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"Tha fuck is this shit bitch boi?  Go jack off in the corner and start the show or turn tha fuckin music back on, I got rat pussy in the corner to play stink finger with then sniff when the lights dim."   
"Tha fuck is this shit bitch boi?  Go jack off in the corner and start the show or turn tha fuckin music back on, I got rat pussy in the corner to play stink finger with then sniff when the lights dim."   
<br> <br>Cookies enters the club with a slight stumble as she passes through the doors, cursing quietly to herself. She doesn't look right, bags under her eyes, otherwise pampered hair frazzled, and despite it all she looks a little... too sober. She gives the crowd a good look-over. When she sees Dio, she nearly turns right around, but staggers her way closer in anyway- she was only here to relax, although as her odds-defying crappy luck would have it something was OF-COURSE up and drawing attention. All eyes are on the otter, and so now hers are as well.<br> <br>At the urging of Cerris the otter continues on, "Tonight we have something special! A compatetion! A dance off if you will, here in the nightclub, with the winners getting their choice of prize! We have..." then some silence, "We have...." some more silence, "ROBERT! That's your cue!" A plump tigress, very female, breasts bigger then her swollen belly, waddles out, "Sorry Patricia, I.. got a little distracted." she says, the dripping at the pussy's pussy denoting what she was distracted doing. She then pulls from off stage a cart, "We have," Robert takes the cloth off the first item, "A Rabbit Pill! Much saught after for those days where you just want on person fucking on you all day. Next we have," another cloth moved, "A pack of Male and Female Mojos! Almost as good as the Rabbit Pill, this pack of six each is sure to keep you and yours going for a long time. Finally," the last cloth is moved to... a book? Most just stare at is, "Really? This is the last thing you could come up with? What is it?" Robert whispers to Patricia, "Well.. alright, lastly we have the complete series of The Lord of The Rings, carefuly perserved, sealed in a glass case. You are encouraged to team up for the compatition, the person or pair that gets the most reaction from the audiance will get to pick one of our lovely prizes! Do I have any volunters!?"<br> <br>Anbessa raises an eyebrow over at Cerris curiously. He certainly remembers the voice, which makes him smirk as this easilly makes Cerris' disguise moot to him, but he ain't gonna blow the guy's cover over what happened last time... Even if it is tempting. He does seem to quietly observe the mocha kitty and Dio though as his tail sways behind him, letting the room fill with a delightful flowery scent as he stands with his arms crossed. He obviously ain't volunteering, the Talakai spacing out for a moment as he reminices on something a while back... Makes him wish he was human so he COULD dance though.<br> <br>Dio looks towards the door as various and familiar agents begin filing through, most likely drawn by the same thing she was, unless they simply loved to party and she didn't know. Hearing a rather small husky address her, the lioness smiles and nods her head at Miora. "I would be honored, ma'am. It's wonderful to see you again." And then his little cat girl came in, but why did she look so timid? Such will have to be investigated later. Listening to the proposal, the lioness lets out a rather large laugh and starts moving towards Cookies. "Do you hear that, my lady? A dance contest, but..." She bends down and whispers something into Cookies' ear before raising her hand to the sky. "We would like to enter, my beautiful cat girl and I."
<br> <br>Cookies enters the club with a slight stumble as she passes through the doors, cursing quietly to herself. She doesn't look right, bags under her eyes, otherwise pampered hair frazzled, and despite it all she looks a little... too sober. She gives the crowd a good look-over. When she sees Dio, she nearly turns right around, but staggers her way closer in anyway- she was only here to relax, although as her odds-defying crappy luck would have it something was OF-COURSE up and drawing attention. All eyes are on the otter, and so now hers are as well.