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<div></div><br> <br>The dollie, the damnedable dollie. While Yashira could remember it well enough, what she hadn&#39;t said was the fact that she&#39;d lost it quite a while ago. Being a Promethian Agent meant that she was often off doing missions in various locations. While none of them were ever dangerous, mostly checking in with other agents and using Mike to make deliveries, she was sent out near the highway once for a &#39;special collection&#39;. On the trip said dollie was lost and gone. Mrs Ravas handed over most of Yashira&#39;s things, but said that if Ava and Blanche wanted the doll, they would have to go find it themselves...<br> <br>Ava grumbled as they headed through the streets of Fairhaven, balls still feeling pent up and swollen. Shi&#39;d replugged hirself shortly after leaving New Dawn in an effort to control hir rut. It wasn&#39;t quite as pent up anymore, but it still tickled at the back of hir mind, particularly with how Blanche was acting. &quot;I swear, we better find this-&quot; Shi stopped in hir tracks, toes curling as the plugs started to vibrate again, churning the cum in hir cunt and making hir cocks push from their sheath. &quot;Not again...&quot; shi whimpered, giving hir head a shake. Shi wrapped hir arms around hir chest and sighed. &quot;Keep your eyes peeled Blanche, we need to find that doll and get back before we dra... draw any unwanted attention.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche is already erect, her cock pushes past Ava&#39;s humanoid half while her balls hang on either side of her like lewd saddlebags. Her spade leaks it&#39;s nectar down the sides of Ava&#39;s back as she rests on it panting. Her mind barely registers Ava&#39;s command, but she manages to nod. &quot;Okay...&quot; She scans around her surroundings, but can&#39;t pay too much attention. &quot;Ooohh... I just want you to spear me in my holes. Fuck your spade, anything.&quot; She drools lightly, steam practically huffing out of her muzzle.<br> <br>The Convention Center comes into view, the last place that Mrs Ravas thought the doll could possibly be in. Ferals of various types mill about outside, but it seemed that the newest addition to their con was holding a special auction of sorts! One was outside literally barking about it, &quot;Come see our collection of commemrative plushies! Big ones, small ones, all various types and sizes, and bid on some as well! No reasonable offer will be refused!&quot; The rather protly woman shouts, attracting a good bit of attention!<br> <br>Ava grabs at hir head, covering hir ears at Blanche&#39;s words. &quot;Blanche? Honey, please shut up. It&#39;s hard enough to focus with all this rut and my plugs. I don&#39;t need you to... be putting those images in my head,&quot; shi says with a whimper, cocks dangling beneath hir as shi walks. Her brows raise as shi sees the sign, smiling wide at the words. &quot;Plushies! Yes! Okay, let&#39;s see what she&#39;s got! Maybe we&#39;ll be in and out of here quick,&quot; shi said, beginning to pad up to the woman, moving as quickly as shi could with Blanche&#39;s weight on hir back and hir own pregnant belly bouncing with hir breasts.<br> <br>Blanche giggles at Ava&#39;s rebuttal. &quot;I don&#39;t think they&#39;d be something new with how you smell.&quot; Her attention also piques at the gather. &quot;Huh, plushies? Sounds fun. I could use a few of those. Lets head over there.&quot; Each bounce from Ava&#39;s stride helps keep her in ready arousal. Almost everything about her screams out for sex. &quot;Maybe I could get a quick fuck there too...&quot;<br> <br>At the approching agents, a lot of ferals make propositions and comments about what they would rather do with them. Some playful, others mirthful, and still others down right lewd. The barking fox though welcomes them in though, smiling, &quot;Come in, come in, I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll see something you&#39;ll like.&quot; She says... a few hands from those around them finding their way onto Ava&#39;s breasts, belly, or balls, and a few upon Blanche&#39;s balls as well! Stroking, rubbing. Inside though, there are plushies and dolls of various types and sizes, this is true, but to call them &#39;ventage&#39; would be generous. Most were either very well used, or very well chewed up by nanites by now. One though... a simple looking rag doll of a kangaroo, matches exactly what Yashira and Mrs Kava said was the former&#39;s doll.<br> <br>Ava grips hir head tighter as she walks towards the portly woman, the propositions only making hir plug feel snugger, cunt grip tighter to the plug, almost milking on it as a heat of lust fills hir hest. Hir balls feel almost too large, too full as they slosh and sway unerneath hir. Shi nods and whimpers at the woman. &quot;Yesh, pleashe, sho us what you god, quickly!&quot; shi said, starting to slurr as hir tongue swells in hir muth as she&#39;s groped and fondled. Shi wants to desperately to give in, but hir focus remains on the toy, Yashira&#39;s lushie. Shi looks around at the dolls, whimpering at the poor state of most of them until shi comes to the kangaroo. HIr hands drop from hir ears and shi quickly hurries up to the doll, forgetting Blanche on hir back as shi does. Shi picks it up and squeezes it. &quot;Thish one! Thish ish id! How much?&quot; shi asks, pre-cum flying from hir mouth as shi wags hir tail<br> <br>Blanche moans as the hands caress her body she feels about ready to explode already. While she does barely register the plush, her sight looks onto the crowd and their various genitals. The comments and chatter amongst them helping to urge on her baser instincts. Her cock&#39;s emission of pre picks up to a steady drool. &quot;They look so soft and snuggly, I just want to fuck all their brains out.&quot; She looks to where Ava is focusing and slowly blinks. &quot;What would someone here want in exchange, anyway?&quot;<br> <br>Coming up to the pair, one of the foxes shakes her head, &quot;Now now, look all you want, but put that down. Our leader will be out shortly to hear people&#39;s offers.&quot; She says, looking over Ava, &quot;Though I wouldn&#39;t mind sampling the merchandice you are carrying.&quot; Then looking to Blanche, &quot;My my, might have some high bidders here.&quot; She says before walking back to the convention room center. More and more come over to attempt to grope, to sample from Ava and Blanche while they wait for the leader of this &#39;auction&#39; to come out...<br> <br>Ava whimpers and places the plushie down, eyes on it as shi digest and squirms from the gropes and looks. Hir ears flatten and shi looks down at hirself, then covers hirself up with hir arms and tail. Shi looks at Blanch and raises her brow. &quot;Wait, what bid? Blanche is just being... awfully horny. Shi didn&#39;t bid anything!&quot; Shi pulls awayy from some of the hands, still whimpering as hir personal space is violated. Shi wants to give in, rut and heat filling hir mind, but shi tries to focus, on the plushie, on Yashira. &quot;Pleashe! Can we shtart shoon? I want do go!&quot;<br> <br>Blanche murrs at the groping. She doesn&#39;t resist much herself, at best a token effort as she ejoys the petting and groping. It takes some amount of effort not to cum on the spot! She pants out as she looks to all the people around her. &quot;Bidders? What are we bidding on? I thought we were trying to get a plush? I&#39;d like the plush that my friend here had. What can we trade for it?&quot; Her mind is torn between staying on task and all the wonderfully sexed creatures around here. If only someone would use her so she could cum. She sighs interally while enjoying the attention she&#39;s getting, tail wagging about happily as her ears swivel erratically at all the talk around them.<br> <br>It isn&#39;t long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. &quot;Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find.&quot; She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! &quot;So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5.&quot; The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava&#39;s doll was, unfortunately, number 3. &quot;And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory &#39;rubs&#39; and drinks!<br> <br>It isn&#39;t long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. &quot;Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find.&quot; She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! &quot;So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5.&quot; The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava&#39;s doll was, unfortunately, number 3. &quot;And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory &#39;rubs&#39; and drinks!&quot; She announces, most of the males and herms quite excited to hear it, &quot;Now... let us begin.&quot; Bidding for the first starting!<br> <br>Blanche looks to the larger fox and blinks. She looks around and thinks a moment, lust clouding her mind. &quot;Hmm...?&quot; Then her attention goes back to the appearent leader of the gathering as she listens. &quot;Oh! I could use some drinks and rubs!&quot; She smiles, feeling a bit parched herself. &quot;Can never say no to rubs myself!&quot; Sme smiles, thinking that she&#39;d be petted or some other innocent thing while she waits for the proper auction. Her parts drool from just about everywhere, even her breasts start to drip from the attention they get. With all the groping and petting she&#39;s getting, this may be somewhere she&#39;d hang out for a vacation.<br> <br>Ava&#39;s ears perk as she looks at the fox, eyes coing to rest on the numbers. Shi whimpers and squeezes hir legs together as shi catches sight of hir target. &quot;Free? Really?&quot; Hir head hangs in defeat. Shi winces at the thought of having to breed these, clearly, feral creatures, but rutting as shi was it would be a relief, shi just had to keep hirself together. A bark escapes hir lips as the hands come to rub and grope at hir, hir eyes skeptical as she looks at the drinks. Shi shakes hir head and tries to push some of the women away. &quot;Enough! Pleashe! I&#39;m only h-here for the kan-&quot; Hir head rears back and snaps forward, cum flying from hir muzzle, ears flattening against hir head as shi wipes hir nose. &quot;God damn-&quot; shi begins to say, still recovering from hir sneeze when the drink is forced into hir mouth, coughing as shi chokes down the beverage.<br> <br>The first plushie comes up to the marble fox as her girls walk about giving, and in some cases forcing, drinks upon the herms and males in the audiance. The effect of the drink is slow, far slower than anything similar, almost as if it was heavily diluted. However, as it passed lips, those suspetable to rut could tell what it was. Ava&#39;s balls grow continously, though so slowly that it was almost impossible to see, the heat in hir rods burning hotter by the moment. It would take quite a few minutes for the full effect to come about, much more delayed in building than if the drug were taken straight as it commonly is! Forced or not, the marbled foxes rub and stroke over cocks and balls, teasing those bidding, &quot;2!&quot; shouts an alpha husky, &quot;4&quot; a latex fox. &quot;7&quot; the bidding continues, first plushing, a raggedy &#39;life sized&#39; teddy bear getting a lot of attention! &quot;I can... can do 12!&quot; shouts a bunny boy, and all the while Ava and Blanche are stroked upon, rubbed, and for Ava... growing.<br> <br>Ava growls softly as shi feels hir balls swell, rut growing thicker, hir stance widening as shi pulls down hir top a bit to air hirself out. &quot;Thuck, dis ish getting unbearable...&quot; shi mutters eyes focused on the doll, waiting for the kangaroo to come up. Hir eyes remained glued to the doll, number three, claws raking at the ground as hir tongue drools pre-cum from hir muzzle. Shi&#39;s grateful for the plugs, even if they are buzzing inside of hir, but they keep hir stopped up, make the rut less frustrating. Shi focuses, not on the desire, but the ache, like a dull bruise growing more and more ripe as hir cocks become backed up with pre-cum. <br> <br>Blanche takes the drinks offered to her and swallows it down with a smile. &quot;Ahh... just what I need.&quot; While she does feel something going on in her balls, she&#39;s to distracted to care at the moment. She keeps her eyes on the crowd and looks around. &quot;Numbers are too low to be freecred.... Can&#39;t be mako....&quot; She blinks, but the rubs make her moan out. As a hand grips on the tip of her cock from the crowd, she moans out, shuddering as her cock nears it peek. &quot;Ahh... careful, about to cum....&quot; She squirms her hips a bit, trying to move her cock away from some of the gropes. &quot;As much as I&#39;d want to...&quot; Her cock practically throbs for attention, bouncing slightly from the blood her relatively smaller heart is beating into the organ.<br> <br>&quot;14&quot; Shouts a donkey boy, &quot;16&quot; Retorts the Alpha Husky. All around marble foxes are rubbing upon sacs and cocks, enticing out bigger and bigger... bids. Seeing and hearing Blanche was getting FAR too close, the Marbled Fox upon her lightens up, only gently stroking on her balls, however, Ava was another case. Shi wasn&#39;t bidding, and shi didn&#39;t seem too close to blowing either, despite the smells coming off of hir. The Marbled Fox that had forced the drink into hir waves to another as the one and the one that had been focusing on Blanche. Smiling to each other, they go to work. One crawling under Ava, rubbing on hir twin cocks and playing with the toys softly buzzing away inside them, licking, pressing her pudgy belly and breasts to the rods... while the other two rub and message Ava&#39;s massive and growing balls, taking care to play softly with Blanches as well. Licking on Ava&#39;s, nibbling on them, stroking them lovingly... the one below starting to lick around Ava&#39;s horse cock&#39;s flare! &quot;Sold! 21 attempts, next, plushie please.&quot; Shouts the leader, bidding beginning right away, &quot;S.. s... seven!&quot;<br> <br>Ava&#39;s eyes remain fast on the kangaroo, ears flickering with each bid, but remaining focused on the stuffed animal. Shi just had to get that one, once shi did shi could leave... or maybe bid on another one? Yashira probably would love it if she had more dollies. Hir eyes moved over to the second doll then back, head shaking as shi tried to clear hir mind. Claws gripping at the ground as hir orbs swelled larger, heavier. Shi gasped, tail curling down as shi felt the delicate touch of the chubby foxes beneath hir. &quot;H-hey! I&#39;m not bidding! Leave thoshe alone! They&#39;re not yoursh! J-just let me wait until... until number three! Pleashe!&quot; shi begs, eyes shutting tight as shi feels the plugs teased, vibrating still in hir cocks. &quot;Carefulthosearebigverybig,&quot; shi said quickly through clenched teeth<br> <br>Blanche murrs slowly as she&#39;s massaged in the balls. She looks to the the fox pleasuring her and smiles. &quot;Thanks.&quot; With a contented sigh, her eyes turn back to the auction. &quot;I could get use to this.&quot; She notices Ava&#39;s plight and reaches to rub Ava&#39;s side. &quot;Come on, I know you can hold on for our Yashira. I now I haven&#39;t been... well.. much of a mom. After all that back in New Dawn, I think she could use her dolly.