Difference between revisions of "Automated Multiplayer Updates/2023 September"

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<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;You can now roll over. Rejoice.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;You can now roll over. Rejoice.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Avatar says, &quot;Item (1694543730) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called &#39;Skill Revision.  +poll/view Skill Revision to look at and vote in this poll.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;You can type <span style="color:#00FF00">skillrefund</span> to see what refund you&#39;d get if skills were reset.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;For greater readability, commas added.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Size Stabilizer cannot be melted anymore, since it won&#39;t work.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New item added to the token store. Recipe: Energy Sword&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Avatar says, &quot;Poll &#39;Skill Revision&#39; has ended. <span style="color:#FFFF00">+poll/cview Skill Revision</span> to see the results.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Intimidation and other skills no longer affect consignment prices.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;This is also true for NPC vendors.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;No matter your zeno rating, you can see enemy hp.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Ability to see the mutations of a thing, removed.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Skills have no effect on power effectiveness.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Skill required for precious armor reduced from 15 to 10.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Armor skill removed from power armor drain rate(It assumes you have 20 armor)&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Quieted the size limit noise.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;The skill page no longer offers professions to buy.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Precious items will not break until people get their skills back. I&#39;ll announce when the break is back on.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Captivator now unlocks at 10.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;* Sexual skill&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Nano Magician now refers to Academics(which doesn&#39;t exist yet but is the coming replacement for Theology.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Great Refunding Complete&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Web training temporarily brought offline&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;In-game training command temporarily offline.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New functions made to calculate your maximum number of hobbies, interets, and specialties you can have. The default being 8, 4, and 2. Comprehension skill can increase this.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Comprehension proficiency removed.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Proficiencies, the ones being dropped or added are now dropped, or added.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Brawling destroyed, melee redescribed&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Fauna wantonly purrs, &quot;First Aid merged into Medicine. 24 proficiencies left.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Athletics wasn&#39;t properly entered, it is now.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Good news, you can now go to https://flexiblesurvival.com/index?training and raise 8 proficiencies to 10, free, one click each&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Interests are now a thing, you can max out on 4 interests and 8 hobbies! Free.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Fauna wantonly purrs, &quot;Fixed the animal precious items to use medicine instead of first aid, so they don&#39;t instantly break when precious items start breaking again.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;The reported maximums on trainings on that page are now accurate.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;+mako/profresets properly resets all your hobbies/interests/specs.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;The training page now notes what skills are what level of specialty&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Confirmed +mako/profreset is 100% functional, yay!&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;You can now train beyond the freebies. This is NOT free(same cost as the old days)&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Training page now shows how many hobbies/interests/specs you have and can have.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;+mako/profreset set to be free (ignore its threatening about costs) as people get used to the new skill flow.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New perk, Dedicated Interests. -4 hobbies, but +2 interests! If you want this, please use +mako/profreset, which is free at the moment.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New Edge, New Hobby, get another hobby slot!&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Fixed a typo in Dedicated Interests&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Duties updated in what skills they use.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New Merit, Extended Interest. Get one more interest, easy.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Avatar says, &quot;Item (1695007451) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called &#39;Skill Levels.  +poll/view Skill Levels to look at and vote in this poll.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;In-game training is back, just the skill training within it is turned off.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Repairing things made easy for the moment. Repair your stuff.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Pump commands should work with melted item now.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Fauna wantonly purrs, &quot;You wanna get a wolf? You can get a wolf. The prometheans have some at their animal therapy now. A little more expensive than a fox. Be sure not to get mauled.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;* all responsibility is waived with the adoption paperwork.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Xeno, the proficiency, is gone. If you were hobby/int/spec, you aren&#39;t, and that slot&#39;s been freed up.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;All uses of Strength in sas replaced with Athletics&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;All uses of Running in SAs replaced with Athletics&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Climbing-&gt;Athletics for SAs&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;History, Legends, and Theology SAs rolled over to Academics.