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* [[Maxwell]]
* [[Aleph]]
* [[Selyra]]
* [[Cerris]]
* [[T'Chen]]
* [[Dervish]]
* [[Naru]]
* [[Nuku]]
* [[Zhen]]
<div></div><br> <br>A knock comes from the Surrogate doors, before one of the sides of the double doors creaks open, Max's head peeking in to look about. "Hey? Are you around, Sel?", he asks as eyes scan the lounge.<br> <br>T'Chen waits patiently behind Maxwell, keeping herself hidden from view for the time being; she's not quite ready to impose herself upon the situation just yet.<br> <br>The sound of clinking glasses and running water could be heard on Max's left, the desired collie looking over her shoulder and widening her eyes. "Oh, hello Maxwell! It's been a while, come in." she says happily, her tail blatantly starting to wag. That's the trouble of having one of those things. Your excitement is always displayed to all who see you. She is dressed in an apron, washing mugs and dishes in the sink.<br> <br>As Selyra calls over to him, Maxwell offers the collie a warm smile, the door opening properly as he steps in, revealing a picnic basket slung under an arm by the handle. "Indeed it has been, great to see you again Sel.", Max speaks, holding the door wide open for another behind him.<br> <br>T'Chen follows behind Maxwell, offering a warm smile of greeting. "Hi there, Sel!" she calls out, lifting a hand in greeting to wave at the collie girl. "It's nice to see you again. How've you been?" Her tail twitches merrily as she spots her friend for the first time in far too long.<br> <br>The collie's eyes widen further as she witnesses T'Chen step into the lounge, almost dropping the mug she was cleaning. "O-oh, hello there, T'Chen! Long time no see, hun? I've been great, how about you?" she asks happily, her tail noticeably speeding up in motion. Better watch out, it's likely to be stronger than most domestic dogs in the past, as it's scaled for human size. She quickly finishes washing the mug, using a dry rag to rid it of moisture before getting it put in its place in the cabinet. "Welcome, you two. I'm glad you decided to stop by!" she says, walking back around the bar counter with a wide smile.<br> <br>Maxwell can't help a chuckle as he steps into the lounge, placing the basket down on the table. "Well, we thought it might be a good idea to have a gathering, is all.", he explains, features in a wide smile. "After all, like you said, it really has been a while."<br> <br>T'Chen draws in a deep breath, the sound of someone doing a bit of necessary pride-swallowing. This isn't exactly easy for her, but she knows that it needs to be done. "There's also something else I want to talk to you about." she notes. "Something a little more business-y, though I'd definitely like that gathering."<br> <br>Selyra nods eagerly, liking the sound of it as well. "You two are always welcome, and a gathering is certainly enjoyed." she agrees, turning her attention towards T'Chen and tilting her head. "Oh? Well you can bring it up in a minute, for now though, feel free to take a seat." she offers kindly, eying the basket the racoon brought in. "What might that be, Max? I hope you brought something delicious." she chuckles, reaching behind herself to undo her apron.<br> <br>Maxwell looks over toward T'Chen, a tad confused for a moment, although the male soon shrugs it off. When she told Sel, he'd hear of it too, no doubt. With that, the attention turned to Sel's gaze, and then to the basket. "Ah, well it's unfortunately not a lot...", he responds, scratching the back of his head a bit. "But I'm sure it'll make do, right?" Opening up the basket, taking out a few pieces of cold meat wrapped in foil, along with bread and jars of jam. Sure, it was simple, but that wasn't what mattered, right?<br> <br>T'Chen mmms. "I could certainly do with a proper sandwich." she notes with a bit of a grin, licking her lips just slightly. "And yes, Sel, of course you're right. Business can wait, let's all sit down for a nice meal. Break bread, as it were." She looks around to see if there's somewhere to sit, still unfamiliar with this place.