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The bus is still parked out on the field by the old Valero station where Sorien first went missing. The group encountered some nasty aggressive coyotes and in the aftermath of defending them found three of them bitten and two rapidly changed and lost, leaving many simply stunned. One coyote as been kept locked below in the luggage compartment, while Sparhawk managed to save blood samples from the decaying Apostasy and Cilan. Crys has been bitten, but thus far has not shown outward signs of any change, although she was knocked unconscious in the fight from lack of blood, and has slowly recovered.

RosaSoul for now is just sitting in the back of the bus being silent and watching Crystala, she doesn't really know anyone else on the trip after all, only worried about the one she considers a friend, some of the others just make her nervous, maybe the long distance headshot of a critter standing right beside her had something to do with that

Kale is doing hir best to get some sleep. Every once in a while faint sobbing can be heard from hir before shi returns to restless dreams.

Taggart is sitting quietly on top of the bus, keeping an eye out. He occasionally hops down to check inside the bus, making sure that everyone had tried to bed down and glaring quietly at anyone who wasn't at least trying. His emerald eyes watch Kale's sobbing form for a moment, but he doesn't offer any words of comfort before clambering back up on top of the bus.

Crys is still a bit woozy from recovering from the loss of blood, but once she realizes just how tragic the loss of Kale's two lovers was for her, she moves to comfort Kale when she hears her whimpering in her sleep, offering her silent sympathies and a gentle embrace.

RosaSoul does, of course, glare back. she does watch kale when Crys moves to her, but does she offer any words, really there isn't much Rosa can think to say

Kale seems to sleep a little easier after Crys's embrace.

Later in the night Crys wakes up to a pounding and throbbing headache, her entire jaw, and teeth hurt and the back of her neck sore. She removes herself from Kale, and a wave of nausea overtakes her. She moves toward the exit to get some fresh air, and stumbles out to throw up nothing but bile. The wave of dizziness is strong and she had a hard time focusing on her hands. She stifles a whimper as the pain becomes overwhelming.

Kale wakes shortly after Crys drags hirself away. Kale heads to the exit and looks at Crys. Kale rummages through hir medkit "Are you alright?" Kale asks wide eyed clear concern on hir face.

RosaSoul stands at this slipping out after her and places a paw on her back rubbing gently before she kneels and whispers in the hopes of not waking anyone still sleeping "it's affecting you to isn't it Crys..." she glances to kale and murmurs "are there any painkillers in that kit? she looks like shes hurting..."

A supersonic 'crack!' rings out from the distant road, followed by another three in quick succession. The sound dies into silence, but hardly a minute later another disjointed cacophony of staccato bursts lances through the night air - closer than the last. Soon the random reports of rifle fire join the man made lightning of muzzle flashes on the horizon, punctuated now and again with a startled feral yip or cry. There's a few minutes' silence, then, before hurried, muffled footsteps announce Meril's new proximity. Well-adjusted eyes could now even make out her shadowed form beating a half-crouched hustle through the brush along the highway.

Crys tries to talk but her tongue is tied and comes out in a slur, it feels like her entire face is on fire. She holds her muzzle in her hands and feels pops as her neck and facial bones shift, her normally vulpine muzzle shifting ever so slightly into the wider and less pointed Coyote. When she finally can control her mouth she says, "Oh... oh fuck." Realizing what is happening.

Kale shrieks "Ahhh!" in surprise before regaining hir composure and gives Crys an injection for pain. "I am s-sorry there is n-nothing else I can do." Kale looks at concern at the rifle cracks and climbs on top of the bus.

RosaSoul nods "pain killer?" knowing they couldn't really stop it from happening she looks sad, there's not much else she can think to say or do right now all she could do was wait and stay till it was over "there must be some way to fix this and all that has happened... and keep it from happening again?"

RosaSoul is ignoring the rifle for now, as far as she can tell most infected dont use guns

In the deep of night, it is not safe for man or beast in the world gone mad. Crys growls, the deep rumbling sound coming from her throat, although not clear on it's direction until she says, "I... I will not give up. Even if I am lost, if this is unrecoverable I would not want to live without my mate, but that doesn't mean I will just give up. Wake up everyone up, we need to decide what to do." She almost barks the orders out, her voice having gone a little hoarse with the change to her face. She finally spots Delu approaching, her sensitive ears having heard the approach.

Kale wakes up Taggart and pounds on the bus's roof to rouse the others

RosaSoul snags a rock and tosses it at the side of the buss to add to the racket from the guns before letting the bang of it against the metal side do the waking to get the attention of whomever is still sleeping, however they sleep through gunfire "your in the lead Crys Just tell us what to do?"

"It won't last long if the others are any judge, you'll need to find someone else to make calls when I... go." She grimaces, "I'm going to go grab our prisoner from the compartment and maybe we can figure out what to do with it." She moves to unlock the luggage compartment.

The human's silhouette drops to a knee, sinking into the shadowy brush as Kale's hazy outline stands out against the night sky atop the bus. Her weapon raises and - swiftly, almost sheepishly - lowers as a flash of muted color spills across the RSX agent's combat visor. "It's you." Comes her subdued voice, the hush of the night infecting her tone with a conspiratorial air. "Tell me you've seen Sor," she asks plaintively, turning to get a quick visual sweep through the dark behind her.

Kale spots the human and gestures "No but we found his bag! Quickly get over here we have a situation."

Delu'meril nods quickly and paces slowly back until she bumps the bus with a dull metallic thud, then reaches her left hand back to rap on the doors while her right points the hot barrel of her weapon off into the darkness.

Kale attractively says, "Were you followed?"

Kale attractively says, "Or injured?"

Crys realizes the lock is sticking, so she rips the lock off, and carefully lifts up the compartment lid, sliding it up while peaking inside into the darkness, her adjusted vision she can see the form of the large coyote still drugged and looking limp. She watches it's breathing carefully before opening further, trying to get a sense if perhaps the thing is faking, but she sighs and lifts it up all the way sliding it forward and reaches in to drag the large 'yote out by the scruff of it's neck.

Delu'meril shakes her head. "No injuries," she calls up with a quiet tension, keeping her weapon aimed out across the road. "Don't *see* anything following me."

RosaSoul walks over and gestures towards the anyone nearby "question, got a scalpel? it could be...effective to interrogate?" feigning her most innocent smile like she wasn't planning to torture the beast

Kale tosses a scalpel to Rosasoul "Sure with my claws I don't use one in this form anyway."

Crys holds up the sharp claws of her hand and shrugs at Rosa, dragging the big heavy Coyote with no intent to be careful to it, slamming it's head against the bust step as she drags it up inside.

Kale offers plenty of medical wrap to Crys to use to tie the beast down.

RosaSoul catches and pockets the scalpel, keeping it just in case "careful crys, not for its sake, but its hard to get information if its skull is cracked, always avoid harming the head, you muddle their thoughts if you do~" she stays back for now, taking a seat across from wherever crys drops it "whats it drugged with anyways?"

Kale shrugs "I didn't drug it."

Kale stays on the roof but peers in through a window

Crys drags her claws along the creature's throat and growls into it's ear, "I know you're still in there somewhere. Wake the fuck up you lazy asshole." Nobody has -ever- heard Crys swear, or this... angry before. The other times she's been angry it's been sudden and deadly rather than this intense thick hatred she practically bleeds out her pores. She pauses in pain as her shoulders shift, the muscles and bones contorting preparing her for a quadrupedal stance. She shrugs it off and continues to try to wake the 'yote.

