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<div></div><br> <br>The forest lies silently in the night, as does the meeting point in the middle of a clearing. No sight of the stange lights to be seen yet, but who knows how long it will stay that way.<br> <br>Fally gets the call on his com and then sighs, Seems he was needed again. He pulls on his pets leash and pulls him alog to the place that was indacated and then gets to work waiting for any one else that may come. He smiles at Dusty and then says sit. The fearl was much more behaved now and had leared alot during his time with Fally. Dusty sits and wages his tail. Fally giggles and then pats him on the head.<br> <br>The silence of the clearing is broken by the sound of flapping of a great beast wings, the shadow  of a large from falls over the clearing below, Segruo begins to circle landing in the clearing below, the 17 foot golden scaled dragon shakes hir wings and rest from hir flight, shi awaits to see who else will show up at this late hour.<br> <br>Kuromi comes out from the darkness and growls &quot;now its party time&quot;<br> <br>The night gets  even a bit darker as some clouds begin to cover the near full moon before moving away once more, the moonlight casting the forest in it&#39;s light.<br> <br>Fally looks at the other two as they arive and then says, &quot;Hello, I was expecting to see my mate to be honist, But that will not happen every time a call goe out.&quot; He giggles and then says, &quot;I am fally, and this here is my pet Dusty.&quot; He kneels down and then pats the dog and says to him, &quot;Wave.&quot; the dog gets on to his paws and then uses his tail to wave to the other two. Fally smiles and then stands up.<br> <br>Seguro sun hued gaze falls upon the assembled agents, a large golden scaled tail twitches in agitation betraying the dragon&#39;s annoyance, &quot;Only three agents this time, you would think that more would show up. I know of Agent Fally, but who are you little wolf beast?&quot; Seguro said in a regal hiss. <br> <br>Kuromi growls louder &quot;Little? i can show you how little iam... my name is not from interest just fear me&quot;<br> <br>Suddenly a bright, slightly bluish light is cast upward from the ground and in all directions, but is mostly blocked by the trees. It fades quite quickly again though to a much lower level.<br> <br>Fally was going to say somthing to the wolf when the bright light apeard. He looks around and asks, &quot;What could have caused that?&quot; His pet wags his tail, not careing at all about anyting. Fally looks down and him and then pats him still wondering what the flash of light might have been. Becasue of the flash of bright light, he didn&#39;t notce that it was still there.<br> <br>Seguro cocks an eyebrow the wolf&#39;s response, chuckling to hirself at the wolf three times smaller than hir, shi says with a regal hiss. &quot;Hmm at least you have gusto I will give you that�&quot;  Seguro stops in mid-sentence; the dragon&#39;s clawed forepaw frozen mid-gesture, as seguro&#39;s sun hued eyes fallowing the dancing light, the dragon hisses a startled reply. &quot;I bet you it is just kits playing a prank or swamp gas.&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi show him the middle claw and then into the light &quot;what the hell?&quot;<br> <br>The light has now nearly faded, but after a few more seconds it begins pulsing and flashing in between the trees, but never as strong as the initial flash.<br> <br>Fally sighs and says, &quot;We might as well go check it out.&quot; He turns to Kuromi, &quot;May I have you name Sir?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro shrugs at the wolf&#39;s rude gesture, and heads off in the direction of the strange light, the dragon&#39;s golden tail snaking its way slowly through the air as shi walks. Seguro asks as shi travels &quot;You coming little wolf?&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi look at fally &quot;i dont have a name but call me god .... no just a joke .... call me John&quot;<br> <br>The light continues pulsing and flashing, sometimes rising in intesity more, sometimes less, but never even getting close to the first flash.<br> <br>Fally nods to John and says, &quot;Well, Welcome to the party John, please be more palite, we all need to work to gether here.&quot; he pulls Dusty and then walks up to Seguro and says to hir, &quot;I&#39;m ready.&quot; The dog gives a yip as his leash was pulled on unexpetently, but follows behind Fally at a slow trot.