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<p>He stares down at Magnus for a moment, then dismisses him with a snort. &quot;If he ain&#39;t sellin&#39;&quot; the lead hyena growls, &quot;Then he don&#39;t mind if we get us a sample or three, does he? Been too long since I had real beef.&quot; He licks his lips and a stream of drool drips to the ground at Magnus&#39;s feet as the hyena towers over him. &quot;You gonna move, little man? Or do I gotta have a fox appetizer?&quot; </p>
<p>He stares down at Magnus for a moment, then dismisses him with a snort. &quot;If he ain&#39;t sellin&#39;&quot; the lead hyena growls, &quot;Then he don&#39;t mind if we get us a sample or three, does he? Been too long since I had real beef.&quot; He licks his lips and a stream of drool drips to the ground at Magnus&#39;s feet as the hyena towers over him. &quot;You gonna move, little man? Or do I gotta have a fox appetizer?&quot; </p>
<p>Meanwhile, the mohawked biker sneers at Xry and tries to shove him away. She doesn&#39;t actually kick or threaten him, but she tries to shoo him away.</p></div>
<p>Meanwhile, the mohawked biker sneers at Xry and tries to shove him away. She doesn&#39;t actually kick or threaten him, but she tries to shoo him away.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fennec looks to his left, then his right, where there was plenty of space to just walk around him, then casts a dull look upwards at the big male. &quot;Sorry, I didn&#39;t realize you haven&#39;t mastered the lofty concept of the side-step yet. By all means, comrade.&quot; He takes a step off to the side. The idea of tripping the big brute over came to mind, but... that&#39;d just cause trouble given they&#39;d admitted all they wanted was a buncha burgers. Wasn&#39;t that what they were all there for, after all? &quot;Enjoy the grub, try not to slip on your own slobber.&quot; He&#39;d wink before stepping his way back over towards Xry. He snags a burger along the way, tugs at the gruff of the wolf&#39;s neck for a moment and dangles the treat over his nose to entice him. &quot;Don&#39;t mind this one, I think he might be a little feral.&quot; he&#39;d note to the mohawked hyena.</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>Arris seems to have lost her appetite with the hyenas&#39; repeated badgering of the cook and Magnus, no longer examining her food in any capacity but giving a discreet, sideyed stare over at the food truck. With how they were grouped close together, it wouldn&#39;t take too much effort to cover them all under the same gun, she assumed... but, Magnus&#39; glibness seemed to handle the job, so no need to keep deadeyei g the gang over there.</p></div><div title="Xry"><p>Xry almost completely ignores being shooed, and if anything he goes to lay ON the hyena&#39;s feet before Magnus grabs him. Only the wolf has TWO heads, and thus two necks, and thus two noses. Making the other jealous of the treat to which a small fight ensues between the two heads trying to nip one another until almost completely forgetting about the treat! At least until one of them licks it up.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton however has not lost her appetite, munching on the burgers as she carefully watches the scene unfold. There isn&#39;t really a lot she can do here, the hyenas would probably not appreciate her coming over to deescalate the situation, so she stays put to not making things worse.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The bull at the counter does not seem particularly put out by the aggressive hyenas, smiling a brilliantly white smile as they stalk up, the most recent group of customers scurrying away quickly with their burgers in hand. </p>
<p>&quot;Welcome to BullBurger!&quot; he rumbles, &quot;Y&#39;all look ready for some of my 100% Beef burgers!&quot; The black minotaur seems to have taken advantage of the bit of distraction to prepare a full plate of gorgeous burgers, stacked ten high with a whole bucket of fries on the side. </p>
<p>The hyenas all look at each other, then look to their boss, who takes a single sandwich off the top of the pile, then nods to his posse, who tear into it with reckless abandon. </p>
<p>&quot;YOWEEE!&quot; a scrawnier member of the group whoops after scarfing down a burger, &quot;That is good shit!&quot; </p>
