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Revision as of 19:30, 9 July 2011

Amaterasu is a Military officer who flew with the U.S. Air Force before the infection happened. being sent in when they lost one of their pilots over the post-apocalyptic America.

Early life

Amaterasu's early life consisted of prayer, love, and multiple attempts on his life. Throughout his time with his "occult" family he had several attempts on his life that ended in murder. Whilst the families of those involved protested violently, all charges for each murder were dropped by proof of self defense. One major incident of note would have to be December of 1993, where three armed gunmen attacked and wounded Amaterasu, none survived. He had commandeered a gun from one of the gunmen and as the other two fired, deftly dodging away as they buried their bullets into their partner. Amaterasu opened fire in return shooting over the cover he was behind. He hit one in the shoulder and the other in the neck, as the one still alive brought his gun up to fire, Amaterasu warned the man that he should place the gun on the floor and he would call for help, but the gunman responded by firing, hitting Amaterasu, his finger hitting the trigger as his hand clenched and went dead. the stray bullet hit the man between the eyes as Amaterasu's arm fell, unable to be felt at the moment.

Amaterasu is currently in employ of Zephyr for cleanup and security, trying her best to save what people she could.