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It took a bit, but Redd finally hit the mark! But, there is no ding, the target doesn't fall back. Instead, it's the sound of the BB hitting flesh, crimson blossoming from the impact as the target starts to shudder and twitch against the rope keeping it in place. Seems the birdie's weren't just a nice little nickname for the targets. "Good job, you got one! Pesky little bastards." Exclaimed the Corgi, thumbing his fist against the counter in congradulations, his smile losing warmth as it grows sharp. "Now, how about we get a few more for a prize hmmm? Maybe you'll even get a pie at the end of it."  
It took a bit, but Redd finally hit the mark! But, there is no ding, the target doesn't fall back. Instead, it's the sound of the BB hitting flesh, crimson blossoming from the impact as the target starts to shudder and twitch against the rope keeping it in place. Seems the birdie's weren't just a nice little nickname for the targets. "Good job, you got one! Pesky little bastards." Exclaimed the Corgi, thumbing his fist against the counter in congradulations, his smile losing warmth as it grows sharp. "Now, how about we get a few more for a prize hmmm? Maybe you'll even get a pie at the end of it."  
The mirror in the Hall was strange yes, there was no reflection of the two, no reflection of anyone as both Fengl and Razz stare at it, but that doesn&#39;t stop the boards behind them from creaking under the weight of something just behind Razz, heavy breathing just out of reach of the Wolf&#39;s ear.<br> <br>Fenris grins and takes the teddy bear! &quot;Thanks!&quot; he says happily, &quot;Never won a carnival game before! You know that some people claim that they are actually rigged? Glad to see that they were wrong! Pleasure to meet an honest bear!&quot; The tanuki produces another deep fried treat from his bag and meanders back toward the food stall. &quot;I think I&#39;ll go stock up on treats and head for the big top,&quot; he informa anyone who might be interested, &quot;After all that exercise, I am starving!&quot;<br> <br>Jackle pot<br> <br>Fengl&#39;s ears twitch as the floorboards creak. Then, with a flash he turns around, concealed blade in hand. The blade seems to move as if it had a life of its own, twirling, its surface shimmering like oil on water. His entire demeanor seems to change, lighthearted cheerfullness gone in an instant. <br> <br>His costume seems to flicker out of excistence, replaced by his plain gray shirt and shorts.
The mirror in the Hall was strange yes, there was no reflection of the two, no reflection of anyone as both Fengl and Razz stare at it, but that doesn&#39;t stop the boards behind them from creaking under the weight of something just behind Razz, heavy breathing just out of reach of the Wolf&#39;s ear.<br> <br>Fenris grins and takes the teddy bear! &quot;Thanks!&quot; he says happily, &quot;Never won a carnival game before! You know that some people claim that they are actually rigged? Glad to see that they were wrong! Pleasure to meet an honest bear!&quot; The tanuki produces another deep fried treat from his bag and meanders back toward the food stall. &quot;I think I&#39;ll go stock up on treats and head for the big top,&quot; he informa anyone who might be interested, &quot;After all that exercise, I am starving!&quot;<br> <br>Jackle pot<br> <br>Fengl&#39;s ears twitch as the floorboards creak. Then, with a flash he turns around, concealed blade in hand. The blade seems to move as if it had a life of its own, twirling, its surface shimmering like oil on water. His entire demeanor seems to change, lighthearted cheerfullness gone in an instant. <br> <br>His costume seems to flicker out of excistence, replaced by his plain gray shirt and shorts.<br> <br>&quot;I&#39;ll pass on a second round at the birds. If I can&#39;t be certain what exactly I&#39;m shooting, I&#39;m not continuing.&quot; Redd turns towards the corgi, eyes narrowed. &quot;Though, I am tempted to put a certain sick dog down. But I&#39;ll be civil.&quot; He drops something into the breach of the rifle, the material solidifying quickly in the barrel. &quot;Perhaps you should learn to at least clean the guns, once in a while.&quot;<br> <br>Razz tilts his head &quot;huh How...Curious..&quot; he sats, teh tentacles on his Back Sliding out as his ears twitches. &quot;Cant say I&#39;ve seen a mirror do that Before. &quot;his Right hand pulls the Scian Free On his waist, the daggers Glinting slightly as he Taps it on the mirror. &quot;wonders how they do that?&quot; he asks, not Reacting at all to Fengl&#39;s &#39;outburst&#39;<br> <br>Jackle turns his head to Telergramor, sniffing him in turn, deciding that he was probably a fox snififng at a wolf before starting to move around the circus, trying to find somethng to do, mostly looking into the more minor tents.<br> <br>Edel tilts her head, watching Redd quietly for a few moments before humming. &quot;This is an interesting variation of the game. Live targets? Can&#39;t say I&#39;ve seen that before,&quot; she comments, before grinning. &quot;Shame I can&#39;t use a bow!&quot;<br> <br>Thelergramor smiles up at Jackle before he heads off, then, being Thel... Sort of just follows after him. Quietly. Or, not quietly. &quot;So... Yeah. You, I don&#39;t know. How&#39;s it going?&quot; Fox walks along, paws making little noise as they fall, still licking powder from his face. Finally gets all of it. Clean fox!<br> <br>Redd is greated with that smile once more, the Corgi leaning forward on his left Elbow, his right hand sliding under the counter. &quot;My my, someone has a bit of a temper. We did warn you this was the Circus of fear no?&quot; He asks, his ears flicking just a bit.
