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A list of every Combat Skill you can get from [[:Category:Roles|Roles]].  Add <nowiki>[[Category:Combat Skills]]</nowiki> to the end of any Combat Skills page.
===A list of every combat skill you can get from [[Souls]].===
Combat Skills from Classes and Roles are scaled in accordance to (current level / maximum level), assuming you haven't fully mastered the class.
Ex. At level 30, the 2 Opportunity from Strategist would be scaled down to 1 point.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ List of Combat Skills
! scope="col" | Skill Name
! scope="col" | Description
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Accuracy || Your ability to land a blow effectively. Accuracy counters evasion on the target, lowering their effective avoidance skill by 1 per point for the purpose of full dodges and grazes. In addition to that, any HPbuffer on your enemy is pierced for 5/10/20% of the damage you would've dealt. This stacks with the identical effect from the Damage Combat Skill.
| Avoidance || Why absorb hits when you can just not take them? Increases your defense enhancing statuses by 15/30/45%. Also allows you to roll with blows. You will resist between 3/6/9% and 10/20/30% of an incoming attack, increasing as you are lower in hit points. Note, this power will also reduce the potency of any SELF TARGETED heals you use by 3/6/9%. - Normally, enemies that are higher level than you enjoy +10 accuracy status per level of difference. Avoidance reduces that bonus by 2 each.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Back Row || You stand at the back, avoiding attention. Decrease aggro generation by 10/20/40% and multiply the result by the same. (You do something worth 10 aggro, it becomes 9 aggro, when the critter checks how threatening you are, it becomes 8 aggro.) When faced with a power that is not directly targeting you (an AoE aimed at your tank), your defense (evasion) increases by 5/10/15. Cover effects placed on you are increased by 10% per point. Damage over Time damage is covered by 20% + 15% per back row point. - When solo or struck indirectly (via an AoE at someone else), points of this skill count as half a point of Avoidance and Durability per point (even if over 3). Every point of this extends the duration of Covered status placed on you by 0.5 rounds.
| Bewitched || No, you're not actually hexed, but it sure seems that way. Statuses laid on you in combat twist and turn, causing a positive buff for double the debuff's duration at 5/10/15% of its magnitude. Until cleared this simply lowers the effect of the debuff, but once cleared the buff remains. This includes lingering DoT effects changed into Regen. It's a curious defense. Bewitched also wards against hostile statuses as per Warded skill at 3/6/9%. When you are struck with a negative complementary status (such as shaken), bewitched will give you the positive version (lockedon) for a duration of 20% of the negative per point (60% of the duration at bewitched 3).
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Bleeding || Your attacks cause continued harm. All direct damage you deal (first hit only on repeats) cause another 10/20/30% of the damage to be taken over the next round as lingering damage.
| Concentrated || You specialize in single-target powers and make every hit count. On single-target powers, your damage is increased by 7.5/15/22.5%, your active statuses and healing are increased by 6/12/18%, accuracy is increased by 5/10/15%, enemy dodge resist is lowered by 3/6/9%, and you pierce enemy HPBuffer by 3/6/9%. Cover cannot block more than 90/80/70% of the damage of your attacks (and coverers still take the damage). - When under the effects of AoEMod, your AoE is not increased. Instead you gain +5% damage per Concentrated on all powers (does not scale with AoEMod magnitude).
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Controlled Burst || AoEs, by default, deal -30% damage to their secondary targets and +10% on their primary. Every point of this skill additively increases these values by +10% and 5%, respectively. You also gain +1 target on AoE powers 33/66/99% of the time. Every point of Controlled Burst negates 1 point of enemy Front Row for the sake of reducing AoE. Additionally, Controlled Burst reduces the rate at which accuracy decays for each successive target in an AOE.