<br> <br>At the urging of Cerris the otter continues on, "Tonight we have something special! A compatetion! A dance off if you will, here in the nightclub, with the winners getting their choice of prize! We have..." then some silence, "We have...." some more silence, "ROBERT! That's your cue!" A plump tigress, very female, breasts bigger then her swollen belly, waddles out, "Sorry Patricia, I.. got a little distracted." she says, the dripping at the pussy's pussy denoting what she was distracted doing. She then pulls from off stage a cart, "We have," Robert takes the cloth off the first item, "A Rabbit Pill! Much saught after for those days where you just want on person fucking on you all day. Next we have," another cloth moved, "A pack of Male and Female Mojos! Almost as good as the Rabbit Pill, this pack of six each is sure to keep you and yours going for a long time. Finally," the last cloth is moved to... a book? Most just stare at is, "Really? This is the last thing you could come up with? What is it?" Robert whispers to Patricia, "Well.. alright, lastly we have the complete series of The Lord of The Rings, carefuly perserved, sealed in a glass case. You are encouraged to team up for the compatition, the person or pair that gets the most reaction from the audiance will get to pick one of our lovely prizes! Do I have any volunters!?"<br> <br>Anbessa raises an eyebrow over at Cerris curiously. He certainly remembers the voice, which makes him smirk as this easilly makes Cerris' disguise moot to him, but he ain't gonna blow the guy's cover over what happened last time... Even if it is tempting. He does seem to quietly observe the mocha kitty and Dio though as his tail sways behind him, letting the room fill with a delightful flowery scent as he stands with his arms crossed. He obviously ain't volunteering, the Talakai spacing out for a moment as he reminices on something a while back... Makes him wish he was human so he COULD dance though.<br> <br>Dio looks towards the door as various and familiar agents begin filing through, most likely drawn by the same thing she was, unless they simply loved to party and she didn't know. Hearing a rather small husky address her, the lioness smiles and nods her head at Miora. "I would be honored, ma'am. It's wonderful to see you again." And then his little cat girl came in, but why did she look so timid? Such will have to be investigated later. Listening to the proposal, the lioness lets out a rather large laugh and starts moving towards Cookies. "Do you hear that, my lady? A dance contest, but..." She bends down and whispers something into Cookies' ear before raising her hand to the sky. "We would like to enter, my beautiful cat girl and I."<br> <br>Miora smiles to Dio and leans on the wall, although at the mention of dance she blusehs and looks down to her paws a bit, not sure how good she would be. At first not thinking of entering, that is until the books are mentioned, both her floppy ears perking up as much as they can at the mention of those books, and in mid condition too. She looks to Anbessa but he already seems to of already stepped down from the competition. A small whimper coming from her, she glances to Dio but he already seems to have a partner. Her tail tucking and ears pulling back as she wasn't sure who she was going to dance with if not either of them...<br> <br>Arano looks up and then considers... OK, a DANCE competition? That wasn't what he was expecting, maybe an orgy or perhaps a competition to see who the best fu... OH! Still, he can't help but snicker a bit at the prizes on offer and snidely says, "So, two items to help you spend all day getting laid... and one item to ensure you never get laid again." Looking around, he thinks about whether or not to even enter, or perhaps just stand off to the side. He glances towards Dio and Cookies, suddenly recognizing the lioness. He thinks for a few moments and shrugs, "Well, guess it can't hurt to enter, but I strongly suspect that they aren't talking about 'dancing' in the usual sense..." he looks towards Miora and, having made up his mind asks, "...if you need a dance partner I'm free,"<br> <br>Cerris found himself turned a bit off by what was up for grabs, aphrodisiacs and nerd gear?  Well he could always donate the nerd gear to the K & S project perhaps.  Wait...Cookies was here and that lioness...why was she talking like Dio...Oh this was rich...he was totally going to have to break this shit up and have some fun. Trouble was, he didn't have a partner and his initial plan to snag Cookies was vapor for the time being. 
"Eh, need me a limber bitch, any of ya know how ta move?"<br> <br>Cookies stares up at Dio with a wide frown. <br> <br>Cookies stares up at Dio with a wide frown. "You... But I just wanted..." She clutches at her hair and sighs quietly, shaking her head vigorously and backing away from Dio a couple of steps. "I just want to- to relax- I- I don't..." One last sigh comes from the mocha-skinned catgirl, though she makes no effort to make her protests clear to the otter. "Son of a bitch," she groans, then steps up next to the lioness, scratching at the back of her head. "I need a drink. I need a brewery. If we win, I'm pawning it all off for a brewery. Or all the drinks a brewery can brew. Or maybe I should just put these fat fuckin' things to work..." she glances down at her breasts and trails off into a series of disgruntled mumblings.