Fengl turns, the blade singing through the air as it sinks into. Nothing. There was nothing there, not right in front of them, but Razz can feel it as something wraps around his ankle, digging tight into the flesh before yanking the poor wolf off balance, tugging hard against his strength before two more tendrils lash out from the darkness behind the pair in a futile effort to drag Razz away, slowly pulling him towards a darkened corridor.
Fenris gets nothing but a smile from the bear as he leaves, a wave from a few people that he walks by on his way to the Big top. As he gets closer he can hear something, faint at first but it starts to slowly grow as he moves closer to the big top. Fabric popping, rapidly from the sound of it.<br> <br>Fenris holds his new teddy bear under his arm and frowns a little at the strange sound. &quot;Didn&#39;t think it was so windy,&quot; he says to no one, &quot;I hope everything is alright, I like this carnival!&quot;<br> <br>Fengl blinks in surprise as his blade wiffs. He turns to look at Razz being dragged away. He rushes, trying to hack at the tendrils, frowing intently. His ears twitch as he listens for any other movement. <br> <br>Razz Blinks as he GEts Tugged, not that he moves very Far. &quot;Well that&#39;s Not nice..&quot; the Wolf GRowls before barking as three rahter large ice shards appear and try to stab into teh Tendrils. &quot;how about you FUCK OFF?&quot; he Roars, his own tentacles also lashing out at the tendrils as he snarls loudly,sorta hopingthat the others heard or could hear him, he did NOT wnat to see what they were for....or from..<br> <br>Jackle manages a shrug while peeking into tents &quot;I&#39;m Jackle, Jack for short. Its going well, but somethings nagging at me...Probably just the smell of pasteries. Kinda bored to be honest.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Don&#39;t think for a second I didn&#39;t hear that.&quot; Redd&#39;s hand catches the corgi&#39;s right elbow. &quot;And based on how you maintain these rifles, I&#39;d say you ain&#39;t have a snowballs chance in hell to hit me somewhere it actually hurts.&quot; He holds the corgi&#39;s arm there, keeping it underneath the table. &quot;Let that hammer down softly, and I&#39;ll let go. Otherwise, you&#39;ll probably be needing a glass eye, and some time in a full body cast.<br> <br>Edel tilts her head, watching the scene between Redd and the Corgi with an ever-present smile. It&#39;s a slight one, though. &quot;Now, now. Let&#39;s relax, hm? This is a night for trying to have -fun-. Not for bloodying hands,&quot; she says sternly, fixing both of them with a disappointed mother gaze.<br> <br>Thelergramor sniffs at the air, then. &quot;That might just be me, now. Since I&#39;m following you around, Jack. And, call me Thel. Nice meeting you. Also, did you see that gator back there? Woof~ right? Or was that just me? Probably just me.&quot; The fox nods, shrugs a bit. Sniffs more, though, ear flicking back towards the others...<br> <br>There is a Snarl as the tentacles are Attacked, blood splattering across the wall and on Razz before they yank themselves free. &quot;Son of a Corgi bastard!&quot; Came a femine shout from down the hall before the owner of the voice flees, their footsteps easily heard as they make a break for it after the onslaught.
Redd gets a glare, the smile gone, but the Corgi lets up on the guns hammer, flicking the safety on with a click. &quot;Let me go, and leave this booth. Unless you think you can take on all of us. Besides, ain&#39;t the Ringmaster got something in store for ya?&quot; The corgi states, as more then one set of eyes trains on Redd for his actions, bored game workers finally seeming to come to life at the commotion.
The tearing sound stops for a moment as Fenris reaches the big top, light spilling out of the tents entrance as he can hear cursing, the Ringmasters voice ringing out. &quot;Mora! Mora, where are you you deaf bitch!&quot;<br> <br>Fenris does not much like the sound of that. &quot;That is no way for a civilized person to act!&quot; he says, then hesitates. In a crazy world like this one, that ringmaster might be talking about a literal deaf bitch. But the angry tone suggested otherwise. &quot;Maybe he&#39;ll be nicer if there are customers around,&quot; he says, hugging his teddy to his chest and shouldering his way through the tent flap. &quot;Hello?&quot; he calls, &quot;Is it time for the show yet?&quot;<br> <br>Fengl blinks in surprise at the very ordinary yelloing as someone flees. He scratches his head, blade disappearing back into its sheath. &quot;Well, that was interesting to say the least. Don&#39;t know what I was expecting from the carnival of terror.&quot; He holds out a hand to Razz in an effort to help him up.<br> <br>&quot;Fair enough, but if I hear that hammer being cocked... I&#39;m not giving a warning before breaking your arm next time.&quot; Redd lets go of the dog&#39;s arm, appearing to simply vanish before the coyote passes the next stall. A few moments later, he shows up again near the Tanuki. &quot;If there were a place that exemplified bad vibes, this hellhole is it.&quot; He mumbles under his breath.<br> <br>Razz Sighs and Frowns.&quot;so.. was that theIdea of a trick then?&quot; he muses chuckling slightly. &quot;oh well, his sheathes the Scian and stretches slightly as his tentacles withdraw &quot;lets go and try to find the otehrs, shall we? i&#39;ve grown....Bored of this hall&quot; he smiles to teh cat before looking at where teh tendrils came from, muttering something under his breath as he does so.