| Damage || You do more damage. It's simple, but effective. Increase all damage by 5/10/15%. Includes damage over time effects. When your attacks are evaded, you lower the dodge resistance by 3/6/9%. In addition to that, any HPbuffer on your enemy is pierced for 5/10/20% of the damage you would've dealt. This stacks with the identical effect from the Accuracy Combat Skill. This skill is especially advantageous to big hits, boosting damage ratings over 5 by 1/5th per point of this skill. Repeat powers only benefit from this on the first hit, and only half as much.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Driven || You're hard-driven and motivated. Nothing makes you happier than getting things done! This gives you a +10% RP XP reward that stacks with Socialite. When searching for trouble (combat), you spend 5% less patrol energy than normal per point. You begin searched battles with a random complementary status with a duration of 0.5 rounds per point, plus one round.
| Durability || Your ability to cover your vulnerable parts. It increases the power of any resist ability affecting you, causing you to resist 20/40/60% more damage. Also allows you to resist 10/20/30% of incoming damage, calculated from pre-resist levels. Note that this power will also reduce the potency of any SELF TARGETED heals you use by 3/6/9%. This does not affect DamageImmunity.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Endurance || Increases max energy by 3/6/9 and adds +10/20/30% passive energy recovery, in and out of combat. The energy cost of powers and items is also reduced by 3/6/10%.
| Enduring Malice || Your Debuffs (statuses that end with debuff) and DoTs (non-repeat statuses that cause damage) last longer, 10% per point. Your debuffs, but not DoTs, also decay slower. Instead of losing 4 + 25% per cycle, they will lose 3/2/1 +25% per cycle. It also assures 1.5% pierces rank-related debuff resistance per point.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Fast Loading || Recharge speed is increased by 5/10/15%. Your skill with keeping your things in order also makes you faster at pulling out grenades and restorative hypos. -300 ATB per point used when using combat consumables or pocketables. Normally, pocketables are +900 charge, so this skill will make them far more usable.
| Flurry || Your repeat attacks' repeats hit 5/10/15% harder. Every time you land a blow, you gain a short-lived HPBuffer effect of 3/6/9 magnitude (modified by level). This is halved on non-repeat attacks.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Front Row || You stand at the front, drawing attention. Increase aggro generation by 10/20/40% and multiply the result by the same. (You do something worth 10 aggro, it becomes 11 aggro, when the critter checks how threatening you are, it becomes 12 aggro.) Cover effects you place are increased by 10% per point, and the duration of Fortified binaries on you are lengthened per point, though not exceeding caps. The damage you receive from cover effects is reduced by 5% per point. So long as you keep aggro, enemy AoEs are reduced, and you exert a subtle but constant taunting effect. - When solo, this functions as half a point of Durability and Damage per point (even if over 3). - The highest of front row or support counts for affecting the fortified(the binary status for damageresist), and Covered(the binary status for cover) on yourself or others.
| Healing || You do more healing. Increase all healing by 5/10/15%. Includes regen effects. Only half effective when you are the receiver. - Healing also allows hpbuffers to convert more efficiently into heals when they expire. Base amount is 50%, +20% per rank of healing, max 100%. Items, abilities, and other things that have 'healing' in the type become faster charging (5%) per point of healing.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Health || Your ability to withstand punishment. Increases your hitpoints by 10/20/30% and increases heals/regen aimed at you by half that amount. Also, any SELF TARGETED heal you use is reduced by 3/6/9%.
| Lingering Kindness || Active power Statuses you inflict on allies (including yourself) persist much longer. Increase duration by 20/40/60%. Any energy draining effect of your ally/self powers is also reduced by 10/20/30%. Combo: The lowest rating of healing, lingering kindness, and support is used to produce a 10/20/30% hpbuffer on those you heal.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Opportunity || Your attacks cause additional detriments to the enemy! Whenever you use a hostile power, it has a 10% +30% chance per point of Opportunity to trigger an extra effect on the enemy. Effects vary depending on the power's current damage type (for example, Blunt's extra effect is Knockdown). For a better breakdown, check out +help Opportunity. In addition, Debuffs and Confused statuses you inflict gain an additional 15% to magnitude per point of Opportunity (15%/30%/45%).