<p>The others all cackle their agreement, except for the boss, who is actually eating his burger slowly and thoughtfully.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Xry&#39;s new best friend shoves past him to get at the burgers, though she does grace Magnus with a wink and an offensive and very lewd gesture. She probably has a crush.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fox pats both of Xry&#39;s heads before casting the yeen he&#39;d liked a glance, he wasn&#39;t sure what he expected from a punk girl if he was honest with himself, but that was probably something he should have foreseen. The fox then returns to the rest of the group. He couldn&#39;t help but marvel at the gang sort of just... having a nice lunch, or... dinner, or whichever meal this was for them. He felt a little off, this was unlike the gangs he knew. There was something to their leader. He was a brute, sure. But the calm on that guy. The yeen overbosses were usually... well, no. He&#39;s not gonna go back there. The last one he&#39;d seen was the stuff of nightmares. &quot;I wonder what he put in these.&quot; Magnus murmurs to himself as he chows down. They were suspiciously delicious~</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>&quot;Well, that went a lot better than expected!&quot; Arris turns and shoots a bright smile to her companion. &quot;You can only hope for the best by preparing for the worst, or something like that.&quot; As she returns to her now-kinda-cold burger, she pauses for a moment. &quot;Hey, come to think, I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve introduced myself.&quot; Putting down that burg again, she extends a hand for Leighton to shake. &quot;Arris. Pleasure to meet you.&quot;</p></div><div title="Xry"><p>Xry happily barks up at Magnus but otherwise wiggles free to go trot after the yeeny bunch, perhaps to but sniff at them or sit at the punky yeen girl&#39;s side and whine and beg for some love cocaine and ketchup. Perhaps to lick up loose fries or drippings about the party eating fries by the bucket load apparently.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>&quot;Oh! Yes. Hello.&quot; Leighton shakes the crocodile&#39;s hand. &quot;Leighton, at your service.&quot; She glances over to Magnus. &quot;Turned out they are....well maybe not perfectly...but civil nontheless, huh?&quot; She offers the fox a small smile, before turning her attention back to Arris and - more importantly, her burgers...well, burger now, taking another large bite.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The Boss, since that is the only name he has given finishes his burger, looks at his underlings feasting, then stomps up to the open truck and grabs the minotaur cook by the apron, dragging him down to be face to face with the snarling hyena. &quot;I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS!&quot; he roars, spittle flying, while his gang looks on, stunned. The boss rips a half eaten burger from the scrawny hyena&#39;s hand and throws it on the ground. &quot;YOU THINK I CAN&#39;T TELL A VEGGIE BURGER FROM THE REAL DEAL!?&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Oh jeeze, really?&quot; Magnus covers his face and sighs. He knew the cook was Fenris however... that poor hyena didn&#39;t know who he was dealing with. He&#39;d cast a glance towards the others and gesture for them to wait a moment. &quot;I know the cook... Fenris is tougher than a buncha smelly mutts. Give it a moment.&quot; he&#39;d murmur to them, before averting his gaze back towards the hyenas. When he&#39;d first confronted them, the fox&#39; intention was to prevent, well... this. Now though? Well, the shit has hit the fan it seems. One can only wonder how the tanuki champion handles this. &quot;I wish I had some popcorn right now.&quot;</p></div><div title="Arris"><p>&quot;Nice to meet ya.&quot; After shaking her hand, Arris picks up her burger and quickly finishes what was left of it. The perks of having a long maw! &quot;Well, I mean, if you want burgers, and burgers are being given out for free, then there&#39;s no real reason to cause a ruckus to get your free burgers. Just get your free burgers.&quot; </p>
<p>As it turns out, though, there was a reason to get feisty about burgers. Once the leader starts raising a fuss, Arris bolts up from her seat, shooting once into the air before lowering the barrel of the revolver at the hyena. &quot;Easy there, bud.&quot;</p></div><div title="Xry"><p>Xry simply leaps to his feet the moment he senses violence and barks! And barks and barks, barking at the boss. Standing right next to the pink haired yeeny girl barking like a dog would at a stranger. No biting snarling growling or much of anything but doubled barking from either head!</p></div>

