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"So, you there - the... canine I don't remember the name of." She continues, gesturing to Razz. "You've been fairly quiet; where's your expertise? I know Angus's, Redd has his own plans, Sensuen can carry a bag if they can't fire a gun, Edel's been here before and Phosphorus's said they know their way around weapons. Not sure what Forkbomb there will be doing. Where'll you be heading in all this?" She asks, then turning to face Forkbomb; "And as for you, I have a question. Think you could rig up a crafting program out here? If we can set up something for bullets, I'll leave them my 'unit and set it up to run for as long as they can make it. Might help for the short-term."
"So, you there - the... canine I don't remember the name of." She continues, gesturing to Razz. "You've been fairly quiet; where's your expertise? I know Angus's, Redd has his own plans, Sensuen can carry a bag if they can't fire a gun, Edel's been here before and Phosphorus's said they know their way around weapons. Not sure what Forkbomb there will be doing. Where'll you be heading in all this?" She asks, then turning to face Forkbomb; "And as for you, I have a question. Think you could rig up a crafting program out here? If we can set up something for bullets, I'll leave them my 'unit and set it up to run for as long as they can make it. Might help for the short-term."
The canine nods to Phosphorus; &quot;We&#39;d still be heading in the same direction as Angus anyway. covering fire works both ways, means he&#39;s got some extra hands or backup if things go badly. So it&#39;d help.&quot;<br> <br>Angus gives a nod, and a thumbs up. &quot;Right so we have plans then, a good start to removing these threats and getting the fuck out of here. While you guys do that I&#39;ll start looking around for the best ambush places to drop Godzilla and friends.&quot; With that he slips out the door, bag in tow to cause some chaos and see what he can do.<br> <br>      Captain Cranston blinks a few times at the ongoing bickering, but shrugs.  Civilians.  &quot;Fine.  Gather what you think you&#39;ll need, I&#39;ll speak with the drivers, get you where you need to go.  And any harm that comes to you at this point, is on you.  Not my head.&quot; She says, nodding.  John gives a nod and exits the tent in his fashion.  The Captain of course, walks to the tent flap, and steps out, putting her garrison cap on, and walking to one of the Marines looking bored outta their gourd.  Which is properly dropped when an officer walks up.  There is some dicussion, and a few fingers are counted off, before the pair nod.  A few Marines are called up, and directed to vehicles, while the captain sighs, and looks around.
The canine nods to Phosphorus; &quot;We&#39;d still be heading in the same direction as Angus anyway. covering fire works both ways, means he&#39;s got some extra hands or backup if things go badly. So it&#39;d help.&quot;<br> <br>Angus gives a nod, and a thumbs up. &quot;Right so we have plans then, a good start to removing these threats and getting the fuck out of here. While you guys do that I&#39;ll start looking around for the best ambush places to drop Godzilla and friends.&quot; With that he slips out the door, bag in tow to cause some chaos and see what he can do.<br> <br>      Captain Cranston blinks a few times at the ongoing bickering, but shrugs.  Civilians.  &quot;Fine.  Gather what you think you&#39;ll need, I&#39;ll speak with the drivers, get you where you need to go.  And any harm that comes to you at this point, is on you.  Not my head.&quot; She says, nodding.  John gives a nod and exits the tent in his fashion.  The Captain of course, walks to the tent flap, and steps out, putting her garrison cap on, and walking to one of the Marines looking bored outta their gourd.  Which is properly dropped when an officer walks up.  There is some dicussion, and a few fingers are counted off, before the pair nod.  A few Marines are called up, and directed to vehicles, while the captain sighs, and looks around.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Revision as of 01:12, 6 March 2016





Captain Cranston sighed. "Sure, we'll try talking to a group of creatures that's focus has been on tearing up whole city blocks without thinking to ask the civilians living there if they minded." She stated, looking at the group of them.

Even McGregor had to wince at that. "So, they've been doing the whole Godzilla thing pretty hardcore. She says, sighing. "How bad is the damages thus far?" McGregor asked.

"Bad. La Jolla, Pacific Beach, Mission Bay and Ocean Beach are all gone. Point Loma is a warzone, and Coronado is where the Navy is based, and currently pulling most of our bodies to help fight. I'm breaking orders saying this much. But you all seem honestly interested in helping. We were expecting you all to be trying to gouge us for supplies and equipment." Cranston states. "Plus, our warehouses are nearly drained of muntions. We need manufactory capability if we're to continue operating, but we can't find anyone who is capable of building what we need that lasts."