Revision as of 07:26, 1 November 2015





The wind howls through the trees, the light rain hissing as it fights to exstinquish the torches placed along the path leading the way. Over night a Circus seems to have sprung up in the middle of no where, ramshackle tents fluttering in the wind as music plays. Shadows creep between the tents, people and creatures moving in preperation for the big night of fun and fear.

Fenris trots happily through the streets, his furm, round tummy leading the way. The burly tanuki heard there was some kind of party tonight and he was not about to miss it! His sword and spear bounce lightly behind him and he has swapped out his nirmal t-shirt for a shirt made to look like a jack-o-lantern on his belly in honor of the holiday. Otherwise, he wears nithing but an amiable smile.

Fengl scratches his head, tails waving lazily behind him. He is, for now, wearing his normal clothing, although that would change soon enough. His head pivots around, ears twitching as he listens to the sounds of the carnival.

Ah, Halloween, perhaps the best night of the year for mischief; the title of best day being, of course, held by April Fool's Day. A not-too unfamiliar coyote strides up behind Fenris, prodding the tanuki on the shoulder. "Good to see some familiar faces out here." Redd's dressed almost like he ought to be in the circus himself, looking very much the part of a stage magician.

Razz Pads along and Blinks "So.. all the way out here Eh? Well lets see what halloween Has in store shall we?" the wolf chuckles and walks along grinning. "similar or diffrent to The motel I wonder..." he muses, tail wagging as he walks along.

Jackle Having quietly explored the area, he came in dressed with a pair of casual jeans inplace of his normal attire, being rather skittish despite heading toward the carnival, feeling rather cold despite his fur, his tail constrained by his recentally gained pants. Traveling toward a party from someone he didnt know. Hastily shoving his hands into his pants to hide his overt shaking. Somewhat following along with the group at large.

Dressed up in her typical, traditional black and gold silk robe, Edel wanders along towards the circus, tail flicking behind her. "What an unusual thing this is." She trails off. "Distinctly reminds me of that funhouse I tried to plan a couple of years ago. How very... Suspicious. And not at all sketchy," she murmurs before grinning and adjusting her glasses, approaching the entrance.

The Circus was in motion, people moving to and fro as the party approached. There were games, there was fun, there was food! Attractions of all kinds where scattered around the place, a funhouse here, the hall of mirrors there, games of skill games of chance, so many choices! But that would have to wait as the welcome party approachs, a Gator in a dress eyeing up the group before dropping a soap box at her feet. "Welcome to the Circus of fear, the ring master should be out here shortly to greet you all."