<br> <br>A low rumbling can be heard from the dragon stomach as shi makes hir way to the lights, embarrassed shi hisses &quot;Sorry I have not eaten yet, I hope they are unfriendly I could at least have my supper then.&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi follow the both he is not interested on this light roll the eyes and love it to stand in the middle &quot;grml&quot;<br> <br>As the agents walk through the forest, they get close to another clearing, the source of the light clearly in its mittdle, twelve cloaked figures standing in a circle around it. The source itself looks like some kind of electric flash, it&#39;s origin being the outstretched arms of the figures.<br> <br>Fally looks at the group as they aproch, he could take a few hits from them if they desided to attack, but he didn&#39;t want to get into a fight and insted asks Seguro, &quot;Can you see whats in there? Your taller, you might be able to see over them.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro nods to fally, pulling hir thermal imaging binoculars from hir pack and uses the device to get a better look at the figures in the circle. Speaking to hir fellow agents shi replies &quot;Now let us learn what we can learn. It seem someone is laying on the ground under the light, but I can not see much more than that. &quot; with a regal hiss. &quot;&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi just follow and thinking about his live why he follow the both &quot;booooring!&quot;<br> <br>The figures seem to not have noticed the agents yet. They stand in the clearing, not moving at all, when suddenly the light fades completely, only to return moments later, a bit more intense, the figures now huming a slow tune while swinging from side to side slowly.<br> <br>Fally nods and says, &quot;So, do you think that we sould go and inqure about what they are doing?&quot; He turns to John and says, &quot;If this is so boring, Why did you answer the summens in the first place?&quot; He turns back to Seguro, &quot;I can get my pet in there, have him sniff the place out for other ferals, would that work?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro ponders fally&#39;s question considering the options availed, shrugging hir shoulders the dragon replies. &quot;Only one way to find out, so far what we do know is that that they are meeting in a remote local and in the middle of the night. I say we make contact then go from there; we don&#39;t have enough information to make a judgment. &quot; Seguro begins to walk forward, making hir way toward the clocked figures, and the flashing lights.<br> <br>Kuromi look at Seguro and roll the eyes &quot;this is 100% a trap ...&quot;<br> <br>the figures go on with their singing. Only when Seguro really gets close, two of the figures seperate from the circle on opposing sides, the others moving to close the gap. They both face the dragon, a few sparks showing on their gloved hands as they approach hir. glowing yellow eyes looking over the scaled form from under the cloaks as they ask in a low, gavely voice &quot;What do you want?&quot;
<div></div><br> <br>The forest lies silently in the night, as does the meeting point in the middle of a clearing. No sight of the stange lights to be seen yet, but who knows how long it will stay that way.<br> <br>Fally gets the call on his com and then sighs, Seems he was needed again. He pulls on his pets leash and pulls him alog to the place that was indacated and then gets to work waiting for any one else that may come. He smiles at Dusty and then says sit. The fearl was much more behaved now and had leared alot during his time with Fally. Dusty sits and wages his tail. Fally giggles and then pats him on the head.<br> <br>The silence of the clearing is broken by the sound of flapping of a great beast wings, the shadow  of a large from falls over the clearing below, Segruo begins to circle landing in the clearing below, the 17 foot golden scaled dragon shakes hir wings and rest from hir flight, shi awaits to see who else will show up at this late hour.<br> <br>Kuromi comes out from the darkness and growls &quot;now its party time&quot;<br> <br>The night gets  even a bit darker as some clouds begin to cover the near full moon before moving away once more, the moonlight casting the forest in it&#39;s light.<br> <br>Fally looks at the other two as they arive and then says, &quot;Hello, I was expecting to see my mate to be honist, But that will not happen every time a call goe out.&quot; He giggles and then says, &quot;I am fally, and this here is my pet Dusty.&quot; He kneels down and then pats the dog and says to him, &quot;Wave.