| Outnumbered || 5? 10? 200! You don't care! The more that come, the more awesome you feel! Every time you take a damaging hit, you gain 5 rounds of 0.5 magnitude (level adjusted) DamageResist and 3 mag DamageImmunity. They stack up to 3/5/7 times.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Overkill || When you defeat an enemy, your remaining damage carries on. 25/50/75% of the remaining damage of the blow on a direct hit (but cannot kill the new target with direct damage alone). If a DoT deals the telling blow, it will transfer over. If it was a repeat from a repeating attack, a random enemy will carry the repeat. At level 3, the damage can continue past the first target, cascading but not killing others. - When you deal a blow powerful enough to be a mortal blow, the overflow damage occurs 20% faster per point of overkill. - Your massive blows chip and destroy at an enemy's buffs, clearing them away. It works even better against higher-ranked enemies.
| Penetration || Get your mind out of the gutter, sheesh. Each point of this skill increases the minimum percentage of your damage through by 6.6%. Only works for your own attacks, does not assist allies. Also reduces dodge resist by 2/4/6 (ex. 25%->23/21/19%). Against HPBuffer, it decreases the amount blocked (while still reducing the hpbuffer the full amount) by 10/20/30%. - Note: Penetration on a power you use will multiply your penetration combat skill. Use penetrating powers to get the most out of this combat skill.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Rage || Pathetic creatures think they are worthy of facing you? How wrong they are! Every time you are struck, you just get angrier, gaining more and more poweramp and striking back with a righteous fury. Can stack up to 3/6/9 times for +2.5 poweramp status each. The more hurt you are, the faster you become, charging powers, recharging powers, and gaining turns faster and faster the more rage you have and the more hurt you are percentage wise.
| Reactive || Use your enemies' force against them. Gain a permanent 5/10/15 magnitude PhysicalDamageReturn status (applied after soft caps). When combined with Front Row, your physical counter-attacks will generate additional aggro.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Regenerating || You spring back from being beat down faster than anyone else. You regenerate 1% per point per round passively. Your regen status is also enhanced for every point, making it work better, to a maximum of 20% per round. Math: status ( mag / (10 - regenerating skill) ) + 0.15 * (0.01 * Regenerating Skill ). Every point also reduces the mortal damage point by 5% (40% to 35%, for instance). Mortal damage DoT is also reduced by 10% per point.
| Sacrificial Fury || You strike with a constant, desperate, mania. Your blows are frightfully potent (+20/40/60%) but tax your systems just as bad, causing you to take damage as you deal it out (3/6/9%). Does not affect Damage over Time.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Scavenger || You know how to find stuff. Increase cash production by 20/35/50% for combat. Also increases your odds of obtaining salvage. As a curious side effect, your debuffs also drain the power from your foes. Any debuff you lay on an enemy is twisted into a buff that is applied to yourself, without diminishing the effects of the debuff at all. This twisting is done at 10/15/20% magnitude of the original debuff. Whenever an enemy is defeated, the total scavenger rating of all members in the victorious team become a group-wide heal and debuffclear.
| Socialite || You are good at making contacts, remembering names, and generally being pleasant to be around. You gain +10% experience and cred from roleplaying per point. This stacks with those gained from Driven. In combat, all XP Rewards are increased by 5% per point present in the party for ALL members of the group. If you strike an enemy that has less than (2.5% * 100/rank) of its hit points per point in this skill, it will give up rather than fighting to the end. You and your party members get fully rewarded for this as if you finished beating them up.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Speed || Your ability to react swiftly to changing conditions. It increases your base charge speed by 10/20/30%, making your powers activate faster. Also DECREASES the duration of repeatattacks by the same amount, making them deal their damage faster.
| Support || Active power Statuses you throw at allies (including yourself) are stronger. Increase magnitude by 10/20/30%. It doesn't affect passives and toggles at all. Combo: The lowest rating of healing, lingering kindness, and support is used to produce a 10/20/30% hpbuffer on those you heal. - In addition, Support grants extra duration to binary statuses. +0.5 to ally-targeted (and Impactful) binaries per point, +0.25 rounds to self-targeted binaries per point.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Tactician || Debuffing statuses you throw at enemies are stronger, increased in magnitude by 10/20/30%. Damage Over Time (*Damage) effects are increased by 5% per point (5/10/15%). Does NOT include repeatattack effects. Also lowers the advantage of bosses vs statuses by 5/10/15. It also assures 1.5% pierces rank-related debuff resistance per point. - In addition, Tactician grants +0.5 rounds duration to binary debuffs per point.