Revision as of 21:39, 21 November 2019



Thursday November 21, 2019=Log=

It is a cool, clear day in the fields outside of Fairhaven. The perfect spot for a bit of a culinary adventure! A bright yellow food truck has set up shop away from the rubble and noise of the city in an old hay field. The smells of cooking meat waft through the air, mingling with the scent of old hay and highway dust.

A huge, burly, black minotaur is hard at work in the little kitchen of the food truck, whistling to himself as he flips burgers and preps his station for this little pop-up venture. Customers are bound to be on the way soon!

"Can you say irony?" Magnus snickers once he walks right into the event, his nose twitching in response to the sweet aroma of barbecue. Mmmmm, delicious, sweet, savory goodness. He'd flash Fenris a smirk and stick his tongue out at him. "A bull tending to the grill? That's like a chicken making me an omelette. Nice to see ya Fen. At least with you I don't have to worry about the food being spiked with aphrodisiacs. Instead, I need to worry about laxatives." The fox puffs out some air and winks. "So, grill master, I'll have one of everything if you'd be so kind!" he'd rub his hands together as a soft *gurgle* parts that ever-hungry stomach of his.

Arris rolls up to the food truck, drawn to the area not by the advertisements, but by the scent of savory burgs being forged drifting on the late fall breeze. She's practically two inches away from just flat-out cartoon floating towards the truck, only stopping once she sees Magnus setting up his order. "Make that two orders of one of everything!" She chimes in, then adds: "I'd like to request having the everything without the everything, except the burger and fries."

Xry following his nose where ever it goes, to find burgers of ham, or perhaps Magnus' toes. Sniffing the grass, or maybe mag's ass, who the hell knows for he's got a nose for both of those. Having attracted a feral of salt and pepper fur thick for the weather and shaggy for his upkeep of himself. The beast seemingly straight out of the city and smelling like he just got out of a ruined car he turned into a fucknest. The sleek and nimble wolf beast of two heads seemingly dying to find out just what that delightful smell is, as he unceremoniously marches between Magnus' leg to sniff at Fenris!

Leighton wanders up to the truck, traveling without escort today. She seems a little uncomfortable and keeps pulling at and adjusting her outfit. Having just today gone back to being regular sized has left her quite hungry, so when she spotted the fliers she figured its her lucky day. She raises her hand in greeting. "Hello! Two of the burgers please...for now." She could always get more later, probably.

The bull at the grill frowns at Magnus. "How did you know it was me?" he asks, is voice significantly lower than usual, then he shrugs and grins, showing off big, flat, pearly white teeth. "Welcome to my food truck, though!" he says, waving a hand to show off the yellow truck and its cartoon mascot, "I've been working on it for a while! I hope y'all are hungry!" The huge minotaur slips into a bit of a country accent, "I've been preppin' for you all morning!"

As he starts to build burgers and drops freeze dried potato bits into boiling oil, other curious city dwellers start to make their way into the yellow hay field to join the early birds.

It is not long until paper plates with gorgeous burgers with all the fixings along with a healthily unhealthy serving of french fries is distributed to each of the first comers.

The fox taps his nose. "You're the only one that I know smelling of corndogs... and something else that makes me think of friendship for some reason. Plus, I saw you flipping patties once already. It doesn't take a four digit IQ to put the clues together." Magnus winks again and goes on to say something else, just when he feels something between his legs. "Ack!" he'd huff as he's nearly thrown off-balance, then casts the strange canine an odd look. He seemed familiar... somehow... "Man, the smell of grilled meat is gonna attact all kindsa attention." Turning towards Arris, the fennec slaps her ass with his tail and smirks. "Awww, and here I thought gators were voracious eaters. Even more-so that you're eating for two." he'd tease her and chuckle. "Hey good lookin, what's cookin'?" Ah, there it is. As Leighton arrives nods towards the human before reaching into his own pocket to pull out a deck of cards. "You folks wanna see some tricks? Maybe magical, maybe not..."

"Mmmmnn, delicious. Been a bit too long since I've had a good burg. ...or, any sort of burg, come to think." Arris rolls her eyes at Magnus' comment. "I'm running on the logic that, y'know, you are what you eat. And if the baby grows up on nothing but like... fast food, it'll come out looking like fast food, right?"

After taking a few paces away from the fast food truck, she throws down her jacket and uses it as a blanket to sit on while she eats her food. Although, she does pause midway through a bite, raising her hand and pointing a finger towards Leighton. "Hey, I want to say you're familliar, but I don't think I've caught your name yet."

Xry for some reason feels the need to lick Magnus' paws. Both if possible with each head! But otherwise wagging his tail and letting Magnus more or less straddle his back, the wolf simply wants nothing more then food and attention. Perhaps barking at the lack there of!

Leighton swings her legs over the bench of one of the nearby picnic tables, putting the two paper plates with large juicy burgers on them down, before turning to Arris. "I don't think so? I have only recently settled down in Fairhaven so I am getting to know many new faces...if we have met and I forgot, I am sorry." The hungry girl sneaks a large bite of one of the burgers before turning back to the gator she was just talking to.

The burgers are incredible! Just the right spices, perfectly grilled with that touch of char that makes a real, grilled burger. The veggies are good too. Nice, crisp lettuce, tangy tomatoes, onions with just a bit of zip to them, these are burgers like the city has not seen in a decade!