"I might be able to make what you need," Edel says, rubbing her chin. "Though I'm not sure if I can make enough by myself to outfit an entire group. Might be a little stretched thin for that, but I'll do what I can, if you wish it," she offers, tail flicking.

"Can't blame me for asking. And how do you define 'all gone'? In any case, I'm leaning towards supernatural origin now. Which means more could come at any time, and/or they're after something specific, I'd bet." Redd coughs. "I mean, I'm guessing they just showed up, with no warning." The coyote shrugs, shifting his weight about.

Forkbomb realizes, perhaps a tad too late, that he forgot to bring very important things to this mission. "... Shit, I forgot to bring an absurd amount of Daft Punk and enough horrifyingly caffinated beverages to wire a brain to conduct a manned mission to mars." IMPORTANT THINGS. Nonetheless, his brain's still got a general idea on how to operate a crafting station. Maybe. "Alright, so. What do we got to make a manufactory out of, and what exactly do we need to produce? Bullets, grenades, guns, all of the above?"

Sensuen listens to the local military discussing the dire situation, seems like most of their centers of organization, maybe manufacturing and/or command posts, were gone. She's going to need a map to figure out the proper strategic context of these attacks. But it's clear to her that this is a rather dire situation, one that she's not equipped to fight in at all. She does know a bit about crafting stuff, mostly with nanites, but not on the scale that they need.

Razz Frowns, ears flicking as he listens. "any warning to them appearing ot jsut 'bam, attack?'" he asks, at last, shifting slightly and crossing his arms. "how many you seen?"

Phosphorus slides quietly into the tent, having ridden in the other helicopter, where there was more room. Unfortunately, the added weight of a dragon caused it to rock something fierce, and left Phosphorus with a mild case of motion sickness. After waiting it out, she actually went to the tent to interact with the others, however she's a little bit late to the party. And a little behind on the planning stage. Just behind in general. This is an undesirable situation. She moves closer, quietly, aiming to fill in the blanks with context.

Shirai crosses her arms, an ear flicking and armor clacking quietly against itself as the situation's laid out. "Munitions factory? I know a bit about setting up installations and production lines, but a lot of that was for microbio. Once we have a break I'll see what I can do on that front." She replies evenly. "Might just be some R&D time if we can't dig up the parts." She looks back to Edel for a moment, appraising the woman. "We don't need you to craft this stuff alone. Not what they asked. I'm thinking we'll want to set up large casts for traditional ammunition. Gunpowder might be a bit harder since we only have glassware, but that should be able to be separated out too. Still has a lot of manual labor but it'd make things easier on the group here once it's set up. I'd forget about High explosives for the time being. Much harder to make, unless you've got some huge supplies of the relevant chemicals. Which you might do, I suppose. Don't think lasers'd be the best way to take down the Kaiju short of blinding them, so I'd rule that out."

Turning back to the captin, she clicks her tongue. "I'm assuming you're not at a loss for firerms here? Would make things more complicated if you needed a factory line for those. Bet you're missing industry as much as I do about now, eh?" She chuckles.

Phosphorus's entrance doesn't go unnoticed; "Welcome back to the land of the living; good to have you with us again." she 'greets'.

Angus shrugs his shoulders once as he picks back up his pack. "The way I see it this situation is simple. You and your grunts still owe me a pack of ciagrettes, and if I have to drop a few Kaiju to make it simplier then hey. Just means more fun for everyone right?" He smirks, the question was is he being serious or not as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I could offer you beach front property for dirt cheap prices, so long as you don't mind having a giant monster come up and tear through once a week." Cranston says. "When someone in the military says 'gone', usually they mean there ain't much left, if anything. Every bit of urbanization up to the I5 is gone. Just rubble or the like." She states, walking over to a mapboard set up, and pointing to the relvant section.

   McGregor looks over the map and whistles.  "That's a LOT of space...  any idea why they did it?" The RSX Pilot asked.
   "Fucked if I know.  One day we were busy reorganizing after the Weapon finally let us regain our sanity, the next La Jolla was gone.  So far, we've managd to positively ID 2 different creatures.  Gave us the push to reorganize, if late.  Thankfully, all we need is ammo production.  We've a huge store of weapons and parts to work with, and while we know they won't last forever, especially with teh Weapon slowly eating away at most things, but we're burning through ammunition like it's candy at a weed convention." Cranston explains, sighing.  "And once we knew they were around, and the Navy boys in the area were again thinking, we've been combing for any warnings we could get, but by the time we begain to work out the pre-approach signs, PAcific Beach was gone, and Mission Bay was next."