Kale hands Crys a hypo full of stimulants "Here this should wake it."

Kale looks calm if emotionally drained

Crys nods and injects it into the coyote's neck having to carefully contort to let her hands maneuver properly.

RosaSoul holds out a scalpel to Crys "if you intend to force it to talk, assuming it doesn't talk on its own, start with the hands, small cuts, then deeper, if that's not enough, given that its small, start dragging it over its arms.. just progressively worse, make sure its arms are crippled before your done with that, then you go for its legs... oooh yes and make sure it knows you don't plan to kill it since they are hive minds, oh no no no... if it doesn't give us what we want, we cripple it and leave it somewhere its own cant reach it... and if that's not enough well... then you go for the balls, or the labia if its female, cuts and deeper cuts till eventually you just... cut one off" shes watching the coyote as she speaks wondering if any of that would work on it, making it up as she goes really, but still, worth a shot

Sparhawk shuffles around from hir stargazing, hearing thumping and swearing from inside the bus. "Danger internalized is the most dangerous," shi mutters as the long dragon tilts up to peer in the windows.

Kale frowns "As a medical professional I don't approve of torture...no matter how much I would enjoy watching one of these things suffer." Kale says in a quiet deadpan voice

Delu'meril stares around the bus, looking grim. The looks on everyone's faces, the words leaving their mouths - and no small amount of blood - lets her know quickly that things are bad. She surveys the scene for a long moment and then merely nods to the others, getting silently to work. Reaching for her webbing, the human pulls free a small ball-headed clamp and fastens it to the bottom of one open window, setting about converting it to a gun port.

The 'yote opens it's eyes finally, rolling upward before finally settling it's vision coming into focus on the humans around it. It begins to growl, and Crys forcefully growls back grabbing it by the scruff and forcing it to look into her eyes, her teeth bared full at it, she says, "Give /Me/ /Her/ /BACK/." She growls out, each word louder than the one before.

RosaSoul lets Crys do her thing first, she would keep the scalpel just in case though, shes sadistic like that when people fuck with her few friends The big coyote's ears go down submissively, at the fierceness in Crys' voice, and the press of her claws against it's throat, it yelps in response, and then stammers out in a rather awkward human voice, "You can not hurt me." It says, although the confidence in it's voice leaves plenty of room for doubt.

Sparhawk observes things easily deemed unwise and unjust and goes around to the door, trying to enter quietly but finding the door squeaky from general disuse. "I don't know, seems to have some special magical talents at revenge. I wouldn't push it," shi says as shi wends down the aisle.

RosaSoul LAUGHS "you feel pain don't you? we don't even have to kill you, hell cut the right spot and well... heh, I could leave you in agony for the rest of your unnatural life" wiggling the scalpel in her fingers to make sure the yote saw, torture is just as much intimidation as it was actual infliction :'3

The 'yote laughs at Rosa's threat, much less worried about the threats of physical pain. The sound is unnerving coming from a fully feral coyote body. The big coyote grins and tail wags until it's eyes focus back on Crys.

Kale says quietly "Look Mr coyote just tell us what we want and we will let you go."

Kale attractively says, "What would be the harm in telling us if we pose no threat to you or your kind."

"And what would that -be- exactly little girl. The 'yote asks, almost playfully." It doesn't appear to really care enough to take the question seriously.

Kale attractively says, "Where is Crys's mate Sorien, and what happened to our two melted companions?"

The 'yote gives kale a look like she's stupid. "Dead, Dead, and oh yes, Dead." It laughs, and says, "And so shall you all be when my mate comes for you."

RosaSoul sighs and waits for a moment before adding "you know canine noses are really sensitive, really stings when you cut it, even a shallow cut, course i imagine a deep one is a hell of a lot worse, haven't felt it myself, maybe you can tell me yote~ I am so curious..."

Kale attractively says, "Well then if that's true where is Sorien's final resting place?"

Delu'meril reaches for a fresh magazine, swapping the one she entered the bus with for a fresh one and then pulling the bolt with that famous, ominous 'ka-CHIK.' Her attention stays on the outside of the bus while the others focus on their prisoner inside.

Sparhawk interrupting dragon, walks between Rosa and the subject of inquiry. "I am curious how long it has been since you were alone. No one listening to you, beyond the reach of any rescue. Farther away than the moon. Alone."

"In the blood, it dreams of her." It says, quite matter-of-factly. "I've answered your silly questions, now let me go." It demands, it's confidence growing.

Kale attractively says, "One final question from me."

The 'yote suddenly shivers at Sparhawk's question. "What... what do you mean?" The fear in it's eyes returning.

Crys falls back in pain as her hands begin to twist into paws, her fingers shrinking in and her sharp claws blunting a bit. Her arms slowly shifting thinner. She leans back letting the rest deal with the coyote while she tries to deal with the pain.

RosaSoul blinks thoughtfully and after a moment asks "do we have any lead? lead blocks signals, if this is nanites, then wouldn't blocking the signal between them and the hive mind cut them off? maybe even slow or stop the changes?"

Kale remembers a story Crys showed hir and goes for broke. "The dreamer is it midnight shadow?"

Sparhawk says mildly, "Deep space, where the light of the noon sun is a pinprick. Where none but I know the way, and I may choose to leave you there. Alone. Not even a way to kill yourself, because there is only emptiness. Alone. I can ask you questions here, where grass grows and rabbits run, or I can take you there and ask."

The coyote stares blankly at Kale's question, clearly having no clue as to what her question means, but when Spar begins to speak it's hackles raise, recognizing very quickly what Sparhawk is suggesting, "No, no, anything but that. Let me go, let me go." It struggles now against it's restraints and it's tail tucks under it's legs. A single howl can be heard in the distance.

Crys holds her now paws to her face, the pain having faded but her fate becoming more obvious by the minute.

Taggart rouses himself from a nap after having takin' night watch, uncurling from on top of the bus. Hearing struggling beneath him and the restrained coyote giving noises of protest, a loud thump resounds through the metal ceiling, a heavy fist slamming warningly against it. His ears perk at the howl though, and a little growl forms in his chest, lip upturning into a small snarl of frustration. "Bloody'ell... I jus' wokeup."

Kale whispers to Crys "Well if they are a hive mind of some sort can you detect and track them Crys? I mean you are transforming into one I assume maybe we can use that to find their lair?

Sparhawk walks slowly until there is a circle of dragon around the hapless yote. "The cost of your release is paid in truth. What actually happens to those whom you bite? Who is the dreamer?"

Crys shakes her head, "I... don't know what I feel. I felt dizzy at first, but that cleared and now I just feel the physical pain. I keep listening for something or flashes or vision or anything like what the others felt but nothing so far."

It whimpers, "I... I told you that already, they died, entered the void and were recovered in dream. They are of the People now, having chosen that over the void. Your friend over there will join them soon enough."

Kale attractively says, "Who is your mate?"

Delu'meril tips her head to keep her eyes on the dark field beyond the barrel of her mounted rifle while tilting an ear towards the interrogation. Her lips thin with a deep grimace, expression darkening with the news.

