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<div></div><br> <br>The docks are quiet, but far from deserted. 
The sound of skitter claws and an odd cackling can be heard here and there.  A few lights flicker weakly here and there but several heavy industrial flood lights bathe a few raised gratings and loading docks with blinding white light that some how actually puncuates the darkness within due to the poor angles they are sat at as if hastily turned on and abbandonned or more likely, judging by the marks around the area, they were knocked about in a scuffle. 
A joint military/Corporate channel is broadcasting and has been designated 'The Bridge' and is being used to funnel information and requests back and forth as needed.  Of course, that is just a formality right? 
<This is USHC CIC...we are updating GPS coordinates for the last known position of the missing agents we've been requested to find...use all do caution...this isn't a bag and tag...this is recon and retrieval.> 
Those not from the USHC will here the same message over their individual communications equipment, or will receive text info on the subject or barring that are just shit out of luck when it comes to updates.<br> <br>Edel shuffles onto the scene, slipping a hand under her hood to rub at her neck as her goggled eyes peer around the area. "Shouldn't be too difficult, in any case." She didn't bring her rifle, today, but she had her handgun and the other usual equipment. And whatever was in that dufflebag of hers. "I'll let someone else take point, though."<br> <br>Head tilting up and lips parted faintly, Martiya tasted the air with a slow inhalation. A faint, nearly soundless grunt was offered before those silver eyes scanned the area and narrowed slightly at the glaring brightness cast by the lights to ward back the darkness. Lacking any firearms, the feline tucked the large wings at their back in closer to keep them out of the way as a moment was given to survey the others assembled.<br> <br>Kneeling next to the Jackel in a trench coat, the nearly formed shadow was tapping on a dimly lit tablet, that upon closer inspection was located on it's arm.  "I'm getting the info on the subjects we need to recover now.  We'll at least have a series of images of what htey looked like prior to this to go by." Glein says, turning off the tablet's screen, and looking over the situation.  RSX had hired some new-time contractors to set up the lighting, and in the resulting scuffle between them and the current 'occupants' of the warehouse they were eyeballing right now, gave the pair a solid read on the lighting's arrangement.
"I'm also hearing over various tacnets that there are at least 4 other contractors in route to this location.  I think we know a couple of them, but the jumble is making it hard to tell." She says, standing up, and looking over the dock itself.  "Not gonna be a fun job, this one." Glein muses, glancing down at Edel, not in superiority but due to her greater height over her friend.<br> <br>xhianil flys in and quickly hides in the shadows, waiting to see who all comes before walking out. She tucks her wings around her and gets her claw extenders and gravity cannon ready under them.<br> <br>Receiving the message on his communication unit, a semi-formally dressed silver lion makes his way to the location with shotgun securely held within his hands. He looks about the rather eerie environment but soon finds himself near the growing group, noticing some familiar faces in his journey towards them. Dio lowers his shotgun and flashes a small smile. "Recon duty," he mutters. "Where do you think we should begin investigating?"<br> <br>In the time it takes for the various agents, yahoos, wierdos and freaks to gather, a hip-level mist begins rolling down the streets.  It is ool and natural to the touch, rolling and roiling as it it collides with anything that the gentle breeze drives it into. 
A deep throaty snarl echoes within the building, a few frantic placating shreiks replying before a solid crunch can be heard and then one of the lowered storm doors dents outward with a small humanoid imprint before a deep gravely laugh fades away.<br> <br>Pog is slithering around nearby, surveying the area carefully, feline ears twitching at every feral noise nearby- one of which has a tracking ear tag in it, courtesy of the USHC. Having just been checking in with her parole officer not too far away, she managed to catch a small amount of comms chatter about the situation, just enough to pique her interests, and now that she was actually here she could tell there was something very curious at hand, perhaps even something to partake of! Noticing a decent amount of activity from the group, she carefully slithers in towards them, and then nearly jumps a foot in the air when the noise goes from the feral ambiance to loud metallic slamming, letting out a loud hiss as her back straightens. So much for quietly learning the situation. "Whazzawhotheregonnapunchya?!" She spins around dumbly, holding her fists up like she was getting ready to box someone. Silly, silly coatlcat.<br> <br>Arano made his way to the warehouse, for once not doing anything to mask his approach. He knew there'd be friends here, but also they would be armed... and whoever else happened to show up would also likely have a bunch of guns, and jumping out of the shadows when there are a bunch of heavily armed individuals around is generally a BAD thing. Stepping near the group with his rifle in hand, he waved a friendly greetings at the familiar gathering, "Hey everybody - damn small world. So, what have I missed?" Noticing another figure in the dark, he raises his rifle slightly, "And, who the hell is that?" he asks, pointing at the shadow dragon skulking in the dark. The small feline suddenly showing up caused him to arch an eyebrow... or rather, the draconic equivilant of one, in curiosity before turning his attention back to the group.
The sudden screech made him jump and aim his rifle at the warehouse, his eyes suddenly shifting into a dead focus as he decided it might be wise to shut his trap at this point, rifle aimed directly at the screech.<br> <br>Glein jumps at the screech, her rifle snapping up and pointing at the building, Arano's question lost at teh sound.  "Sounded like a Night Stalker.  That's gonna make this fight interesting." Glein says, looking between Dio, Arano, Edel, and the newcomer.  "I was going to say we stay out of hte lights, observe what we can, but that...  event, just now, tells me that we don't have the time to fuck around." she says, giving a simple nod.  "Arano, you are still air capable, yes?" Glein asked, using only her eyes to look at Arano.  "Edel, can you and Dio swing around on either side of hte lights, low and calm, until you reach the warehouse walls, and get close to the rear of hte building?" She then asked, not sure what to do with the new comer.<br> <br>The sudden fog quickly catches Dio's interest, looking down and feeling the cool coolness of cool fog upon his lower-half. At first, he seemed worried about the situation, but soon turned his attention towards the awful commotion within the building. With a click, the lion turned off his saftey and raised the shotgun to his shoulders and aimed towards the newly imprented dent within the wall, attempting to figure out just what the creature could be, but drew a complete blank after racking his brain for a bit. "Remember," he says in a low tone as he looks towards the newcomers. "This is a recon job, not a shootin' one." Putting his gun back down, he nods to Glein and looks towards Edel. "Well, I'm up for it if you are ma'am."<br> <br>Edel shrugs, ears perking. "Sure, might as well. Hopefully this will be fun!" She sets her hand on the grip of the pistol holstered to her leg as she moves off, closer to the warehouse as she tries to circle around to the back.