&quot; the dog gets on to his paws and then uses his tail to wave to the other two. Fally smiles and then stands up.<br> <br>Seguro sun hued gaze falls upon the assembled agents, a large golden scaled tail twitches in agitation betraying the dragon&#39;s annoyance, &quot;Only three agents this time, you would think that more would show up. I know of Agent Fally, but who are you little wolf beast?&quot; Seguro said in a regal hiss. <br> <br>Kuromi growls louder &quot;Little? i can show you how little iam... my name is not from interest just fear me&quot;<br> <br>Suddenly a bright, slightly bluish light is cast upward from the ground and in all directions, but is mostly blocked by the trees. It fades quite quickly again though to a much lower level.<br> <br>Fally was going to say somthing to the wolf when the bright light apeard. He looks around and asks, &quot;What could have caused that?&quot; His pet wags his tail, not careing at all about anyting. Fally looks down and him and then pats him still wondering what the flash of light might have been. Becasue of the flash of bright light, he didn&#39;t notce that it was still there.<br> <br>Seguro cocks an eyebrow the wolf&#39;s response, chuckling to hirself at the wolf three times smaller than hir, shi says with a regal hiss. &quot;Hmm at least you have gusto I will give you that�&quot;  Seguro stops in mid-sentence; the dragon&#39;s clawed forepaw frozen mid-gesture, as seguro&#39;s sun hued eyes fallowing the dancing light, the dragon hisses a startled reply. &quot;I bet you it is just kits playing a prank or swamp gas.&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi show him the middle claw and then into the light &quot;what the hell?&quot;<br> <br>The light has now nearly faded, but after a few more seconds it begins pulsing and flashing in between the trees, but never as strong as the initial flash.<br> <br>Fally sighs and says, &quot;We might as well go check it out.&quot; He turns to Kuromi, &quot;May I have you name Sir?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro shrugs at the wolf&#39;s rude gesture, and heads off in the direction of the strange light, the dragon&#39;s golden tail snaking its way slowly through the air as shi walks. Seguro asks as shi travels &quot;You coming little wolf?&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi look at fally &quot;i dont have a name but call me god .... no just a joke .... call me John&quot;<br> <br>The light continues pulsing and flashing, sometimes rising in intesity more, sometimes less, but never even getting close to the first flash.<br> <br>Fally nods to John and says, &quot;Well, Welcome to the party John, please be more palite, we all need to work to gether here.&quot; he pulls Dusty and then walks up to Seguro and says to hir, &quot;I&#39;m ready.&quot; The dog gives a yip as his leash was pulled on unexpetently, but follows behind Fally at a slow trot.<br> <br>A low rumbling can be heard from the dragon stomach as shi makes hir way to the lights, embarrassed shi hisses &quot;Sorry I have not eaten yet, I hope they are unfriendly I could at least have my supper then.&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi follow the both he is not interested on this light roll the eyes and love it to stand in the middle &quot;grml&quot;<br> <br>As the agents walk through the forest, they get close to another clearing, the source of the light clearly in its mittdle, twelve cloaked figures standing in a circle around it. The source itself looks like some kind of electric flash, it&#39;s origin being the outstretched arms of the figures.<br> <br>Fally looks at the group as they aproch, he could take a few hits from them if they desided to attack, but he didn&#39;t want to get into a fight and insted asks Seguro, &quot;Can you see whats in there? Your taller, you might be able to see over them.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro nods to fally, pulling hir thermal imaging binoculars from hir pack and uses the device to get a better look at the figures in the circle. Speaking to hir fellow agents shi replies &quot;Now let us learn what we can learn. It seem someone is laying on the ground under the light, but I can not see much more than that. &quot; with a regal hiss. &quot;&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi just follow and thinking about his live why he follow the both &quot;booooring!&quot;<br> <br>The figures seem to not have noticed the agents yet. They stand in the clearing, not moving at all, when suddenly the light fades completely, only to return moments later, a bit more intense, the figures now huming a slow tune while swinging from side to side slowly.