, at the Arborwatch Manor!&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Fixed an error with switching classes on the web.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;The preg quest now has an 18 hour timer on repeats.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku deeply brays, &quot;Builder nanite drops should better reflect one&#39;s computer and nanitecolectrate status.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;Mercstat replace should get you into a closed party when it&#39;s used.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku brainlessly giggles, &quot;Floating points OF DOOM toned down and amount bumped up for builder nanites.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku brainlessly giggles, &quot;Status powers on Sonic Boom Gun and Grenade tweaked.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;buy #help and +help buy both now work.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;+help mercenary updated for clarity of command usage.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Fixed an error in mercstat that wasn&#39;t translating a dbref into a string for fmtstring. What does this mean? You&#39;ll now be able to properly use <span style="color:#FFFF00">mercstat replace</span>&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;<span style="color:#FFFF00">+help AoE</span> created to give a better understanding of the current AoE meanings.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku brainlessly giggles, &quot;Fish template no longer uses &gt;&lt;&gt; &lt;&gt;&lt; titles.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;Vibrant Strikes will now be reported properly.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku softly churrs, &quot;Fixed a bug in getting master badge.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Violet the blue gryphon now has a new quest available!&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Added Arm Divider support to Wolf Beast, which now has full item support.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Added Leg Splitter support to the Ember Breeder.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;New quest deactivated while an internal bug is being investigated. Sorry about that.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Highway</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed and re-added Violet&#39;s new quest. Also fixed the separate Scavenging Gryphon event being inaccessible due to a related bug.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku softly churrs, &quot;Ian and Mike renamed to avoid accidentally speaking to them.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FFFF00"></span><span style="color:#FF6600">&quot;Master&quot; Of Science</span> Fauna wantonly purrs, &quot;Slight tweak to the way talking to NPCs by just using the name works. You can still talk to an NPC named Bob by typing &#39;bob&#39;, but &#39;bo&#39; will no longer trigger talkscript without the &#39;talk&#39; command.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Out of Bubble +help file has been moved to be under Theme category for easier finding and has OoB tacked on for easer referencing with <span style="color:#FFFF00">+help oob</span>.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;If you&#39;ve reached maximum level for your class, Class XP will no longer accumulate nor be reported for that class.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum croons, &quot;New command for those perenially unhappy with their favored form&#39;s sexual sizes. <span style="color:#FFFF00">sprofile </span><span style="color:#FF00FF">#help</span> to see what it can do. Let&#39;s call this a free demo period for it, maybe a public beta. Doesn&#39;t require any equipment to use at the moment, at some point, it might.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;The slot machine was capping upgrades long before they ought to have been capped. Now it should be more consistently good about handling that when the upgrades are below the cap.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">:</span><span style="color:#00FF00"> Subsidiary</span> Hexaferrum smoothly says, &quot;Umbra Shakal removed from rpsystem. This was a misspelling of Umbra Shakhal, which does still exist.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#FF00FF">Master</span><span style="color:#5C5CFF"> Master</span><span style="color:#00CDCD"> Master</span> Glitch churrs adorably, &quot;Party Energy Restorer will now give PP to Merc&#39;s players so that PP is updated properly.&quot;

Latest revision as of 00:00, 1 May 2018

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Crawly Creek is now fully accessible through the Creepy Forest."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "A portion of the Jutting Peaks has been re-allocated as the Ragged Pinnacles combat area."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Jagged Foothills now made on-grid, attached to the Rolling Hills."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Zoo subareas made (though the descriptions are pretty cut'n paste). All three web-only areas are now on-grid."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Basic Commands updated a little,and sub-categories made for bite-sized references."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Pair in the Pants has been given a little more flexibility. You can now specify a specific number to show with the Balls lstat. This will not exceed your current number, and default is still 2."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "What have we been missing from Classes? Something unseen. I mean, erally, you'd be hard-pressed to see them. The Stealth Ninja class is now available in the Token Shop."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "And, the final form replaced in Upper Hell. Now all are original and different than the Wax Museum! Welcome the Demonic Penguin to the folio of fiends."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "editplayer will now let you set color3"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "All erroneous Behemoth RooPets have been removed, as they are no t available as RooPets. This means no one gets an advantage/disadvantage for having one."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "mercstats will show you an overview of your mercenary, if it exists. mercstats dismiss will allow you to dismiss the mercenary remotely."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "My bad, the command was mercstat, now it will respond to both that and mercstats."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Mercstat shouldn't error out after the table."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Mercstat replace will now dismiss the merc, and then join the party as soon as you are able."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Behemoth is charmable"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "And all Behemoths were returned."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Remorting will no longer pointlessly remove your items. This is a rather backwards way to fix a problem with inventory being lost, but it ought to entirely eliminate that vector for the larger issue. Do make sure to ensure that you aren't overloaded at your new start, either by loadout or upkeep."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Driven updated! check out info Driven for its new functionality with Daily Rewards and RP XP."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Driven now affects daily reward % properly."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "After some long, grueling figuring... Mercs can NOW get Daily Mission success! (Issue was reading the location of the player and not the merc for confirmation of Area. Fixed that)"