&quot; She pants a bit more, the edge slowly gwing away despite her cocks protests. &quot;I wonder if I could fill every girl here....&quot; The thought.... doesn&#39;t help her stay concentrated on task.<br> <br>The bidding on the tiger like plushie missing a lot of stuffing, an ear, and a paw continues, &quot;Nine!&quot; Says another, &quot;E... e.. eleven!&quot; Barks out someone else, all the males and herms squriming as they continue. &quot; F.. fourteen!&quot; &quot;I hear fourteen? Can I get sixteen? Sixteen?&quot; &quot;Seventeeeeeen!&quot; Shouts someone. Meanwhile the attention on Ava continues, even as hir rut deepens, balls swelling. Pressing tighter to Ava&#39;s sac, rubbing over her cocks as they grow and tighten! Soon, Ava can&#39;t feel anything else. She can hear the bidding, smell the scents in the air, but the need rising in hir nethers is quickly bleeding everything else out of her mind, even other sensations. World trying to close in, narrowing toward asingle few things. Hir cocks, hir balls, hir need to cum, the desire to breed... For Blanche, more attention upon her balls, and a bit for her female half too, though less direction contact!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s claws are tearing at the ground, deep gashes that keep hir firmly rooted to the floor, the drink making hir balls feel tighter, rut naturally raising as hir orbs just barely avoid touching the ground. Shi closes hir eyes, focusing on hir breath, then stops that and pushes hir snout into hir bosom. Shi wants to cover hir ears, block out everything, but shi needs to hear the bids, to know when it&#39;s hir turn. Hir cock and balls feel like they&#39;re going to explode, the plugs constantly stimulating hir, keeping hir pent up, only hir tongue drooling pre-cum onto hir-Hir head whips back, another spray of cum flying from hir muzzle, and leaking out of hir nose. Shi sniffles wipes hir muzzle, eyes returning to the doll, body trembling as the damned vixens continue to tease hir cocks and balls. &quot;I don&#39;t know... if I&#39;m gonna make id Blanche,&quot; shi slurs, equal parts cock-tongue and drunk lust.<br> <br>Blanche pats Ava on the side and tries to focus ahead. &quot;Do it for her, okay?&quot; She lets out a &#39;Eeerf...&#39; Her balls churning and ready to go, the constant folding and attention keeping her mind on all the fertile females around. Still, she tries to keep something of herself centered on the activities on hand. Her eyes close for a moment to try and calm herself, but between the hormones and the strokng, it just makes it all the more obvious that her body screams for sex and will do what it can to get it. &quot;OOohh... That wasn&#39;t a good idea...&quot; She opens her eyes again and picks the back of Ava&#39;s head to stare at. &quot;Just.... one more plushie, then we can go wild on all these bitches.&quot; She smiles to the one stroking her cock and balls. &quot;I think you&#39;ll be first in line.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Nine...t.. teeeen!&quot; Shouts another, though the plushie was quite cute. The bids continue to raise up as Ava&#39;s rut does, and the attentions to Blanche continue. &quot;Now, as a reminder, all bids are final, but payment won&#39;t be collected until all bidding is done... on every item.&quot; Says the leader, &quot;Hold your... purses...until then my wonderful guests.&quot; She says, to much grumbling after! &quot;Tw.. twenty four!&quot; &quot;Twenty four going once! Twice! Sold! Now, do we want a short break before we continue? Or should I bring up the next item. Perhaps some time to relax from the... attentions?&quot; The leader asks as the next item, the kangaroo rag doll is brought over. Ava&#39;s world continues to shrink, it was getting hard to even hear the bids over the burning need in her head, the smells all around hir, the feelings of those vixens upon those cocks. The one under hir slurped and nuzzled against the horse cock while stroking and very softly clawing Ava&#39;s fox rod. Meanwhile, the two behind rub their whole bodies against Ava&#39;s balls, gently playing with Blanche&#39;s as they giggle, occasionally stopping to lick over all four sets of orbs...<br> <br>Ava growls, hands balling into fists. &quot;NEXT ONE! PLEASHE!&quot; shi screams, cum flying from hir muzzle as hir balls aching for release. Shi looks down at the vixens teasing hir cocks and balls and snarls. &quot;Keep it up and see if you can walk after I&#39;m done with you. Your pelvises might not last the breedings.&quot; Hir breathing is ragged, chest heaving as the presence of the plugs becomes an annoyance, muscles keeping tense as shi resists the urge to rock into the teasing of hir cocks. &quot;One more, just... one... more,&quot; shi mutters through clenched teeth, cum leaking between the gaps as shi awaits hir turn, but even now hir mind struggles to focus on the doll, thinking of the fertile bitches shi&#39;ll bloat with cum.  <br> <br>Blanche smiles to Ava a bit. &quot;I hate to say it, but I&#39;m glad I don&#39;t get into ruts. The smell off you makes me want to present myself to you. Too bad you can&#39;t reach me from back here, huh?&quot; She looks to the group around her and huffs. &quot;Oh I want to stuff you and you and you... One of you would have to lick me off. Plenty of drinks to go around for everyone.&quot; She groans as her cock pulses, it stoped throbbing, but it still demands more. &quot;I think I&#39;m going to be here all night....&quot; She isn&#39;t sure how she likes that idea, but at least her mother trained her well for something like this, even if unintentionally.<br> <br>There were a lot of groans from the crowd, some mixed answers, but hearing Ava screaming like that, the marbled fox leader continues, &quot;Next, do I hear six for this?&quot; &quot;Eight!&quot; Yells out an alpha husky. &quot;Ten!&quot; Another, &quot;Fourteen!&quot; Shouts someone else. Meanwhile the foxes never stop, always licking, sucking, listening to Ava churn, before one comes infront of hir, &quot;Humm, you are so strong, and an agent too. Look around, look at all the pussies here for you to take. Why are you fighting so much?&quot; She asks, licking her lips and rubbing her chubby belly, &quot;Why not forget the bidding and just go wild?&quot; She asks, another coming over to Blanche, &quot;Oh, you one her, and her, and her there? What about me?&quot; She pouts... both of them taking a few steps back, dropping to hands and knees, flagging tails to let their heated scent and pussies show!<br> <br>Ava sees red, hir fur bristling as the kangaroo comes up to bid. The words hitting hir ears make hir wince, jaw clenching as shi continues to drool cum from hir maw. Hir head feels like it&#39;s swimming as the numbers are rattled off, pain filling every inch of hir body, all focused on the pent up cocks. Shi thrusts a hand into the air and hir mouth drops open. &quot;Thuck!&quot; shi shouts, the first thing coming to hir mind, indeed, the only thing in hir head. A faint memory returns and shi corrects hirself, &quot;Twenty-five!&quot; It seemed right. She could go higher, shouldn&#39;t she? &quot;Thirdy!&quot; shi outbids hirself, shi&#39;s not sure if shi&#39;s winning. Shi feels like shi&#39;s not, or else hir cocks wouldn&#39;t feel so pent up. The vixens down below seem so enticing, so fertile, oh, how shi wanted to fill them.<br> <br>Ava whimpers hir balls feeling too heavy, shi made the bid, but shi can&#39;t hold out any longer. Shi looks down at one of the vixens and idly knocks her over, paws grabbing her hips as shi draws hir cocks up against the Vixen&#39;s body. &quot;Shorry,&quot; shi mumbles, pressing both of hir plugged up lengths into the vixen&#39;s holes. Shi groans, claws gripping at her hips and pulling her back. &quot;Thuck... oh, sho good,&quot; shi groans, tauric half hunched over the vixen, slowly pumping in and out of her body.<br> <br>Blanche moans as she see&#39;s the eager females line up for her. She pants and tries to keep herself at least somewhat sober. With a sighs she murmurs out, &quot;I bet I could nail 35 of you....&quot; Her eyes keep on the presented females. Their questions barely register but she tries to say something in return. &quot;F-For.... my daughter.....&quot; She swallows her drool, though it returns soon after. When Ava moves she&#39;s broken out of her stupor momentary as her weight shifts. She rolls back a little and grabs onto something as she feels herself move out of fear of falling. &quot;Ava!&quot;<br> <br>The bidding had continued, but Ava&#39;s HUGE bids gets everyones attention, though what Ava does after stops things very shortly after... and being the ferals that they are, it quickly desolved, &quot;SOLD!&quot; Shouts the leader as the vixen Ava knocked over yelps out in surprise! Though, a pair quickly pull Ava back... at least long enough to get those plugs out of hir anyway. Another grabs to Blanche as she slips, pulling her down, &quot;Oh, you could do 35? Let&#39;s see!&quot; She says, mounting up on Blanche and just taking her! Very soon everything is an orgy! Ava&#39;s cocks soon finding their way into a pair of pussies, the soothing warmth and wetness all too welcome...<br> <br>Ava struggles against the ferals pulling hir off of the vixen, snarling and growling as shi tries to pull free, hir body bucking as the plugs are pulled free. The moment shi&#39;s left free shi pounces back onto the vixen, not realizing another has joined her as gallons of backed up pre-cum spashing on their bodies as hir hips thrust and drive forward, trying to sink into the the pair. They finally find home and shi&#39;s in bliss, tips filling the vixens&#39;s cunts with thick pre-cum as shi pounds inches forward, deeper and deeper. Shi shudders and mumbles in lost pleasure, hips jerking and muscles spasming as shi hunches over the feral. &quot;OOoh, d-dake id all. Oh, thuck, ne-need do... hmm, cum,&quot; shi groans, each thrust into hir unwitting partners pulling hir human half forward, more along for the ride as the taur takes over, balls so swollen they literally slosh and sway against the ground, more or less inable to move at this point. <br> <br>Ava fox<br> <br>Blanche blinks as a marbled fox catchers her and then stuffs her full of cock. She isn&#39;t quite sure what&#39;s going on or if they actually got their plushie, but she doesn&#39;t resist the efforts of the herm stuffing her. &quot;Ahhh!&quot; She moans out in sheer pleasure as her spade squeezes down on the fox. &quot;Okay, time to fuck everything in sight.&quot; She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. Her change barely registers on her, except she does note: &quot;Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?&quot; Her cock stands tall, her balls rest in front of her while she&#39;s impaled on the fox behind her.<br> <br>Blanche blinks as the marbled fox catches her, then uses her cock to stuff herself. She moans as the plump spade surrounds her cock and sinks down all the way past her knot. &quot;Ahhh!&quot; She moans out in sheer pleasure, cock twitching and knot inflating almost instantly. &quot;Okay, time to fuck everything in sight.&quot; She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. The change barely registers in her mind, but at least has the presence to note aloud: &quot;Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?&quot; Her spade quivers in jealously as she lays on her back staring at the thicker thighs of her sudden partner.<br> <br>The orgy continues, degrading quickly as the plushies quickly become less of a concern, perhaps for everyone but Ava and Blanche if the pair could recover enough of their heads as their &#39;smaller&#39; heads are tended to. The marble foxes bark and squell in delight as they are plowed upon, and take those around them to fuck themselves upon. The leader smiles a bit, it seemed her idea mostly worked. The winner of the first plushie is eventually presented with it, though the second and third are lost a moment in flood. Ava&#39;s ass changes next as she rocks into those wet, tight holes, and other fox coming up to &#39;kiss&#39; Ava noticing the cock tongue, changing hir chest next! Meanwhile, Blanche&#39;s balls get a renewed message as the fox atop grinds and rides her!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s paws grip at the vixens as shi ruts into them hard, balls barely missing the ground as shi gives the pair every ounce of strength shi has. Shi&#39;s too lost in the desire to cum to notice the chain in hir ass, though hir it does jiggle quite noticably as shi thrusts. Hir perky nipples gush with milk as the fox kisses hir on the lips, Ava&#39;s hand coming up to grab hir head. Shi catches sight of the prize to the first bidder and pulls the vixen away. &quot;I demand my dollie!&quot; shi growls out, head turning back to the partner giving hir a kiss. &quot;Show me where you wand id,&quot; shi says to the vixen, letting the tip dangle out of hir muzzle. Another thrust takes hir body by surprise, suddenly finding hir knots sunk into the pair, balls flowing heavily with cum to fill the two. Shi grabs hir tongue, stiffling its flow, keeping the knot, at least somewhat, less swollen and cum from coming out of its tip. &quot;NEXT!&quot; shi barks, knots still grinding into the sopping, fertile spades as shi tries to pull them free.<br> <br>Blanche hammers into the fox her cock is sunk into. While her legs can&#39;t quite reach the floor, her arms hold her steady as she uses her abdominal muscles to bend herself in. Soon enough, her cock thickens up, spreading the vixen wider. Strangely enough, her sheath bulks up as well. &quot;Oooh! Is there more of me in you?!&quot; She humps again into her, her cock twitching and tensing up. Her spade remains mostly unchanged, it&#39;s as wide and wet as it ever was, but the subtle change in her clit makes her pant out as her weeping canid cunt certainly notices the change.<br> <br>The first two seeded, the next two come up and take thier paces as Ava nearly savagely pulls free from them! They are more than happy with their bloated rounded middles, cum flowing free of their pussies as they are unplugged! The next to practically impale themselves on Ava, the one kissing hir pointing to her muzzle and waiting! Still no doll for Ava, at least not yet! As Ava&#39;s rode upon again, hir arms adjust, then hir fur! Meanwhile, the one on Blanche whines softly, pounding and pounding her way upon the fellow fox, but not getting the cum she needed!<br> <br>Blanche presses her hands into the floor and presses into the vixen for all she&#39;s worth. A tide of cum gushes fourth into the vixen. It&#39;s times like these, she thinks, that she wishes she had the balls of her mother. As she holds onto the floor, she feels her arms waver a bit, they plump out and gain a cushy layer. As the change moved down to her hand, her wrists sprout a cuff of fur as her hands shrink a bit with slender fingers. &quot;Ahhh! Yes!&quot; The cum flows into the vixen, she isn&#39;t sure by how much, just that her oversized balls clench and pile plenty of cum into her.