<br> <br>Fally nods and says, &quot;So, do you think that we sould go and inqure about what they are doing?&quot; He turns to John and says, &quot;If this is so boring, Why did you answer the summens in the first place?&quot; He turns back to Seguro, &quot;I can get my pet in there, have him sniff the place out for other ferals, would that work?&quot;<br> <br>Seguro ponders fally&#39;s question considering the options availed, shrugging hir shoulders the dragon replies. &quot;Only one way to find out, so far what we do know is that that they are meeting in a remote local and in the middle of the night. I say we make contact then go from there; we don&#39;t have enough information to make a judgment. &quot; Seguro begins to walk forward, making hir way toward the clocked figures, and the flashing lights.<br> <br>Kuromi look at Seguro and roll the eyes &quot;this is 100% a trap ...&quot;<br> <br>the figures go on with their singing. Only when Seguro really gets close, two of the figures seperate from the circle on opposing sides, the others moving to close the gap. They both face the dragon, a few sparks showing on their gloved hands as they approach hir. glowing yellow eyes looking over the scaled form from under the cloaks as they ask in a low, gavely voice &quot;What do you want?&quot;<br> <br>Fally stays where he was, atlye agreeing with John, he felt that it was a trap too, and his supissions rase higher as the group gathers around Seguro. He wanted to say something but desides to be sneeky and tells his pet to scout around for any sines of some ferals. The dog nods and sticks his nose to the ground and starts sniffing around. Menwhill Fally walks up to the two nearer Seguro and listens in to the conversation. He moves close enugh that he can speek up if need be. He doesn&#39;t want to be seen yet, so atempts to stay in any shadows that may be around.<br> <br>Seguro tilts hir head and raises hir claws, as shi replies to the cloaked figures &quot;Easy now, I just want to see what the entire hubbub is about, what brings you out this way near the foot of the mountains and have you seen a pink furred fennec about with an interesting tail?  You would know if you saw it.&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi Growls loud and put steps backward grap at the leaser weapon &quot;no stay back its a trap i shoot when you be out of the target!&quot;<br> <br>The figures look up at Seguro, then one of the two facing the dragon looks in Kuromi&#39;s direction &quot;Don&#39;t shoot, we won&#39;t harm you, if you leave us alone.&quot; to wich the other continues &quot;We just want to help our friend overcome his instincts and get sane again after his transformation&quot;<br> <br>Dusty comes back to Fally and reports his findings. Fally nods and then stands up. At the mention that they mean no harm he says, &quot;Heh, well you are gathering quite the croude.<br> <br>Dusty comes back to Fally and reports his findings. Fally nods and then stands up. At the mention that they mean no harm he says, &quot;Heh, well you are gathering quite the croude.&quot; He walks to the two around Seguro and says, &quot;Mind taking a few steps back then, you know, like back to the one on the ground over there.&quot; He flicks his tail in the direction of the other group. He looks up to Seguro and says, &quot;We got company, not far from here, and by the sound of it, lots of it.&quot; He pats Dusty&#39;s head and then says to him, &quot;Godd boy.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro gestures to the feral wolf gesturing for him to lower his gun, the dragon turns back to the cloaked figures. &quot;Hmm please excuse the new guy, they are always jumpy on their first assignments. Might I ask on the methods you are using to help your friend? I can&#39;t say I have even seen a technique quite like this. You are with the Prometheans I take it?&quot; Nods at fally&#39;s reply before asking the cloaked figures. &quot;Friends of yours?&quot;<br> <br>Kuromi tries to aim at the unknow and walks slowly to saguro &quot;go...out...of...the...way&quot;<br> <br>The two cloaked figures now move so Fally and Seguro are between them and Kuromi as they say &quot;We are freinds with some prometheans, but are not part of their community. We help our friends by exorciseing the nanite demons from them, not by learning to control them. And no, we&#39;re not expecting anyone else here.&quot;<br> <br>Fally nods to the figures and says, &quot;Mind showing us your faces? Even if it is only one of you.