It is not long before a long line of humans and mutants are queueing up at the little food truck. The minotaur at the grill can hardly keep up with orders, though he does his best, laughing and joking with each mutant as they come. Interestingly, he is wearing an apron that says "GRILL THE COOK." There are a few late comers near the end of the line that look worried about supplies, and even more worried about a gang of hyena bikers who have just come growling up on the highway. . .

"Are you saying you'd rather our kid doesn't come out beefy?" the fox answers with a chuckle and shakes his head. "I'm just teasing ya." he'd note before swinging a leg and moving off of the random canine. Magnus pats Xry's pelt a few times, then snags a few burgers for himself. His teeth sink into the bread and patty, a purr of delight parting him. "Oh manf... 'S good stuff. Mmh..." he'd praise, and *CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP* his teeth snap several times, a hard swallow later, then the burger was gone. What... what the hell was that even? "I'll take a few to go actually. If'n yer willing to part with them!" His finger swings towards Fenris, a bob of the fox' brows shot his way. "Weird thing, this isn't fast food. This is barbecue. Done right, it's PROPER food, fuckin' de-frosted patties and greasy fries, diluted syrup and deep-fried lumps of frozen chicken flesh, that's fast food. This here? This is good." Magnus protests Arris' original notion. Fenris' apron elicits a chuckle from Mags, but the sight of hyena bikers in the distance makes a shiver crawl up the fox' spine. He was not on good terms with the spotted biker gangs... bad blood in their past. The fennec gives Arris a light nudge and nods towards the gang in the distance.

Arris stands up once more, picking up her jacket and burger setup to take a closer look at Leighton. "...hmmmn. I dunno. Maybe I mistook you for someone else." Her jacket gets set down over the picnic table next to Leighton, protecting the gator's rear from splinters before she seats herself there. "Well, anyway, welcome to Fairhaven! Hope your stay here goes well, I suppose." The nudge and nod from the fennec does draw her attention off to the horizon. "...although, y'know, hope those guys over there give you a better welcome than I'm expecting of them. Not good to, y'know, leave a bad impression, eh?"

Xry wags his tail so hard he's wiggling everywhere. Constantly bumping up against Magnus while whining and barking up at him as if vying for his attention over the food. Or was it begging for food, for some strange reason the feral seemingly walked around only on all fours and didn't speak. He didn't ask for anything or serve himself though he keeps trying to lick up whatever Magnus drops, or dips upon himself. Otherwise apparently acting like the family dog on a picnic.

Leighton scoots over some to make space for Arris and continues chomping down on the first of her burgers. Nothing, after swallowing, "Yeah...probably, I do hope that I am not just one of those faces though." A wide grin momentarily creeps over the humans face, before she too glances into the distance.

The beefy (pun intended) minotaur at the grill does not seem to be even the least bit concerned about the newly arrived bikers, still flipping burgers and producing a seemingly endless stream of deep fried potatoes to all comers, and even turns a brilliantly white grin on the five bikers as they park their bikes and stalk up to the truck.

"Damn, boss," one of the hyenas, a big male in a lot of leather with more spikes than anyone has a right to growls through a sharp toothed grin, "Smells real good, don't it?"

"Yeah, boss," another one cackles, this one a female with a short, pink mohawk, "Smells real good. You think Ferdinand there has a permit to sell burgers on our turf?" The other hyenas all cackle at the question.

Arris nodded, finishing her fries and ignoring the banter provided by the 'yeens over at the truck. "Well, you know how it is, you can't reaaaally expect to remember the faces of every person you meet." She leans her arm atop the table, popping the last fry into her maw before moving to finish her burger. "I don't have much of a capacity for remembering new faces -- as I've demonstrated to you already -- so it takes me a moment to internalize the name and appearance of anyone I meet." Overhearing some more banter between the hyenas, she discreetly pats her waist, ensuring she was still keeping her revolver on her person.

The fennec swallows down another one of his burgers, then approaches the group. He wasn't about to let them start the trouble, if he could prevent it, it was worth the risk. Hopefully this lot didn't know his face. "He's not charging, so he ain't selling. We're having a nice gathering here, a civil little barbecue." His gaze swings over to the pink mohawk-adorned female in the group, a soft smirk tugging at his lips. "So let's keep it civil and part ways as unlikely friends. I know I wouldn't mind getting to know that one at some point. Maybe over a hard drink or several." He'd cast the woman a wink. "Now... are we gonna have any trouble here today?" Magnus' brows rise, his left fist clasped by his right hand to *crack* pop the joints in his knuckles. His gaze snaps right onto the biggest-baddest-lookin one among them.