Fenris raises a hand in greeting to Redd and to Edel. "I don't think I've ever been to a circus before!" the tanuki says, "And the nanite built one doesn't count." The big coon dog sniffs wistfully at the air. "All that food smells so good!" he moans, "It's like deep fried happiness!" He looks a little disappointed that he can't start raiding the food stalls yet, but it might be fun to meet the ringmaster.

Fengl waves happily at the group. Then, he claps his hand together as he sees the others in costume. "Ah, this won't do. Not tonight." He twirls around theatrically, his clothes changing, at least to those that can't see through the illusions. His clothes shift and change, turning into a somewhat ill-fitting witches costume. "Ah, that's better."

Razz Pads along And Eyes Fengl, just as his outfit changes. "Hey-Fengl, come to enjoy it too, eh?" He chuckles and Grins before blinking at the gator. "oh.. Oh my. haha." He smiles. "this will be fun been a while since i've had fun and jsut relaxed, what about you?"

Jackle slowly brings his hands out of his pockets, starting to relax with all the people being around him, taking a moment to sniff the air and enjoy the sights. Enjoying a relaxing moment in the Circus of Fear. Clearing his throat to speak-up. "Did the ring master the one that asked us to be here?" directing the question to the Croc in a dress.

"I actually haven't even been to a fair since I was a little kid, much less a circus." Redd nods in agreement with Fenris. "The food does smell good... I bet ya they've got an eating contest somewhere."

"I've been to a few," Edel says, nodding before offering a smile to Fenris. "So you are still alive! I was wondering what ever happened to my Tanuki champion," she says with a little wink. "And hello to you, too!" She says towards the croc, bowing."I do smell some pretty fantastic food, for sure!"

There's a flash of light, a puff of smoke upon the Soap box to reveal the ringmaster! Dressed up in the ring masters outfit tailored for one so small the Fennec straightens his bowtie, hooking his cane in the crook of his elbow as he eyes the group in front of him. "Welcome, to your greatest fears!" He speaks, his voice booming despite his small stature. "Here you will face your greatest fears, and your darkest desires but for now be mary. Partake of the food, enjoy the games for they may be the last bit of fun you will have in ages." His grin is sharp as he looks upon the group, a strange glint finds it way into his gaze before he slips off the soap box and starts walking towards the Center ring, leaving the party to do as they please. The gator giving him an odd look before speaking to the party once more. "We have something set up in the center ring for you all later tonight, but for now have fun."

Fenris smiles and applauds. The smoke thing was a good trick! And it was a good spiel! "I wonder what my greatest fears are?" the tanuki wonders aloud as he wanders toward the source of those heavenly, deep fried smells. "Gee! I hope I have something to trade!"

Fengl shrugs, witches costume moving in a manner that isn't entirely natural. "Oooh, free food. Can't say no to that." He doesn't seem to pay much attention to the show, only sniffing at the air. He shifts from side to side, illuminated tails waving happily as he looks at everyone in turn.

"He's adorable." Redd snickers quietly, commenting on the miniature ringmaster. He reaches for the ringmaster's ears but stops himself short. "No, best not get thrown out of the circus before I eat, maybe after." He mumbles to himself quietly, as if arguing over the best course of action.

Razz Nods "Sounds.. Fun! And food! better be good! Like that small cafe up in teh east forest..Damn that place is nice." he grins before looking to Fengl. "Heeyyyo-You thhhere or has the Idea of nice food captured you too?" he asks, grinning.

Jackle quickly brings up a hand to cover his mouth to stiffle a giggle, before clearing his throat speaking toward the gator "So, what sort of attractions are set up for us if you dont mind me asking?"

Edel folds her hands in front of her, tail curling around her feet as she listens to the fennec make the opening. As soon as the group is given the go-ahead, though, she's off! Seeking snacks and generally just enjoying the atmosphere. She'll enjoy it extra more if she can find some funnel cake...

Thelergramor has been quietly slinking about at the back of the grou, all ColdFox and such, listening to the ringmaster and his smoke. The Fox sits there, quietly watching, sniffing as he tends to do, glancing about at the fun to be had... He speaks up, smirking. "I know what mine are, Fenris." Finally making some noise, then follows after the tanuki towards food.

The Gator speaks up as she points towards some of the games. "We have carnival games, can always see if your aim is true and pop some balloons, or hit the pin over there in the games of skill. Always test your strength, or if you're hungry." She comments, turning her gaze over to the food venders. "We have a lot of things to snack on."