<br> <br>Not getting anyone just yet.. a few.. Oh! Here comes a pair! A Slut Rat and an Ember Breeder. They get up on stange and the music starts! Mr. Brightside, by The Killers! They are completely nude dancing up there, and at first it seems to be a interesting dance, before... the Slut Rat's cock finds its way up in the Ember Breeder, who, to the beat, starts jacking hirself off while wiggling with the Slut Rat. Somehow they managed to keep up what resembles a dance, the Breeder doing most of the work, rubbing at hirself, and putting on quite a show with her cock dripping all over the stage! Finally, as the song comes to its final notes, the Slut Rat blasts into the Breeder, the Breeder sparying the crowd! A few hoot and hollar, but all in all they didn't seem to get too much of a 'reaction' from everyone, on a few spilling their own loads. To help keep dancers from slipping, a Goo Girl brings herself over the stage, quickly absorbing any lost 'offerings.' "A good starter preformance!" The otter annouces, cock throbbing before him a bit brighter and a bit harder, "Do we have any more?"<br> <br>Anbessa stares out and up at the stage as the first pair come up on stage... And quickly make it clear what kind of game this is. With his eyes openning a bit more, he steps a little back as the Talakai frowns and looks over towards Miora... Who seems to be approached by Arano, which makes him blink. He stares at the two... Then lets his ears fall flat atop of his head as he looks back towards the others, taking a few steps back. He ain't wanting to join this, but he won't leave Miora here alone. He does quietly observe Miora though.<br> <br>"Going to relax within a nightclub?" Dio questions, clearly not convinced by Cookies' response. "You seem to be hiding from some emotional distress, but we'll get to that. Helping the greater good with a bit of fun could do well for one's soul." Watching the rather... lewd performance, Dio winces a little, but certainly didn't expect anything different from ferals or those close to becoming one. "We shall take the next dance," she says, dragging Cookies up upon the stage. "Something slow, if you will." As a businessman, one realizes that perhaps one of the most important things to learn is your audience. Appeal to them, and rake in the profits. Sure sex appeals to them, but being around naked folks all the time dulls the experience. A hint and a tease to drive the world wild, begging for more. It pained her pride to use her new-found femininity to her advantage, but...
The lioness puts on a rather seductive pout pout upon her lips and bends down slightly, exposing the top of her chest as she delivers a blown kiss into the audience. "Are you ready," she questions with a chuckle, moving her hands from her knees up to her skirt, slowly ripping the fabric to allow more movement and a little more fur...
Moving up to Cookies, the lioness sways her hips and swishes her tail against the floor, eventually making it brush against the cat girl's legs with a faux purr. She puts one of Cookies' hands into her own while the other wraps around her back, pulling the cat girl's body against her own to smoosh their chests together as they embrace in a romantic kiss.
After the wonderful, chest bumping kiss, the pair break away and start to do a typical slow and close embraced slow dance across the stage, swaying her hips and occasionally putting out her rear against that skirt of hers. After a nod of her head, the lioness is spun around by Cookies and then bends slightly backwards, exposing the top half of her chest to the audience with a seductive smile and pouted lips. Coming back up, she engages Cookies with another lip-locking kiss and suddenly grabs her hips, holding her up in the air right when the music stops and looking out into the audience.<br> <br>Miora looks up to Arano and folds her ears back in thought, the first act coming and gi, the tall dragon towering over her. "Well... I... I can't do anything sexual with you, sorry, but if your ok with that I can try... I have never really done any dance outside the waltz..." she says, her ears pinned back, thinking the dragon would likely find another partner, "But if you still think we have a chance we can try." she says with a small shy smile. Doing her best ot stand tall, giving several glances back to Bessa to see if he was ok, but otherwise standing her ground, waiting for an answer.<br> <br>Arano looks over the dancers and then, seeing it on display, thinks about it for a moment, and frowns, "On second thought... not sure I want to lower myself to being a stripper. And I see you are of a similar mind Miora... so yah, going to pass," he then sighs a bit and says, "Really should have thought that through." He just sits and watches on the sidelines instead - if it's really worth it, worst case scenario, they can shoot there way through to the books in question.