<br> <br>There are three green couches located on the right half of the room when coming in, surrounding a coffee table which the basket was set on. They look neat and tidy, unlike those in Zephyr's lobby. Selyra watches as the contets of the basket are revealed, her smile remaining wide. "It's alright, Max. I know how hard great food is to come by, and this is certainly enough." she says, giving T'Chen a nod and laying her apron over the bar counter. Moving across the room to take her own seat on one of the couches, she beckons the others over to sit with her. "I could bust out the fine wine if need-be." she jokes, a soft giggle escaping her lips.<br> <br>Maxwell gives another smile at the compliment, bringing out a couple of small paper plates to carry the items upon as he steps over toward the couches, placing said plates down after finding a spot for himself. "Ha, if you want Sel, although you should know I'm not an alcohol person.", Max jokes with a bit of a grin, even as he joins Sel in waving his mate over to join them.<br> <br>T'Chen chuckles warmly to Selyra. "I'm not much of a drinker, but I could have a glass for the celebration." she answers, rubbing the back of her neck for a moment before she eyes one of the couches. "Shall we take a seat and eat and chat?" she suggests, even as she approaches Max and Sel.<br> <br>Taking a quick survey of the food brought by the couple, Selyra stands up, heading behind the counter to retrieve some things. "Maybe a little later, and I'm honestly not much of a drinker either. Don't worry, we'll only have one or two glasses of some light wine, nothing strong..." she tells them, gathering up a tray of things. Three small glasses, two bottles of a particularly watered-down wine, a large serrated knife for the meat, and a few butter knives for the jam. After setting the tray on the coffee table, she returns to her seat on the couch next to the bunny and raccoon. "Yes, let's eat now. It's not often we get to dine with close friends, now is it?" she asks no one in particular, unwrapping one of the pieces of meat for cutting.<br> <br>"Indeed, it isn't.", Maxwell agrees, reclining back in his seat with a bit of a yawn. For a moment, he watches Sel head off to gather up some wine glasses, among other things, a tender arm going around the rabbit at his side as he just waits. Eventually, as the collie returns, he just smiles, clearing a small space for the tray. "To close friends, yeah?"<br> <br>T'Chen settles in against Maxwell and closes her eyes, resting her head against his nearer shoulder for a long moment as she just enjoys his closeness and the warmth and safety of friends. "To friends, then." she replies, reluctantly lifting her head but seeming glad to accept the toast, her glass offered up to meet it in kind.<br> <br>Selyra takes the large knife into her paw, using it to slice meat into thin slices, smiling and glancing at the two. "Yes, to friends." she chuckles, setting down the knife to join in the toast before returning to her task. Once that piece is all cut up, she pours herself a glass of wine, then begins to make up a sandwich with the bread and meat. "Do you know what kind of meat this is, Max?" she asks him curiously, her tail now adopting a gentle swaying motion rather than a quick wag.
<div></div><br> <br>A fine April afternoon. The waters are calm and cold, the breeze is warming with promises of the coming summer. Faintly visible on the horizon, a dot rapidly approaches the wary agents. For the moment, its approach is silent, perhaps too far yet.<br> <br>Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying how she <br> <br>Aleph paces along the beach, making good time in the rut he's slowly wearing in the sand. He's still divided on if this was a good idea, seeing so few show up. "Why would they invade here? Here be mutated, insane, sex addict dragons. Not exactly what I'd call invadable."<br> <br>Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying something about how this was a bad idea, she stops for a second waiting on a response from herself."I dont know "she says get voice shaking slightly" maybe they fought they could handle the infection. "<br> <br>Dervish awkwardly cups one gauntlet over his forehead and stares out across the coast. "Never heard what tonnage it was," he rasps, gritting his teeth as he speaks. His hulking armor's motor hums softly, occasionally audible as the waves recede on the beachfront. He glances over at his companions on the beach and disgustedly grumbles to himself before he tends to his wargear.<br> <br>Cerris had come when alerted of an object spotted off the coast and approaching.  With four of his agents at his side, he was determined to know if this was a strggler of the pacific fleet, a refugee ship from another state or nation or if this was some hostile force. No matter what the answer was, the US HARD Corps. military contingent would be ready to respond. 