<br> <br>Ava grips at the back of the vixen&#39;s head and draws her into a kiss, lips and muzzles locking as shi fills her maw with hir cock. Shi feels another pair of clefts press up to her cocks, hir forepaws pulling them back, to hir cocks, sinking into their clefts with ease thanks to the fertile wetness of the last pair. Shi leans into the partner sucking on hir tongue, hands trying to grab the woman and pull her into hir grasp to make it easier to fuck her mouth, but distracted by the pair shi&#39;s rutting into it&#39;s a struggle. Shi settles for dipping the vixen, head bobbing up and down to fuck her muzzle with the tongue. Shi focuses on hir partners for the moment, hands too tied to demand hir prize anyway, but it remains in the back of hir mind. Two down, 28 to go.<br> <br>Another two on Ava, and more lining up as the orgy continues, cum flowing from Blanche and into her partner. More changes over Ava, more vixens fucking hir, and quickly changing hir entirely into a Marbled Fox... except for that stallion&#39;s cock, resisting and staying as it is! More changes through Blanche as the first stands up off of her and the next settles in, riding over Blanche for her chance at having a kit. Tight pussies, wet holes, and HOURS of fucking ahead for everyone...<br> <br>Ava feels different, though shi&#39;s not entirely sure how. It doesn&#39;t distract hir though, hir rut forefront in hir mind. Hir knots never got a chance to go down, still battering at the eager, fertile spades as shi drives into the eager vixens, knot kissing at the locked muzzles of hir more orally minded partner. Hir stomach rumbles and shi feels a need fill hir, wishing at that moment shi were in the cock-tongue sucking vixen&#39;s place. It makes hir fuck hir parnter&#39;s throat more vigorously, filling the sensitive gullet until shi cums again, 10 gallons between the three, knots too swollen to lock into any but the one kissing her.<br> <br>Blanche pants and giggles out giddily as the vixen leaves her and another takes her place. This time, the takes her hands and wraps it around the other fox, gripping on her sides and sinking herself down deep. She thrusts again into the fox, her hips bounceing off hers. As she thrusts, she feels more changes coming. Her belly bloats up, her nipples widen and grow bigger. With another set of thrusts, she gets into the rythim of things, letting herself lose finally. She cums again into the vixen as more fluff emerges from her chest. As the last pumps from her load pass seed into the needy vixen, her spine and shoulders pop silently.<br> <br>Fucking and fucking over and over again, time passes quickly for those taking part. Dozens are seeded, though would it all take? That was another question, one that would likely be no, but the leader was more than happy with the result, even taking part herself with a few! Two new vixens on Ava as the lasts are done with, new ones upon Blanche with every passing cum. Eventually, Blanche feels drained, emptied out, not even Ixchel&#39;s blessing helping, but for Ava, no matter how much shi cums, no matter how much shi fucks, it feels like shi&#39;d die if shi stopped. The need burning through hir, like if shi stopped for more than a moment shi go insane! Even after a dozen and a half are bred by Ava, hir body hungers for more!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s breath runs ragged as shi breaths out of his nostrils, muscles aching, burning as shi continues to rut into a new, fresh pair of vixens. The fertile scent of the vixen who&#39;s legs are wrapped around hir head fills hir nostrils with each breath as his pumps hir head back and forth, sliding the cock tongue in and out of the sodden cunt. Hir bushy coat of fur looks matted, wild as hir empty balls still yearn and ache to be emptied. At some point shi feels like shi was given another drink, it&#39;s unclear, it&#39;s all very unclear to hir. Too deep into hir rut, cocks in blistering pain until shi&#39;s given another pair to fuck. Shi doesn&#39;t know how shi can keep going, but shi does, hir hands gripping at the Vixen&#39;s ass as shi takes the trio, another shudder racking hir body as hir aching, spent balls try to fill them again. Still, shi clings to the image of the kangaroo, Yashira&#39;s dollie. For her, only for her, to make her happy. It would be worth it to see the smile on hir pet&#39;s face. <br> <br>Blanche vixen after vixen, change after change. The next vixen she humps she grabs again with her hands and spears the girl. Her legs shorten, her thighs plump up wide, and her paws swell into a cuter shape than they were. More importantly, they fill out into a more digitigrade shape and proportion with her torso. As she fills that girl, the next comes along and plants herself on her cock without hesitation. uring her thrusts she starts to lose some stamina but keeps going. Her head changes next, ears flopping into oversized fox ears and spreading out wide behind her face. her cheeks round out with a light well, as her throat becomes much more sensitive than she&#39;s used to. Her mouth gapes as she feels the sensation of pleasure course though. Lips smacking she moans out in a urge to try and eat anything. Girl after girl rides her cock. At some point, she feels her ass swell out behind her, accompanied by a series of pops as the widened seat takes a new structure. She squirms at the feeling of her anus swelling out of her pucker. &quot;Ahhh....&quot; She wiggles as the change finishes itself off with a large poof of her now larger tail.<br> <br>Vixen after vixen, Blanche soon done, but Ava still going, until shi does hir 30 and then a bit more. Finally, every single one of them has been filled, the auction over with 2 less plushies needing to be sold than expected. Though as the final vixen leaves Ava, the need, the pain returns. Those over sensative, over stimulated rods HAD to be occupied! Ava&#39;s balls, somehow, no less full than when shi started. &quot;Mmmmm, thanks... is there anything else you need, studs?&quot; Says the leader walking up to the pair.
<div></div><br> <br>The dollie, the damnedable dollie. While Yashira could remember it well enough, what she hadn&#39;t said was the fact that she&#39;d lost it quite a while ago. Being a Promethian Agent meant that she was often off doing missions in various locations. While none of them were ever dangerous, mostly checking in with other agents and using Mike to make deliveries, she was sent out near the highway once for a &#39;special collection&#39;. On the trip said dollie was lost and gone. Mrs Ravas handed over most of Yashira&#39;s things, but said that if Ava and Blanche wanted the doll, they would have to go find it themselves...<br> <br>Ava grumbled as they headed through the streets of Fairhaven, balls still feeling pent up and swollen. Shi&#39;d replugged hirself shortly after leaving New Dawn in an effort to control hir rut. It wasn&#39;t quite as pent up anymore, but it still tickled at the back of hir mind, particularly with how Blanche was acting. &quot;I swear, we better find this-&quot; Shi stopped in hir tracks, toes curling as the plugs started to vibrate again, churning the cum in hir cunt and making hir cocks push from their sheath. &quot;Not again...&quot; shi whimpered, giving hir head a shake. Shi wrapped hir arms around hir chest and sighed. &quot;Keep your eyes peeled Blanche, we need to find that doll and get back before we dra... draw any unwanted attention.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche is already erect, her cock pushes past Ava&#39;s humanoid half while her balls hang on either side of her like lewd saddlebags. Her spade leaks it&#39;s nectar down the sides of Ava&#39;s back as she rests on it panting. Her mind barely registers Ava&#39;s command, but she manages to nod. &quot;Okay...&quot; She scans around her surroundings, but can&#39;t pay too much attention. &quot;Ooohh... I just want you to spear me in my holes. Fuck your spade, anything.&quot; She drools lightly, steam practically huffing out of her muzzle.<br> <br>The Convention Center comes into view, the last place that Mrs Ravas thought the doll could possibly be in. Ferals of various types mill about outside, but it seemed that the newest addition to their con was holding a special auction of sorts! One was outside literally barking about it, &quot;Come see our collection of commemrative plushies! Big ones, small ones, all various types and sizes, and bid on some as well! No reasonable offer will be refused!&quot; The rather protly woman shouts, attracting a good bit of attention!<br> <br>Ava grabs at hir head, covering hir ears at Blanche&#39;s words. &quot;Blanche? Honey, please shut up. It&#39;s hard enough to focus with all this rut and my plugs. I don&#39;t need you to... be putting those images in my head,&quot; shi says with a whimper, cocks dangling beneath hir as shi walks. Her brows raise as shi sees the sign, smiling wide at the words. &quot;Plushies! Yes! Okay, let&#39;s see what she&#39;s got! Maybe we&#39;ll be in and out of here quick,&quot; shi said, beginning to pad up to the woman, moving as quickly as shi could with Blanche&#39;s weight on hir back and hir own pregnant belly bouncing with hir breasts.<br> <br>Blanche giggles at Ava&#39;s rebuttal. &quot;I don&#39;t think they&#39;d be something new with how you smell.&quot; Her attention also piques at the gather. &quot;Huh, plushies? Sounds fun. I could use a few of those. Lets head over there.&quot; Each bounce from Ava&#39;s stride helps keep her in ready arousal. Almost everything about her screams out for sex. &quot;Maybe I could get a quick fuck there too...&quot;<br> <br>At the approching agents, a lot of ferals make propositions and comments about what they would rather do with them. Some playful, others mirthful, and still others down right lewd. The barking fox though welcomes them in though, smiling, &quot;Come in, come in, I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll see something you&#39;ll like.&quot; She says... a few hands from those around them finding their way onto Ava&#39;s breasts, belly, or balls, and a few upon Blanche&#39;s balls as well! Stroking, rubbing. Inside though, there are plushies and dolls of various types and sizes, this is true, but to call them &#39;ventage&#39; would be generous. Most were either very well used, or very well chewed up by nanites by now. One though... a simple looking rag doll of a kangaroo, matches exactly what Yashira and Mrs Kava said was the former&#39;s doll.<br> <br>Ava grips hir head tighter as she walks towards the portly woman, the propositions only making hir plug feel snugger, cunt grip tighter to the plug, almost milking on it as a heat of lust fills hir hest. Hir balls feel almost too large, too full as they slosh and sway unerneath hir. Shi nods and whimpers at the woman. &quot;Yesh, pleashe, sho us what you god, quickly!&quot; shi said, starting to slurr as hir tongue swells in hir muth as she&#39;s groped and fondled. Shi wants to desperately to give in, but hir focus remains on the toy, Yashira&#39;s lushie. Shi looks around at the dolls, whimpering at the poor state of most of them until shi comes to the kangaroo. HIr hands drop from hir ears and shi quickly hurries up to the doll, forgetting Blanche on hir back as shi does. Shi picks it up and squeezes it. &quot;Thish one! Thish ish id! How much?&quot; shi asks, pre-cum flying from hir mouth as shi wags hir tail<br> <br>Blanche moans as the hands caress her body she feels about ready to explode already. While she does barely register the plush, her sight looks onto the crowd and their various genitals. The comments and chatter amongst them helping to urge on her baser instincts. Her cock&#39;s emission of pre picks up to a steady drool. &quot;They look so soft and snuggly, I just want to fuck all their brains out.&quot; She looks to where Ava is focusing and slowly blinks. &quot;What would someone here want in exchange, anyway?&quot;<br> <br>Coming up to the pair, one of the foxes shakes her head, &quot;Now now, look all you want, but put that down. Our leader will be out shortly to hear people&#39;s offers.&quot; She says, looking over Ava, &quot;Though I wouldn&#39;t mind sampling the merchandice you are carrying.&quot; Then looking to Blanche, &quot;My my, might have some high bidders here.&quot; She says before walking back to the convention room center. More and more come over to attempt to grope, to sample from Ava and Blanche while they wait for the leader of this &#39;auction&#39; to come out...<br> <br>Ava whimpers and places the plushie down, eyes on it as shi digest and squirms from the gropes and looks. Hir ears flatten and shi looks down at hirself, then covers hirself up with hir arms and tail. Shi looks at Blanch and raises her brow. &quot;Wait, what bid? Blanche is just being... awfully horny. Shi didn&#39;t bid anything!&quot; Shi pulls awayy from some of the hands, still whimpering as hir personal space is violated. Shi wants to give in, rut and heat filling hir mind, but shi tries to focus, on the plushie, on Yashira. &quot;Pleashe! Can we shtart shoon? I want do go!&quot;<br> <br>Blanche murrs at the groping. She doesn&#39;t resist much herself, at best a token effort as she ejoys the petting and groping. It takes some amount of effort not to cum on the spot! She pants out as she looks to all the people around her. &quot;Bidders? What are we bidding on? I thought we were trying to get a plush? I&#39;d like the plush that my friend here had. What can we trade for it?&quot; Her mind is torn between staying on task and all the wonderfully sexed creatures around here. If only someone would use her so she could cum. She sighs interally while enjoying the attention she&#39;s getting, tail wagging about happily as her ears swivel erratically at all the talk around them.<br> <br>It isn&#39;t long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. &quot;Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find.&quot; She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! &quot;So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5.&quot; The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava&#39;s doll was, unfortunately, number 3. &quot;And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory &#39;rubs&#39; and drinks!<br> <br>It isn&#39;t long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. &quot;Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find.&quot; She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! &quot;So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5.&quot; The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava&#39;s doll was, unfortunately, number 3. &quot;And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory &#39;rubs&#39; and drinks!&quot; She announces, most of the males and herms quite excited to hear it, &quot;Now... let us begin.&quot; Bidding for the first starting!<br> <br>Blanche looks to the larger fox and blinks. She looks around and thinks a moment, lust clouding her mind. &quot;Hmm...?&quot; Then her attention goes back to the appearent leader of the gathering as she listens. &quot;Oh! I could use some drinks and rubs!&quot; She smiles, feeling a bit parched herself. &quot;Can never say no to rubs myself!&quot; Sme smiles, thinking that she&#39;d be petted or some other innocent thing while she waits for the proper auction. Her parts drool from just about everywhere, even her breasts start to drip from the attention they get. With all the groping and petting she&#39;s getting, this may be somewhere she&#39;d hang out for a vacation.