| Taunting Strikes || Your blows are telling and aggravating. You draw attention with every swing and every shot. Active, non-passive, non-toggled, damaging attacks have a 15/30/45% chance of inflicting 1/1 taunt status. Taunting also causes the target to deal 10% + 10% per Taunting Strikes less damage to everyone who isn't the taunter.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Vampiric || Your attacks take advantage of nanites in a subversive way, causing the wounds you inflict to draw vitality into yourself. Gain 2/4/6 base Vampiric Rating, doubled for damage over time effects. Vampiric rating (from powers, the Vampiric status, and the Vampiric combat skill) soft caps at 25 and 50, and then is modified by a final multiplier to find the effective percent of damage converted to health: 50% at Vampiric 0, 75% at Vampiric 1, 100% at Vampiric 2, and 125% at Vampiric 3, with an upper limit of 75% of the attack's damage.  
| Vibrant Strikes || When you hit an enemy, you'll heal the most injured ally for 10/20/30% of that damage. If this person is you, then that amount is reduced by 30% automatically, though this penalty is reduced by 10% per point of Front Row you possess. Inversely, for each point of Back Row you possess, the most injured ally healed this way (not you) gains 10% more per point (up to 30%). Damage combat skill reduces this healing by 10% per point.
|- style="background: #E9E9E9;"
| Warded || Statuses you receive from enemies don't stick as well. Their magnitudes are reduced by 10/20/30%. This does not include repeat attacks. Every time you are struck, you gain an immediate debuffclear of 0.5 mag per point. Incoming Damage over Time effects are diminished in magnitude by an additional 10/20/30%, but their duration is extended to make up the difference. Incoming negative complementary statuses (like Shaken) are reduced by 10% duration per point, to a maximum of 50% duration.
Add <nowiki>[[Category:Combat Skills]]</nowiki> to the end of any Combat Skills page.

Revision as of 00:24, 12 July 2021

A list of every combat skill you can get from Souls.

Combat Skills from Classes and Roles are scaled in accordance to (current level / maximum level), assuming you haven't fully mastered the class.

Ex. At level 30, the 2 Opportunity from Strategist would be scaled down to 1 point.

List of Combat Skills
Skill Name Description
Accuracy Your ability to land a blow effectively. Accuracy counters evasion on the target, lowering their effective avoidance skill by 1 per point for the purpose of full dodges and grazes. In addition to that, any HPbuffer on your enemy is pierced for 5/10/20% of the damage you would've dealt. This stacks with the identical effect from the Damage Combat Skill.
Avoidance Why absorb hits when you can just not take them? Increases your defense enhancing statuses by 15/30/45%. Also allows you to roll with blows. You will resist between 3/6/9% and 10/20/30% of an incoming attack, increasing as you are lower in hit points. Note, this power will also reduce the potency of any SELF TARGETED heals you use by 3/6/9%. - Normally, enemies that are higher level than you enjoy +10 accuracy status per level of difference. Avoidance reduces that bonus by 2 each.
Back Row You stand at the back, avoiding attention. Decrease aggro generation by 10/20/40% and multiply the result by the same. (You do something worth 10 aggro, it becomes 9 aggro, when the critter checks how threatening you are, it becomes 8 aggro.) When faced with a power that is not directly targeting you (an AoE aimed at your tank), your defense (evasion) increases by 5/10/15. Cover effects placed on you are increased by 10% per point. Damage over Time damage is covered by 20% + 15% per back row point. - When solo or struck indirectly (via an AoE at someone else), points of this skill count as half a point of Avoidance and Durability per point (even if over 3). Every point of this extends the duration of Covered status placed on you by 0.5 rounds.