"This might seem redundant to say, but...be on your toes people.  This could be a good day or a nightmare and we don't want to be the cause of the latter."  
With his own soldier trained to be disciplined, his words are mainly for the others...all unknown factors just like the approaching object.<br> <br>The ship skirts along the water, approaching at a clearly fast clip. It looks more like a yacht than any military boat, which may be how it slipped the blockade mentioned in the broadcast. Built for speed, it appears to be powering for the shore at full pace, leaving disturbed water to either side as it slices the waves.<br> <br>Dervish gives a throaty chortle. "Small boat. Dinky, fasty. Probably don't intend to leave any time soon... this is no invasion force. This is a scout. A saboteur." He looks to Cerris, and laps his lips. "Nah. This is gonna be a real good day..."<br> <br>Aleph stops his pacing as soon as he hears the ship getting closer. Turing to the shore he makes sure he was well out of the path of the boat. "Somehow I really doubt that. I wonder how many they stuffed on the dinghy."<br> <br>Naru checks her stuff seeing if she had everything once she is sure, she starts to hum to try and calm her nerves. She seems to relax a little after hearing Dervish's thoughts on the ship. <br> <br>Cerris rumbles ominously, the sound, while very feral, comes through a broadcast relay system giving it both a monstrous and mechanised feel to it. He hoped this wasn't really what was going down, that would mean the boat was likely rigged to be scuttled and that would deprive them of valuable salvage.  Gesturing to his people, they fan out whilst he moves toward the estimated point of first contact, intent on being the vangaurd or greeting force as required.<br> <br>As the ship gets close to shore, a large figure emerges from below deck, followed by another. They look like large people, skin gleaming in the light. Armor? Hard to say from the distance, but they are noticably larger than the crowd of smaller people around them. The boat suddenly does a hard turn, and the two armored individuals are thrown clear, others included. Rather than splashing into the water, the dull sound of rockets are heard as they begin to jet across the water, finishing the approach with the other men being pulled in behind. If it wasn't hostile, it would be an impressive skiing demonstration.<br> <br>Dervish says, "Shit," and gives a light chuckle as he ignites the primer on his flamethrower wrist-mount, "I haven't gotten to kill anything that well equipped since Iraq."<br> <br>Aleph draws his sword and unsilngs his SMG, dropping into a crouch. Not to hide, but to at least be a little more unnoticeable since going toe to toe with the what look like heavily armored ones would be supremely stupid. Maybe he can surprise one of the unarmored ones.<br> <br>Naru takes a deep breath and draws her Pistol with her left hand and carries her crowbar in the other. she mutters something to herself her left hand going from a slight shake to being steady. She watches the figures "that's not good" she says  watching the boat turn, then looks to the two flying people.<br> <br>Easier to miss in the collected group, a smaller, six-armed figure wrapped in mildly obscuring robes and veils is amongst the defenders. Seeing the rapid approach, the multi-armed fem-figure lifts her arms, poised as if ready, and there comes the soft murmur of chanting from her... She... might be a little loopy amonst those here. However, Zhen seems ready, in any case.<br> <br>Dervish lazily turns his head, and then his upper body, to the new arrival while he locks a clip into his Steyr. "Another Zephyr punk? Either the Company underestimated the threat, or you Corporate nuts really were pissing your pants over this boat."<br> <br>Cerris shook his head slowly as his heads up display showing him the entire scene in perfect clarity. A small alert windows itself with a copy of Dervish's words for later investigation. For now though he listens to the dull whine of his suit's projection systems warming up, hypersonic blades starting to hum on a rising pitch toward their vibrant death wail.
"Looks like whoever these guys are, they aren't here for an ice cream social...Lock and load.