&quot; He turns to John and says, &quot;Put that gun away, you will need it later.&quot; then to Seguro, &quot;No they are not, we have some uninvited guests, of the type that we need to get battal ready for.&quot; then kneels down and kisses his pet and says, &quot;Go check again and give me the ETA till they get here.&quot; he patts the dog again and then stands up.<br> <br>Seguro sighs at fally&#39;s warning of the second group &quot;Never a moment&#39;s peace when you need it.&quot; The dragon large head looks to the new guy as shi barks. &quot;Keep your sights on the tree line we have hostiles in bound.&quot; Seguro makes hirself ready taking several grenades from hir belt, house warming gifts for the fearls.<br> <br>Kuromi put the weapon down and look at Fally go away from Seguro on a safe distance dont trust it<br> <br>The figures finish their singing and let the light cease. The figure in the middle of the circle slowly sits up, just as the first wolf of the pack enters the clearing. She&#39;s not the largest wolf, but soon is followed by the rest of the pack, 8 wolfes in total. The figures just stare at them, most of them already fleeing into the woods as they see the clearly feral pack, only the two talking to Seguro and one more staying.<br> <br>Dusty yips as the group start to enter the clearing. He runs right back to his masters side wipering. Fally looks up and sees the ferals start coming in and says, &quot;Well they got here sooner then I&#39;d aticapated.&quot; He readys himself for battal and tells the figures that stayed behind, &quot;Get behind us.&quot; He tells Dusty, &quot;Go around them and try to attack them from behind, but stay hidden till I say, &#39;Now&#39; ok.&quot; He turns to John, &quot;Come here so that they can behind all of use, and get ready to attack.&quot;<br> <br>Seguro chuckles as shi pulls the pin on  one of the hir grenade, winding back the dragon throws the pineapple near the rear of the pack, wondering to hirself what the feral will do once the explosion goes off.    <br> <br>Kuromi look at the pack and yawns &quot;not my problem....&quot;<br> <br>As the grenade explodes, three of the wolfes go down imediatelly, three more get dazed by the shockwave, the last two still walk on towards the agents, snarling as they close in.<br> <br>Fally watches the grenade and then sighs as it didn&#39;t work perfectly. Seeing his change he says loudly, &quot;Now.&quot; Dusty jumps out from behind one of the trees on the back and then makes a flying leap at on of the dazed wolves. Fally steps in front of Seguro and says, &quot;Let me, I know how to handle these guys, or least some dog types.&quot; he giggles and then walks up to them very commly and says, &quot;Come.&quot; His Electric Field was already active, as where a large group of other assorted deafens.<br> <br>Seguro watchs with wide eyes as the little storm dragon leaps into the center of the fight, seguro waits with baited breath to see how the little storm dragon will fair.<br> <br>Kuromi sit down and watch all of these yawns again and wishes he has popcorn &quot;go wolves go ... &quot;<br> <br>The wolfes look over the agents, two of the stunned ones recovering slowly, the third one being overwhelmed by Dusty. The still standing wolfes decide not to go for the agents ready to fight, but rather for the weaker looking Kuromi, closing in on him.<br> <br>Fally makes a pounce for one of the two that where still weakend from the grenade and then pulls her down with the help of his electic Field. He grins and says to Seguro, &quot;Um, you may want to help John.&quot; He gets to work on the wolf under him. He smiles rememberin what he did with Dusty and flips her over so that he was sitting on her stomach. He looks up to see how Dusty was faring. Dusty was just Finisheing off the one that he had gotten. He looks up and sees his master on one wolf and then the three that were headed to Kuromi. He looks back to Fally and then yips. Fally nods and then he starts to make his way to the group. Not wanting to use his energy to gether he moves at a bout the same pase as the group does.<br> <br>Seguro form coils up as if a cat readying itself to pounce on a mouse, with in an instant the dragon takes off at a full charge at  the wolf headed for John,  seguro intent on tackling the foolish wolf soon leaps claws extended, the predator intent on snatching hir prey.<br> <br>Kuromi growls and laugts then stand up and draw his chainsword &quot;one step closer and i fuck you two with my sword slowly and painfull!!! go away and fuck your brother!!!&quot;