"Well. I'll leave that kind of decision up to you. I'll help with whatever you want me to," Edel says, tucking her hands in her pockets after stifling a small yawn. "Making things, shooting things, I cam here to help either way."

Forkbomb raises an eyebrow and slowly starts retrieving his folder. He must've missed a point if he has no idea what "the weapon" is. Problems for later. "Alright, so. We have beach front property to use for building a factory. Okay, so. Two options, neither of which are pleasant. We could try to set up a place like the Survivalists have up at the hospital, it'll take some doing but it's possible. But the problem with that is that we don't exactly have logistics. We're scavenging for just about anything, and there are a whole suite of problems with that. Or, we can deal with the root cause of your problems directly which would drastically reduce your reliance on a manufactory... But then we'd have to take on, like. An undisclosed amount of giant monsters. I don't really like either option, but I know more about the former."

"The 'Weapon'? I feel like I missed something. And that property is them joking about where the kaiju have wiped out already." Redd elbows Forkbomb, "Not like you'd want to build there, nowadays."

Sensuen might not have come here equipped or trained to shoot really big guns. But she does have some things going for her, planning, knowledge of traps, some marksmanship skills, but works with people most of the time. As she sees it, they do all have their own ways of dealing with the problem. She's just wondering what will be the most effective, if any of them would be. Sen can't really say as all of her knowldege is pretty basic at best. And what knowledge she does have with projectile weapons came when they were mainly used to kill people, not giant ferals.

Razz Frowns, and goes silents again Clearly teh 'weapon' was their term for the nanites, or..It was inferred atleast.. "right..So when do we fight and try to kill gIant monsters of doom?" he asks, rolling his shoulders, sighing. Nothings ever easy.

"Thanks. The underworld isn't known for it's parties, y'know." Phosphorus retorts to Shirai, leaning on one of the tent supports, for the sake of leaning on something. To Redd, she notes, "I think he means the nanites. By 'The Weapon', I mean." It's not like anything else resembling a WMD was used in the past ten years. "Either way. Building things takes manpower, raw materials, and electricity, all of which are in short supply. As for the Kaijus..." The panda makes an ambiguous arm waving gesture. "Can we have one of the coyotes force them into something smaller? From there, it'd be a simpler matter."

Shirai nods to Forkbomb, opening gesturing with an open hand. "We want to avoid the beachfront if possible - Redd's right - but that's a secondary concern right now. First and foremost we need to deal with the Kaiju so we don't risk having them crash the facility while it's being set up. If we can keep them down, we have more time to get things up and running. We can keep an eye out for things that might be useful while we're running defense, ideally things that can be moved without too much trouble if there's a major attack. We don't want a static facility if there's trouble beating back the Kaiju here and we don't want it too far back since I'm assuming you'll want a fast supply track. Sounds good to you?"

Shirai smirks at the panda's retort, though nothing more is said on the subject.

Angus perks his ears up, crossing his arms. He rolls the thought around for a few moments before setting his back down, standing back up straight as he crosses his arms. "You know....The military has access to a lot of high grade explosives. If you also have access to a schematic of the cities sewer systems we can drop the Kaiju like fish in a barrel. Lure them into a location, make sure to wire the support systems in the sewer with explosive, drop the ground right underneath them before having someone pop a few Slugs from a shotgun or something heavier in their temple. Kaiju on the rocks, hell I would not be surprised if one of us has Earth nanomagics to make it simplier so we can drop them at any location."

"Logistics are our biggest weakness right now. Funneling what we do have requires running trucks down the I5 to the hot zones, and the local rioters have forces expending ammo to keep them from overrunning our vehicles." The hellhound woman says, sighing. "Frankly, this entire operation is difficult to pull off as we have been. But we can't lose Coronado. The Navy loses it's port, we lost this battle completely." Cranston states, huffing, sounding more like an upset dog than a Marine at that moment.

"So, flying supplies is no go?" McGregor asked, quirking an eyebrow. "I mean, I know the nanites are hungry little fuckers, but our bird still flies and the nanites are much more active than we've observered here." the pilot comments.