As an after thought he pulls out a small orb and drops it on the ground, a little distracting surprise...he hoped.<br> <br>The soldiers hit the beach, guns already firing. The battle is underway without hesitation as both sides clash intensely. It seems the soldier's weapons are quite well made, and their discipline is considerable as they attack in formation, using the armored soldiers as shields to fire from behind in relative safety.<br> <br>Smoke becomes thick in the air as the soldiers deploy grenades to obscure the battlefield, trying to disorganize the mutant resistance even as one of their own collapses from their wounds.<br> <br>The boat, almost forgotten in the midst of the raging conflict, zips away from the shore line, all too soon lost as the dot it began as, seemingly headed northwards.<br> <br>Dervish roars as he empties a clip into one of the armor units, "The bastards are trying to redeploy!"<br> <br>A smooth but very audible voice emits from the shrouded figure, "Don't let them get out of sight!"<br> <br>One of the mechanized soldiers is forced back, going to a knee. There is a muffled thumping from inside, the other soldiers glancing that way for just a moment before refocusing on the task at hand. The suit gives a loud, but still muffled, fwoosh of a noise before it falls to pieces, nothing but scrap left behind, and no sign of the pilot to be seen.<br> <br>Dervish pauses. "What the?..."<br> <br>Naru softly churrs, "wher...where did he go"<br> <br>With the enemy combatants whittled down to one powered suit, the pilot within grows desperate. The suit gives out a violent plume of sparkling something, and the suit begins to move with frightening speed and strength, gaining a second wind in a desperate bid for survival.<br> <br>Staggering back, The suit collapses over backwards. That loud fwoosh is heard as it tumbles, and the suit hits the ground in a jumble, small bits of metal spreading across the sound with no hints of pilot or even circuitry left behind. The beach becomes still and relatively peaceful, the invaders neutralized.<br> <br>* across the sand<br> <br>Dervish kicks a piece of scrap and watches it tumble away into the damp sand. "That boat's still running around," he notes.<br> <br>Pointing northwards, Zhen barks out, "Did anyone follow after that retreating boat?" Even as she moves towards the metal pieces for closer examination.<br> <br>The metal, at a glance and casual inspection, appears to be steel, cut far too finely to be the work of anything but nanite manufacture. Who taught the Chinese how to work with nanites?<br> <br>"i don't think so" Naru says to Zhen Putting her crowbar away<br> <br>Cerris would spit on the ground if he could, but for now, after a cursory examining of the remains of the power armor, the super soldier moves for the coastline, if need be he would swim after the ship in an aquatic form, but he had to figure they weren't planning to go far...right?  Either way...it was time to act.
"Col. Voss, in pursuit." <br> <br>Dervish slings his assault gun and mumbles into his radio set's mouthpiece.<br> <br>Plucking up some of the more carry-able pieces for later inspection, the six-armed figure swivels, "Is anyone in need of immediate medical attention? I'm a doctor. If not, we best be heading after that boat. Who knows if they have another bevy of bullies bound for our boundaries?"<br> <br>"Maybe we could folow the direction it went if anyone saw it" Naru suggest searching one of the dead soldiers.<br> <br>The soldiers don't look very dead. Well, mostly dead? Breathing has basically stopped, sure, but that's as dead as the average Zephyr agent looks after a rough day. None are bleeding out from their many open wounds.<br> <br>Aleph peers at the piles of dead and scrap. Occasonally poking at one to see if any have some life still in them "I don't think their screwing around... Something tells me that one of them could give us information."<br> <br>Dervish steps up to one of the soldiers, and kicks them over onto their back. "I think," he grunts as he leans over to pick the invader up, "I'll be taking this little piggy... back to Woodfield with me."<br> <br>Rolling several pairs of shoulders, Zhen HE couples her digits together and cracks them in succession, "Time to patch one of these fellows up for interrogation..."[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 20:24, 24 April 2013