Revision as of 05:22, 23 November 2013





The normal WUBWUBWUB coming from the nightclub, a place normally full of sounds and dancing, within most are still, looking up at a stage. Normally chaotic and full of lewdity, it seems some messure of order has been restored. Tables of a kind set up by using the debre, places to sit, something that remains the same is that almost everyone inside is nude. An announce approaches the stage, "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! We have assmbled here for something very special tonight!" announces an otter, cock throbbing softly before him.

The normal occurance of the wub wubs certainly caught many of ears, but when it disappears? It catches much more when the routine is broken. Anbessa seems easilly curious as the talakai male pads into the area. Bright silver eyes gazing around the quieter than normal club, the man seems prepared for the worst as he seems to just be holding onto a spear on his back, which is nicely strapped in. Though he does take pause at the Otter, trying not to look down at the critter's bits as he resists his natural Talakai instinct.

The few times Dio ever took a visit over at the nightclub were filled with nothing but loud music and crazy partying ferals and other party-goers mixed with a dense sea of various musks. And with such, the lioness tended to avoid the establishment on her daily walks. But this walk yielded something strange. No music! Could there have been a mass shooting? A mass mellowing? Either way, it warranted investigation. With her trusty shotgun strapped to her back, the lioness makes her way in and observes the surroundings, confirming the non-partying within. Not wanting to draw too much attention, she takes a spot near the back and observes quietly.

Miora walks into the club with Anbessa, nodding to Dio and deciding to stay back with him for the time being, more of a healer rather than a fighter. She idly keeps to herself for the time being, not so shy about being nude as she had on only her scarf, her satchel and her glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose. Spotting Dio though she looks to Anbessa "I am gonna go hang back with Dio." she says calmly, the husky can heal over a range, and deciding that perhaps staying back with him was better incase any sort of violence started, the husky a very good healer and support, but not much for actual fighting. As she approached Dio she gives a lil nod and wave to the new female. "Hey hun, mind if I stay here with you?" she asks, holding only her nomral medkit as she stood next to him, pausing a moment the short husky wonders what weapon she would use if she had one.

Arano wasn't much of a partygoer, and thus he never really spent a lot of time at the nightclub. He had heard of it of course, been there a couple of times, and knew it tended to be very loud but otherwise failed to pay it any mind. Of course, his training taught him to watch for sudden and unexplained changes... and sudden silence from what should be loud and annoying was definently a big change. Being curious, the large solar dragon decided to make his way over, rifle strapped to his back (not that it would do much good in the tight confines of the club... unless his objective were to literally bring the house down of course!). He poked inside, sporting his casual wear, and noticed that it was... well, quiet, orderly, and very not feral, which struck him as unusual. He finds himself a spot near the back as well, observing the situation to see if he could spot anybody familiar... hrm, where had he seen that lioness before? He didn't really say anything, figuring it best to quietly observe for now...

Cerris never went to the club for the music. He'd been asked to run a sting operation undercover here before and as such he had a rough and tumble appearance that was nothing like his usual military atire for just this occassion. A tough man in tough clothing that shows up for the ambience and the ass, nothing more.

Or at least that is the image he portrays as he lurks in the crowd, shoving aside other mutants so that he can get to the front of the throng, those that protest being threatened with either a spiked or burning palm to the face and then shoved away.

"Tha fuck is this shit bitch boi? Go jack off in the corner and start the show or turn tha fuckin music back on, I got rat pussy in the corner to play stink finger with then sniff when the lights dim."

Cookies enters the club with a slight stumble as she passes through the doors, cursing quietly to herself. She doesn't look right, bags under her eyes, otherwise pampered hair frazzled, and despite it all she looks a little... too sober. She gives the crowd a good look-over. When she sees Dio, she nearly turns right around, but staggers her way closer in anyway- she was only here to relax, although as her odds-defying crappy luck would have it something was OF-COURSE up and drawing attention. All eyes are on the otter, and so now hers are as well.