"If our pilots had managed to retain sanity, sure. But we've been forced to put them in the kennels because they're not much more than canines themselves. It's, made it difficult to move equipment around as quickly as we'd like. The Navy's fly boy's can't even use their birds now. Their bodies were changed a bit more radically, and while they could still operate the controls, they couldn't handle the pressures. Lost two F/A-18F taking off the deck that way." Cranston explains, crossing her arms.

Edel tilts her head to the side. "I'm afraid I can't really fly, myself! I might be able to figure out a helicopter, but a jet? You'd be scraping me off the runway. Might be able to get one of the company pilots, though," she says, nodding towards McGregor.

Forkbomb raises his hand. "So, possibly offensive question, and if so, sorry. The Marines in the turned into devil dogs, right? Did the Navy dudes turn into squids? I heard people call Navy people "squids" before." He pauses. Or maybe they turned into seals? That would be terrifying /and/ adorable. "Anyway, yeah. Plan. If we absolutely cannot lose Coronado, then we're going to have to get your flyboys going. Mind if we talk to them? We might have ways to get them up and going again."

Sensuen is now torn, but knows where she needs to be and where she'd be most useful. Sen looks to Forkbomb and says, "I can help with that plan. I thought about helping Angus, but I don't know that much about explosives. I do know people though, or I'm better with people since this whole apocalypse started." wondering what his plan for getting the air force up and flying might be.

"I have to say, better off using anti-tank mines than trying to use sewer lines which may or may not have been already destroyed. I remember hearing stories about convoy vehicles being tossed into the air by mines." Redd glares at Angus. "And yes, if it is a mutant, and not a supernatural entity, I could actually make them something a lot more harmless."

Razz tilts his head "I..Have medical, Anti illusion and VAnishing nanomagics..I'm not the best at using them but.." he shrugs "i'll be doing as Mr Angus here tells me too, He has the biggest gun..and His plan sounds.. the best.." The wolf nods "besides, no way i'm going to be able to come up witha Cra-" he Blinks and glances to fork, well that's one way to make an impression.

"I'd rather have the RSX pilots go up, rather than whoever we can find. Talking sanity into people isn't exactly a common medical practice." Phosphorus notes, making her way to one of the tables to take an MRE, peering at the label on the package. Spaghetti and meatballs. Eh. "I'm good to help wherever you need me, by the by. I'm not picky." The panda begins opening up the prepackaged meal. It's food, after all.

"We have a job to do, people, we don't need infighting." Shirai sighs, pinching the bridge of her muzzle for a few moments. "One way or another, I'm suggesting we run a scavenging group along with the defense. That'll help us find some intact parts for contstructing your ammo production line." She reiterates. "If we can get to service tunnels, then we're golden. They tend to go deeper, should make it easier to use them as a trap. Otherwise we have other problems."

Angus shrugs, not even bothering to pay attention to Redd's glare. "Explain to me where we will be getting Anti tank mines capable of causing the same effect to something that is not only a tank, but weighs much more then that. You'd have to use at least two. One on both feet, and they would easily catch on to where the Mines are placed as we would have to bury them. If they think the sewer is going to explode at any moment, which is the intention of setting off the explosives in the first place. They will treat any situation as a potential threat, instead of laughing when they figure out your plan. We can also enhance the explosive charge, and the depth of the opening with Earth nanomagic. So frankly, if your going to call yourself a coyote, and come up with a plan. Think of a better one." He retorts, his focus still on the commander. "So the question still remains, do you have access to the layout of the sewers."

"I do not. Those would be with the personnel running InOps." Cranston says, sighing. "The majority of the Navy got turned into squid-like creatures, but certain sections were changed elsewise. Their fly boys seem to have gained bird-like features, some even so far as going to say seagull, and the Navy SEALS... You get to guess." Cranston states, pinching the bridge of her muzzle.

"And as much fun as it'd be to fly a jet, me and Hernandize here are rated for helo operations, not fighter jets. Huge difference in operating style and speeds." McGregor says, with a nod from her companion. The Promethean diplomat, John, ponders the situation. "I can at least look over the Marine pilots. Promethians have a fair bit of experience in helping those overcome by the nanites to recover themselves, or at least overcome their instincts. I won't be of much help in combat." he says. "I can at least see how far gone they are, and what could be done to help."