<br> <br>Ava&#39;s ears perk as she looks at the fox, eyes coing to rest on the numbers. Shi whimpers and squeezes hir legs together as shi catches sight of hir target. &quot;Free? Really?&quot; Hir head hangs in defeat. Shi winces at the thought of having to breed these, clearly, feral creatures, but rutting as shi was it would be a relief, shi just had to keep hirself together. A bark escapes hir lips as the hands come to rub and grope at hir, hir eyes skeptical as she looks at the drinks. Shi shakes hir head and tries to push some of the women away. &quot;Enough! Pleashe! I&#39;m only h-here for the kan-&quot; Hir head rears back and snaps forward, cum flying from hir muzzle, ears flattening against hir head as shi wipes hir nose. &quot;God damn-&quot; shi begins to say, still recovering from hir sneeze when the drink is forced into hir mouth, coughing as shi chokes down the beverage.<br> <br>The first plushie comes up to the marble fox as her girls walk about giving, and in some cases forcing, drinks upon the herms and males in the audiance. The effect of the drink is slow, far slower than anything similar, almost as if it was heavily diluted. However, as it passed lips, those suspetable to rut could tell what it was. Ava&#39;s balls grow continously, though so slowly that it was almost impossible to see, the heat in hir rods burning hotter by the moment. It would take quite a few minutes for the full effect to come about, much more delayed in building than if the drug were taken straight as it commonly is! Forced or not, the marbled foxes rub and stroke over cocks and balls, teasing those bidding, &quot;2!&quot; shouts an alpha husky, &quot;4&quot; a latex fox. &quot;7&quot; the bidding continues, first plushing, a raggedy &#39;life sized&#39; teddy bear getting a lot of attention! &quot;I can... can do 12!&quot; shouts a bunny boy, and all the while Ava and Blanche are stroked upon, rubbed, and for Ava... growing.<br> <br>Ava growls softly as shi feels hir balls swell, rut growing thicker, hir stance widening as shi pulls down hir top a bit to air hirself out. &quot;Thuck, dis ish getting unbearable...&quot; shi mutters eyes focused on the doll, waiting for the kangaroo to come up. Hir eyes remained glued to the doll, number three, claws raking at the ground as hir tongue drools pre-cum from hir muzzle. Shi&#39;s grateful for the plugs, even if they are buzzing inside of hir, but they keep hir stopped up, make the rut less frustrating. Shi focuses, not on the desire, but the ache, like a dull bruise growing more and more ripe as hir cocks become backed up with pre-cum. <br> <br>Blanche takes the drinks offered to her and swallows it down with a smile. &quot;Ahh... just what I need.&quot; While she does feel something going on in her balls, she&#39;s to distracted to care at the moment. She keeps her eyes on the crowd and looks around. &quot;Numbers are too low to be freecred.... Can&#39;t be mako....&quot; She blinks, but the rubs make her moan out. As a hand grips on the tip of her cock from the crowd, she moans out, shuddering as her cock nears it peek. &quot;Ahh... careful, about to cum....&quot; She squirms her hips a bit, trying to move her cock away from some of the gropes. &quot;As much as I&#39;d want to...&quot; Her cock practically throbs for attention, bouncing slightly from the blood her relatively smaller heart is beating into the organ.<br> <br>&quot;14&quot; Shouts a donkey boy, &quot;16&quot; Retorts the Alpha Husky. All around marble foxes are rubbing upon sacs and cocks, enticing out bigger and bigger... bids. Seeing and hearing Blanche was getting FAR too close, the Marbled Fox upon her lightens up, only gently stroking on her balls, however, Ava was another case. Shi wasn&#39;t bidding, and shi didn&#39;t seem too close to blowing either, despite the smells coming off of hir. The Marbled Fox that had forced the drink into hir waves to another as the one and the one that had been focusing on Blanche. Smiling to each other, they go to work. One crawling under Ava, rubbing on hir twin cocks and playing with the toys softly buzzing away inside them, licking, pressing her pudgy belly and breasts to the rods... while the other two rub and message Ava&#39;s massive and growing balls, taking care to play softly with Blanches as well. Licking on Ava&#39;s, nibbling on them, stroking them lovingly... the one below starting to lick around Ava&#39;s horse cock&#39;s flare! &quot;Sold! 21 attempts, next, plushie please.&quot; Shouts the leader, bidding beginning right away, &quot;S.. s... seven!&quot;<br> <br>Ava&#39;s eyes remain fast on the kangaroo, ears flickering with each bid, but remaining focused on the stuffed animal. Shi just had to get that one, once shi did shi could leave... or maybe bid on another one? Yashira probably would love it if she had more dollies. Hir eyes moved over to the second doll then back, head shaking as shi tried to clear hir mind. Claws gripping at the ground as hir orbs swelled larger, heavier. Shi gasped, tail curling down as shi felt the delicate touch of the chubby foxes beneath hir. &quot;H-hey! I&#39;m not bidding! Leave thoshe alone! They&#39;re not yoursh! J-just let me wait until... until number three! Pleashe!&quot; shi begs, eyes shutting tight as shi feels the plugs teased, vibrating still in hir cocks. &quot;Carefulthosearebigverybig,&quot; shi said quickly through clenched teeth<br> <br>Blanche murrs slowly as she&#39;s massaged in the balls. She looks to the the fox pleasuring her and smiles. &quot;Thanks.&quot; With a contented sigh, her eyes turn back to the auction. &quot;I could get use to this.&quot; She notices Ava&#39;s plight and reaches to rub Ava&#39;s side. &quot;Come on, I know you can hold on for our Yashira. I now I haven&#39;t been... well.. much of a mom. After all that back in New Dawn, I think she could use her dolly.&quot; She pants a bit more, the edge slowly gwing away despite her cocks protests. &quot;I wonder if I could fill every girl here....&quot; The thought.... doesn&#39;t help her stay concentrated on task.<br> <br>The bidding on the tiger like plushie missing a lot of stuffing, an ear, and a paw continues, &quot;Nine!&quot; Says another, &quot;E... e.. eleven!&quot; Barks out someone else, all the males and herms squriming as they continue. &quot; F.. fourteen!&quot; &quot;I hear fourteen? Can I get sixteen? Sixteen?&quot; &quot;Seventeeeeeen!&quot; Shouts someone. Meanwhile the attention on Ava continues, even as hir rut deepens, balls swelling. Pressing tighter to Ava&#39;s sac, rubbing over her cocks as they grow and tighten! Soon, Ava can&#39;t feel anything else. She can hear the bidding, smell the scents in the air, but the need rising in hir nethers is quickly bleeding everything else out of her mind, even other sensations. World trying to close in, narrowing toward asingle few things. Hir cocks, hir balls, hir need to cum, the desire to breed... For Blanche, more attention upon her balls, and a bit for her female half too, though less direction contact!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s claws are tearing at the ground, deep gashes that keep hir firmly rooted to the floor, the drink making hir balls feel tighter, rut naturally raising as hir orbs just barely avoid touching the ground. Shi closes hir eyes, focusing on hir breath, then stops that and pushes hir snout into hir bosom. Shi wants to cover hir ears, block out everything, but shi needs to hear the bids, to know when it&#39;s hir turn. Hir cock and balls feel like they&#39;re going to explode, the plugs constantly stimulating hir, keeping hir pent up, only hir tongue drooling pre-cum onto hir-Hir head whips back, another spray of cum flying from hir muzzle, and leaking out of hir nose. Shi sniffles wipes hir muzzle, eyes returning to the doll, body trembling as the damned vixens continue to tease hir cocks and balls. &quot;I don&#39;t know... if I&#39;m gonna make id Blanche,&quot; shi slurs, equal parts cock-tongue and drunk lust.<br> <br>Blanche pats Ava on the side and tries to focus ahead. &quot;Do it for her, okay?&quot; She lets out a &#39;Eeerf...&#39; Her balls churning and ready to go, the constant folding and attention keeping her mind on all the fertile females around. Still, she tries to keep something of herself centered on the activities on hand. Her eyes close for a moment to try and calm herself, but between the hormones and the strokng, it just makes it all the more obvious that her body screams for sex and will do what it can to get it. &quot;OOohh... That wasn&#39;t a good idea...&quot; She opens her eyes again and picks the back of Ava&#39;s head to stare at. &quot;Just.... one more plushie, then we can go wild on all these bitches.&quot; She smiles to the one stroking her cock and balls. &quot;I think you&#39;ll be first in line.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Nine...t.. teeeen!&quot; Shouts another, though the plushie was quite cute. The bids continue to raise up as Ava&#39;s rut does, and the attentions to Blanche continue. &quot;Now, as a reminder, all bids are final, but payment won&#39;t be collected until all bidding is done... on every item.&quot; Says the leader, &quot;Hold your... purses...until then my wonderful guests.&quot; She says, to much grumbling after! &quot;Tw.. twenty four!&quot; &quot;Twenty four going once! Twice! Sold! Now, do we want a short break before we continue? Or should I bring up the next item. Perhaps some time to relax from the... attentions?&quot; The leader asks as the next item, the kangaroo rag doll is brought over. Ava&#39;s world continues to shrink, it was getting hard to even hear the bids over the burning need in her head, the smells all around hir, the feelings of those vixens upon those cocks. The one under hir slurped and nuzzled against the horse cock while stroking and very softly clawing Ava&#39;s fox rod. Meanwhile, the two behind rub their whole bodies against Ava&#39;s balls, gently playing with Blanche&#39;s as they giggle, occasionally stopping to lick over all four sets of orbs...<br> <br>Ava growls, hands balling into fists. &quot;NEXT ONE! PLEASHE!&quot; shi screams, cum flying from hir muzzle as hir balls aching for release. Shi looks down at the vixens teasing hir cocks and balls and snarls. &quot;Keep it up and see if you can walk after I&#39;m done with you. Your pelvises might not last the breedings.&quot; Hir breathing is ragged, chest heaving as the presence of the plugs becomes an annoyance, muscles keeping tense as shi resists the urge to rock into the teasing of hir cocks. &quot;One more, just... one... more,&quot; shi mutters through clenched teeth, cum leaking between the gaps as shi awaits hir turn, but even now hir mind struggles to focus on the doll, thinking of the fertile bitches shi&#39;ll bloat with cum.  <br> <br>Blanche smiles to Ava a bit. &quot;I hate to say it, but I&#39;m glad I don&#39;t get into ruts. The smell off you makes me want to present myself to you. Too bad you can&#39;t reach me from back here, huh?&quot; She looks to the group around her and huffs. &quot;Oh I want to stuff you and you and you... One of you would have to lick me off. Plenty of drinks to go around for everyone.&quot; She groans as her cock pulses, it stoped throbbing, but it still demands more. &quot;I think I&#39;m going to be here all night....&quot; She isn&#39;t sure how she likes that idea, but at least her mother trained her well for something like this, even if unintentionally.<br> <br>There were a lot of groans from the crowd, some mixed answers, but hearing Ava screaming like that, the marbled fox leader continues, &quot;Next, do I hear six for this?&quot; &quot;Eight!&quot; Yells out an alpha husky. &quot;Ten!&quot; Another, &quot;Fourteen!&quot; Shouts someone else. Meanwhile the foxes never stop, always licking, sucking, listening to Ava churn, before one comes infront of hir, &quot;Humm, you are so strong, and an agent too. Look around, look at all the pussies here for you to take. Why are you fighting so much?&quot; She asks, licking her lips and rubbing her chubby belly, &quot;Why not forget the bidding and just go wild?&quot; She asks, another coming over to Blanche, &quot;Oh, you one her, and her, and her there? What about me?&quot; She pouts... both of them taking a few steps back, dropping to hands and knees, flagging tails to let their heated scent and pussies show!<br> <br>Ava sees red, hir fur bristling as the kangaroo comes up to bid. The words hitting hir ears make hir wince, jaw clenching as shi continues to drool cum from hir maw. Hir head feels like it&#39;s swimming as the numbers are rattled off, pain filling every inch of hir body, all focused on the pent up cocks. Shi thrusts a hand into the air and hir mouth drops open. &quot;Thuck!&quot; shi shouts, the first thing coming to hir mind, indeed, the only thing in hir head. A faint memory returns and shi corrects hirself, &quot;Twenty-five!&quot; It seemed right. She could go higher, shouldn&#39;t she? &quot;Thirdy!&quot; shi outbids hirself, shi&#39;s not sure if shi&#39;s winning. Shi feels like shi&#39;s not, or else hir cocks wouldn&#39;t feel so pent up. The vixens down below seem so enticing, so fertile, oh, how shi wanted to fill them.<br> <br>Ava whimpers hir balls feeling too heavy, shi made the bid, but shi can&#39;t hold out any longer. Shi looks down at one of the vixens and idly knocks her over, paws grabbing her hips as shi draws hir cocks up against the Vixen&#39;s body. &quot;Shorry,&quot; shi mumbles, pressing both of hir plugged up lengths into the vixen&#39;s holes. Shi groans, claws gripping at her hips and pulling her back. &quot;Thuck... oh, sho good,&quot; shi groans, tauric half hunched over the vixen, slowly pumping in and out of her body.<br> <br>Blanche moans as she see&#39;s the eager females line up for her. She pants and tries to keep herself at least somewhat sober. With a sighs she murmurs out, &quot;I bet I could nail 35 of you....&quot; Her eyes keep on the presented females. Their questions barely register but she tries to say something in return. &quot;F-For.... my daughter.....&quot; She swallows her drool, though it returns soon after. When Ava moves she&#39;s broken out of her stupor momentary as her weight shifts. She rolls back a little and grabs onto something as she feels herself move out of fear of falling. &quot;Ava!&quot;<br> <br>The bidding had continued, but Ava&#39;s HUGE bids gets everyones attention, though what Ava does after stops things very shortly after... and being the ferals that they are, it quickly desolved, &quot;SOLD!&quot; Shouts the leader as the vixen Ava knocked over yelps out in surprise! Though, a pair quickly pull Ava back... at least long enough to get those plugs out of hir anyway. Another grabs to Blanche as she slips, pulling her down, &quot;Oh, you could do 35? Let&#39;s see!&quot; She says, mounting up on Blanche and just taking her! Very soon everything is an orgy! Ava&#39;s cocks soon finding their way into a pair of pussies, the soothing warmth and wetness all too welcome...