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;All First-Aid turned to Medicine in SAs.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Comprehension-&gt;Academics in SAs&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#7F7F7F"></span><span style="color:#797979">Re</span><span style="color:#636363">pl</span><span style="color:#585858">ace </span><span style="color:#424242">Car</span><span style="color:#373737">tr</span><span style="color:#2C2C2C">id</span><span style="color:#212121">g</span><span style="color:#0B0B0B">e </span>Hinoserm quietly yips, &quot;A major system/platform upgrade has been completed.  Our previous distro was 5+ years out of date, but somehow it went surprisingly well.  Please contact me via Telegram (<span style="color:#FF0000">[</span><span style="color:#FFFF00">Hinoserm</span><span style="color:#FF0000">]</span>) if any major problems are discovered -- I&#39;d expect these to be mostly billing issues.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#7F7F7F"></span><span style="color:#797979">Re</span><span style="color:#636363">pl</span><span style="color:#585858">ace </span><span style="color:#424242">Car</span><span style="color:#373737">tr</span><span style="color:#2C2C2C">id</span><span style="color:#212121">g</span><span style="color:#0B0B0B">e </span>Hinoserm quietly yips, &quot;An idle player purge has been completed.  42169 unused players were removed.  See the full list: http://otis.io/misc/230919-fs-playerpurge.txt&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Avatar says, &quot;Poll &#39;Skill Levels&#39; has ended. <span style="color:#FFFF00">+poll/cview Skill Levels</span> to see the results.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New perk, rpinfo well rounded&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New perk, Focused Specialty&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New edge, Aged Experience&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Dedicated Interests lowered from 4 to 3 cost.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New flaw, Untrained&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;New edge, Developed Interest&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;So you took a merit that lowers some amount of some kind of skill you can have, how do you fix?! Just reload the skill page and it will empty that category of now overflowing skills, allowing you to re-fill them with new goodies.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Precious items can explode again. Repairs remain easy to do for now.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Expect that to change, but want to give people a chance to get equipped. &lt;3&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Fauna wantonly purrs, &quot;Prof command locked; that is deprecated code.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Have no professions? Sheet won&#39;t remind you of your tragic lack. Newbie.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Cred costs for raising skills now won&#39;t change as they go up. Breadth of experience still will save you creds.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;* I should rephrase that. They won&#39;t go up based on your total number of skill points. Before, they did.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Fixed another thing that made costs very odd for some players.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;* For clarity, the above two changes mean that the order of training proficiencies no longer affects the total cred cost. You are no longer penalized for training skills across the board instead of focusing on proficiencies one-by-one.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed Techno Nanomagic still rolling for Comprehension. It now rolls for Academics.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Changed the Strength Nanomagic to require an Athletics check when lifting, pushing, or moving heavy objects instead of the deprecated Strength proficiency. Changed the Super Jump Nanomagic to require an Athletics check instead of Strength. Fixed many typos and formatting errors in nanomagic descriptions.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;The following Global Research projects have had their required skills changed: Extradimensional Generator, Theology 20 -&gt; Academics 20; Woodfield Safe Area, Xeno 25 -&gt; (removed requirement), Survival 5 -&gt; Survival 10.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed the Fast Pregnancy lore being inaccessible due to checking for Legends 15+ on entering an area. It now checks for Academics 15+.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed the following quirks affecting deprecated proficiencies: Hysterial Strength: Strength -&gt; Athletics. Promethean Priest: Empathy, Negotiation, Xeno -&gt; Empathy and Negotiation. Sticky Palms: Climbing -&gt; Athletics. Web Slinger: Strength -&gt; Athletics. Vicious Fangs: Brawling -&gt; Melee. Fixed a variety of typos in quirk descriptions.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed the powers, gear, and nanomagic that were still giving statuses for deprecated proficiencies to use the equivalent current proficiency.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Biodetection nanomagic no longer uses an invalid skill.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Removed mention of Marksmanship improving the damage and status magnitude of ranged weapon attacks, in line with other proficiency updates.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Fixed all social actions that were still using old proficiencies. Fixed all cases of stringparsing checks that were still using old proficiencies.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF"></span><span style="color:#00CCFF">Silk</span> Song says, &quot;Converted all proficiency check in talkscript to use the new proficiencies, fixing many bugs.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Wealthy merit removed. If you had it, those points are already available for you to enjoy.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;If you&#39;re in a party and speak on the lfg chan, it will note how many are in said party.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Fixed some bugs in training skills.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;In theory, fixed a bug that could make the wikibot fail in tears.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Fixed a bug that&#39;d get in the way of a helpless newbie trying to assign their starting skills while at 0 xp.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;* It wasn&#39;t trying to take any xp, but would abort anyway if it detected 0 xp.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Rapid Runner now uses Athletics.&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;The page now shows if something can upgrade to a new skill level(hobby, interest, etc.)&quot;
<span style="color:#CDCD00"></span>Nuku smoothly says, &quot;Got a skill that can upgrade for free? The page will show it without cost now.&quot;