Almost in answer a howl can be heard again, closer to the bus this time. It's ears perk, and it tries to answer the call.

Sparhawk frowns and places a paw over the captive's muzzle, to prevent return howling. "I accept this answer, but demand another. Who is the dreamer?"

Sparhawk removes restraint after a moment too. >.>

RosaSoul growls softly "another question maybe, how does one get out of the people and back to themselves? the loss of just three would be better than the loss of all of them, wouldn't it yote?"

Taggart growls gently to himself as he strains to hear the conversation beneath him, but catches the next howl with high perked wolven ears. So, he responds as well. Standing up and throwing his head back, he howls loud and long, wolf head to the sky as the lonesome sound echoes across the forest nearby.

The 'yote struggles under Spar's grip, and whimpers for a moment, "This, us, the blood. We are all a dream, and it sustains us. Coyote himself made this true."

Taggart's howl is particularly chilling, and it goes unanswered. No howl returns.

Crys shivers as bones snap in her chest as her ribcage alters, and the changes spread down to her hips. She looks prepared for her fate.

Sparhawk tilts hir head around sinuously to watch all the scurrying about of preparations. "Is Coyote the dreamer? Remember your choices."

"He's too busy resting at his seat, at our birthplace, to waste his time with us." The 'yote continues.

Crys bends over as the pain in her hips continues and her hips adjust her posture, her tails twitching in pain at the response.

Sparhawk paces around the circle, which is possibly disorienting. "Then unless anyone else has any intelligent questions to add, I am preparing to release you. Without violence, because it is useless and futile. But remember who I am, and what I know. May our next meeting go as well."

Crys appears too busy caught up in her changes to protest.

RosaSoul points at Crys "you took her mate from her, how would you feel should we take yours from you? keep that in mind, because if she doesnt get her mate back, and is not allowed to stay herself... if we dont get her back and her mate and their mates... I will make sure we take yours from you, in the most irevocable way we can, so... I'd suggest telling how we can get our own back"

Delu'meril doesn't take her eyes from the window. "You're just going to let it go?" She half-growls.

Kale attractively says, "Last time I tried talking to a yote it went for my throat."

Crys' growls reach an inhuman level as she struggles with her body, and just as her hind-paws reach a coyote-like state, a bright white flash emits from her, blinding anyone who's been staring at her. She screams rather humanly, and the light pulses, cracks and flashes as she shifts harshly back to her familiar yet strange form. A moment of clarity enters her as her eyes stare into the distance and then she groans as her body returns having burned off the infection.

Sparhawk points at Rosa in turn. "There's one. What is the difference when you are dreamed out with us and when you are in--" The flash is very distracting, and gets Spar all turned about with fangs and claws pointed at the noise while shi examines the leftovers of the event.

In the group mind, Sorien appears to be a Native American woman in her mid-twenties, standing about five-foot-eight inches tall, with an above-average bust, athletic build and long, jet-black hair that falls to her mid-back. Her eyes are chocolate brown, and she seems strangely self-conscious in her nudity; a distinct change from her usual attitudes towards clothing.

Delu'meril turns towards Crystala's scream and then immediately away, blinking her eyes shut and raising an arm instinctively over her visored gaze as she tries to make out the haze of that dark field again. Once the light stops flickering against the walls of the bus, she looks back towards Crystala's form and breathes an audible sigh of relief before slowly returning to guarding the bus - or at least playing the part while her eyes adjust again.

Kale notices the flash from inside the bus and shouts "What happened?"

Crys groans, sick of feeling like a marionette, so many things toying with her body out of her control. She flicks her tails, realizing she's back in her old body. She growls lightly, "It took it long enough to kick in didn't it. That thing cheats me even out of dying with my mate." She frowns, looking up to Spar who is still hovered over the coyote.

RosaSoul stops trying to make sense of things and just rolls with it this time

Delu'meril calls up out of the window. "Crys is... back!" She clarifies after a pause to try and find a word for what just took place.

Sparhawk bites hir lip and murmurs something about separated pieces, but turns back to the yote who seems just as stunned as everyone else. "Tell me. How do you reach out here when the dreamer has a separate place?"

"Easy, I just force my will on it and wrestle control of one of it's parts from the dreamer. If you kill this one, I'll just return and take another. Now when are you going to let me go?.” The coyote asks.

Crys tries to prop herself up, sick of looking weak she just forces herself to her feet and says, "Did you get what you needed?" To sparhawk, "If so, get rid of that... thing." She bears her teeth, holding the coyote with contempt. "We must find their heart so I can rip it out through their throat."

Sparhawk smiles in a way not at all reassuring, but unwinds hir hindparts and exposes the aisle to the door. "Hear that? Wrestle something away from Coyote's leftovers! Think you can handle that, Our Lady of Righteous Anger?"

RosaSoul yawns slightly and stands eyeing her scalpel for a moment before saying "I'm almost disapointed" before she pockets it anyways and turns to cry crossing her arms and waiting, shi was curious what the next thing to do was, she still feels shes missing something right now at least

Crys moves to rip the bindings off the coyote while holding her steel vice like grip around it's mouth, and she lifts the thing into her arms while still keeping it muzzled. She whispers something really softly into the coyote's ear as she leaves the bus, and the creature whimpers.

[Bus] Sparhawk murmurs, "Suffering harms the one who inflicts it as much as the one who takes it," while rummaging through a clinking bag. And then some more, muttering less charitable things at the disarray of that bag. Eventually shi'll just take off the saddlebag and look in directly, coming out with one of two vials of blood. "This points at where Apostasy went. Let us follow."

[Bus] RosaSoul shrugs and shakes her head "suffering is part of life, I inflict it when i must, if it is to help a friend or someone i care about I would do whatever is required, I'm mearly disapointed I wasnt of much use this time"

[Bus] Taggart has settled back down on top of the bus after the short howling match, emerald eyes keeping close watch on the area surrounding. The large wolfman is otherwise quiet and somber, obviously thinking to himself as he keeps guard.

[Otherworld] The strange scenery of the completely blackened moon in the sky and the indigo purple that makes up the rest gives way to the four woman carrying an unconscious native american man through the tall empty grassland. The wind is sporadic, and the journey back to the cave seems much longer than it was away from it. The man begins to grumble and wake after a few timeless hours walking with no changes in scenery beyond the encampment behind them having long ago faded.

[Otherworld] Sorien asks, “You okay, Apo?”

[Otherworld] Apostasy slowly rouses himself fully. "Ugh... remind me not to try that again? Two uncontrolled free-falls is -more- than enough for me, thank you very much."

[Bus] Crys very loudly this time says, "You get -out- of here or I will feed you to him." And she points up at Taggart, tossing the coyote from her hands. She returns inside to find Sparhawk holding a vial in his hands and looks a little confused.

[Otherworld] Crys whispers something into Sorien's ear as they walk. She asks, "Are you not my sun and stars, the light of my life? Guide me here in this place for I feel lost."

[Otherworld] Sorien says, "I'm sorry that happened, sweetie. I didn't think that would happen."

[Bus] Delu'meril nods, detaching her submachine gun from its impromptu mount on the bus window and unscrewing the clamp to pack it away. She turns to Sparhawk and nods grimly, lowering her weapon in one hand to let the other pat across her armored body and check her kit to move out. "Anything that gets us closer to Sor," she agrees.