<br> <br>Ava struggles against the ferals pulling hir off of the vixen, snarling and growling as shi tries to pull free, hir body bucking as the plugs are pulled free. The moment shi&#39;s left free shi pounces back onto the vixen, not realizing another has joined her as gallons of backed up pre-cum spashing on their bodies as hir hips thrust and drive forward, trying to sink into the the pair. They finally find home and shi&#39;s in bliss, tips filling the vixens&#39;s cunts with thick pre-cum as shi pounds inches forward, deeper and deeper. Shi shudders and mumbles in lost pleasure, hips jerking and muscles spasming as shi hunches over the feral. &quot;OOoh, d-dake id all. Oh, thuck, ne-need do... hmm, cum,&quot; shi groans, each thrust into hir unwitting partners pulling hir human half forward, more along for the ride as the taur takes over, balls so swollen they literally slosh and sway against the ground, more or less inable to move at this point. <br> <br>Ava fox<br> <br>Blanche blinks as a marbled fox catchers her and then stuffs her full of cock. She isn&#39;t quite sure what&#39;s going on or if they actually got their plushie, but she doesn&#39;t resist the efforts of the herm stuffing her. &quot;Ahhh!&quot; She moans out in sheer pleasure as her spade squeezes down on the fox. &quot;Okay, time to fuck everything in sight.&quot; She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. Her change barely registers on her, except she does note: &quot;Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?&quot; Her cock stands tall, her balls rest in front of her while she&#39;s impaled on the fox behind her.<br> <br>Blanche blinks as the marbled fox catches her, then uses her cock to stuff herself. She moans as the plump spade surrounds her cock and sinks down all the way past her knot. &quot;Ahhh!&quot; She moans out in sheer pleasure, cock twitching and knot inflating almost instantly. &quot;Okay, time to fuck everything in sight.&quot; She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. The change barely registers in her mind, but at least has the presence to note aloud: &quot;Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?&quot; Her spade quivers in jealously as she lays on her back staring at the thicker thighs of her sudden partner.<br> <br>The orgy continues, degrading quickly as the plushies quickly become less of a concern, perhaps for everyone but Ava and Blanche if the pair could recover enough of their heads as their &#39;smaller&#39; heads are tended to. The marble foxes bark and squell in delight as they are plowed upon, and take those around them to fuck themselves upon. The leader smiles a bit, it seemed her idea mostly worked. The winner of the first plushie is eventually presented with it, though the second and third are lost a moment in flood. Ava&#39;s ass changes next as she rocks into those wet, tight holes, and other fox coming up to &#39;kiss&#39; Ava noticing the cock tongue, changing hir chest next! Meanwhile, Blanche&#39;s balls get a renewed message as the fox atop grinds and rides her!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s paws grip at the vixens as shi ruts into them hard, balls barely missing the ground as shi gives the pair every ounce of strength shi has. Shi&#39;s too lost in the desire to cum to notice the chain in hir ass, though hir it does jiggle quite noticably as shi thrusts. Hir perky nipples gush with milk as the fox kisses hir on the lips, Ava&#39;s hand coming up to grab hir head. Shi catches sight of the prize to the first bidder and pulls the vixen away. &quot;I demand my dollie!&quot; shi growls out, head turning back to the partner giving hir a kiss. &quot;Show me where you wand id,&quot; shi says to the vixen, letting the tip dangle out of hir muzzle. Another thrust takes hir body by surprise, suddenly finding hir knots sunk into the pair, balls flowing heavily with cum to fill the two. Shi grabs hir tongue, stiffling its flow, keeping the knot, at least somewhat, less swollen and cum from coming out of its tip. &quot;NEXT!&quot; shi barks, knots still grinding into the sopping, fertile spades as shi tries to pull them free.<br> <br>Blanche hammers into the fox her cock is sunk into. While her legs can&#39;t quite reach the floor, her arms hold her steady as she uses her abdominal muscles to bend herself in. Soon enough, her cock thickens up, spreading the vixen wider. Strangely enough, her sheath bulks up as well. &quot;Oooh! Is there more of me in you?!&quot; She humps again into her, her cock twitching and tensing up. Her spade remains mostly unchanged, it&#39;s as wide and wet as it ever was, but the subtle change in her clit makes her pant out as her weeping canid cunt certainly notices the change.<br> <br>The first two seeded, the next two come up and take thier paces as Ava nearly savagely pulls free from them! They are more than happy with their bloated rounded middles, cum flowing free of their pussies as they are unplugged! The next to practically impale themselves on Ava, the one kissing hir pointing to her muzzle and waiting! Still no doll for Ava, at least not yet! As Ava&#39;s rode upon again, hir arms adjust, then hir fur! Meanwhile, the one on Blanche whines softly, pounding and pounding her way upon the fellow fox, but not getting the cum she needed!<br> <br>Blanche presses her hands into the floor and presses into the vixen for all she&#39;s worth. A tide of cum gushes fourth into the vixen. It&#39;s times like these, she thinks, that she wishes she had the balls of her mother. As she holds onto the floor, she feels her arms waver a bit, they plump out and gain a cushy layer. As the change moved down to her hand, her wrists sprout a cuff of fur as her hands shrink a bit with slender fingers. &quot;Ahhh! Yes!&quot; The cum flows into the vixen, she isn&#39;t sure by how much, just that her oversized balls clench and pile plenty of cum into her.<br> <br>Ava grips at the back of the vixen&#39;s head and draws her into a kiss, lips and muzzles locking as shi fills her maw with hir cock. Shi feels another pair of clefts press up to her cocks, hir forepaws pulling them back, to hir cocks, sinking into their clefts with ease thanks to the fertile wetness of the last pair. Shi leans into the partner sucking on hir tongue, hands trying to grab the woman and pull her into hir grasp to make it easier to fuck her mouth, but distracted by the pair shi&#39;s rutting into it&#39;s a struggle. Shi settles for dipping the vixen, head bobbing up and down to fuck her muzzle with the tongue. Shi focuses on hir partners for the moment, hands too tied to demand hir prize anyway, but it remains in the back of hir mind. Two down, 28 to go.<br> <br>Another two on Ava, and more lining up as the orgy continues, cum flowing from Blanche and into her partner. More changes over Ava, more vixens fucking hir, and quickly changing hir entirely into a Marbled Fox... except for that stallion&#39;s cock, resisting and staying as it is! More changes through Blanche as the first stands up off of her and the next settles in, riding over Blanche for her chance at having a kit. Tight pussies, wet holes, and HOURS of fucking ahead for everyone...<br> <br>Ava feels different, though shi&#39;s not entirely sure how. It doesn&#39;t distract hir though, hir rut forefront in hir mind. Hir knots never got a chance to go down, still battering at the eager, fertile spades as shi drives into the eager vixens, knot kissing at the locked muzzles of hir more orally minded partner. Hir stomach rumbles and shi feels a need fill hir, wishing at that moment shi were in the cock-tongue sucking vixen&#39;s place. It makes hir fuck hir parnter&#39;s throat more vigorously, filling the sensitive gullet until shi cums again, 10 gallons between the three, knots too swollen to lock into any but the one kissing her.<br> <br>Blanche pants and giggles out giddily as the vixen leaves her and another takes her place. This time, the takes her hands and wraps it around the other fox, gripping on her sides and sinking herself down deep. She thrusts again into the fox, her hips bounceing off hers. As she thrusts, she feels more changes coming. Her belly bloats up, her nipples widen and grow bigger. With another set of thrusts, she gets into the rythim of things, letting herself lose finally. She cums again into the vixen as more fluff emerges from her chest. As the last pumps from her load pass seed into the needy vixen, her spine and shoulders pop silently.<br> <br>Fucking and fucking over and over again, time passes quickly for those taking part. Dozens are seeded, though would it all take? That was another question, one that would likely be no, but the leader was more than happy with the result, even taking part herself with a few! Two new vixens on Ava as the lasts are done with, new ones upon Blanche with every passing cum. Eventually, Blanche feels drained, emptied out, not even Ixchel&#39;s blessing helping, but for Ava, no matter how much shi cums, no matter how much shi fucks, it feels like shi&#39;d die if shi stopped. The need burning through hir, like if shi stopped for more than a moment shi go insane! Even after a dozen and a half are bred by Ava, hir body hungers for more!<br> <br>Ava&#39;s breath runs ragged as shi breaths out of his nostrils, muscles aching, burning as shi continues to rut into a new, fresh pair of vixens. The fertile scent of the vixen who&#39;s legs are wrapped around hir head fills hir nostrils with each breath as his pumps hir head back and forth, sliding the cock tongue in and out of the sodden cunt. Hir bushy coat of fur looks matted, wild as hir empty balls still yearn and ache to be emptied. At some point shi feels like shi was given another drink, it&#39;s unclear, it&#39;s all very unclear to hir. Too deep into hir rut, cocks in blistering pain until shi&#39;s given another pair to fuck. Shi doesn&#39;t know how shi can keep going, but shi does, hir hands gripping at the Vixen&#39;s ass as shi takes the trio, another shudder racking hir body as hir aching, spent balls try to fill them again. Still, shi clings to the image of the kangaroo, Yashira&#39;s dollie. For her, only for her, to make her happy. It would be worth it to see the smile on hir pet&#39;s face. <br> <br>Blanche vixen after vixen, change after change. The next vixen she humps she grabs again with her hands and spears the girl. Her legs shorten, her thighs plump up wide, and her paws swell into a cuter shape than they were. More importantly, they fill out into a more digitigrade shape and proportion with her torso. As she fills that girl, the next comes along and plants herself on her cock without hesitation. uring her thrusts she starts to lose some stamina but keeps going. Her head changes next, ears flopping into oversized fox ears and spreading out wide behind her face. her cheeks round out with a light well, as her throat becomes much more sensitive than she&#39;s used to. Her mouth gapes as she feels the sensation of pleasure course though. Lips smacking she moans out in a urge to try and eat anything. Girl after girl rides her cock. At some point, she feels her ass swell out behind her, accompanied by a series of pops as the widened seat takes a new structure. She squirms at the feeling of her anus swelling out of her pucker. &quot;Ahhh....&quot; She wiggles as the change finishes itself off with a large poof of her now larger tail.<br> <br>Vixen after vixen, Blanche soon done, but Ava still going, until shi does hir 30 and then a bit more. Finally, every single one of them has been filled, the auction over with 2 less plushies needing to be sold than expected. Though as the final vixen leaves Ava, the need, the pain returns. Those over sensative, over stimulated rods HAD to be occupied! Ava&#39;s balls, somehow, no less full than when shi started. &quot;Mmmmm, thanks... is there anything else you need, studs?&quot; Says the leader walking up to the pair.<br> <br>Ava&#39;s rests on hir head, tongue drooling onto the ground, cocks feeling chafed, but still desperately needing to be stuffed into something. Hir ears perk, for a moment, then flop back down, too large to remain rigid. Shi looks up at the leader and groans, eyes scanning over her body, wanting to fuck her too. Shi sighs and pushes hirself up into a sitting position, then holds out a hand. &quot;Kangaroo. I need... my kangaroo,&quot; shi says insistently, tiredly, then sobs. &quot;Pleashe. Id&#39;sh for shomeone very dear. Give id do me.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche pants as she lie there, her cock plenty worn out for the moment as the thick piece of vulpine meat retreats back into it&#39;s even thicker sheath. She groans, legs resting on the side of her balls while she sits. Panting she reaffirms Ava&#39;s suggestion. &quot;Just need.... the doll.&quot; She huffs. &quot;Why do I... feel so thick?&quot; The pudgyer Blanche rests a moment. Her spade still crying out for something to suck.... as well as other things. &quot;Whats right with my mouth?&quot; Even her panting is kinda turning her on.<br> <br>The leader looks around a moment, eventually finding the ragdoll, holding it out to Ava, &quot;After thirty five of my vixens, if not more? You deserve it.&quot; She says, giving it to Ava. Though at this point the air of the room felt like pins and needles to Ava&#39;s cocks, They had to find something to be in, someone, anything, anyone. Even if Ava wasn&#39;t actively pumping... though those balls still feel completely full, overflowingly full! &quot;Though, you two sure you don&#39;t want to be my girls too?&quot; She asks.<br> <br>Ava snatches the doll out of the vixen&#39;s hands, drawing it to hir chest, squeezing it close. Shi looks to the vixen, and rises up, snarling at the leader. Shi looks down at the woman, almost listing forward before turning around, balls brushing against the ground as shi comes up to Blanche. &quot;I need you,&quot; shi growls, putting Blanche on hir back and pinning hir sister down. Hir cocks line up, still wet from the numerous cunts shi&#39;d fucked and gallons shi&#39;d spilled, then pressed in possessively. &quot;Hmmm, mine,&quot; shi snarls absently as shi hilted into Blanche&#39;s ass and cunt. Shi shakes hir head and presses a forepaw against Blanche&#39;s back, drawing her up to hir undercarriage. &quot;F-fanks. Need shomeone to keep my cocksh... warm.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche looks over to the leader and thinks. &quot;Well.. your offer is tempting... but will there be more co-aah!&quot; She barely makes out as she&#39;s grabbed, then slipped over Ava&#39;s cocks. Her new puffy rimmed tail-stair spreads open over Ava&#39;s horse cock easyer this time, the lipped hole almost closing down around the tip as it sinks in like it was always meant to be there, easyer this time too, but still quite tight. Meanwhile her spade is finally spread wide over Ava&#39;s cock, she loses it right there on the spot as the neglected fat canid lips squeeze down on Ava&#39;s shaft hard, as if a thirsty man lost in the desert found a water fountain. She loses her words for a moment as her spade tightens down, her legs losing what strength they had. &quot;Aaahhh....! Oohh.. okay... I think.. I&#39;m fine right here keeping my friends cocks warm.&quot; Both her holds hold onto Ava&#39;s cocks tightly. She hopes that Ava has a solution for her balls if they are going to be riding like this.