Bewitched No, you're not actually hexed, but it sure seems that way. Statuses laid on you in combat twist and turn, causing a positive buff for double the debuff's duration at 5/10/15% of its magnitude. Until cleared this simply lowers the effect of the debuff, but once cleared the buff remains. This includes lingering DoT effects changed into Regen. It's a curious defense. Bewitched also wards against hostile statuses as per Warded skill at 3/6/9%. When you are struck with a negative complementary status (such as shaken), bewitched will give you the positive version (lockedon) for a duration of 20% of the negative per point (60% of the duration at bewitched 3).
Bleeding Your attacks cause continued harm. All direct damage you deal (first hit only on repeats) cause another 10/20/30% of the damage to be taken over the next round as lingering damage.
Concentrated You specialize in single-target powers and make every hit count. On single-target powers, your damage is increased by 7.5/15/22.5%, your active statuses and healing are increased by 6/12/18%, accuracy is increased by 5/10/15%, enemy dodge resist is lowered by 3/6/9%, and you pierce enemy HPBuffer by 3/6/9%. Cover cannot block more than 90/80/70% of the damage of your attacks (and coverers still take the damage). - When under the effects of AoEMod, your AoE is not increased. Instead you gain +5% damage per Concentrated on all powers (does not scale with AoEMod magnitude).
Controlled Burst AoEs, by default, deal -30% damage to their secondary targets and +10% on their primary. Every point of this skill additively increases these values by +10% and 5%, respectively. You also gain +1 target on AoE powers 33/66/99% of the time. Every point of Controlled Burst negates 1 point of enemy Front Row for the sake of reducing AoE. Additionally, Controlled Burst reduces the rate at which accuracy decays for each successive target in an AOE.
Damage You do more damage. It's simple, but effective. Increase all damage by 5/10/15%. Includes damage over time effects. When your attacks are evaded, you lower the dodge resistance by 3/6/9%. In addition to that, any HPbuffer on your enemy is pierced for 5/10/20% of the damage you would've dealt. This stacks with the identical effect from the Accuracy Combat Skill. This skill is especially advantageous to big hits, boosting damage ratings over 5 by 1/5th per point of this skill. Repeat powers only benefit from this on the first hit, and only half as much.
Driven You're hard-driven and motivated. Nothing makes you happier than getting things done! This gives you a +10% RP XP reward that stacks with Socialite. When searching for trouble (combat), you spend 5% less patrol energy than normal per point. You begin searched battles with a random complementary status with a duration of 0.5 rounds per point, plus one round.
Durability Your ability to cover your vulnerable parts. It increases the power of any resist ability affecting you, causing you to resist 20/40/60% more damage. Also allows you to resist 10/20/30% of incoming damage, calculated from pre-resist levels. Note that this power will also reduce the potency of any SELF TARGETED heals you use by 3/6/9%. This does not affect DamageImmunity.
Endurance Increases max energy by 3/6/9 and adds +10/20/30% passive energy recovery, in and out of combat. The energy cost of powers and items is also reduced by 3/6/10%.
Enduring Malice Your Debuffs (statuses that end with debuff) and DoTs (non-repeat statuses that cause damage) last longer, 10% per point. Your debuffs, but not DoTs, also decay slower. Instead of losing 4 + 25% per cycle, they will lose 3/2/1 +25% per cycle. It also assures 1.5% pierces rank-related debuff resistance per point.
Fast Loading Recharge speed is increased by 5/10/15%. Your skill with keeping your things in order also makes you faster at pulling out grenades and restorative hypos. -300 ATB per point used when using combat consumables or pocketables. Normally, pocketables are +900 charge, so this skill will make them far more usable.
Flurry Your repeat attacks' repeats hit 5/10/15% harder. Every time you land a blow, you gain a short-lived HPBuffer effect of 3/6/9 magnitude (modified by level). This is halved on non-repeat attacks.