Speaking of food, Fenris is greated by a large Lion beast waving him over. "Good evening my good man! I take it your looking for something sweet to eat this night hmm?" He asks, his voice matching his outfit, rather loud and easily to notice, a big grin plastered on his muzzle as he leans against his counter. There were funnel cakes galore, sitting all in a row on a the counter of another stall that remained silent, lights on but no one there at the moment as the wind blew the scent towards the Tanukai.

Fenris approaches his new best friend with a grin. "I hope you take freecred, pal!" he says, "And that you have a lot of whatever that heavenly smell is, cause I'm starving!" The tanuki starts to pick and choose all sorts of carnival food, shoveling goodies into his mouth and his bag. For later, of course. That test of strength thing looks kind of fun too. . .

Fengl rubs his belly, walking back and forth as he struggles to decide. "Aaa, too many options. That has to be one of my weaknesses." He looks around, at everyone in turn. "Where're you going? I'll just tag along."

The coyote watches as people begin to scatter. Much like the nekomata, he was struck with indecision. "What to do first, what to do first..."

Razz Grins "Hrrm. halls of Mirrors!" the Wolf Grins and Heads along and into it, tail wagging. "Lets see what you got-maybe after this they have a Scare house!" he chuckles. "oohhhh this'll be fun!"

Jackle nods slightly, "Thanks, oh and before I forget to ask, what is your name? It's rather rude of me not to ask afterall, and it looks like everyone else is already scattering."

"I want that," Edel says simply, pointing towards the funnel cake on display at the counter. "A big plate of that, and that'll be all for now! It's been sooo very long since I've had funnel cake, you know," she explains, leaning forward and flashing the lion beast a smile.

Thelergramor remains near Fenris, peering up at the loudly dressed and voiced vendor. His tail curls about him as he sits, sniffing at the air. "...So, uh, food. How much?"

There is no answer as to how much it costs, the sweet are slid towards all three of them without another word as that smile remains plastered on his muzzle. There's a wink from the Lion before he speaks again. "Haven't had someone this hungry for sweets in a long long time, enjoy yourselfs."

Razz is stopped as they move towards the hall of Mirrors by a wiry black panther, only for a moment as a single rule is given to them. "Please keep your voice down in the hall of mirrors, no yelling." Before his way is no longer bared.

As Jackle asks the Gators name he's greeted with a smile, showing just a little to much fang. "Why my name is Mora, please have fun at our Circus, I need to help the ring master with his set up." And with that she's gone, heading back to the big top, her thick tail swaying behind her with enough force to knock down a chair as she passes by.

Fenris munches happily on funnel cakes and fried sweetbread and all sorts of other goodies, waving his thanks to the very generous vendor. "Should I try to win a prize?" he asks between mouthfuls, "I'm pretty strong!" The hefty tanuki flexes a burly arm and steps up to the strength contest.

Fengl wanders after Razz, lit tails waving behind him. He takes long strides, nearly bouncing as he tries to catch up. "Hmm? Why would we shout in a house of mirrors? Mind if I tag along?" He grins, shifting his weight side to side as if he was walking, even if he's standing still.

Redd moves towards towards the shooting gallery booth, watching the others as he looks around for the proprietor. "I suppose I'll give this a shot, heh. When I was young, my folks never let me play any of the games at the county fair or the like."

Razz Grins "heh, sure Fine by me" he smiles to teh ca before nodding to the panther. "wouldnt plan on shouting but Got it!" The wolf Grins and Chuckles. "hehe Fun fun fun!" he says tail wagging.

Jackle trys for a moment to not stare visibly after mora, admiring her tail strength expecially, before shaking himself a bit and starting to head toward the strength attraction, idly moving his hands back into his pockets.

Edel takes her food with a bow of her head, slinking off to watch the others play their games while she enjoys her treat. She wouldn't be participating in any until her funnel cake was gone, but that didn't mean she couldn't watch and plan for what she -would- play.

Thelergramor now has food! Winfox. He leaps up to grab it, dragging it back down in his muzzle and chewing contently. All... Dough and powder. Happyfox sits and gnaws on it, trying not to drop it on the ground. He shifty eyes around, eyeing those around him Foxily. Then drops his food, saying: "Heh, go ahead Fenris. Could be fun to watch." then notices he dropped his cake. Grumbles and snatches it back up; Fox don't mind, resumes eating.