Revision as of 08:38, 22 July 2013





The docks are quiet, but far from deserted.

The sound of skitter claws and an odd cackling can be heard here and there. A few lights flicker weakly here and there but several heavy industrial flood lights bathe a few raised gratings and loading docks with blinding white light that some how actually puncuates the darkness within due to the poor angles they are sat at as if hastily turned on and abbandonned or more likely, judging by the marks around the area, they were knocked about in a scuffle.

A joint military/Corporate channel is broadcasting and has been designated 'The Bridge' and is being used to funnel information and requests back and forth as needed. Of course, that is just a formality right?

<This is USHC CIC...we are updating GPS coordinates for the last known position of the missing agents we've been requested to find...use all do caution...this isn't a bag and tag...this is recon and retrieval.>

Those not from the USHC will here the same message over their individual communications equipment, or will receive text info on the subject or barring that are just shit out of luck when it comes to updates.

Edel shuffles onto the scene, slipping a hand under her hood to rub at her neck as her goggled eyes peer around the area. "Shouldn't be too difficult, in any case." She didn't bring her rifle, today, but she had her handgun and the other usual equipment. And whatever was in that dufflebag of hers. "I'll let someone else take point, though."

Head tilting up and lips parted faintly, Martiya tasted the air with a slow inhalation. A faint, nearly soundless grunt was offered before those silver eyes scanned the area and narrowed slightly at the glaring brightness cast by the lights to ward back the darkness. Lacking any firearms, the feline tucked the large wings at their back in closer to keep them out of the way as a moment was given to survey the others assembled.

Kneeling next to the Jackel in a trench coat, the nearly formed shadow was tapping on a dimly lit tablet, that upon closer inspection was located on it's arm. "I'm getting the info on the subjects we need to recover now. We'll at least have a series of images of what htey looked like prior to this to go by." Glein says, turning off the tablet's screen, and looking over the situation. RSX had hired some new-time contractors to set up the lighting, and in the resulting scuffle between them and the current 'occupants' of the warehouse they were eyeballing right now, gave the pair a solid read on the lighting's arrangement. "I'm also hearing over various tacnets that there are at least 4 other contractors in route to this location. I think we know a couple of them, but the jumble is making it hard to tell." She says, standing up, and looking over the dock itself. "Not gonna be a fun job, this one." Glein muses, glancing down at Edel, not in superiority but due to her greater height over her friend.

xhianil flys in and quickly hides in the shadows, waiting to see who all comes before walking out. She tucks her wings around her and gets her claw extenders and gravity cannon ready under them.