Latest revision as of 01:47, 26 September 2023

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "The Clockwork Mantis form has gotten a Color Chooser update as well as a Kemonomimi update."

Nuku smoothly says, "You can now sa list (skill) to get the social actions of that skill!"

Nuku smoothly says, "Jobs(SA) will no longer complain about the lack of city stats."

Nuku smoothly says, "sa list, by itself, returned to functioning"

Nuku smoothly says, "The goals command now only shows the next five goals instead of all of them ever."

Nuku smoothly says, "You can now roll over. Rejoice."

Avatar says, "Item (1694543730) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called 'Skill Revision. +poll/view Skill Revision to look at and vote in this poll."

Nuku smoothly says, "You can type skillrefund to see what refund you'd get if skills were reset."

Nuku smoothly says, "For greater readability, commas added."

Nuku smoothly says, "Size Stabilizer cannot be melted anymore, since it won't work."

Nuku smoothly says, "New item added to the token store. Recipe: Energy Sword"

Avatar says, "Poll 'Skill Revision' has ended. +poll/cview Skill Revision to see the results."

Nuku smoothly says, "Intimidation and other skills no longer affect consignment prices."

Nuku smoothly says, "This is also true for NPC vendors."

Nuku smoothly says, "No matter your zeno rating, you can see enemy hp."

Nuku smoothly says, "Ability to see the mutations of a thing, removed."

Nuku smoothly says, "Skills have no effect on power effectiveness."

Nuku smoothly says, "Skill required for precious armor reduced from 15 to 10."

Nuku smoothly says, "Armor skill removed from power armor drain rate(It assumes you have 20 armor)"

Nuku smoothly says, "Quieted the size limit noise."

Nuku smoothly says, "The skill page no longer offers professions to buy."

Nuku smoothly says, "Precious items will not break until people get their skills back. I'll announce when the break is back on."

Nuku smoothly says, "Captivator now unlocks at 10."

Nuku smoothly says, "* Sexual skill"

Nuku smoothly says, "Nano Magician now refers to Academics(which doesn't exist yet but is the coming replacement for Theology."

Nuku smoothly says, "Great Refunding Complete"

Nuku smoothly says, "Web training temporarily brought offline"

Nuku smoothly says, "In-game training command temporarily offline."

Nuku smoothly says, "New functions made to calculate your maximum number of hobbies, interets, and specialties you can have. The default being 8, 4, and 2. Comprehension skill can increase this."

Nuku smoothly says, "Comprehension proficiency removed."

Nuku smoothly says, "Proficiencies, the ones being dropped or added are now dropped, or added."

Nuku smoothly says, "Brawling destroyed, melee redescribed"

Fauna wantonly purrs, "First Aid merged into Medicine. 24 proficiencies left."

Nuku smoothly says, "Athletics wasn't properly entered, it is now."

Nuku smoothly says, "Good news, you can now go to https://flexiblesurvival.com/index?training and raise 8 proficiencies to 10, free, one click each"

Nuku smoothly says, "Interests are now a thing, you can max out on 4 interests and 8 hobbies! Free."

Fauna wantonly purrs, "Fixed the animal precious items to use medicine instead of first aid, so they don't instantly break when precious items start breaking again."

Nuku smoothly says, "The reported maximums on trainings on that page are now accurate."

Nuku smoothly says, "+mako/profresets properly resets all your hobbies/interests/specs."

Nuku smoothly says, "The training page now notes what skills are what level of specialty"

Nuku smoothly says, "Confirmed +mako/profreset is 100% functional, yay!"

Nuku smoothly says, "You can now train beyond the freebies. This is NOT free(same cost as the old days)"

Nuku smoothly says, "Training page now shows how many hobbies/interests/specs you have and can have."

Nuku smoothly says, "+mako/profreset set to be free (ignore its threatening about costs) as people get used to the new skill flow."

Nuku smoothly says, "New perk, Dedicated Interests. -4 hobbies, but +2 interests! If you want this, please use +mako/profreset, which is free at the moment."

Nuku smoothly says, "New Edge, New Hobby, get another hobby slot!"

Nuku smoothly says, "Fixed a typo in Dedicated Interests"

Nuku smoothly says, "Duties updated in what skills they use."

Nuku smoothly says, "New Merit, Extended Interest. Get one more interest, easy."

Avatar says, "Item (1695007451) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called 'Skill Levels. +poll/view Skill Levels to look at and vote in this poll."

Nuku smoothly says, "In-game training is back, just the skill training within it is turned off."

Nuku smoothly says, "Repairing things made easy for the moment. Repair your stuff."

Nuku smoothly says, "Pump commands should work with melted item now."

Fauna wantonly purrs, "You wanna get a wolf? You can get a wolf. The prometheans have some at their animal therapy now. A little more expensive than a fox. Be sure not to get mauled."

Nuku smoothly says, "* all responsibility is waived with the adoption paperwork."

Nuku smoothly says, "Xeno, the proficiency, is gone. If you were hobby/int/spec, you aren't, and that slot's been freed up."

Nuku smoothly says, "All uses of Strength in sas replaced with Athletics"

Nuku smoothly says, "All uses of Running in SAs replaced with Athletics"

Nuku smoothly says, "Climbing->Athletics for SAs"

Nuku smoothly says, "History, Legends, and Theology SAs rolled over to Academics."