The Hall of mirros is deathly quiet, the slience disturbed by Razz and Fengl's entrance. Dust is kicked up in their wake, what little light illuminating the room casting sinister shadows upon the warped, antique looking mirrors lining the walls before them.

The shooting gallery is indeed there, a Corgi wearing a vest and jeans manning it as he leans across the counter, that professional bored look of a games worker plastered across his muzzle before Redd appears. "Ahhh, looking to try your hand at a few rounds? See if you can't hit the birdie eh?" He asks, that grin turning sharp.

A single torch lights up the Strength testing machine, the Hammer in the hands of a Bear leaning against it in wait, giving Fenris a wink as if to get him to come over.

Fenris grins at the bear's wink and meanders over, sucking sugar from his fingers. "I'll give it a whirl!" the tanuki says, once more flexing and stretching a burly arm before taking up the large hammer, "Let me at it!"

Fengl sneezes at the dust, waving his hands in an effort to dissipate it. "Doesn't look very popular does it..." He shrugs, before following after Razz. "Why'd you pick the hall of mirrors anyways?"

The coyote picks up a rifle from those arrayed infront of him, breaking the action open to peer down the barrel before setting it down and picking up a different one. "Hrm. These have seen better days, methinks. How many shots do I get and how much. Also curious if you've sighted these in." He holds it steady, checking the sight picture against the view down the barrel. "I think I'll try this one."

Razz shrugs "why not? Always wanted to go in one, never had the chance, simple as." he Grins. "Hehe-that reflection" he says grinning. "so-what you want to do?" he asks, Grinng as he eyesthe reflections.

Jackle moves over to the the Strength machine, giving it a once over before looking over at the bear, and by extension, Fenris, idly moving to take the hammer and giving his own attempt at using the hammer.

Edel nibbles down her funnel cake in short order, making her way up to the strength testing game. "I'll give it a go, too!" says the short woman with a grin. She slots the empty plate into the rubbish before patting her fingers off and flexing and waiting behind Jackle for her own try.

Thelergramor watches the tanuki swing the hammer, then swallows the rest of his food and licks powder from his muzzle. Has no hands right now... "I'd try next, but... Swinging a hammer with my muzzle would be difficult. Funny, but difficult." Foxnods, smirks at the thought... Then watches Edel wander over. "Heh. I may shift, just to give it a try..."

Each time the Hammer is swung, each time the weight goes up but none can reach the bell. "Nice try you lot." Came the words of encouragment from the Bear, trying to hide a grin behind his hand as he just chuckles. "If you want you can give it one more try I guess." He teases, his face growing serious once more as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"...Eh? Cleaned? I just run the booth, I don't clean or mess with any of it." a bag is placed in front of Redd, containing twenty bbs for the gun. "Hit at least ten of the birdies and you get a prize."

The reflections are distorted, some look fun wide and chubby or short and funny while others look just weird, skinny, distorted. But one mirror, one mirror out of the bunch is strange, there is nothing. No reflection, not even a hint of Razz's form as he passes by it.

Fenris frowns at the hammer in his hand, then adjust his shirt over his fat belly. "Yeah," he says, "I'll give it one more shot!" The tanuki takes a couple of steps back, make a little jumping start, the leaps into the air, executing a perfect front flip, his signature tanuki endownments suddenly swelling to the size of boulders and slamming onto the strike pad with the full force of Fenris's weight and momentum! Not, perhaps in the spirit of the game, but certainly a very tanuki approach.

Fengl shrugs as a reply to Razz's question. "Oh, I just stuck along mainly. No point being alone at a carnival. Hmm, these aren't very fancy are they?" He doesn't pay much attention to the mirrors, only the one without a reflection seems to catch his attention. He sniffs at it, before pointing it out. "Well, something interesting at least."

Redd nods, "I'll take that as a no, they probably haven't been sighted in for these." He shrugs, almost casually, before loading the first bullet into the gun and firing. Making note of where it lands, he reloads and aims again, this time with an offset. He continues this pattern, trying to get each bullet into a different target.

"Suppose still nice to have you wi-" he trails off and eyes the mirror. "now that IS interesting" he asks, poing it. "Hrrm What's up with you then?" he asks, eyeing it Carefully a small grin growing on his muzzle. "also find the most curious things in the strangest places."

Jackle slowly begins to take the hammer, rubbing his hands together, before pulling the hammer back and slamming it back down, turning around seemlessly from the strength tester. Managng a shrug as he looks at the bear "Hey, could you come prove that this is possible to people who dont have huge balls?"