Revision as of 04:18, 5 July 2016





The dollie, the damnedable dollie. While Yashira could remember it well enough, what she hadn't said was the fact that she'd lost it quite a while ago. Being a Promethian Agent meant that she was often off doing missions in various locations. While none of them were ever dangerous, mostly checking in with other agents and using Mike to make deliveries, she was sent out near the highway once for a 'special collection'. On the trip said dollie was lost and gone. Mrs Ravas handed over most of Yashira's things, but said that if Ava and Blanche wanted the doll, they would have to go find it themselves...

Ava grumbled as they headed through the streets of Fairhaven, balls still feeling pent up and swollen. Shi'd replugged hirself shortly after leaving New Dawn in an effort to control hir rut. It wasn't quite as pent up anymore, but it still tickled at the back of hir mind, particularly with how Blanche was acting. "I swear, we better find this-" Shi stopped in hir tracks, toes curling as the plugs started to vibrate again, churning the cum in hir cunt and making hir cocks push from their sheath. "Not again..." shi whimpered, giving hir head a shake. Shi wrapped hir arms around hir chest and sighed. "Keep your eyes peeled Blanche, we need to find that doll and get back before we dra... draw any unwanted attention."

Blanche is already erect, her cock pushes past Ava's humanoid half while her balls hang on either side of her like lewd saddlebags. Her spade leaks it's nectar down the sides of Ava's back as she rests on it panting. Her mind barely registers Ava's command, but she manages to nod. "Okay..." She scans around her surroundings, but can't pay too much attention. "Ooohh... I just want you to spear me in my holes. Fuck your spade, anything." She drools lightly, steam practically huffing out of her muzzle.

The Convention Center comes into view, the last place that Mrs Ravas thought the doll could possibly be in. Ferals of various types mill about outside, but it seemed that the newest addition to their con was holding a special auction of sorts! One was outside literally barking about it, "Come see our collection of commemrative plushies! Big ones, small ones, all various types and sizes, and bid on some as well! No reasonable offer will be refused!" The rather protly woman shouts, attracting a good bit of attention!

Ava grabs at hir head, covering hir ears at Blanche's words. "Blanche? Honey, please shut up. It's hard enough to focus with all this rut and my plugs. I don't need you to... be putting those images in my head," shi says with a whimper, cocks dangling beneath hir as shi walks. Her brows raise as shi sees the sign, smiling wide at the words. "Plushies! Yes! Okay, let's see what she's got! Maybe we'll be in and out of here quick," shi said, beginning to pad up to the woman, moving as quickly as shi could with Blanche's weight on hir back and hir own pregnant belly bouncing with hir breasts.

Blanche giggles at Ava's rebuttal. "I don't think they'd be something new with how you smell." Her attention also piques at the gather. "Huh, plushies? Sounds fun. I could use a few of those. Lets head over there." Each bounce from Ava's stride helps keep her in ready arousal. Almost everything about her screams out for sex. "Maybe I could get a quick fuck there too..."

At the approching agents, a lot of ferals make propositions and comments about what they would rather do with them. Some playful, others mirthful, and still others down right lewd. The barking fox though welcomes them in though, smiling, "Come in, come in, I'm sure you'll see something you'll like." She says... a few hands from those around them finding their way onto Ava's breasts, belly, or balls, and a few upon Blanche's balls as well! Stroking, rubbing. Inside though, there are plushies and dolls of various types and sizes, this is true, but to call them 'ventage' would be generous. Most were either very well used, or very well chewed up by nanites by now. One though... a simple looking rag doll of a kangaroo, matches exactly what Yashira and Mrs Kava said was the former's doll.

Ava grips hir head tighter as she walks towards the portly woman, the propositions only making hir plug feel snugger, cunt grip tighter to the plug, almost milking on it as a heat of lust fills hir hest. Hir balls feel almost too large, too full as they slosh and sway unerneath hir. Shi nods and whimpers at the woman. "Yesh, pleashe, sho us what you god, quickly!" shi said, starting to slurr as hir tongue swells in hir muth as she's groped and fondled. Shi wants to desperately to give in, but hir focus remains on the toy, Yashira's lushie. Shi looks around at the dolls, whimpering at the poor state of most of them until shi comes to the kangaroo. HIr hands drop from hir ears and shi quickly hurries up to the doll, forgetting Blanche on hir back as shi does. Shi picks it up and squeezes it. "Thish one! Thish ish id! How much?" shi asks, pre-cum flying from hir mouth as shi wags hir tail

Blanche moans as the hands caress her body she feels about ready to explode already. While she does barely register the plush, her sight looks onto the crowd and their various genitals. The comments and chatter amongst them helping to urge on her baser instincts. Her cock's emission of pre picks up to a steady drool. "They look so soft and snuggly, I just want to fuck all their brains out." She looks to where Ava is focusing and slowly blinks. "What would someone here want in exchange, anyway?"

Coming up to the pair, one of the foxes shakes her head, "Now now, look all you want, but put that down. Our leader will be out shortly to hear people's offers." She says, looking over Ava, "Though I wouldn't mind sampling the merchandice you are carrying." Then looking to Blanche, "My my, might have some high bidders here." She says before walking back to the convention room center. More and more come over to attempt to grope, to sample from Ava and Blanche while they wait for the leader of this 'auction' to come out...

Ava whimpers and places the plushie down, eyes on it as shi digest and squirms from the gropes and looks. Hir ears flatten and shi looks down at hirself, then covers hirself up with hir arms and tail. Shi looks at Blanch and raises her brow. "Wait, what bid? Blanche is just being... awfully horny. Shi didn't bid anything!" Shi pulls awayy from some of the hands, still whimpering as hir personal space is violated. Shi wants to give in, rut and heat filling hir mind, but shi tries to focus, on the plushie, on Yashira. "Pleashe! Can we shtart shoon? I want do go!"

Blanche murrs at the groping. She doesn't resist much herself, at best a token effort as she ejoys the petting and groping. It takes some amount of effort not to cum on the spot! She pants out as she looks to all the people around her. "Bidders? What are we bidding on? I thought we were trying to get a plush? I'd like the plush that my friend here had. What can we trade for it?" Her mind is torn between staying on task and all the wonderfully sexed creatures around here. If only someone would use her so she could cum. She sighs interally while enjoying the attention she's getting, tail wagging about happily as her ears swivel erratically at all the talk around them.

It isn't long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. "Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find." She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! "So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5." The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava's doll was, unfortunately, number 3. "And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory 'rubs' and drinks!

It isn't long after, Ava ducking around and Blanche simply enjoying what she could get atop Ava, that a larger, bigger Marbled Fox comes out from a doorway. "Welcome, welcome you! Now, as you all know, good males are so hard to find." She says, much cheering to be had by the... almost all female crowd. There were a few males and a few herms dotted here and there, mostly from other parts of the city! "So, in this auction, we will be selling a total of 5 of our collection to lucky winners, the bid, how many of my wonderful girls you will be knocking up! Or at least trying to. We will start with number one and move our way through to number 5." The plushes did have scribbled infront of them numbers. Ava's doll was, unfortunately, number 3. "And to keep our bidders... interested and excited, complementory 'rubs' and drinks!" She announces, most of the males and herms quite excited to hear it, "Now... let us begin." Bidding for the first starting!

Blanche looks to the larger fox and blinks. She looks around and thinks a moment, lust clouding her mind. "Hmm...?" Then her attention goes back to the appearent leader of the gathering as she listens. "Oh! I could use some drinks and rubs!" She smiles, feeling a bit parched herself. "Can never say no to rubs myself!" Sme smiles, thinking that she'd be petted or some other innocent thing while she waits for the proper auction. Her parts drool from just about everywhere, even her breasts start to drip from the attention they get. With all the groping and petting she's getting, this may be somewhere she'd hang out for a vacation.