Revision as of 15:49, 23 October 2014





The forest lies silently in the night, as does the meeting point in the middle of a clearing. No sight of the stange lights to be seen yet, but who knows how long it will stay that way.

Fally gets the call on his com and then sighs, Seems he was needed again. He pulls on his pets leash and pulls him alog to the place that was indacated and then gets to work waiting for any one else that may come. He smiles at Dusty and then says sit. The fearl was much more behaved now and had leared alot during his time with Fally. Dusty sits and wages his tail. Fally giggles and then pats him on the head.

The silence of the clearing is broken by the sound of flapping of a great beast wings, the shadow of a large from falls over the clearing below, Segruo begins to circle landing in the clearing below, the 17 foot golden scaled dragon shakes hir wings and rest from hir flight, shi awaits to see who else will show up at this late hour.

Kuromi comes out from the darkness and growls "now its party time"

The night gets even a bit darker as some clouds begin to cover the near full moon before moving away once more, the moonlight casting the forest in it's light.

Fally looks at the other two as they arive and then says, "Hello, I was expecting to see my mate to be honist, But that will not happen every time a call goe out." He giggles and then says, "I am fally, and this here is my pet Dusty." He kneels down and then pats the dog and says to him, "Wave." the dog gets on to his paws and then uses his tail to wave to the other two. Fally smiles and then stands up.

Seguro sun hued gaze falls upon the assembled agents, a large golden scaled tail twitches in agitation betraying the dragon's annoyance, "Only three agents this time, you would think that more would show up. I know of Agent Fally, but who are you little wolf beast?" Seguro said in a regal hiss.

Kuromi growls louder "Little? i can show you how little iam... my name is not from interest just fear me"

Suddenly a bright, slightly bluish light is cast upward from the ground and in all directions, but is mostly blocked by the trees. It fades quite quickly again though to a much lower level.

Fally was going to say somthing to the wolf when the bright light apeard. He looks around and asks, "What could have caused that?" His pet wags his tail, not careing at all about anyting. Fally looks down and him and then pats him still wondering what the flash of light might have been. Becasue of the flash of bright light, he didn't notce that it was still there.

Seguro cocks an eyebrow the wolf's response, chuckling to hirself at the wolf three times smaller than hir, shi says with a regal hiss. "Hmm at least you have gusto I will give you that�" Seguro stops in mid-sentence; the dragon's clawed forepaw frozen mid-gesture, as seguro's sun hued eyes fallowing the dancing light, the dragon hisses a startled reply. "I bet you it is just kits playing a prank or swamp gas."

Kuromi show him the middle claw and then into the light "what the hell?"

The light has now nearly faded, but after a few more seconds it begins pulsing and flashing in between the trees, but never as strong as the initial flash.

Fally sighs and says, "We might as well go check it out." He turns to Kuromi, "May I have you name Sir?"

Seguro shrugs at the wolf's rude gesture, and heads off in the direction of the strange light, the dragon's golden tail snaking its way slowly through the air as shi walks. Seguro asks as shi travels "You coming little wolf?"

Kuromi look at fally "i dont have a name but call me god .... no just a joke .... call me John"

The light continues pulsing and flashing, sometimes rising in intesity more, sometimes less, but never even getting close to the first flash.

Fally nods to John and says, "Well, Welcome to the party John, please be more palite, we all need to work to gether here." he pulls Dusty and then walks up to Seguro and says to hir, "I'm ready." The dog gives a yip as his leash was pulled on unexpetently, but follows behind Fally at a slow trot.

A low rumbling can be heard from the dragon stomach as shi makes hir way to the lights, embarrassed shi hisses "Sorry I have not eaten yet, I hope they are unfriendly I could at least have my supper then."

Kuromi follow the both he is not interested on this light roll the eyes and love it to stand in the middle "grml"

As the agents walk through the forest, they get close to another clearing, the source of the light clearly in its mittdle, twelve cloaked figures standing in a circle around it. The source itself looks like some kind of electric flash, it's origin being the outstretched arms of the figures.