Edel shakes her head, tail curling around her paws again. "That's alright! I've got no desire to try again! This has never been my strong point," she says with a soft chuckle before moving off towards the target range, instead! "This isn't my strong point, either, but... Maybe I'll have better luck here!"

Thelergramor watches Fenris front flip, chuckles softly. Eyes the bell, though, assuming it's rigged... Ponders... "...No, grenade wouldn't work... Nope." Fox continues to wonder on the validity of this... Terrible plan. Decides against it. "...No, not doing that." Idly scratches at his ear, then walks over to Jackle and sniffs at a bit. Has not met this one...

The Weight sails into the air, hitting the bell with a DIG! A hollow one at that as the bell continues to quiver, the weight now stuck in it as the bear just stares. "....Never seen that before, guess you win...So, here's a prize." With a grumble a teady bear is handed off to Fenris for his efforts, the brown little fuzzy thing staring at the Tanuki with black glass eyes.

It took a bit, but Redd finally hit the mark! But, there is no ding, the target doesn't fall back. Instead, it's the sound of the BB hitting flesh, crimson blossoming from the impact as the target starts to shudder and twitch against the rope keeping it in place. Seems the birdie's weren't just a nice little nickname for the targets. "Good job, you got one! Pesky little bastards." Exclaimed the Corgi, thumbing his fist against the counter in congradulations, his smile losing warmth as it grows sharp. "Now, how about we get a few more for a prize hmmm? Maybe you'll even get a pie at the end of it."

The mirror in the Hall was strange yes, there was no reflection of the two, no reflection of anyone as both Fengl and Razz stare at it, but that doesn't stop the boards behind them from creaking under the weight of something just behind Razz, heavy breathing just out of reach of the Wolf's ear.

Fenris grins and takes the teddy bear! "Thanks!" he says happily, "Never won a carnival game before! You know that some people claim that they are actually rigged? Glad to see that they were wrong! Pleasure to meet an honest bear!" The tanuki produces another deep fried treat from his bag and meanders back toward the food stall. "I think I'll go stock up on treats and head for the big top," he informa anyone who might be interested, "After all that exercise, I am starving!"

Jackle pot

Fengl's ears twitch as the floorboards creak. Then, with a flash he turns around, concealed blade in hand. The blade seems to move as if it had a life of its own, twirling, its surface shimmering like oil on water. His entire demeanor seems to change, lighthearted cheerfullness gone in an instant.

His costume seems to flicker out of excistence, replaced by his plain gray shirt and shorts.

"I'll pass on a second round at the birds. If I can't be certain what exactly I'm shooting, I'm not continuing." Redd turns towards the corgi, eyes narrowed. "Though, I am tempted to put a certain sick dog down. But I'll be civil." He drops something into the breach of the rifle, the material solidifying quickly in the barrel. "Perhaps you should learn to at least clean the guns, once in a while."

Razz tilts his head "huh How...Curious.." he sats, teh tentacles on his Back Sliding out as his ears twitches. "Cant say I've seen a mirror do that Before. "his Right hand pulls the Scian Free On his waist, the daggers Glinting slightly as he Taps it on the mirror. "wonders how they do that?" he asks, not Reacting at all to Fengl's 'outburst'

Jackle turns his head to Telergramor, sniffing him in turn, deciding that he was probably a fox snififng at a wolf before starting to move around the circus, trying to find somethng to do, mostly looking into the more minor tents.

Edel tilts her head, watching Redd quietly for a few moments before humming. "This is an interesting variation of the game. Live targets? Can't say I've seen that before," she comments, before grinning. "Shame I can't use a bow!"

Thelergramor smiles up at Jackle before he heads off, then, being Thel... Sort of just follows after him. Quietly. Or, not quietly. "So... Yeah. You, I don't know. How's it going?" Fox walks along, paws making little noise as they fall, still licking powder from his face. Finally gets all of it. Clean fox!

Redd is greated with that smile once more, the Corgi leaning forward on his left Elbow, his right hand sliding under the counter. "My my, someone has a bit of a temper. We did warn you this was the Circus of fear no?" He asks, his ears flicking just a bit.

Fengl turns, the blade singing through the air as it sinks into. Nothing. There was nothing there, not right in front of them, but Razz can feel it as something wraps around his ankle, digging tight into the flesh before yanking the poor wolf off balance, tugging hard against his strength before two more tendrils lash out from the darkness behind the pair in a futile effort to drag Razz away, slowly pulling him towards a darkened corridor.