Ava's ears perk as she looks at the fox, eyes coing to rest on the numbers. Shi whimpers and squeezes hir legs together as shi catches sight of hir target. "Free? Really?" Hir head hangs in defeat. Shi winces at the thought of having to breed these, clearly, feral creatures, but rutting as shi was it would be a relief, shi just had to keep hirself together. A bark escapes hir lips as the hands come to rub and grope at hir, hir eyes skeptical as she looks at the drinks. Shi shakes hir head and tries to push some of the women away. "Enough! Pleashe! I'm only h-here for the kan-" Hir head rears back and snaps forward, cum flying from hir muzzle, ears flattening against hir head as shi wipes hir nose. "God damn-" shi begins to say, still recovering from hir sneeze when the drink is forced into hir mouth, coughing as shi chokes down the beverage.

The first plushie comes up to the marble fox as her girls walk about giving, and in some cases forcing, drinks upon the herms and males in the audiance. The effect of the drink is slow, far slower than anything similar, almost as if it was heavily diluted. However, as it passed lips, those suspetable to rut could tell what it was. Ava's balls grow continously, though so slowly that it was almost impossible to see, the heat in hir rods burning hotter by the moment. It would take quite a few minutes for the full effect to come about, much more delayed in building than if the drug were taken straight as it commonly is! Forced or not, the marbled foxes rub and stroke over cocks and balls, teasing those bidding, "2!" shouts an alpha husky, "4" a latex fox. "7" the bidding continues, first plushing, a raggedy 'life sized' teddy bear getting a lot of attention! "I can... can do 12!" shouts a bunny boy, and all the while Ava and Blanche are stroked upon, rubbed, and for Ava... growing.

Ava growls softly as shi feels hir balls swell, rut growing thicker, hir stance widening as shi pulls down hir top a bit to air hirself out. "Thuck, dis ish getting unbearable..." shi mutters eyes focused on the doll, waiting for the kangaroo to come up. Hir eyes remained glued to the doll, number three, claws raking at the ground as hir tongue drools pre-cum from hir muzzle. Shi's grateful for the plugs, even if they are buzzing inside of hir, but they keep hir stopped up, make the rut less frustrating. Shi focuses, not on the desire, but the ache, like a dull bruise growing more and more ripe as hir cocks become backed up with pre-cum.

Blanche takes the drinks offered to her and swallows it down with a smile. "Ahh... just what I need." While she does feel something going on in her balls, she's to distracted to care at the moment. She keeps her eyes on the crowd and looks around. "Numbers are too low to be freecred.... Can't be mako...." She blinks, but the rubs make her moan out. As a hand grips on the tip of her cock from the crowd, she moans out, shuddering as her cock nears it peek. "Ahh... careful, about to cum...." She squirms her hips a bit, trying to move her cock away from some of the gropes. "As much as I'd want to..." Her cock practically throbs for attention, bouncing slightly from the blood her relatively smaller heart is beating into the organ.

"14" Shouts a donkey boy, "16" Retorts the Alpha Husky. All around marble foxes are rubbing upon sacs and cocks, enticing out bigger and bigger... bids. Seeing and hearing Blanche was getting FAR too close, the Marbled Fox upon her lightens up, only gently stroking on her balls, however, Ava was another case. Shi wasn't bidding, and shi didn't seem too close to blowing either, despite the smells coming off of hir. The Marbled Fox that had forced the drink into hir waves to another as the one and the one that had been focusing on Blanche. Smiling to each other, they go to work. One crawling under Ava, rubbing on hir twin cocks and playing with the toys softly buzzing away inside them, licking, pressing her pudgy belly and breasts to the rods... while the other two rub and message Ava's massive and growing balls, taking care to play softly with Blanches as well. Licking on Ava's, nibbling on them, stroking them lovingly... the one below starting to lick around Ava's horse cock's flare! "Sold! 21 attempts, next, plushie please." Shouts the leader, bidding beginning right away, "S.. s... seven!"

Ava's eyes remain fast on the kangaroo, ears flickering with each bid, but remaining focused on the stuffed animal. Shi just had to get that one, once shi did shi could leave... or maybe bid on another one? Yashira probably would love it if she had more dollies. Hir eyes moved over to the second doll then back, head shaking as shi tried to clear hir mind. Claws gripping at the ground as hir orbs swelled larger, heavier. Shi gasped, tail curling down as shi felt the delicate touch of the chubby foxes beneath hir. "H-hey! I'm not bidding! Leave thoshe alone! They're not yoursh! J-just let me wait until... until number three! Pleashe!" shi begs, eyes shutting tight as shi feels the plugs teased, vibrating still in hir cocks. "Carefulthosearebigverybig," shi said quickly through clenched teeth

Blanche murrs slowly as she's massaged in the balls. She looks to the the fox pleasuring her and smiles. "Thanks." With a contented sigh, her eyes turn back to the auction. "I could get use to this." She notices Ava's plight and reaches to rub Ava's side. "Come on, I know you can hold on for our Yashira. I now I haven't been... well.. much of a mom. After all that back in New Dawn, I think she could use her dolly." She pants a bit more, the edge slowly gwing away despite her cocks protests. "I wonder if I could fill every girl here...." The thought.... doesn't help her stay concentrated on task.

The bidding on the tiger like plushie missing a lot of stuffing, an ear, and a paw continues, "Nine!" Says another, "E... e.. eleven!" Barks out someone else, all the males and herms squriming as they continue. " F.. fourteen!" "I hear fourteen? Can I get sixteen? Sixteen?" "Seventeeeeeen!" Shouts someone. Meanwhile the attention on Ava continues, even as hir rut deepens, balls swelling. Pressing tighter to Ava's sac, rubbing over her cocks as they grow and tighten! Soon, Ava can't feel anything else. She can hear the bidding, smell the scents in the air, but the need rising in hir nethers is quickly bleeding everything else out of her mind, even other sensations. World trying to close in, narrowing toward asingle few things. Hir cocks, hir balls, hir need to cum, the desire to breed... For Blanche, more attention upon her balls, and a bit for her female half too, though less direction contact!

Ava's claws are tearing at the ground, deep gashes that keep hir firmly rooted to the floor, the drink making hir balls feel tighter, rut naturally raising as hir orbs just barely avoid touching the ground. Shi closes hir eyes, focusing on hir breath, then stops that and pushes hir snout into hir bosom. Shi wants to cover hir ears, block out everything, but shi needs to hear the bids, to know when it's hir turn. Hir cock and balls feel like they're going to explode, the plugs constantly stimulating hir, keeping hir pent up, only hir tongue drooling pre-cum onto hir-Hir head whips back, another spray of cum flying from hir muzzle, and leaking out of hir nose. Shi sniffles wipes hir muzzle, eyes returning to the doll, body trembling as the damned vixens continue to tease hir cocks and balls. "I don't know... if I'm gonna make id Blanche," shi slurs, equal parts cock-tongue and drunk lust.

Blanche pats Ava on the side and tries to focus ahead. "Do it for her, okay?" She lets out a 'Eeerf...' Her balls churning and ready to go, the constant folding and attention keeping her mind on all the fertile females around. Still, she tries to keep something of herself centered on the activities on hand. Her eyes close for a moment to try and calm herself, but between the hormones and the strokng, it just makes it all the more obvious that her body screams for sex and will do what it can to get it. "OOohh... That wasn't a good idea..." She opens her eyes again and picks the back of Ava's head to stare at. "Just.... one more plushie, then we can go wild on all these bitches." She smiles to the one stroking her cock and balls. "I think you'll be first in line."

"Nine...t.. teeeen!" Shouts another, though the plushie was quite cute. The bids continue to raise up as Ava's rut does, and the attentions to Blanche continue. "Now, as a reminder, all bids are final, but payment won't be collected until all bidding is done... on every item." Says the leader, "Hold your... purses...until then my wonderful guests." She says, to much grumbling after! "Tw.. twenty four!" "Twenty four going once! Twice! Sold! Now, do we want a short break before we continue? Or should I bring up the next item. Perhaps some time to relax from the... attentions?" The leader asks as the next item, the kangaroo rag doll is brought over. Ava's world continues to shrink, it was getting hard to even hear the bids over the burning need in her head, the smells all around hir, the feelings of those vixens upon those cocks. The one under hir slurped and nuzzled against the horse cock while stroking and very softly clawing Ava's fox rod. Meanwhile, the two behind rub their whole bodies against Ava's balls, gently playing with Blanche's as they giggle, occasionally stopping to lick over all four sets of orbs...

Ava growls, hands balling into fists. "NEXT ONE! PLEASHE!" shi screams, cum flying from hir muzzle as hir balls aching for release. Shi looks down at the vixens teasing hir cocks and balls and snarls. "Keep it up and see if you can walk after I'm done with you. Your pelvises might not last the breedings." Hir breathing is ragged, chest heaving as the presence of the plugs becomes an annoyance, muscles keeping tense as shi resists the urge to rock into the teasing of hir cocks. "One more, just... one... more," shi mutters through clenched teeth, cum leaking between the gaps as shi awaits hir turn, but even now hir mind struggles to focus on the doll, thinking of the fertile bitches shi'll bloat with cum.

Blanche smiles to Ava a bit. "I hate to say it, but I'm glad I don't get into ruts. The smell off you makes me want to present myself to you. Too bad you can't reach me from back here, huh?" She looks to the group around her and huffs. "Oh I want to stuff you and you and you... One of you would have to lick me off. Plenty of drinks to go around for everyone." She groans as her cock pulses, it stoped throbbing, but it still demands more. "I think I'm going to be here all night...." She isn't sure how she likes that idea, but at least her mother trained her well for something like this, even if unintentionally.

There were a lot of groans from the crowd, some mixed answers, but hearing Ava screaming like that, the marbled fox leader continues, "Next, do I hear six for this?" "Eight!" Yells out an alpha husky. "Ten!" Another, "Fourteen!" Shouts someone else. Meanwhile the foxes never stop, always licking, sucking, listening to Ava churn, before one comes infront of hir, "Humm, you are so strong, and an agent too. Look around, look at all the pussies here for you to take. Why are you fighting so much?" She asks, licking her lips and rubbing her chubby belly, "Why not forget the bidding and just go wild?" She asks, another coming over to Blanche, "Oh, you one her, and her, and her there? What about me?" She pouts... both of them taking a few steps back, dropping to hands and knees, flagging tails to let their heated scent and pussies show!

Ava sees red, hir fur bristling as the kangaroo comes up to bid. The words hitting hir ears make hir wince, jaw clenching as shi continues to drool cum from hir maw. Hir head feels like it's swimming as the numbers are rattled off, pain filling every inch of hir body, all focused on the pent up cocks. Shi thrusts a hand into the air and hir mouth drops open. "Thuck!" shi shouts, the first thing coming to hir mind, indeed, the only thing in hir head. A faint memory returns and shi corrects hirself, "Twenty-five!" It seemed right. She could go higher, shouldn't she? "Thirdy!" shi outbids hirself, shi's not sure if shi's winning. Shi feels like shi's not, or else hir cocks wouldn't feel so pent up. The vixens down below seem so enticing, so fertile, oh, how shi wanted to fill them.

Ava whimpers hir balls feeling too heavy, shi made the bid, but shi can't hold out any longer. Shi looks down at one of the vixens and idly knocks her over, paws grabbing her hips as shi draws hir cocks up against the Vixen's body. "Shorry," shi mumbles, pressing both of hir plugged up lengths into the vixen's holes. Shi groans, claws gripping at her hips and pulling her back. "Thuck... oh, sho good," shi groans, tauric half hunched over the vixen, slowly pumping in and out of her body.

Blanche moans as she see's the eager females line up for her. She pants and tries to keep herself at least somewhat sober. With a sighs she murmurs out, "I bet I could nail 35 of you...." Her eyes keep on the presented females. Their questions barely register but she tries to say something in return. "F-For.... my daughter....." She swallows her drool, though it returns soon after. When Ava moves she's broken out of her stupor momentary as her weight shifts. She rolls back a little and grabs onto something as she feels herself move out of fear of falling. "Ava!"

The bidding had continued, but Ava's HUGE bids gets everyones attention, though what Ava does after stops things very shortly after... and being the ferals that they are, it quickly desolved, "SOLD!" Shouts the leader as the vixen Ava knocked over yelps out in surprise! Though, a pair quickly pull Ava back... at least long enough to get those plugs out of hir anyway. Another grabs to Blanche as she slips, pulling her down, "Oh, you could do 35? Let's see!" She says, mounting up on Blanche and just taking her! Very soon everything is an orgy! Ava's cocks soon finding their way into a pair of pussies, the soothing warmth and wetness all too welcome...