Front Row You stand at the front, drawing attention. Increase aggro generation by 10/20/40% and multiply the result by the same. (You do something worth 10 aggro, it becomes 11 aggro, when the critter checks how threatening you are, it becomes 12 aggro.) Cover effects you place are increased by 10% per point, and the duration of Fortified binaries on you are lengthened per point, though not exceeding caps. The damage you receive from cover effects is reduced by 5% per point. So long as you keep aggro, enemy AoEs are reduced, and you exert a subtle but constant taunting effect. - When solo, this functions as half a point of Durability and Damage per point (even if over 3). - The highest of front row or support counts for affecting the fortified(the binary status for damageresist), and Covered(the binary status for cover) on yourself or others.
Healing You do more healing. Increase all healing by 5/10/15%. Includes regen effects. Only half effective when you are the receiver. - Healing also allows hpbuffers to convert more efficiently into heals when they expire. Base amount is 50%, +20% per rank of healing, max 100%. Items, abilities, and other things that have 'healing' in the type become faster charging (5%) per point of healing.
Health Your ability to withstand punishment. Increases your hitpoints by 10/20/30% and increases heals/regen aimed at you by half that amount. Also, any SELF TARGETED heal you use is reduced by 3/6/9%.
Lingering Kindness Active power Statuses you inflict on allies (including yourself) persist much longer. Increase duration by 20/40/60%. Any energy draining effect of your ally/self powers is also reduced by 10/20/30%. Combo: The lowest rating of healing, lingering kindness, and support is used to produce a 10/20/30% hpbuffer on those you heal.
Opportunity Your attacks cause additional detriments to the enemy! Whenever you use a hostile power, it has a 10% +30% chance per point of Opportunity to trigger an extra effect on the enemy. Effects vary depending on the power's current damage type (for example, Blunt's extra effect is Knockdown). For a better breakdown, check out +help Opportunity. In addition, Debuffs and Confused statuses you inflict gain an additional 15% to magnitude per point of Opportunity (15%/30%/45%).
Outnumbered 5? 10? 200! You don't care! The more that come, the more awesome you feel! Every time you take a damaging hit, you gain 5 rounds of 0.5 magnitude (level adjusted) DamageResist and 3 mag DamageImmunity. They stack up to 3/5/7 times.
Overkill When you defeat an enemy, your remaining damage carries on. 25/50/75% of the remaining damage of the blow on a direct hit (but cannot kill the new target with direct damage alone). If a DoT deals the telling blow, it will transfer over. If it was a repeat from a repeating attack, a random enemy will carry the repeat. At level 3, the damage can continue past the first target, cascading but not killing others. - When you deal a blow powerful enough to be a mortal blow, the overflow damage occurs 20% faster per point of overkill. - Your massive blows chip and destroy at an enemy's buffs, clearing them away. It works even better against higher-ranked enemies.
Penetration Get your mind out of the gutter, sheesh. Each point of this skill increases the minimum percentage of your damage through by 6.6%. Only works for your own attacks, does not assist allies. Also reduces dodge resist by 2/4/6 (ex. 25%->23/21/19%). Against HPBuffer, it decreases the amount blocked (while still reducing the hpbuffer the full amount) by 10/20/30%. - Note: Penetration on a power you use will multiply your penetration combat skill. Use penetrating powers to get the most out of this combat skill.
Rage Pathetic creatures think they are worthy of facing you? How wrong they are! Every time you are struck, you just get angrier, gaining more and more poweramp and striking back with a righteous fury. Can stack up to 3/6/9 times for +2.5 poweramp status each. The more hurt you are, the faster you become, charging powers, recharging powers, and gaining turns faster and faster the more rage you have and the more hurt you are percentage wise.
Reactive Use your enemies' force against them. Gain a permanent 5/10/15 magnitude PhysicalDamageReturn status (applied after soft caps). When combined with Front Row, your physical counter-attacks will generate additional aggro.
Regenerating You spring back from being beat down faster than anyone else. You regenerate 1% per point per round passively. Your regen status is also enhanced for every point, making it work better, to a maximum of 20% per round. Math: status ( mag / (10 - regenerating skill) ) + 0.15 * (0.01 * Regenerating Skill ). Every point also reduces the mortal damage point by 5% (40% to 35%, for instance). Mortal damage DoT is also reduced by 10% per point.