At the urging of Cerris the otter continues on, "Tonight we have something special! A compatetion! A dance off if you will, here in the nightclub, with the winners getting their choice of prize! We have..." then some silence, "We have...." some more silence, "ROBERT! That's your cue!" A plump tigress, very female, breasts bigger then her swollen belly, waddles out, "Sorry Patricia, I.. got a little distracted." she says, the dripping at the pussy's pussy denoting what she was distracted doing. She then pulls from off stage a cart, "We have," Robert takes the cloth off the first item, "A Rabbit Pill! Much saught after for those days where you just want on person fucking on you all day. Next we have," another cloth moved, "A pack of Male and Female Mojos! Almost as good as the Rabbit Pill, this pack of six each is sure to keep you and yours going for a long time. Finally," the last cloth is moved to... a book? Most just stare at is, "Really? This is the last thing you could come up with? What is it?" Robert whispers to Patricia, "Well.. alright, lastly we have the complete series of The Lord of The Rings, carefuly perserved, sealed in a glass case. You are encouraged to team up for the compatition, the person or pair that gets the most reaction from the audiance will get to pick one of our lovely prizes! Do I have any volunters!?"

Anbessa raises an eyebrow over at Cerris curiously. He certainly remembers the voice, which makes him smirk as this easilly makes Cerris' disguise moot to him, but he ain't gonna blow the guy's cover over what happened last time... Even if it is tempting. He does seem to quietly observe the mocha kitty and Dio though as his tail sways behind him, letting the room fill with a delightful flowery scent as he stands with his arms crossed. He obviously ain't volunteering, the Talakai spacing out for a moment as he reminices on something a while back... Makes him wish he was human so he COULD dance though.

Dio looks towards the door as various and familiar agents begin filing through, most likely drawn by the same thing she was, unless they simply loved to party and she didn't know. Hearing a rather small husky address her, the lioness smiles and nods her head at Miora. "I would be honored, ma'am. It's wonderful to see you again." And then his little cat girl came in, but why did she look so timid? Such will have to be investigated later. Listening to the proposal, the lioness lets out a rather large laugh and starts moving towards Cookies. "Do you hear that, my lady? A dance contest, but..." She bends down and whispers something into Cookies' ear before raising her hand to the sky. "We would like to enter, my beautiful cat girl and I."

Miora smiles to Dio and leans on the wall, although at the mention of dance she blusehs and looks down to her paws a bit, not sure how good she would be. At first not thinking of entering, that is until the books are mentioned, both her floppy ears perking up as much as they can at the mention of those books, and in mid condition too. She looks to Anbessa but he already seems to of already stepped down from the competition. A small whimper coming from her, she glances to Dio but he already seems to have a partner. Her tail tucking and ears pulling back as she wasn't sure who she was going to dance with if not either of them...

Arano looks up and then considers... OK, a DANCE competition? That wasn't what he was expecting, maybe an orgy or perhaps a competition to see who the best fu... OH! Still, he can't help but snicker a bit at the prizes on offer and snidely says, "So, two items to help you spend all day getting laid... and one item to ensure you never get laid again." Looking around, he thinks about whether or not to even enter, or perhaps just stand off to the side. He glances towards Dio and Cookies, suddenly recognizing the lioness. He thinks for a few moments and shrugs, "Well, guess it can't hurt to enter, but I strongly suspect that they aren't talking about 'dancing' in the usual sense..." he looks towards Miora and, having made up his mind asks, "...if you need a dance partner I'm free,"

Cerris found himself turned a bit off by what was up for grabs, aphrodisiacs and nerd gear? Well he could always donate the nerd gear to the K & S project perhaps. Wait...Cookies was here and that lioness...why was she talking like Dio...Oh this was rich...he was totally going to have to break this shit up and have some fun. Trouble was, he didn't have a partner and his initial plan to snag Cookies was vapor for the time being.

"Eh, need me a limber bitch, any of ya know how ta move?"

Cookies stares up at Dio with a wide frown.

Cookies stares up at Dio with a wide frown. "You... But I just wanted..." She clutches at her hair and sighs quietly, shaking her head vigorously and backing away from Dio a couple of steps. "I just want to- to relax- I- I don't..." One last sigh comes from the mocha-skinned catgirl, though she makes no effort to make her protests clear to the otter. "Son of a bitch," she groans, then steps up next to the lioness, scratching at the back of her head. "I need a drink. I need a brewery. If we win, I'm pawning it all off for a brewery. Or all the drinks a brewery can brew. Or maybe I should just put these fat fuckin' things to work..." she glances down at her breasts and trails off into a series of disgruntled mumblings.

