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Revision as of 21:36, 1 April 2013

Friendship Pony

Level: 3
HP: 26
Damage: 5
Loot: pony cider
Target Gender: nochange*
Endings?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Girl, Furry


Heat?: No

Danger Level: 6, Typical Environment: EVERYWHERE


You find yourself facing off against a vaguely equine creature with a rather strange and toyetic appearance. Its short body is slender and has only a few curves to accentuate the creature's femininity. The strange, smiling pony creature stands on four flat, featureless hooves that are little more than flat stumps at the end of its legs. Its overall look is quite smooth and plasticky, having a sky blue colour to its body. Its head is large and roundish with cartoonishly oversized eyes that look at you with a vacant, happy gaze. Despite lacking any hair or fur anywhere else on its body, the pony has a lush mane and fluffy tail of blue hair with brighter highlights that looks stylishly brushed.

"Do you like my booty mark? Let's be friends," she says with a giggle before turning around to show off the design of a dildo on her flanks and the dripping pussy under her raised tail. She gives her rear a shake before coming towards you at a trot. "Oh, we'll have so much fun together, my new friend," she says with a grin. Given how things are around here, you're pretty sure you know just what kind of a friend she's looking for and that she won't take no for an answer.


Ubiquitous: Ponies everywhere!

Variable Appearance: Both the Friendship Ponies found and the player's infection form can vary greatly, coming in a wide range of colours, booty marks and pony types. To get a new pony appearance, you'll need to switch away from Friendship Pony infections and gain it again.

Booty Mark: Your booty mark will change each time you gain the Friendship Pony skin infection. Aside from a short list of basic marks, player driven options will also be added to the potential lists.