Nuku smoothly says, "All First-Aid turned to Medicine in SAs."

Nuku smoothly says, "Comprehension->Academics in SAs"

Replace Cartridge Hinoserm quietly yips, "A major system/platform upgrade has been completed. Our previous distro was 5+ years out of date, but somehow it went surprisingly well. Please contact me via Telegram ([Hinoserm]) if any major problems are discovered -- I'd expect these to be mostly billing issues."

Replace Cartridge Hinoserm quietly yips, "An idle player purge has been completed. 42169 unused players were removed. See the full list: http://otis.io/misc/230919-fs-playerpurge.txt%22

Avatar says, "Poll 'Skill Levels' has ended. +poll/cview Skill Levels to see the results."

Nuku smoothly says, "New perk, rpinfo well rounded"

Nuku smoothly says, "New perk, Focused Specialty"

Nuku smoothly says, "New edge, Aged Experience"

Nuku smoothly says, "Dedicated Interests lowered from 4 to 3 cost."

Nuku smoothly says, "New flaw, Untrained"

Nuku smoothly says, "New edge, Developed Interest"

Nuku smoothly says, "So you took a merit that lowers some amount of some kind of skill you can have, how do you fix?! Just reload the skill page and it will empty that category of now overflowing skills, allowing you to re-fill them with new goodies."

Nuku smoothly says, "Precious items can explode again. Repairs remain easy to do for now."

Nuku smoothly says, "Expect that to change, but want to give people a chance to get equipped. <3"

Fauna wantonly purrs, "Prof command locked; that is deprecated code."

Nuku smoothly says, "Have no professions? Sheet won't remind you of your tragic lack. Newbie."

Nuku smoothly says, "Cred costs for raising skills now won't change as they go up. Breadth of experience still will save you creds."

Nuku smoothly says, "* I should rephrase that. They won't go up based on your total number of skill points. Before, they did."

Nuku smoothly says, "Fixed another thing that made costs very odd for some players."

Silk Song says, "* For clarity, the above two changes mean that the order of training proficiencies no longer affects the total cred cost. You are no longer penalized for training skills across the board instead of focusing on proficiencies one-by-one."

Silk Song says, "Fixed Techno Nanomagic still rolling for Comprehension. It now rolls for Academics."

Silk Song says, "Changed the Strength Nanomagic to require an Athletics check when lifting, pushing, or moving heavy objects instead of the deprecated Strength proficiency. Changed the Super Jump Nanomagic to require an Athletics check instead of Strength. Fixed many typos and formatting errors in nanomagic descriptions."

Silk Song says, "The following Global Research projects have had their required skills changed: Extradimensional Generator, Theology 20 -> Academics 20; Woodfield Safe Area, Xeno 25 -> (removed requirement), Survival 5 -> Survival 10."

Silk Song says, "Fixed the Fast Pregnancy lore being inaccessible due to checking for Legends 15+ on entering an area. It now checks for Academics 15+."

Silk Song says, "Fixed the following quirks affecting deprecated proficiencies: Hysterial Strength: Strength -> Athletics. Promethean Priest: Empathy, Negotiation, Xeno -> Empathy and Negotiation. Sticky Palms: Climbing -> Athletics. Web Slinger: Strength -> Athletics. Vicious Fangs: Brawling -> Melee. Fixed a variety of typos in quirk descriptions."

Silk Song says, "Fixed the powers, gear, and nanomagic that were still giving statuses for deprecated proficiencies to use the equivalent current proficiency."

Nuku smoothly says, "Biodetection nanomagic no longer uses an invalid skill."

Silk Song says, "Removed mention of Marksmanship improving the damage and status magnitude of ranged weapon attacks, in line with other proficiency updates."

Silk Song says, "Fixed all social actions that were still using old proficiencies. Fixed all cases of stringparsing checks that were still using old proficiencies."

Silk Song says, "Converted all proficiency check in talkscript to use the new proficiencies, fixing many bugs."

Nuku smoothly says, "Wealthy merit removed. If you had it, those points are already available for you to enjoy."

Nuku smoothly says, "If you're in a party and speak on the lfg chan, it will note how many are in said party."

Nuku smoothly says, "Fixed some bugs in training skills."

Nuku smoothly says, "In theory, fixed a bug that could make the wikibot fail in tears."

Nuku smoothly says, "Fixed a bug that'd get in the way of a helpless newbie trying to assign their starting skills while at 0 xp."

Nuku smoothly says, "* It wasn't trying to take any xp, but would abort anyway if it detected 0 xp."

Nuku smoothly says, "Rapid Runner now uses Athletics."

Nuku smoothly says, "The page now shows if something can upgrade to a new skill level(hobby, interest, etc.)"

Nuku smoothly says, "Got a skill that can upgrade for free? The page will show it without cost now."