Not getting anyone just yet.. a few.. Oh! Here comes a pair! A Slut Rat and an Ember Breeder. They get up on stange and the music starts! Mr. Brightside, by The Killers! They are completely nude dancing up there, and at first it seems to be a interesting dance, before... the Slut Rat's cock finds its way up in the Ember Breeder, who, to the beat, starts jacking hirself off while wiggling with the Slut Rat. Somehow they managed to keep up what resembles a dance, the Breeder doing most of the work, rubbing at hirself, and putting on quite a show with her cock dripping all over the stage! Finally, as the song comes to its final notes, the Slut Rat blasts into the Breeder, the Breeder sparying the crowd! A few hoot and hollar, but all in all they didn't seem to get too much of a 'reaction' from everyone, on a few spilling their own loads. To help keep dancers from slipping, a Goo Girl brings herself over the stage, quickly absorbing any lost 'offerings.' "A good starter preformance!" The otter annouces, cock throbbing before him a bit brighter and a bit harder, "Do we have any more?"

Anbessa stares out and up at the stage as the first pair come up on stage... And quickly make it clear what kind of game this is. With his eyes openning a bit more, he steps a little back as the Talakai frowns and looks over towards Miora... Who seems to be approached by Arano, which makes him blink. He stares at the two... Then lets his ears fall flat atop of his head as he looks back towards the others, taking a few steps back. He ain't wanting to join this, but he won't leave Miora here alone. He does quietly observe Miora though.

"Going to relax within a nightclub?" Dio questions, clearly not convinced by Cookies' response. "You seem to be hiding from some emotional distress, but we'll get to that. Helping the greater good with a bit of fun could do well for one's soul." Watching the rather... lewd performance, Dio winces a little, but certainly didn't expect anything different from ferals or those close to becoming one. "We shall take the next dance," she says, dragging Cookies up upon the stage. "Something slow, if you will." As a businessman, one realizes that perhaps one of the most important things to learn is your audience. Appeal to them, and rake in the profits. Sure sex appeals to them, but being around naked folks all the time dulls the experience. A hint and a tease to drive the world wild, begging for more. It pained her pride to use her new-found femininity to her advantage, but...

The lioness puts on a rather seductive pout pout upon her lips and bends down slightly, exposing the top of her chest as she delivers a blown kiss into the audience. "Are you ready," she questions with a chuckle, moving her hands from her knees up to her skirt, slowly ripping the fabric to allow more movement and a little more fur...

Moving up to Cookies, the lioness sways her hips and swishes her tail against the floor, eventually making it brush against the cat girl's legs with a faux purr. She puts one of Cookies' hands into her own while the other wraps around her back, pulling the cat girl's body against her own to smoosh their chests together as they embrace in a romantic kiss.

After the wonderful, chest bumping kiss, the pair break away and start to do a typical slow and close embraced slow dance across the stage, swaying her hips and occasionally putting out her rear against that skirt of hers. After a nod of her head, the lioness is spun around by Cookies and then bends slightly backwards, exposing the top half of her chest to the audience with a seductive smile and pouted lips. Coming back up, she engages Cookies with another lip-locking kiss and suddenly grabs her hips, holding her up in the air right when the music stops and looking out into the audience.

Miora looks up to Arano and folds her ears back in thought, the first act coming and gi, the tall dragon towering over her. "Well... I... I can't do anything sexual with you, sorry, but if your ok with that I can try... I have never really done any dance outside the waltz..." she says, her ears pinned back, thinking the dragon would likely find another partner, "But if you still think we have a chance we can try." she says with a small shy smile. Doing her best ot stand tall, giving several glances back to Bessa to see if he was ok, but otherwise standing her ground, waiting for an answer.

Arano looks over the dancers and then, seeing it on display, thinks about it for a moment, and frowns, "On second thought... not sure I want to lower myself to being a stripper. And I see you are of a similar mind Miora... so yah, going to pass," he then sighs a bit and says, "Really should have thought that through." He just sits and watches on the sidelines instead - if it's really worth it, worst case scenario, they can shoot there way through to the books in question.