[Bus] Kale says, “So where do we go now?:

[Otherworld] Sori gently nuzzles Crys, and whispers a reply. "Love you, sweetie. I'm lost too- this place doesn't follow any real physical laws that I can tell."

[Otherworld] Apostasy chuckles. "Hey, not your fault Sor. I should have known better than to jump blindly into the magical teleportation fire thing." He climbs to his feet and looks around. "Still no sign of that weird cave?"

[Otherworld] Cilan chuckles happily as she notices Apostasy's awakening, "Yeah.. well, at least you're safe, and that's pretty much what matters here, isn't it?"

[Otherworld] Apostasy grins. "I suppose that's true, sis."

[Otherworld] Sori says, "I think I'm doing this... WE'RE doing this wrong. We should just decide to be there, and we will be. I mean, we're traveling now, but going nowhere. So... (and she decides that they're approaching the cave)

[Otherworld] River carefully says, "You must -want- to find things here or they will forever be out of your reach."

[Bus] Sparhawk looks out at the dark forest, waving the vial from side to side to optimistically try and find if the target has visible parallax, so it would be close enough to see from the windows. "If you were feeling cryptic, you could say the principle of Sympathy draws the blood to its owner. I, however, would say it's a magical compass pointing right where we need to go. So we should go!"

[Otherworld] Apostasy laughs. "Hey, don't blame me, I only just woke up."

[Otherworld] And the distance fuzzes as the cave mouth appears off in the distance, it's horrid snarled toothy grin inviting food into it's maw.

[Bus] RosaSoul comments with a raised eyebrow "And i would say you have lost your mind, but we don't really have any better leads right now do we? What does Cry's think?"

[Otherworld] Cilan closes her eyes briefly and attempts to picture in her mind the cave that she had woken up in, the entrance that looks like a coyote's head, and opens her eyes again.

[Otherworld] Sori grins! "Hah!" Figgered it out right before you told me, River!"

[Bus] Crys looks exasperated and shrugs, "I know the only thing I felt when I was changing was that I was far away from where I needed to be. I think spar might be on the right track, like I was being called somewhere."

[Otherworld] Apostasy prods Sorien gently. "Be nice. She's the only one of them bothered to actually help us in some way."

[Bus] Kale grabs hir medical supplies and is ready to leave with the group

[Bus] Delu'meril shrugs and lifts her rifle to a casual position slung over her hips. "Worth a try."

[Otherworld] Sori blinks? "Huh? No... If it sounded wrong, I didn't mean offense. I'm just glad I'm getting a grip on things. I didn't mean to offend if I did, River. And thank you again."

[Bus] RosaSoul nods "then i guess we should go, lead the way Spar"

[Bus] Kale attempts to carry Glaurang not sure is shi can carry it.

[Bus] Sparhawk holds out the vial half-full of ex-Apostasy for skeptics to examine. "Given that it is now pushed up against the side of the glass, something is going on. But it...yes, far away. Gonna need to drive, which is complicated."

[Otherworld] River says, "You seem to understand the dream better than most who have joined." She says to Sorien.

[Bus] Kale manages to carry Glaurang by focusing all hir pent up emotions at hir lost loves.

[Bus] RosaSoul well I could drive If no one else can, I Just suggest... well I guess buses don't have seat belts, nevermind, I can still drive though!"

[Otherworld] Sori shakes her head. "No... I'm just over the panic and anger phase and I'm starting to think again." She gestures at the cave. "Lets go in. Deep enough that there's no light, but we all hold hands and go carefully."

[Bus] Crys calls up to Taggart, "Can you drive? We need to drive apparently. I'm useless in this department."

[Otherworld] Apostasy grins and walks forwards to the entrance of the cave. He looks back and offers a hand. "Shall we go, then?"

[Bus] Kale lumbers into the bus With Apo's gun and sits in the back

[Bus] Meril grins. "Oh, this is gonna be *fun*."

[Otherworld] Cilan nods affirmatively as she follows Apostasy's lead further into the cave, a light shiver crossing her features as she remembers waking up in the pitch black area.

[Otherworld] Sori grins, then kisses Crys. She takes her lover's hand. "Of course, sweetie." She waits til hands are all linked, and the group starts in.

[Bus] Sparhawk sticks hir head out a window and raps on the wall once. "If you're not going to drive, can we at least get you inside rather than tied to the roof like a new mattress?"

[Otherworld] Apostasy joins hands with Sorien and Cilan as the group heads deeper into the cave.

[Bus] Taggart nods and hops down from the top of the bus, a heavy thud and small impact crater from the weight of the huge wolf. He stays quiet and stoic, stepping up and into the bus and sitting uncomfortably down into the small driver's seat, cranking up the engine.

[Bus] Sparhawk occupies the seats behind the driver, holding the vial up and ready to shout directions as needed.

[Bus] The bus heads vaguely northward continuing up the same highway, always hovering a bit to the east of the direction of the highway. It's a few hours of uncomfortable travel, when they see the border for orgeon and the compass finally begins to shift more eastward along with the road.

[Bus] RosaSoul sits behind the drivers seat and debates back seat driving just to pass the time, but likes her muzzle in one peice for now

[Otherworld] Sori leads the way down into the dark of the cave, staying near one wall so she can feel her way with one hand- she taps ahead with one foot as well, making sure of no 'surprises' in the pitch black.

[Bus] Meril stares grimly out at the road as they go, brooding as her fingers flick the safety on her rifle on and off, on and off.

[Otherworld] The cave's darkness is ever-present and engulfing and it feels like walking into a giant's stomach, the moisture in the air increasing with the depth. The cave walls aren't hard to follow, occasionally narrowing but the place doesn't follow any real logical path for a cave, rather heading just vaguely straight.

[Otherworld] Sori mumbles something about geological oddness.

[Otherworld] Crys holds Sorien's hand tightly, not wanting to get lost and shivering in fear of the dark unknown.

[Otherworld] Once there is NO light left to see, Sori finally speaks. "Okay... I think we can talk freely now."

[Bus] Sparhawk the fourteen-foot-long dragon rather occupies both left and right sides of the front rows of seats, keeping anyone else from annoying the driver. There is a lot of time to look out the windows and brood.

[Bus] Crystala flickers her tails and broods, her anger having not left her, rather reaching a point of boil and has now stabilized at that point. She grumbles a bunch to herself during the drive north. Any comforting note on her part has long since passed.

[Bus] Kale touches hir armband and stares at hir medkit as the bus moves along

[Otherworld] Apostasy looks blindly in the direction of Sorien's voice. "So, why exactly are we here, Sorien?"

[Otherworld] River quietly says, "And your intent in coming to this sacred place was what exactly?"

[Otherworld] Sorien says, "Okay. Remember the Shadow? Well... It was imprisoned in the ground where the sun couldn't touch it. The reason being... A shadow can only exist if there is light AND dark. Here, there is no light. We can speak of it without it hearing us."

[Bus] RosaSoul risks her hide and tosses a pebble at crystala to get her attention

[Otherworld] Crys says carefully, "But love, you're here, there cannot be no light." and she squeezes Sori's hand.