Sacrificial Fury You strike with a constant, desperate, mania. Your blows are frightfully potent (+20/40/60%) but tax your systems just as bad, causing you to take damage as you deal it out (3/6/9%). Does not affect Damage over Time.
Scavenger You know how to find stuff. Increase cash production by 20/35/50% for combat. Also increases your odds of obtaining salvage. As a curious side effect, your debuffs also drain the power from your foes. Any debuff you lay on an enemy is twisted into a buff that is applied to yourself, without diminishing the effects of the debuff at all. This twisting is done at 10/15/20% magnitude of the original debuff. Whenever an enemy is defeated, the total scavenger rating of all members in the victorious team become a group-wide heal and debuffclear.
Socialite You are good at making contacts, remembering names, and generally being pleasant to be around. You gain +10% experience and cred from roleplaying per point. This stacks with those gained from Driven. In combat, all XP Rewards are increased by 5% per point present in the party for ALL members of the group. If you strike an enemy that has less than (2.5% * 100/rank) of its hit points per point in this skill, it will give up rather than fighting to the end. You and your party members get fully rewarded for this as if you finished beating them up.
Speed Your ability to react swiftly to changing conditions. It increases your base charge speed by 10/20/30%, making your powers activate faster. Also DECREASES the duration of repeatattacks by the same amount, making them deal their damage faster.
Support Active power Statuses you throw at allies (including yourself) are stronger. Increase magnitude by 10/20/30%. It doesn't affect passives and toggles at all. Combo: The lowest rating of healing, lingering kindness, and support is used to produce a 10/20/30% hpbuffer on those you heal. - In addition, Support grants extra duration to binary statuses. +0.5 to ally-targeted (and Impactful) binaries per point, +0.25 rounds to self-targeted binaries per point.
Tactician Debuffing statuses you throw at enemies are stronger, increased in magnitude by 10/20/30%. Damage Over Time (*Damage) effects are increased by 5% per point (5/10/15%). Does NOT include repeatattack effects. Also lowers the advantage of bosses vs statuses by 5/10/15. It also assures 1.5% pierces rank-related debuff resistance per point. - In addition, Tactician grants +0.5 rounds duration to binary debuffs per point.
Taunting Strikes Your blows are telling and aggravating. You draw attention with every swing and every shot. Active, non-passive, non-toggled, damaging attacks have a 15/30/45% chance of inflicting 1/1 taunt status. Taunting also causes the target to deal 10% + 10% per Taunting Strikes less damage to everyone who isn't the taunter.
Vampiric Your attacks take advantage of nanites in a subversive way, causing the wounds you inflict to draw vitality into yourself. Gain 2/4/6 base Vampiric Rating, doubled for damage over time effects. Vampiric rating (from powers, the Vampiric status, and the Vampiric combat skill) soft caps at 25 and 50, and then is modified by a final multiplier to find the effective percent of damage converted to health: 50% at Vampiric 0, 75% at Vampiric 1, 100% at Vampiric 2, and 125% at Vampiric 3, with an upper limit of 75% of the attack's damage.
Vibrant Strikes When you hit an enemy, you'll heal the most injured ally for 10/20/30% of that damage. If this person is you, then that amount is reduced by 30% automatically, though this penalty is reduced by 10% per point of Front Row you possess. Inversely, for each point of Back Row you possess, the most injured ally healed this way (not you) gains 10% more per point (up to 30%). Damage combat skill reduces this healing by 10% per point.
Warded Statuses you receive from enemies don't stick as well. Their magnitudes are reduced by 10/20/30%. This does not include repeat attacks. Every time you are struck, you gain an immediate debuffclear of 0.5 mag per point. Incoming Damage over Time effects are diminished in magnitude by an additional 10/20/30%, but their duration is extended to make up the difference. Incoming negative complementary statuses (like Shaken) are reduced by 10% duration per point, to a maximum of 50% duration.

Add [[Category:Combat Skills]] to the end of any Combat Skills page.