Receiving the message on his communication unit, a semi-formally dressed silver lion makes his way to the location with shotgun securely held within his hands. He looks about the rather eerie environment but soon finds himself near the growing group, noticing some familiar faces in his journey towards them. Dio lowers his shotgun and flashes a small smile. "Recon duty," he mutters. "Where do you think we should begin investigating?"

In the time it takes for the various agents, yahoos, wierdos and freaks to gather, a hip-level mist begins rolling down the streets. It is ool and natural to the touch, rolling and roiling as it it collides with anything that the gentle breeze drives it into.

A deep throaty snarl echoes within the building, a few frantic placating shreiks replying before a solid crunch can be heard and then one of the lowered storm doors dents outward with a small humanoid imprint before a deep gravely laugh fades away.

Pog is slithering around nearby, surveying the area carefully, feline ears twitching at every feral noise nearby- one of which has a tracking ear tag in it, courtesy of the USHC. Having just been checking in with her parole officer not too far away, she managed to catch a small amount of comms chatter about the situation, just enough to pique her interests, and now that she was actually here she could tell there was something very curious at hand, perhaps even something to partake of! Noticing a decent amount of activity from the group, she carefully slithers in towards them, and then nearly jumps a foot in the air when the noise goes from the feral ambiance to loud metallic slamming, letting out a loud hiss as her back straightens. So much for quietly learning the situation. "Whazzawhotheregonnapunchya?!" She spins around dumbly, holding her fists up like she was getting ready to box someone. Silly, silly coatlcat.

Arano made his way to the warehouse, for once not doing anything to mask his approach. He knew there'd be friends here, but also they would be armed... and whoever else happened to show up would also likely have a bunch of guns, and jumping out of the shadows when there are a bunch of heavily armed individuals around is generally a BAD thing. Stepping near the group with his rifle in hand, he waved a friendly greetings at the familiar gathering, "Hey everybody - damn small world. So, what have I missed?" Noticing another figure in the dark, he raises his rifle slightly, "And, who the hell is that?" he asks, pointing at the shadow dragon skulking in the dark. The small feline suddenly showing up caused him to arch an eyebrow... or rather, the draconic equivilant of one, in curiosity before turning his attention back to the group. The sudden screech made him jump and aim his rifle at the warehouse, his eyes suddenly shifting into a dead focus as he decided it might be wise to shut his trap at this point, rifle aimed directly at the screech.

Glein jumps at the screech, her rifle snapping up and pointing at the building, Arano's question lost at teh sound. "Sounded like a Night Stalker. That's gonna make this fight interesting." Glein says, looking between Dio, Arano, Edel, and the newcomer. "I was going to say we stay out of hte lights, observe what we can, but that... event, just now, tells me that we don't have the time to fuck around." she says, giving a simple nod. "Arano, you are still air capable, yes?" Glein asked, using only her eyes to look at Arano. "Edel, can you and Dio swing around on either side of hte lights, low and calm, until you reach the warehouse walls, and get close to the rear of hte building?" She then asked, not sure what to do with the new comer.

The sudden fog quickly catches Dio's interest, looking down and feeling the cool coolness of cool fog upon his lower-half. At first, he seemed worried about the situation, but soon turned his attention towards the awful commotion within the building. With a click, the lion turned off his saftey and raised the shotgun to his shoulders and aimed towards the newly imprented dent within the wall, attempting to figure out just what the creature could be, but drew a complete blank after racking his brain for a bit. "Remember," he says in a low tone as he looks towards the newcomers. "This is a recon job, not a shootin' one." Putting his gun back down, he nods to Glein and looks towards Edel. "Well, I'm up for it if you are ma'am."

Edel shrugs, ears perking. "Sure, might as well. Hopefully this will be fun!" She sets her hand on the grip of the pistol holstered to her leg as she moves off, closer to the warehouse as she tries to circle around to the back.