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Sending your merc out to a party ought to now set their AI to on properly now."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The Burgeoning Boobalicious Bust Bolus and the Minimizing Mammary Mastery Medicine have been added to Lisa's Blissful House. The BBBB and MMMM adjust the number of breasts you have, the B4 removing a pair(down to zero)."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Trained Skill and Enhanced Duration are now affecting power status duration properly."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The speed of combat is regulated differently now. When the server is at a heavy load, the load should, if all goes right, hover around a single number, instead of swinging up and down wildly. Since the server isn't under heavy load right now, and it doesn't appear that I've broken anything, the test for the truth of that claim has yet to pass."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "RP Hotspots should now reflect RP rewards more appropriately, also not nag you if you're there."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Kinks now accepts shorthand correctly with #detail."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Party might not have issues with 'no such party' now. I say might because there could be other cases not yet addressed. Let me know if you find any."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Racing should no longer print the race to your fellow peeps unless you're still in the arena."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Nymphera has been moved to the creepy forest. It's not creepy, but it does like forests."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "So... Now you can use nanite incubate mega to spend 500k nanites at once instead of 10k on your bundle of joy."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Protein Shield and Stonewall have been buffed slightly. Protein shield has slightly more AoE, stonewall slightly longer Duration."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "And for gender symmetry, so has Reinforced Nectar"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Error in +xp in recognizing an RP Hot Spot room now fixed."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "mercstat leave will allow you to leave a party, leaving your merc in your place."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Invisible recipe modifier now imparts stealth when used passively, allowing you to make camouflaged armor and the like."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Untrackable now also imparts stealth when used passively."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Cleaned up the Donkey Boy Victory/oVictory messages and added multi-cock support."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Completely rewrote the Egyptian Mau's Victory, oVictory and Defeat scenes. Much detail and dynamic parsing has been added to read more smoothly and cater to a broader variety of body types."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Split the Egyptian Mau's victory message over several properties since it was so long it broke the character limit."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "The Scout status now affects your ambuscade-aversion! Rolls to avoid ambushes are boosted for players with the Scout status."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Thanks to your donations, a Goals stretch goal is now complete! Check out Scouting Nanomagic, an expansion of Biodetection Nanomagic."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Persistant womb rooms, ala Fertile Land, should now work with wpot"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Small bug in equipment code that didn't recognize Spent Remorts now recognizes Remort AND Spent Remort."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The portrait program has been updated with a #delete function, and features a few under-the-hood improvements, namely, that it stores the date a bit more efficiently."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "lfg will now give you 12:mm(pm|am) timestamps."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Blazing fury now actually does the right thing to psychic and cold damageimmunity."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Descriptions for Adept - Kemonomimi Software and - Satyric Software have been updated to reflect prior updates."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "To update your container locks, you can now use +gear/lockconfig here."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "To clarify the update about Remort and Spent Remorts, All Natural would count your current level unless you remorted, but it only counted Remorts and not Spent Remorts. Thus, if oyu spent all your Remorts, it showed you as current level and not max-level, reducing your loadout/upkeep. This has fixed that so you gain the full benefits of being remorted."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Due to the needs of those larger instature, a comms terminal has been set up just outside the Zephyr Building to contact Robery about daily missions. (You can now use boht Daily and PDaily form just outside the Zephyr Lobby, where Size Limit deposits those larger than limits)."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "New Help File for Tags, Flags, and Supports. You can use +help tags or +help flags or +help supports to trigger this file."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+help support"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "New help file: +help OOC Etiquette"

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Automated Master edge fixed!"