Fally looks at the group as they aproch, he could take a few hits from them if they desided to attack, but he didn't want to get into a fight and insted asks Seguro, "Can you see whats in there? Your taller, you might be able to see over them."

Seguro nods to fally, pulling hir thermal imaging binoculars from hir pack and uses the device to get a better look at the figures in the circle. Speaking to hir fellow agents shi replies "Now let us learn what we can learn. It seem someone is laying on the ground under the light, but I can not see much more than that. " with a regal hiss. ""

Kuromi just follow and thinking about his live why he follow the both "booooring!"

The figures seem to not have noticed the agents yet. They stand in the clearing, not moving at all, when suddenly the light fades completely, only to return moments later, a bit more intense, the figures now huming a slow tune while swinging from side to side slowly.

Fally nods and says, "So, do you think that we sould go and inqure about what they are doing?" He turns to John and says, "If this is so boring, Why did you answer the summens in the first place?" He turns back to Seguro, "I can get my pet in there, have him sniff the place out for other ferals, would that work?"

Seguro ponders fally's question considering the options availed, shrugging hir shoulders the dragon replies. "Only one way to find out, so far what we do know is that that they are meeting in a remote local and in the middle of the night. I say we make contact then go from there; we don't have enough information to make a judgment. " Seguro begins to walk forward, making hir way toward the clocked figures, and the flashing lights.

Kuromi look at Seguro and roll the eyes "this is 100% a trap ..."

the figures go on with their singing. Only when Seguro really gets close, two of the figures seperate from the circle on opposing sides, the others moving to close the gap. They both face the dragon, a few sparks showing on their gloved hands as they approach hir. glowing yellow eyes looking over the scaled form from under the cloaks as they ask in a low, gavely voice "What do you want?"

Fally stays where he was, atlye agreeing with John, he felt that it was a trap too, and his supissions rase higher as the group gathers around Seguro. He wanted to say something but desides to be sneeky and tells his pet to scout around for any sines of some ferals. The dog nods and sticks his nose to the ground and starts sniffing around. Menwhill Fally walks up to the two nearer Seguro and listens in to the conversation. He moves close enugh that he can speek up if need be. He doesn't want to be seen yet, so atempts to stay in any shadows that may be around.

Seguro tilts hir head and raises hir claws, as shi replies to the cloaked figures "Easy now, I just want to see what the entire hubbub is about, what brings you out this way near the foot of the mountains and have you seen a pink furred fennec about with an interesting tail? You would know if you saw it."

Kuromi Growls loud and put steps backward grap at the leaser weapon "no stay back its a trap i shoot when you be out of the target!"

The figures look up at Seguro, then one of the two facing the dragon looks in Kuromi's direction "Don't shoot, we won't harm you, if you leave us alone." to wich the other continues "We just want to help our friend overcome his instincts and get sane again after his transformation"

Dusty comes back to Fally and reports his findings. Fally nods and then stands up. At the mention that they mean no harm he says, "Heh, well you are gathering quite the croude.

Dusty comes back to Fally and reports his findings. Fally nods and then stands up. At the mention that they mean no harm he says, "Heh, well you are gathering quite the croude." He walks to the two around Seguro and says, "Mind taking a few steps back then, you know, like back to the one on the ground over there." He flicks his tail in the direction of the other group. He looks up to Seguro and says, "We got company, not far from here, and by the sound of it, lots of it." He pats Dusty's head and then says to him, "Godd boy."

Seguro gestures to the feral wolf gesturing for him to lower his gun, the dragon turns back to the cloaked figures. "Hmm please excuse the new guy, they are always jumpy on their first assignments. Might I ask on the methods you are using to help your friend? I can't say I have even seen a technique quite like this. You are with the Prometheans I take it?" Nods at fally's reply before asking the cloaked figures. "Friends of yours?"