[Otherworld] Cilan nods slowly, affirmatively as her arms move across her chest, "Mm.. well, you guys can talk all you want.. I on the other hand dont know a single word that could be said, aside from fuck shadow, and fuck the coyotes under its lead.."

[Bus] Taggart is quietly and calmly driving the bus.

[Otherworld] Apostasy's voice comes out of the darkness. "That seems reasonable enough. Though I'd sooner chase down that black haired girl and make her talk."

[Bus] Delu'meril sighs pensively, looking down from the window for a moment. Shaking off that melancholy daze, she reaches to her belt and pops something into her mouth.

[Bus] RosaSoul makes a note to disturb the peace with pebbles for Taggart, when she is out of his immediate reach

[Otherworld] Sori nods, not that anyone can see it. "I think the shadow found Coyote's pack and took it, or part of it. River, I don't know what of this you can confirm, but the girl who seemed particularly angry with me, I think she was touched by the shadow, and may be the touchstone of the Shadow. I could be VERY wrong there, but I don't think so. Crys... My love here, was touched by the shadow as well; when it controlled her, anger was the manifest emotion. The coyote pack is attacking people without provocation, drawing them into the pack. This isn't right. What wisdom can you share here?"

[Otherworld] River looks nervously about realizing she can't -see- anything. She sighs, uncomfortably, not really sure why she has followed these outsiders, but they seem to really be trying to stop whatever darkness has come. She speaks, "I... I guess I can tell you the tale my ancestors have passed down for generations. You've mentioned Midnight Shadow, and he indeed does star in a tale told since ancient times when the people were one. Coyote taught man to defeat it and stole his power leaving him sleeping. However as we all know, sleep does not last forever and he has come to retake his power from Coyote."

[Otherworld] Sori shifts closer to Crys. "So Shadow still has a touch of himself on Coyote?

[Otherworld] Apostasy grins. "Taught man how to defeat it, eh? I think that would be rather useful knowledge to have, if you'd be so good as to share."

[Otherworld] River softly speaks, "Raven is young, stupid and in love. She is not hearing whispers of the old one. I am afraid it is not her that has been spoken to but the dreamer itself. Coyote's child will be consumed and used to bait Coyote himself, unless he outsmarts it."

[Otherworld] Cilan speaks up again, "Is there anything we can do to tip the scales in coyote's favor?"

[Bus] The road forks, with signs showing the way toward Crater Lake national park, and Sparhawk nudges Taggart to follow in that direction.

[Otherworld] Apostasy chimes in again. "Who, or what, exactly, is the dreamer?"

[Otherworld] Sori grimaces. "Same questions as my friends have just asked, and... I should probably ask WHY this place is sacred to you. I should have asked earlier, as we might have been trespassing wrongly."

[Otherworld] River says, "I'm afraid my ancestors leave me with little clues. I can tell you the story I've been told, but I cannot think how that will help us here."

[Otherworld] Sori says, "Anything at all may help. We're... Pardon the pun, all in the dark here."

[Otherworld] "This is where coyote spoke to the dreamer and taught him to dream us all, pulling us from the void and giving us a chance at life once again. Coyote gave some of himself to make us, and woke the others." River squeaks feeling something brush up against her, but realizes it's just one of the others hands.

[Otherworld] Crys snuggles up tight to Sorien, having nothing to offer her, here mind at a blank for understanding this place.

[Otherworld] Sori asks, "Who exactly is the dreamer? Coyote or someone else? And is he here?"

[Bus] Kale says "Does anyone know anything about this area?"

[Bus] Taggart remains quiet and follows the directions given.

[Otherworld] Apostasy sits quietly in the darkness, waiting for River to continue.

[Bus] Meril shakes her head. "Seen photos before. S'beautiful. Or it used to be. We'll see."

[Otherworld] "The dreamer creates us all and we are a part of him. You've stolen from him before, as have Raven, and Atse, and that woman you met Shelley. I've never so I'm not even sure what it's like, and can only speak from what they've told me about it." River shifts a bit more and then says, "If you must know, Coyote was approached by a great hero, known to us as Quiet Whisper. It was through Coyote's great knowledge that Quiet Whisper learned to uncover Midnight Shadow's weaknesses, and Quiet Whisper was able to trick him to sleep. Coyote however made sure his slumber was permanent, by burying him deep inside his home, and sacrificing a part of himself to bind him."

[Otherworld] With nothing to say on her mind, Cilan quietly joins Apostasy, and sits next to him, waiting for something the woman could do.

[Bus] Oregon itself is full of deep forests, the air shows the sign of imminent rain, with a heavy mist overtaking nearly everything. The road that they are following is no longer a highway, rather a road cutting into the heart of the state forest to bring tourists deep into Crater Lake. Sparhawk is fairly certain that is their destination now.

[Otherworld] Sori sniffs, then realizes that her nose is human now.

[Otherworld] Apostasy puts his arm around Cil's shoulder, hugging her against him in the darkness. "Sorry to interrupt.... but what do you mean, we've stolen from the dreamer?"

[Bus] The signs for a campground and eventually the lake itself show them drawing near. The blood in Sparhawk's vial has begin to rhythmically vibrate, growing closer to the source of where it's being pulled.

[Bus] Sparhawk hums in turn, one of many weird habits shi has. Among other tasks shi tries to match the pitch on the vial, closing hir eyes.

[Bus] Kale whistles the theme to X-files

[Otherworld] Cilan releases a small sigh as she rests her head against Apostasy's shoulder, soon she muses to herself, "I.. I wonder how Kale is doing.."

[Otherworld] "Taking parts from him, that are his, for yourself." River says very matter-of-factly. "I only know that the Shadow's weakness is it's pride. It's so sure of it's power over us that it's prone to mistakenly undervaluing our worth."

[Otherworld] Apostasy squeezes Cilan gently. "I'm sure shi's alright. The others will keep hir safe."

[Bus] The bus nears the shore of the lake just as dawn begins to crack over the horizon. The dim light shimmering off the lake's surface. An island sits out a few hundred feet from the shore, and the area around the edge is ragged in a way that is very unusual for a normal lake.

[Otherworld] Sori thinks on that. "I don't know that I took anything, per se... But given we're aware... Did we take his awareness? Is that it? The sleeper is asleep because we're awake?"

[Bus] Crys scratches her an itch on her neck, her flesh unscarred but phantom pangs of her transformation still eat at her senses, and she feels strangely out of body at times, her brain still trying to catch up on her strange reaction to that infection.

[Bus] Sparhawk perks up suddenly as light comes off the lake. "Hey! I bet we could get a really great snowball fight up here!" Then shi goes back to humming, keeping the narrow end of the vial pointed where it wants to go.

[Bus] Meril narrows her eyes as they approach what looks like it has to be their stop before the lake. "Damn," she murmurs. "We'da never found anything the old-fashioned way."

[Bus] Taggart pulls the bus to a stop near the shore of the lake, glancing back over his shoulder at Sparhawk. "Need ta go any furt'er?"

[Otherworld] River says, "I'm afraid I don't have the words to be able to explain it to you." She softly sighs, "I would avoid calling Coyote into this world, or letting him be called, but you might be able to awake the part he left behind."

[Bus] The vial is practically jerking in movement, the compass-like effect ruined by proximity. Whatever it's trying to get to is close by.