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The research command should be fast now, it'll update it's cache every hour."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Fixed a significant internal error that would make things just plain not work."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the Burning Rubber badge being unavailable due to a malformed talkscript requirements field (my bad)."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Added Leg Splitter support to the Priapan Orca."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed a serious error in the Ember Matriarch quest that would complete it immediately if you talked to her again after the first step. Players who completed it this way have had their progress reset."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Warning, combat will get strange as I reach into its still beating heart and do... things."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+groin/real now properly shows you your balls if you've just 2."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+help renew now available."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Combat revision rewound."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+help respec is now available."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Condoms, condoms, condoms! The condom item is now available in the Token shop for 5 tokens, stackable! You can enable/disable the rubber in order to have it automagically work and deplete as they're used up (only when it would actually trigger). Thos who donated to the mako pool have their badges!"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "New Edge: Commerce Mastery. This will enable your Negotiation, Intimidation, and Economics skills to give benefit above the normal cap when determining discounts from NPC shops (potential for an additional 10% discount)."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Pacifists may now not send mercs to parties, since mercenaries are more or less only for fighting."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Small bug in +reward has been fixed."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Fixed an excess line from emitting when you gain XP from combat. This should cut down some on the Merc spam. (GiveXP already shows you the amount, so, saying it beforehand was extraneous)."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum chorruses, "The Wiki's organ size table should now work properly when the alternative size specification prop is used."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "9 member parties might not happen now. Probably best to report the circumstances if 9 or more members show up for a fight. Let me know if this is not the case, as it may only be a single issue that I've fixed. Or not at all >.>"

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "You should no longer receive both class XP notifications and XP notifications."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Fairhaven Municipal School proudly opens its doors to students eager to learn and teachers eager to teach."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "You can now give nanites with give <#> nanites to <player> in addition to prior methods."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Tiger Shark given Chubby support by player-submitted Infection Update."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Added a new, more detailed unbirth sex scene to the Ember Matriarch for players fully infected with ember strain parts."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The Vibrant Strikes combat skill has been added to the game. It is likely a nice addition to those who like to keep their team-mates alive while also beating the snot out of your enemies."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "New Token Recipe: Tin Foil Hat. Keep out those 'alien wavelengths' with this gaudy accessory!"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Psychic added to Stategical Offense, Poison added to Strategical Defenses."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "And, when the brain is firing on all cylinders: Specialized Defenses and Specialized Offense. Yes."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Sonic Boom Gun, brought to you by Otto. Knock 'em Dead! (warning, will likely not cause death in most mutants) Get yours today, at the Arborwatch Manor!"

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Fixed an error with switching classes on the web."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "The preg quest now has an 18 hour timer on repeats."

[Update] Nuku deeply brays, "Builder nanite drops should better reflect one's computer and nanitecolectrate status."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Mercstat replace should get you into a closed party when it's used."

[Update] Nuku brainlessly giggles, "Floating points OF DOOM toned down and amount bumped up for builder nanites."

[Update] Nuku brainlessly giggles, "Status powers on Sonic Boom Gun and Grenade tweaked."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "buy #help and +help buy both now work."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+help mercenary updated for clarity of command usage."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Fixed an error in mercstat that wasn't translating a dbref into a string for fmtstring. What does this mean? You'll now be able to properly use mercstat replace"

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "+help AoE created to give a better understanding of the current AoE meanings."

[Update] Nuku brainlessly giggles, "Fish template no longer uses ><> <>< titles."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Vibrant Strikes will now be reported properly."

[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Fixed a bug in getting master badge."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Violet the blue gryphon now has a new quest available!"

[Update] Highway Song says, "Added Arm Divider support to Wolf Beast, which now has full item support."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Added Leg Splitter support to the Ember Breeder."

[Update] Highway Song says, "New quest deactivated while an internal bug is being investigated. Sorry about that."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed and re-added Violet's new quest. Also fixed the separate Scavenging Gryphon event being inaccessible due to a related bug."

[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Ian and Mike renamed to avoid accidentally speaking to them."

[Update] "Master" Of Science Fauna wantonly purrs, "Slight tweak to the way talking to NPCs by just using the name works. You can still talk to an NPC named Bob by typing 'bob', but 'bo' will no longer trigger talkscript without the 'talk' command."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Out of Bubble +help file has been moved to be under Theme category for easier finding and has OoB tacked on for easer referencing with +help oob."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "If you've reached maximum level for your class, Class XP will no longer accumulate nor be reported for that class."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum croons, "New command for those perenially unhappy with their favored form's sexual sizes. sprofile #help to see what it can do. Let's call this a free demo period for it, maybe a public beta. Doesn't require any equipment to use at the moment, at some point, it might."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "The slot machine was capping upgrades long before they ought to have been capped. Now it should be more consistently good about handling that when the upgrades are below the cap."

[Update] : Subsidiary Hexaferrum smoothly says, "Umbra Shakal removed from rpsystem. This was a misspelling of Umbra Shakhal, which does still exist."

[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Party Energy Restorer will now give PP to Merc's players so that PP is updated properly."