Kuromi tries to aim at the unknow and walks slowly to saguro "go...out...of...the...way"

The two cloaked figures now move so Fally and Seguro are between them and Kuromi as they say "We are freinds with some prometheans, but are not part of their community. We help our friends by exorciseing the nanite demons from them, not by learning to control them. And no, we're not expecting anyone else here."

Fally nods to the figures and says, "Mind showing us your faces? Even if it is only one of you." He turns to John and says, "Put that gun away, you will need it later." then to Seguro, "No they are not, we have some uninvited guests, of the type that we need to get battal ready for." then kneels down and kisses his pet and says, "Go check again and give me the ETA till they get here." he patts the dog again and then stands up.

Seguro sighs at fally's warning of the second group "Never a moment's peace when you need it." The dragon large head looks to the new guy as shi barks. "Keep your sights on the tree line we have hostiles in bound." Seguro makes hirself ready taking several grenades from hir belt, house warming gifts for the fearls.

Kuromi put the weapon down and look at Fally go away from Seguro on a safe distance dont trust it

The figures finish their singing and let the light cease. The figure in the middle of the circle slowly sits up, just as the first wolf of the pack enters the clearing. She's not the largest wolf, but soon is followed by the rest of the pack, 8 wolfes in total. The figures just stare at them, most of them already fleeing into the woods as they see the clearly feral pack, only the two talking to Seguro and one more staying.

Dusty yips as the group start to enter the clearing. He runs right back to his masters side wipering. Fally looks up and sees the ferals start coming in and says, "Well they got here sooner then I'd aticapated." He readys himself for battal and tells the figures that stayed behind, "Get behind us." He tells Dusty, "Go around them and try to attack them from behind, but stay hidden till I say, 'Now' ok." He turns to John, "Come here so that they can behind all of use, and get ready to attack."

Seguro chuckles as shi pulls the pin on one of the hir grenade, winding back the dragon throws the pineapple near the rear of the pack, wondering to hirself what the feral will do once the explosion goes off.

Kuromi look at the pack and yawns "not my problem...."

As the grenade explodes, three of the wolfes go down imediatelly, three more get dazed by the shockwave, the last two still walk on towards the agents, snarling as they close in.

Fally watches the grenade and then sighs as it didn't work perfectly. Seeing his change he says loudly, "Now." Dusty jumps out from behind one of the trees on the back and then makes a flying leap at on of the dazed wolves. Fally steps in front of Seguro and says, "Let me, I know how to handle these guys, or least some dog types." he giggles and then walks up to them very commly and says, "Come." His Electric Field was already active, as where a large group of other assorted deafens.

Seguro watchs with wide eyes as the little storm dragon leaps into the center of the fight, seguro waits with baited breath to see how the little storm dragon will fair.

Kuromi sit down and watch all of these yawns again and wishes he has popcorn "go wolves go ... "

The wolfes look over the agents, two of the stunned ones recovering slowly, the third one being overwhelmed by Dusty. The still standing wolfes decide not to go for the agents ready to fight, but rather for the weaker looking Kuromi, closing in on him.

Fally makes a pounce for one of the two that where still weakend from the grenade and then pulls her down with the help of his electic Field. He grins and says to Seguro, "Um, you may want to help John." He gets to work on the wolf under him. He smiles rememberin what he did with Dusty and flips her over so that he was sitting on her stomach. He looks up to see how Dusty was faring. Dusty was just Finisheing off the one that he had gotten. He looks up and sees his master on one wolf and then the three that were headed to Kuromi. He looks back to Fally and then yips. Fally nods and then he starts to make his way to the group. Not wanting to use his energy to gether he moves at a bout the same pase as the group does.

Seguro form coils up as if a cat readying itself to pounce on a mouse, with in an instant the dragon takes off at a full charge at the wolf headed for John, seguro intent on tackling the foolish wolf soon leaps claws extended, the predator intent on snatching hir prey.

Kuromi growls and laugts then stand up and draw his chainsword "one step closer and i fuck you two with my sword slowly and painfull!!! go away and fuck your brother!!!"