[Otherworld] Sori says, "I think we have to. What do we do? What I did back at the camp?"

[Otherworld] River says, "Rather than trying to bring him here, try to wake him. So far we've been unable despite trying, so I'm not sure I'll be much more help."

[Bus] Sparhawk gets out a red hankie and ties it to the vial, turning it from a compass to a dowsing rod. "Not by bus, I don't think. Time to pick up what you want to carry for an hour and search."

[Otherworld] "Okay. Lets. I'm guessing... Deeper down?"

[Otherworld] Apostasy says, "What would we need to do to wake him?"

[Bus] The large wolf looks down at the vial and notices it's erratic behavior. Taggart gives a little shrug and nods, opening the bus doors and clambering down to look around, nose raising slightly to sniff heavily at the air around the lake.

[Bus] Kale hefts the gun and hir medkit straining under the weight but managing to handle it for now. "I hope i don't have to use this."

[Bus] A man emerges from the forest nearby with a shotgun. He's tall and looks well weathered, his features looking mostly human but there's -something- else to him that also gives the feeling they are something more. He hollers over, "Heyyyyyy, hey you, go away before you get yourselves killed!"

[Bus] Meril rises just in time to watch the human-looking man strolling out of the woods. "Well I'll be damned," she muses to herself, filing up to disembark with the others.

[Otherworld] River says, "I've never been farther in this cave, so I have no idea."

[Bus] Sparhawk regards the mountain man intently, with a vial of blood shimmying on a red knot. "I do hope that was a warning and not a threat, sir."

[Otherworld] Sori gives a gentle tug to the others. "Then lets see what there is to see; its a nice straightish path at least."

[Bus] Taggart catches sight of the man with the shotgun frowning gently as his hands set to his hips. "Mebbe's'wut we're lookin' ta do. Who're you? Wutcha donere?"

[Bus] "Do I look like I'um threatening you?" He shrugs, pulling the shotgun away, "I don't want the 'yotes to go feeding on anyone else. I've got enough of a mess to clean up as it is."

[Otherworld] Cilan finally rises to her feet and shrugs, adding, "Alright, not much else to do.."

[Otherworld] Apostasy stands with Cilan. "Sounds good to me."

[Otherworld] Sori starts leading the way deeper into the cave, still following the wall.

[Otherworld] Crys says, "Remember love, you need to believe you're going to find what you're looking for here, or we'll just walk this endlessly."

[Bus] Meril cants her head faintly. "And how is it you're not *part* of that mess, then?"

[Otherworld] Sorien says, "Its just ahead. We'll be there soon." (And she believes that.)

[Otherworld] Apostasy nods firmly. "Damn right it is."

[Bus] Sparhawk meanders around the edge of the lake where the bus is parked, assuming other people will handle the native life while shi plays with blood and string.

[Bus] He thrusts the gun in front of him, "And who's business is that, but mine?"

[Bus] Taggart strides forward, looking at the end of the shotgun with a bit of an amused smirk. "Ours, now. Tha coyotes've taken our friends. You know sumtin'bout t'at?" The Irishman's smirk slowly turns sour, scowling downturning his bushy eyebrows as his arms cross over broad chest.

[Otherworld] Bright lights begin to flame into existence, torches in sconces along the cave wall, illuminating a small central round area. There is a giant bearskin rug covering the center area and little white things, that once inspected are teeth scattered all over the place.

[Otherworld]Apostasy covers his eyes, blinking rapidly as the sudden light blinds him temporarily. When his vision clears, he looks around. "Well now. This is interesting."

[Otherworld] "Ah. This looks promising." Sori walks forward into the area, looking around for their possibly-sleeping host.

[Bus] "Oh you folk always having to pry. I know that there's sum people that have been taken of course. Harry told me, she's said they've been up to taking people down south. I've no idea what's gotten into them as they haven't really roamed far outta this area until now." He shifts to another foot and shrugs, turning to walk away, since the people clearly aren't listening.

[Otherworld] Crys shivers, shifting back a little bit into the darkness and trying to let her eyes clear. She quietly searches around at the edges of the light.

[Otherworld] Cilan blocks the glare of the light with an outstretched forearm until her eyes readjust to the light, "Uh.. isnt light a dangerous thing in this cave?" is asked, remembering the warnings said before.

[Bus] Kale gets out of the bus. "Um sir are you or anyone else injured. If so I am a trained nurse I could help."

[Bus] Meril scowls silently at the departing man's back and then turns her attention suspiciously to the treeline.

[Bus] The man before the gathered rescuers stands a good six feet tall. He's of obvious native american extraction and in middle age, with careworn lines in his heathered face and hands callused from long hours of physical labor. His hair is long, gathered back into a single ponytail, and grey is shot through it. His expression is of a man used to hard times and of doing what HE thinks is right... Though there is a glint of something more in his dark eyes.

[Otherworld] Apostasy smiles at Cilan. "I think it's allowed now." He takes another look around the room. "Well, at a guess, I'd say that breaskin rug was the bed... but it looks like the dreamer has gone wandering."

[Bus] Taggart frowns gently as the man turns about, emerald eyes weighing the other carefully. He obviously sees something of himself and takes off after the native american, "Oi! You live out'ere, then? Dangerous wit' as many coyotes about as we seen."

[Otherworld] There are bones along with the teeth, They look like canine teeth. There's a jawbone, some ribs, and what looks like a tailbone.

[Bus] Kale follows Taggart awkwardly , not used to the heavy gun. "Taggart don't run off without everyone else."

[Otherworld] "Heh." Sori grins, then starts gathering bones. "Anatomy 101. We get to put him together."

[Bus] "They'a harmless to a big old sap like me, but don't expect tha same treatment. Ya've been warned." He chuckles under his breath heading for a clearing past the wooded area.

[Otherworld] Apostasy laughs. "Jigsaw puzzle. Alrighty then, let's start gathering up the pieces." He hunts around the cave, looking for more bones, gathering them up as he finds them.

[Otherworld] River says, "It will take more than just bones to wake him." But she helps, finding a small little piece and handing it to Sorien.

[Bus] RosaSoul blindly follows the group, and tosses a single pebble at taggart now that shi's not in easy reach

[Otherworld] Sori takes the piece, and starts arranging the bits. "I know. But this is the first step. When we get that far, we'll figure it out."

[Otherworld] Cilan nods again, her mind set on a current task as she kneels infront of the various bones, her hands plucking at each bone that Apostasy drops infront of her, and organizes them, making sure that itd be easier to build if everything is neat, instead of forcing everyone to simply search for the needed part.

[Bus] Sparhawk comes around the far side of the bus and does a bit of hollering, "Anyone ask who Lady Harry is?"

[Bus] Taggart frowns at the reply, momentarily ignoring Kale's warning. "Oi! That ain't'ow it works, fella." The pebble tossed at his shoulder ricochets at a speed almost faster than which it was thrown, the large, muscular wolf not even noticing. "Yer diff'rent. How come? Wut you done?"

[Bus] Kale pants as shi continues to follow, "Haah.... I can't believe Apo can carry this around all day." Kale mutters to hirself

[Otherworld] Having gathered up all the bones he can find and given them to Cil, Apostasy moves out of the way to let her and Sorien put the skeleton together. He looks over at River "It might not be the only thing needed, but it's probably a good first step."