A fine April afternoon. The waters are calm and cold, the breeze is warming with promises of the coming summer. Faintly visible on the horizon, a dot rapidly approaches the wary agents. For the moment, its approach is silent, perhaps too far yet.

Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying how she

Aleph paces along the beach, making good time in the rut he's slowly wearing in the sand. He's still divided on if this was a good idea, seeing so few show up. "Why would they invade here? Here be mutated, insane, sex addict dragons. Not exactly what I'd call invadable."

Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying something about how this was a bad idea, she stops for a second waiting on a response from herself."I dont know "she says get voice shaking slightly" maybe they fought they could handle the infection. "

Dervish awkwardly cups one gauntlet over his forehead and stares out across the coast. "Never heard what tonnage it was," he rasps, gritting his teeth as he speaks. His hulking armor's motor hums softly, occasionally audible as the waves recede on the beachfront. He glances over at his companions on the beach and disgustedly grumbles to himself before he tends to his wargear.

Cerris had come when alerted of an object spotted off the coast and approaching. With four of his agents at his side, he was determined to know if this was a strggler of the pacific fleet, a refugee ship from another state or nation or if this was some hostile force. No matter what the answer was, the US HARD Corps. military contingent would be ready to respond.

"This might seem redundant to say, but...be on your toes people. This could be a good day or a nightmare and we don't want to be the cause of the latter."

With his own soldier trained to be disciplined, his words are mainly for the others...all unknown factors just like the approaching object.

The ship skirts along the water, approaching at a clearly fast clip. It looks more like a yacht than any military boat, which may be how it slipped the blockade mentioned in the broadcast. Built for speed, it appears to be powering for the shore at full pace, leaving disturbed water to either side as it slices the waves.

Dervish gives a throaty chortle. "Small boat. Dinky, fasty. Probably don't intend to leave any time soon... this is no invasion force. This is a scout. A saboteur." He looks to Cerris, and laps his lips. "Nah. This is gonna be a real good day..."

Aleph stops his pacing as soon as he hears the ship getting closer. Turing to the shore he makes sure he was well out of the path of the boat. "Somehow I really doubt that. I wonder how many they stuffed on the dinghy."

Naru checks her stuff seeing if she had everything once she is sure, she starts to hum to try and calm her nerves. She seems to relax a little after hearing Dervish's thoughts on the ship.

Cerris rumbles ominously, the sound, while very feral, comes through a broadcast relay system giving it both a monstrous and mechanised feel to it. He hoped this wasn't really what was going down, that would mean the boat was likely rigged to be scuttled and that would deprive them of valuable salvage. Gesturing to his people, they fan out whilst he moves toward the estimated point of first contact, intent on being the vangaurd or greeting force as required.

As the ship gets close to shore, a large figure emerges from below deck, followed by another. They look like large people, skin gleaming in the light. Armor? Hard to say from the distance, but they are noticably larger than the crowd of smaller people around them. The boat suddenly does a hard turn, and the two armored individuals are thrown clear, others included. Rather than splashing into the water, the dull sound of rockets are heard as they begin to jet across the water, finishing the approach with the other men being pulled in behind. If it wasn't hostile, it would be an impressive skiing demonstration.

Dervish says, "Shit," and gives a light chuckle as he ignites the primer on his flamethrower wrist-mount, "I haven't gotten to kill anything that well equipped since Iraq."

Aleph draws his sword and unsilngs his SMG, dropping into a crouch. Not to hide, but to at least be a little more unnoticeable since going toe to toe with the what look like heavily armored ones would be supremely stupid. Maybe he can surprise one of the unarmored ones.

Naru takes a deep breath and draws her Pistol with her left hand and carries her crowbar in the other. she mutters something to herself her left hand going from a slight shake to being steady. She watches the figures "that's not good" she says watching the boat turn, then looks to the two flying people.

Easier to miss in the collected group, a smaller, six-armed figure wrapped in mildly obscuring robes and veils is amongst the defenders. Seeing the rapid approach, the multi-armed fem-figure lifts her arms, poised as if ready, and there comes the soft murmur of chanting from her... She... might be a little loopy amonst those here. However, Zhen seems ready, in any case.

Dervish lazily turns his head, and then his upper body, to the new arrival while he locks a clip into his Steyr. "Another Zephyr punk? Either the Company underestimated the threat, or you Corporate nuts really were pissing your pants over this boat."