Fenris gets nothing but a smile from the bear as he leaves, a wave from a few people that he walks by on his way to the Big top. As he gets closer he can hear something, faint at first but it starts to slowly grow as he moves closer to the big top. Fabric popping, rapidly from the sound of it.

Fenris holds his new teddy bear under his arm and frowns a little at the strange sound. "Didn't think it was so windy," he says to no one, "I hope everything is alright, I like this carnival!"

Fengl blinks in surprise as his blade wiffs. He turns to look at Razz being dragged away. He rushes, trying to hack at the tendrils, frowing intently. His ears twitch as he listens for any other movement.

Razz Blinks as he GEts Tugged, not that he moves very Far. "Well that's Not nice.." the Wolf GRowls before barking as three rahter large ice shards appear and try to stab into teh Tendrils. "how about you FUCK OFF?" he Roars, his own tentacles also lashing out at the tendrils as he snarls loudly,sorta hopingthat the others heard or could hear him, he did NOT wnat to see what they were for....or from..

Jackle manages a shrug while peeking into tents "I'm Jackle, Jack for short. Its going well, but somethings nagging at me...Probably just the smell of pasteries. Kinda bored to be honest."

"Don't think for a second I didn't hear that." Redd's hand catches the corgi's right elbow. "And based on how you maintain these rifles, I'd say you ain't have a snowballs chance in hell to hit me somewhere it actually hurts." He holds the corgi's arm there, keeping it underneath the table. "Let that hammer down softly, and I'll let go. Otherwise, you'll probably be needing a glass eye, and some time in a full body cast.

Edel tilts her head, watching the scene between Redd and the Corgi with an ever-present smile. It's a slight one, though. "Now, now. Let's relax, hm? This is a night for trying to have -fun-. Not for bloodying hands," she says sternly, fixing both of them with a disappointed mother gaze.

Thelergramor sniffs at the air, then. "That might just be me, now. Since I'm following you around, Jack. And, call me Thel. Nice meeting you. Also, did you see that gator back there? Woof~ right? Or was that just me? Probably just me." The fox nods, shrugs a bit. Sniffs more, though, ear flicking back towards the others...

There is a Snarl as the tentacles are Attacked, blood splattering across the wall and on Razz before they yank themselves free. "Son of a Corgi bastard!" Came a femine shout from down the hall before the owner of the voice flees, their footsteps easily heard as they make a break for it after the onslaught.

Redd gets a glare, the smile gone, but the Corgi lets up on the guns hammer, flicking the safety on with a click. "Let me go, and leave this booth. Unless you think you can take on all of us. Besides, ain't the Ringmaster got something in store for ya?" The corgi states, as more then one set of eyes trains on Redd for his actions, bored game workers finally seeming to come to life at the commotion.

The tearing sound stops for a moment as Fenris reaches the big top, light spilling out of the tents entrance as he can hear cursing, the Ringmasters voice ringing out. "Mora! Mora, where are you you deaf bitch!"

Fenris does not much like the sound of that. "That is no way for a civilized person to act!" he says, then hesitates. In a crazy world like this one, that ringmaster might be talking about a literal deaf bitch. But the angry tone suggested otherwise. "Maybe he'll be nicer if there are customers around," he says, hugging his teddy to his chest and shouldering his way through the tent flap. "Hello?" he calls, "Is it time for the show yet?"

Fengl blinks in surprise at the very ordinary yelloing as someone flees. He scratches his head, blade disappearing back into its sheath. "Well, that was interesting to say the least. Don't know what I was expecting from the carnival of terror." He holds out a hand to Razz in an effort to help him up.

"Fair enough, but if I hear that hammer being cocked... I'm not giving a warning before breaking your arm next time." Redd lets go of the dog's arm, appearing to simply vanish before the coyote passes the next stall. A few moments later, he shows up again near the Tanuki. "If there were a place that exemplified bad vibes, this hellhole is it." He mumbles under his breath.

Razz Sighs and Frowns."so.. was that theIdea of a trick then?" he muses chuckling slightly. "oh well, his sheathes the Scian and stretches slightly as his tentacles withdraw "lets go and try to find the otehrs, shall we? i've grown....Bored of this hall" he smiles to teh cat before looking at where teh tendrils came from, muttering something under his breath as he does so.