[Bus] A coyote suddenly leaps out at the man, not even flustered, he grabs it by the scruff and clocks it on the head with the butt of his shotgun. He glares angrily at the thing. "Mayhaps it's time I put them down, after I figure out what to do with your companions." He sighs, and throws the coyote in their direction as it's bleeding head begins to affect the rest of it's body decaying and returning to the earth quickly. He mutters to himself out of earshot.

[Bus] Kale gasps in surprise at both the sudden attack and the mans swift dealing with it. "That was amazing!"

[Bus] Kale gasps in surprise at both the sudden attack and the mans swift dealing with it. "That was amazing!"

[Bus] Meril's rifle sits halfway to ready as she follows along on the group's flank, scowling off both at the stubborn local yokel and the wilderness. She jumps when the coyote suddenly attacks, lifting her weapon to sight at the beast - but the man's even faster, and soon she's curiously watching the mutant bleed back into the earth.

[Otherworld] The bones collected aren't complete, but they do begin to pain the picture of something roughly humanoid, but also very much of a canine nature.

[Bus] RosaSoul "I think i like this guy"

[Otherworld] Sori looks for the missing pieces, even under the rug and on the periphery of the room.

[Bus] Taggart catches up with the older man, his voice falling quiet as he closes the distance. "Speak, fool... yer bein' more mysterious than the situation calls fer. We're worried about our friends."

[Lake] Kale follows less then 10 feet behind Taggart doing hir best to keep up. "Push through the burn." Kale whispers to hirself.

[Otherworld] Crys says, "I think love, that simply believing will be enough. But there's something else missing as River said. She moves forward and grabs a sharp rock from the ground and cuts into her wrist swiftly, letting blood drip onto the bones."

[Lake] Crys shakes her head at the man's attitude, but follows quietly, hoping he might have some answers.

[Bus] "You have every right ta be worried, your friends are dead. I'm sorry, but they are." The clearing ahead has a small encampment with a tent set up and a fire. The man sticks two fingers into his mouth and whistles sharply.

[Otherworld] Sori follows Crys' lead, and adds her own blood. "Time to wake; you're needed..."

[Lake] RosaSoul growls softly "their bodys maybe, but their minds are still somewhere right? could they not be brought back?"

[Otherworld] Crys' blood flows red initially, and then black like ink.

[Otherworld] Apostasy follows the lead of the other two and adds his blood to the bones. "Time to wake up."

[Otherworld] :blinks, then tries to prevent the shadow-blood from hitting the bones!

[Otherworld] Seeing the shadow pouring from her mate, Sori cups her uncut hand underneath the flow and shoves Crys back from the bones!

[Lake] The worn man chuckles, "It doesn't matter now does it? Either way they are lost to you."

[Lake] Taggart frowns softly, then nods a bit. "Well, I'd be believin' ya in most cases... 'cept that big dragon t'ing be'ind me's got some dousin' rod a'some sort... and it tends ta be tellin' us sumtin' else."

[Lake] Kale shouts emotionally at the man "How can you know that? I mean I have seen many weird things they could still be alive in the coyotes lair!"

[Lake] Kale says quieter "They promised they would be okay."

[Lake] RosaSoul replies simply "I refuse to believe that anyways, Not untill all possible paths have been taken, and all possibilitys tried, They are friends, I cant really just give up without trying"

[Otherworld] As Crys is knocked back and the black blood splattering off away from the bones, there is a rumble and smoke fills the room. Heat and fire erupt in quick bursts and when the smoke fades an Anthro Coyote is sitting there looking quite amused, the grin on his face is evident as he looks over.

[Otherworld] Crys tackled by Sorien doesn't struggle, she looks scared, and terrified by what was coming out of her.

[Otherworld] Apostasy looks at the anthro coyote. "Well now. That's new. You would be the dreamer, then? Or are you Coyote himself?"

[Lake] Sparhawk wanders over in a curving path, then nods politely to the shotguneer. "And with all that said, we are heroes. When things need saving, that is what we do. We could trade stories all day, but the lil' bit of my friend here wants to go join the rest of hir."

[Otherworld] Sori wipes the shadow-blood off on the floor of the cavern. "I'm sorry, sweetie... And I apologize that we nearly harmed you, sir."

[Lake] "I never said their minds weren't there. In fact, I'll let you meet Harry, she'll be able to tell you about the friend of yours she... met." There's a slight grin on his face at that comment. He whistles again, sharper and louder this time, and a quadrupedal partially transformed woman comes charging from the forest. She's covered with German Shepherd markings and her long tongue is lolling from her face as she pants.

[Otherworld] Cilan looks to where Apostasy had glanced and notices the new figure, prompting the woman to take on a curious gaze, but says nothing, leaving it to her companions to ask the questions.

[Otherworld] "I am neither, and both." The coyote-man says coyly in response to Apostasy's question.

[Otherworld] "You're part of Coyote, correct? We need your help."

[Otherworld] Apostasy groans. "Lovely. We're gonna play that kind of game. Well, even if you're part of Coyote, we need your help to get back to our friends."

[Lake] "Good." Meril murmurs simply, a hint of the cloud lifting from her grim expression as she watches the newcomer with measured interest.

[Lake] Kale stares at the woman "She is harry?"

[Lake] Crys quirks an eye at the incoming half transformed woman, wondering what the hell is going on.

[Lake] Sparhawk grins wider than strictly necessary. "Been a lot of good stories today, I hope this one is easier on the ears than the last one. Need t'trade some jerky for it?"

[Lake] Taggart can only chuckle gently. "I'magine, she weren't always a she."

[Otherworld] "And -why- should I help people who pollute the dream and steal from the dreamer? Have you come to take Coyote's strength from him, or help the shadows?" The coyote man questions carefully.

[Otherworld] Apostasy sighs. "Because we never wanted to come here, or steal anything from this dreamer. We were attacked by a pack of feral coyotes, and ended up here against our will. But I can assure you we are definitely no friends of the shadow."

[Lake] The man pulls out a piece of Jerky from his pocket and says, "Ya can have it, and tha story she'll tell if sha wants ta." "Harry" returning to the man and hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't hear your call, I was busy trying to track down what you asked me to." She finally notices the group of people staring at her, and blushes, the first time she's actually felt naked in ages.

[Otherworld] Crys continues to bleed out, trying to close her wrist, her blood turning back from solid black to red again.

[Otherworld] "I... Well... Most of the polluters are gone. Horrors were unleashed upon the world, and things aren't as they once were. On top of that, the mythic world has awakened as well- I would offer my own strength to you if you will help... THough it will break my heart to lose my love in the doing." (She hugs Crys tight.) "The world is more important. We need your help, and we, (she nods at her friends), are less important than stopping the shadow once again.

[Otherworld] The coyote man quirks his head to the side at the woman offering herself so freely. "That's entirely unneccessary, but I'm not sure what we can do in here to stop it. You've already brought it with you, and it's infecting the dreamer. Soon we'll all be, as we are a part of him, and through me, eventually Coyote himself."

[Otherworld] Sori nods, putting her hand on Crys' wound and applying pressure to stop the bleeding if she can. "Could you eject it, and us?"