"When we knew they were coming to Ocean beach, we tried to sink the infrastructor lines underneath the area to try and slow them down. It, didn't work as well as we'd hoped. Of course, that was when we also got confirmation of the second creature. If there are more, they're hidden off the coast where we've not risked the ships we sent out. Until the attack on Coronado, we'd been conservative with ship deployments, sending out only one vessel at a time. The whole fleet bugged out of the port when early warnings indicated the landfall target." The Marine Captain says, shrugging. She wasn't sure what these folks had in mind, but who knew, maybe these outsiders could think of something the military engine couldn't.

"How many planes do you actually have that are operational? I... Well, could probably help get your pilots to a form suitable for flying, if as you said, their biggest trouble is handling G-forces, I can at the very least get them back to human. For a while, anyhow." Redd points to the map. "Where are they, anyhow?" His tail is wagging gently, as if he's excited by the prospect of transforming the pilots. "If Angus wants to try blasting the ground out from underneath the monsters, I won't stop him. But I'd rather help out the pilots first."

Forkbomb stretches his arms above his head. "Alright. I'd like to give a quick pep talk to the Navy 'gulls if possible. At least the ones that are sane enough to fly. Maybe they can tell me something about the jets I don't already know." It's weird, although he didn't really say anything that would raise any red flags, something about the crook of his mouth radiated good-natured mischief and confidence. "Meantime, we're kinda off the home turf advantage, too. You have any functional computers or files we can dig through to try to get as much intel as possible before jumping right into it?"

Sensuen nods, Angus does need maps, and she gets to be torn again. Frankly she could do better on the salvage team as she still has a lot of duffel bag space. But maybe other people would be up for that, as she didn't understand she might have to talk people back into being sane. Sen doubts she's got experience with someone that far into being feral. Sen asks, "How important is the salvage team? I'm pretty good at finding useful stuff in the wasteland, and I was good at talking people through their problems. I don't quite know where to go for this whole thing. What's more important? I think I can do either."

Razz rubs his head, ears going flat, Boy TEnsion within teh group! Still, the wolf adjusts his stance and juuuust watches the goings on's, well one Coyote hated the other.. and no-one else seemed to care..but...He sighs and frowns,

Phosphorus is chewing on the package of preserved spaghetti, face scrunched a little from the taste. "You know. What ordinance to you have on the planes? If there's any spare missiles, you can probably use the warheads from those as an explosive for the tunnel." The panda mulls this one over, noting the tension in the room but not commenting upon it. "Wouldn't be that hard to rig a remote detonation system from there. And, you could use the solid fuel from the missiles for burning things." She waves a plastic fork at Shirai. "If you need help with scavenging and scouting, I can help."

Shirai shrugs, looking back to Sensuen. "How important is a furnace to a blacksmith?" She deadpans. "The point of running a salvage operation as secondary to defense is to provide fire support and give us an idea of where we can find the gear we need or pick it up while we're getting things done. Primary concern is dealing with the Kaiju as they show up; if we can do that then we have all the time in the world to pull together gear. If we can't, we need to have our route planned for a smash and grab."

"So, you there - the... canine I don't remember the name of." She continues, gesturing to Razz. "You've been fairly quiet; where's your expertise? I know Angus's, Redd has his own plans, Sensuen can carry a bag if they can't fire a gun, Edel's been here before and Phosphorus's said they know their way around weapons. Not sure what Forkbomb there will be doing. Where'll you be heading in all this?" She asks, then turning to face Forkbomb; "And as for you, I have a question. Think you could rig up a crafting program out here? If we can set up something for bullets, I'll leave them my 'unit and set it up to run for as long as they can make it. Might help for the short-term."

The canine nods to Phosphorus; "We'd still be heading in the same direction as Angus anyway. covering fire works both ways, means he's got some extra hands or backup if things go badly. So it'd help."

Angus gives a nod, and a thumbs up. "Right so we have plans then, a good start to removing these threats and getting the fuck out of here. While you guys do that I'll start looking around for the best ambush places to drop Godzilla and friends." With that he slips out the door, bag in tow to cause some chaos and see what he can do.

Captain Cranston blinks a few times at the ongoing bickering, but shrugs. Civilians. "Fine. Gather what you think you'll need, I'll speak with the drivers, get you where you need to go. And any harm that comes to you at this point, is on you. Not my head." She says, nodding. John gives a nod and exits the tent in his fashion. The Captain of course, walks to the tent flap, and steps out, putting her garrison cap on, and walking to one of the Marines looking bored outta their gourd. Which is properly dropped when an officer walks up. There is some dicussion, and a few fingers are counted off, before the pair nod. A few Marines are called up, and directed to vehicles, while the captain sighs, and looks around.