Cerris shook his head slowly as his heads up display showing him the entire scene in perfect clarity. A small alert windows itself with a copy of Dervish's words for later investigation. For now though he listens to the dull whine of his suit's projection systems warming up, hypersonic blades starting to hum on a rising pitch toward their vibrant death wail.

"Looks like whoever these guys are, they aren't here for an ice cream social...Lock and load."

As an after thought he pulls out a small orb and drops it on the ground, a little distracting surprise...he hoped.

The soldiers hit the beach, guns already firing. The battle is underway without hesitation as both sides clash intensely. It seems the soldier's weapons are quite well made, and their discipline is considerable as they attack in formation, using the armored soldiers as shields to fire from behind in relative safety.

Smoke becomes thick in the air as the soldiers deploy grenades to obscure the battlefield, trying to disorganize the mutant resistance even as one of their own collapses from their wounds.

The boat, almost forgotten in the midst of the raging conflict, zips away from the shore line, all too soon lost as the dot it began as, seemingly headed northwards.

Dervish roars as he empties a clip into one of the armor units, "The bastards are trying to redeploy!"

A smooth but very audible voice emits from the shrouded figure, "Don't let them get out of sight!"

One of the mechanized soldiers is forced back, going to a knee. There is a muffled thumping from inside, the other soldiers glancing that way for just a moment before refocusing on the task at hand. The suit gives a loud, but still muffled, fwoosh of a noise before it falls to pieces, nothing but scrap left behind, and no sign of the pilot to be seen.

Dervish pauses. "What the?..."

Naru softly churrs, "wher...where did he go"

With the enemy combatants whittled down to one powered suit, the pilot within grows desperate. The suit gives out a violent plume of sparkling something, and the suit begins to move with frightening speed and strength, gaining a second wind in a desperate bid for survival.

Staggering back, The suit collapses over backwards. That loud fwoosh is heard as it tumbles, and the suit hits the ground in a jumble, small bits of metal spreading across the sound with no hints of pilot or even circuitry left behind. The beach becomes still and relatively peaceful, the invaders neutralized.

* across the sand

Dervish kicks a piece of scrap and watches it tumble away into the damp sand. "That boat's still running around," he notes.

Pointing northwards, Zhen barks out, "Did anyone follow after that retreating boat?" Even as she moves towards the metal pieces for closer examination.

The metal, at a glance and casual inspection, appears to be steel, cut far too finely to be the work of anything but nanite manufacture. Who taught the Chinese how to work with nanites?

"i don't think so" Naru says to Zhen Putting her crowbar away

Cerris would spit on the ground if he could, but for now, after a cursory examining of the remains of the power armor, the super soldier moves for the coastline, if need be he would swim after the ship in an aquatic form, but he had to figure they weren't planning to go far...right? Either way...it was time to act.

"Col. Voss, in pursuit."

Dervish slings his assault gun and mumbles into his radio set's mouthpiece.

Plucking up some of the more carry-able pieces for later inspection, the six-armed figure swivels, "Is anyone in need of immediate medical attention? I'm a doctor. If not, we best be heading after that boat. Who knows if they have another bevy of bullies bound for our boundaries?"

"Maybe we could folow the direction it went if anyone saw it" Naru suggest searching one of the dead soldiers.

The soldiers don't look very dead. Well, mostly dead? Breathing has basically stopped, sure, but that's as dead as the average Zephyr agent looks after a rough day. None are bleeding out from their many open wounds.

Aleph peers at the piles of dead and scrap. Occasonally poking at one to see if any have some life still in them "I don't think their screwing around... Something tells me that one of them could give us information."

Dervish steps up to one of the soldiers, and kicks them over onto their back. "I think," he grunts as he leans over to pick the invader up, "I'll be taking this little piggy... back to Woodfield with me."

Rolling several pairs of shoulders, Zhen HE couples her digits together and cracks them in succession, "Time to patch one of these fellows up for interrogation..."