[Otherworld] Cilan asks carefully, "Coyote, is there any way to stop this corruption? A way to stop the infection, or perhaps even reverse what we had done?"

[Otherworld] Sori continues after a pause. "I mean... Dump us into pack bodies, preferably our own?"

[Otherworld] "There must be something we can do! I won't leave Kale like that. I can't. I promised hir I'd always come back." Apostasy looks at the coyote with pleading eyes. "There has to be something you can do!"

[Lake] Sparhawk achs, and rummages for a minute. Shi apparently doesn't find what shi was looking for and turns back to Harry. "Madam, I would like to hear this story of yours. Stories have proved important thus far."

[Lake] Kale focuses on the woman's face "Um sorry to bother you... Harry was it? But we were hoping you could tell us 'tha story' ."

[Lake] RosaSoul seems to have lost any and all focus when the german shepard lady showed up, she would be drooling if her maw was any wider, her thoughts are fairly blank, cause all her blood is elsewhere, cause there are more character weaknesses than the flaws you buy... german shepards :Q

[Otherworld] "I cannot do anything outside the dream as that will need Coyote's magic, but I might be able to wake the dreamer at the cost of all of us. If we kill or wake it, we will be lost but the shadow along with us. Or, you can try to get Coyote to end it, and us. We are but figments so in truth we aren't sacrificing anything." He grins again, almost like he's having fun with it.

[Otherworld] Sori blanches. "We have to. Damn it, we have to. I'm in. Crys? We'll at least be together." She leans into her mate.

[Otherworld] Apostasy fidgets, looking torn, before he finally sighs. "Do it. Try to wake the dreamer. If the shadow escapes then Kale is in danger as well."

[Lake] Taggart stares very pointedly at the naked german shepard's female body parts, frowning gently, then turns his gaze away and looks back to the native american. The large wolf suckles on his canine tooth for a moment, head tilting to the side and his pointed ears flickering a bit as he listens to everyone settle and catch up to them around the fire.

[Otherworld] Cilan blinks at the options in front of the group, but noticing the other's choice, she breathes a deep sigh, and nods, "Alright.. Im with everyone.. while it means I will not make a promise that I had made to someone I care deeply about.. if it also means she will be safe, I will gladdly go with the plan.."

[Lake] She continues to blush and looks up to the man and he nods to her, and she says, "I... I was dealing with my heat when I found the coyote that was fixing it suddenly being driven. I thought it was one of the usual crowd but he said his name was Sorien, and mentioned that the pack has been up to some very naughty things."

[Lake] Sparhawk is somewhat stunned at the first statement, but sufficiently scientific to let the story run along without making incoherent interjections.

[Lake] "I told Carson, and he's been trying to drag one of them out to explain themselves but so far they haven't been exactly listening. He asked me to see if I could spot one of them." Harry says.

[Otherworld] Crys nods, embracing her mate quietly.

[Otherworld] Apostasy nods. "That's all of us in agreement then. Do what you have to do to try to wake the Dreamer."

[Otherworld] "Well I can force everyone here out, temporarily while I deal with the dreamer, or we can try to wake him from here. I will leave that up to you." The coyote man says, pointing at Sorien.

[Lake] Kale attractively says, "Any luck finding one?"

[Otherworld] Cilan looks to Sorien expectantly, waiting to hear her decision.

[Otherworld] Apostasy looks over to Sorien. "I'm fine with whatever choice you make, Sorien."

[Lake] Harry shakes her head, her long tongue still hanging out while she pants. "I've been looking for days. The packs been kind of agitated lately, and I've seen more than usual springing back out of the wellspring lately. You all wouldn't happened to have been, killing them would you?"

[Otherworld] Sorien says, "Wake him, I think. That's more important."

[Lake] RosaSoul has started to slowly approach the sheppy lady with wide eyes O_O

[Lake] Kale says "Well yes but I tried to talk to one and it lunged right for my throat then a whole pack came down on us."

[Lake] Sparhawk eyes nearby people. "Some of them. Some are glued to the floor way down south. And..." One of Spar's midlegs grabs Rosa's ankle in an immobilizing way. "Perhaps you know where the wellspring is, exactly?"

[Lake] Carson pulls his shotgun placing it directly pointing at Rosa, "I'd back off there miss." He says, quite clearly not taking no for an answer.

[Lake] RosaSoul doesn't seem to notice Carson but is caught anyways, wiggling against the constricting leg and whimpers softly "sheppy..."

[Lake] Taggart sighs and lets out an audible and warning growl at Rosa, standing up while his fists clench. "Rosa... it'd be wise iffun ya calmed down an'ad a seat... oterwise, you'll be forcin' me ta be doin' sumtin' unpleasant-like."

[Lake] Kale grabs Rosa's hand and stares deeply into hir eyes deeper and deeper. Kale concentrates and tries to bring Rosa's libido way down.

[Otherworld] The coyote man nods at the response, and then opens up what looks like a vent in the ground in front of him. Light and darkness streaming out of it in unison. The beam itself is blindingly bright, and bone chillingly dark and it writhes and twists in the air.

[Otherworld] Sorien braces herself, still holding Crys tight to her.

[Otherworld] Apostasy covers his eyes as the light sears his vision, and hugs Cil tightly.

[Lake] Carson says, "I'd be willing to show you were the wellspring is. I may need to be ending their time anyway since things have gotten so out of hand. However I'd be pleased if you would leave -that- one behind, pointing at Rosa.

[Lake] Meril frowns. "Seems clear enough, anyway. If they won't come out, us merry heroes should probably go *in* and see what the bastards are up to."

[Otherworld] Having watched the coyote again, Cilan quickly blocks the blinding light with her forearm again, her eyes squinting as she attempts to continue watching, her other arm meanwhile wraps around Apostasy, and holds him close to her, waiting in solemn peace, seeming stoic even in her final moments.

[Lake] RosaSoul blinks at kale and slumps if it works blinking again and looks at the leg around her "Oh... um..." she shakes her head "sorry?" and glances towards Carson with a frown "are there more sheppys inside? if so then perhaps i should..."

[Otherworld] The coyote man says, "Come closer but don't touch."

[Lake] Sparhawk has a reasonably firm grip and is looking at Rosa when her vision clears. "I think you should perhaps keep watch on the bus to make sure no one runs off with our ride. Yes?"

[Otherworld] Sorien does so, going where the being indicates.

[Otherworld] Apostasy nods and moves where indicated.

[Otherworld] Cilan follows suit with the rest of her group mates and steps toward the light.

[Lake] RosaSoul nods and folds her ears back "sorry... I really like german sheppards" she pushes at the leg "I'll just... watch the bus before i make a bigger fool of myself..."

[Otherworld] Crys follows quietly behind but trips forward pulling Sorien with her.

[Otherworld] Sori tries to prevent them from touching the light, shifting the fall-direction to the side if possible!

[Otherworld] Sori isn't able to shift in time, both her and Crys coming into contact with the beam, and then disappear. The coyote man raises an eyebrow and says, "That wasn't... good."

[Lake] Sparhawk fiddles with hir horn-mounted radio and makes sure Rosa's got one that is tuned to the same channel. "We might be going...out of range, but we can chat until then!"

[Otherworld] "Wasn't good? How not good is what just happened???" Apostasy shouts.

[Otherworld] The coyote man shrugs.

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