Ava struggles against the ferals pulling hir off of the vixen, snarling and growling as shi tries to pull free, hir body bucking as the plugs are pulled free. The moment shi's left free shi pounces back onto the vixen, not realizing another has joined her as gallons of backed up pre-cum spashing on their bodies as hir hips thrust and drive forward, trying to sink into the the pair. They finally find home and shi's in bliss, tips filling the vixens's cunts with thick pre-cum as shi pounds inches forward, deeper and deeper. Shi shudders and mumbles in lost pleasure, hips jerking and muscles spasming as shi hunches over the feral. "OOoh, d-dake id all. Oh, thuck, ne-need do... hmm, cum," shi groans, each thrust into hir unwitting partners pulling hir human half forward, more along for the ride as the taur takes over, balls so swollen they literally slosh and sway against the ground, more or less inable to move at this point.

Ava fox

Blanche blinks as a marbled fox catchers her and then stuffs her full of cock. She isn't quite sure what's going on or if they actually got their plushie, but she doesn't resist the efforts of the herm stuffing her. "Ahhh!" She moans out in sheer pleasure as her spade squeezes down on the fox. "Okay, time to fuck everything in sight." She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. Her change barely registers on her, except she does note: "Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?" Her cock stands tall, her balls rest in front of her while she's impaled on the fox behind her.

Blanche blinks as the marbled fox catches her, then uses her cock to stuff herself. She moans as the plump spade surrounds her cock and sinks down all the way past her knot. "Ahhh!" She moans out in sheer pleasure, cock twitching and knot inflating almost instantly. "Okay, time to fuck everything in sight." She says as her fur thickens up into a plush carpet of black and white. The change barely registers in her mind, but at least has the presence to note aloud: "Why does everything feel so fluffy all the sudden?" Her spade quivers in jealously as she lays on her back staring at the thicker thighs of her sudden partner.

The orgy continues, degrading quickly as the plushies quickly become less of a concern, perhaps for everyone but Ava and Blanche if the pair could recover enough of their heads as their 'smaller' heads are tended to. The marble foxes bark and squell in delight as they are plowed upon, and take those around them to fuck themselves upon. The leader smiles a bit, it seemed her idea mostly worked. The winner of the first plushie is eventually presented with it, though the second and third are lost a moment in flood. Ava's ass changes next as she rocks into those wet, tight holes, and other fox coming up to 'kiss' Ava noticing the cock tongue, changing hir chest next! Meanwhile, Blanche's balls get a renewed message as the fox atop grinds and rides her!

Ava's paws grip at the vixens as shi ruts into them hard, balls barely missing the ground as shi gives the pair every ounce of strength shi has. Shi's too lost in the desire to cum to notice the chain in hir ass, though hir it does jiggle quite noticably as shi thrusts. Hir perky nipples gush with milk as the fox kisses hir on the lips, Ava's hand coming up to grab hir head. Shi catches sight of the prize to the first bidder and pulls the vixen away. "I demand my dollie!" shi growls out, head turning back to the partner giving hir a kiss. "Show me where you wand id," shi says to the vixen, letting the tip dangle out of hir muzzle. Another thrust takes hir body by surprise, suddenly finding hir knots sunk into the pair, balls flowing heavily with cum to fill the two. Shi grabs hir tongue, stiffling its flow, keeping the knot, at least somewhat, less swollen and cum from coming out of its tip. "NEXT!" shi barks, knots still grinding into the sopping, fertile spades as shi tries to pull them free.

Blanche hammers into the fox her cock is sunk into. While her legs can't quite reach the floor, her arms hold her steady as she uses her abdominal muscles to bend herself in. Soon enough, her cock thickens up, spreading the vixen wider. Strangely enough, her sheath bulks up as well. "Oooh! Is there more of me in you?!" She humps again into her, her cock twitching and tensing up. Her spade remains mostly unchanged, it's as wide and wet as it ever was, but the subtle change in her clit makes her pant out as her weeping canid cunt certainly notices the change.

The first two seeded, the next two come up and take thier paces as Ava nearly savagely pulls free from them! They are more than happy with their bloated rounded middles, cum flowing free of their pussies as they are unplugged! The next to practically impale themselves on Ava, the one kissing hir pointing to her muzzle and waiting! Still no doll for Ava, at least not yet! As Ava's rode upon again, hir arms adjust, then hir fur! Meanwhile, the one on Blanche whines softly, pounding and pounding her way upon the fellow fox, but not getting the cum she needed!

Blanche presses her hands into the floor and presses into the vixen for all she's worth. A tide of cum gushes fourth into the vixen. It's times like these, she thinks, that she wishes she had the balls of her mother. As she holds onto the floor, she feels her arms waver a bit, they plump out and gain a cushy layer. As the change moved down to her hand, her wrists sprout a cuff of fur as her hands shrink a bit with slender fingers. "Ahhh! Yes!" The cum flows into the vixen, she isn't sure by how much, just that her oversized balls clench and pile plenty of cum into her.

Ava grips at the back of the vixen's head and draws her into a kiss, lips and muzzles locking as shi fills her maw with hir cock. Shi feels another pair of clefts press up to her cocks, hir forepaws pulling them back, to hir cocks, sinking into their clefts with ease thanks to the fertile wetness of the last pair. Shi leans into the partner sucking on hir tongue, hands trying to grab the woman and pull her into hir grasp to make it easier to fuck her mouth, but distracted by the pair shi's rutting into it's a struggle. Shi settles for dipping the vixen, head bobbing up and down to fuck her muzzle with the tongue. Shi focuses on hir partners for the moment, hands too tied to demand hir prize anyway, but it remains in the back of hir mind. Two down, 28 to go.

Another two on Ava, and more lining up as the orgy continues, cum flowing from Blanche and into her partner. More changes over Ava, more vixens fucking hir, and quickly changing hir entirely into a Marbled Fox... except for that stallion's cock, resisting and staying as it is! More changes through Blanche as the first stands up off of her and the next settles in, riding over Blanche for her chance at having a kit. Tight pussies, wet holes, and HOURS of fucking ahead for everyone...

Ava feels different, though shi's not entirely sure how. It doesn't distract hir though, hir rut forefront in hir mind. Hir knots never got a chance to go down, still battering at the eager, fertile spades as shi drives into the eager vixens, knot kissing at the locked muzzles of hir more orally minded partner. Hir stomach rumbles and shi feels a need fill hir, wishing at that moment shi were in the cock-tongue sucking vixen's place. It makes hir fuck hir parnter's throat more vigorously, filling the sensitive gullet until shi cums again, 10 gallons between the three, knots too swollen to lock into any but the one kissing her.

Blanche pants and giggles out giddily as the vixen leaves her and another takes her place. This time, the takes her hands and wraps it around the other fox, gripping on her sides and sinking herself down deep. She thrusts again into the fox, her hips bounceing off hers. As she thrusts, she feels more changes coming. Her belly bloats up, her nipples widen and grow bigger. With another set of thrusts, she gets into the rythim of things, letting herself lose finally. She cums again into the vixen as more fluff emerges from her chest. As the last pumps from her load pass seed into the needy vixen, her spine and shoulders pop silently.

Fucking and fucking over and over again, time passes quickly for those taking part. Dozens are seeded, though would it all take? That was another question, one that would likely be no, but the leader was more than happy with the result, even taking part herself with a few! Two new vixens on Ava as the lasts are done with, new ones upon Blanche with every passing cum. Eventually, Blanche feels drained, emptied out, not even Ixchel's blessing helping, but for Ava, no matter how much shi cums, no matter how much shi fucks, it feels like shi'd die if shi stopped. The need burning through hir, like if shi stopped for more than a moment shi go insane! Even after a dozen and a half are bred by Ava, hir body hungers for more!

Ava's breath runs ragged as shi breaths out of his nostrils, muscles aching, burning as shi continues to rut into a new, fresh pair of vixens. The fertile scent of the vixen who's legs are wrapped around hir head fills hir nostrils with each breath as his pumps hir head back and forth, sliding the cock tongue in and out of the sodden cunt. Hir bushy coat of fur looks matted, wild as hir empty balls still yearn and ache to be emptied. At some point shi feels like shi was given another drink, it's unclear, it's all very unclear to hir. Too deep into hir rut, cocks in blistering pain until shi's given another pair to fuck. Shi doesn't know how shi can keep going, but shi does, hir hands gripping at the Vixen's ass as shi takes the trio, another shudder racking hir body as hir aching, spent balls try to fill them again. Still, shi clings to the image of the kangaroo, Yashira's dollie. For her, only for her, to make her happy. It would be worth it to see the smile on hir pet's face.

Blanche vixen after vixen, change after change. The next vixen she humps she grabs again with her hands and spears the girl. Her legs shorten, her thighs plump up wide, and her paws swell into a cuter shape than they were. More importantly, they fill out into a more digitigrade shape and proportion with her torso. As she fills that girl, the next comes along and plants herself on her cock without hesitation. uring her thrusts she starts to lose some stamina but keeps going. Her head changes next, ears flopping into oversized fox ears and spreading out wide behind her face. her cheeks round out with a light well, as her throat becomes much more sensitive than she's used to. Her mouth gapes as she feels the sensation of pleasure course though. Lips smacking she moans out in a urge to try and eat anything. Girl after girl rides her cock. At some point, she feels her ass swell out behind her, accompanied by a series of pops as the widened seat takes a new structure. She squirms at the feeling of her anus swelling out of her pucker. "Ahhh...." She wiggles as the change finishes itself off with a large poof of her now larger tail.

Vixen after vixen, Blanche soon done, but Ava still going, until shi does hir 30 and then a bit more. Finally, every single one of them has been filled, the auction over with 2 less plushies needing to be sold than expected. Though as the final vixen leaves Ava, the need, the pain returns. Those over sensative, over stimulated rods HAD to be occupied! Ava's balls, somehow, no less full than when shi started. "Mmmmm, thanks... is there anything else you need, studs?" Says the leader walking up to the pair.

Ava's rests on hir head, tongue drooling onto the ground, cocks feeling chafed, but still desperately needing to be stuffed into something. Hir ears perk, for a moment, then flop back down, too large to remain rigid. Shi looks up at the leader and groans, eyes scanning over her body, wanting to fuck her too. Shi sighs and pushes hirself up into a sitting position, then holds out a hand. "Kangaroo. I need... my kangaroo," shi says insistently, tiredly, then sobs. "Pleashe. Id'sh for shomeone very dear. Give id do me."

Blanche pants as she lie there, her cock plenty worn out for the moment as the thick piece of vulpine meat retreats back into it's even thicker sheath. She groans, legs resting on the side of her balls while she sits. Panting she reaffirms Ava's suggestion. "Just need.... the doll." She huffs. "Why do I... feel so thick?" The pudgyer Blanche rests a moment. Her spade still crying out for something to suck.... as well as other things. "Whats right with my mouth?" Even her panting is kinda turning her on.

The leader looks around a moment, eventually finding the ragdoll, holding it out to Ava, "After thirty five of my vixens, if not more? You deserve it." She says, giving it to Ava. Though at this point the air of the room felt like pins and needles to Ava's cocks, They had to find something to be in, someone, anything, anyone. Even if Ava wasn't actively pumping... though those balls still feel completely full, overflowingly full! "Though, you two sure you don't want to be my girls too?" She asks.

Ava snatches the doll out of the vixen's hands, drawing it to hir chest, squeezing it close. Shi looks to the vixen, and rises up, snarling at the leader. Shi looks down at the woman, almost listing forward before turning around, balls brushing against the ground as shi comes up to Blanche. "I need you," shi growls, putting Blanche on hir back and pinning hir sister down. Hir cocks line up, still wet from the numerous cunts shi'd fucked and gallons shi'd spilled, then pressed in possessively. "Hmmm, mine," shi snarls absently as shi hilted into Blanche's ass and cunt. Shi shakes hir head and presses a forepaw against Blanche's back, drawing her up to hir undercarriage. "F-fanks. Need shomeone to keep my cocksh... warm."

Blanche looks over to the leader and thinks. "Well.. your offer is tempting... but will there be more co-aah!" She barely makes out as she's grabbed, then slipped over Ava's cocks. Her new puffy rimmed tail-stair spreads open over Ava's horse cock easyer this time, the lipped hole almost closing down around the tip as it sinks in like it was always meant to be there, easyer this time too, but still quite tight. Meanwhile her spade is finally spread wide over Ava's cock, she loses it right there on the spot as the neglected fat canid lips squeeze down on Ava's shaft hard, as if a thirsty man lost in the desert found a water fountain. She loses her words for a moment as her spade tightens down, her legs losing what strength they had. "Aaahhh....! Oohh.. okay... I think.. I'm fine right here keeping my friends cocks warm." Both her holds hold onto Ava's cocks tightly. She hopes that Ava has a solution for her balls if they are going to be riding like this.