Xry doesn't really know or understand just what's going on, he just wants some attention. Licking some part of Magnus or otherwise snuffing around the ground for a dropped pickle or something. Searching for some more to stuff his face with or someone to pet him and tell him he's a good boy the two headed wolf simply leaves Magnus finally to instead go bother the mohawked lady! Sniffing over the grass all the way over to her as if just another burger lover....

Leighton scoots a little closer to Arris, back to where she was sitting before the gator arrived. As always, Leighton is unarmed, though at the same time not particularly concerned about her own safety. Cocking an eyebrow she glances over at Magnus challenging the bikers, which to her seems like a very bad idea. Surely there is a better solution than intimidation.

The biggest and baddest looking hyena is the one they have all been referring to as Boss. He is nearly ten feet tall and built like a freight train. His lower jaw juts forward brutishly and thick tusks erupt from his lips, framing intelligent, yellow eyes. He has no piercings, but a glowing, blue tattoo surrounds his left eye, forming a crude imitation of the eye of horus, for any egyptology buffs out there.

He stares down at Magnus for a moment, then dismisses him with a snort. "If he ain't sellin'" the lead hyena growls, "Then he don't mind if we get us a sample or three, does he? Been too long since I had real beef." He licks his lips and a stream of drool drips to the ground at Magnus's feet as the hyena towers over him. "You gonna move, little man? Or do I gotta have a fox appetizer?"

Meanwhile, the mohawked biker sneers at Xry and tries to shove him away. She doesn't actually kick or threaten him, but she tries to shoo him away.

The fennec looks to his left, then his right, where there was plenty of space to just walk around him, then casts a dull look upwards at the big male. "Sorry, I didn't realize you haven't mastered the lofty concept of the side-step yet. By all means, comrade." He takes a step off to the side. The idea of tripping the big brute over came to mind, but... that'd just cause trouble given they'd admitted all they wanted was a buncha burgers. Wasn't that what they were all there for, after all? "Enjoy the grub, try not to slip on your own slobber." He'd wink before stepping his way back over towards Xry. He snags a burger along the way, tugs at the gruff of the wolf's neck for a moment and dangles the treat over his nose to entice him. "Don't mind this one, I think he might be a little feral." he'd note to the mohawked hyena.

Arris seems to have lost her appetite with the hyenas' repeated badgering of the cook and Magnus, no longer examining her food in any capacity but giving a discreet, sideyed stare over at the food truck. With how they were grouped close together, it wouldn't take too much effort to cover them all under the same gun, she assumed... but, Magnus' glibness seemed to handle the job, so no need to keep deadeyei g the gang over there.

Xry almost completely ignores being shooed, and if anything he goes to lay ON the hyena's feet before Magnus grabs him. Only the wolf has TWO heads, and thus two necks, and thus two noses. Making the other jealous of the treat to which a small fight ensues between the two heads trying to nip one another until almost completely forgetting about the treat! At least until one of them licks it up.

Leighton however has not lost her appetite, munching on the burgers as she carefully watches the scene unfold. There isn't really a lot she can do here, the hyenas would probably not appreciate her coming over to deescalate the situation, so she stays put to not making things worse.

The bull at the counter does not seem particularly put out by the aggressive hyenas, smiling a brilliantly white smile as they stalk up, the most recent group of customers scurrying away quickly with their burgers in hand.

"Welcome to BullBurger!" he rumbles, "Y'all look ready for some of my 100% Beef burgers!" The black minotaur seems to have taken advantage of the bit of distraction to prepare a full plate of gorgeous burgers, stacked ten high with a whole bucket of fries on the side.

The hyenas all look at each other, then look to their boss, who takes a single sandwich off the top of the pile, then nods to his posse, who tear into it with reckless abandon.

"YOWEEE!" a scrawnier member of the group whoops after scarfing down a burger, "That is good shit!"

The others all cackle their agreement, except for the boss, who is actually eating his burger slowly and thoughtfully.

Xry's new best friend shoves past him to get at the burgers, though she does grace Magnus with a wink and an offensive and very lewd gesture. She probably has a crush.

The fox pats both of Xry's heads before casting the yeen he'd liked a glance, he wasn't sure what he expected from a punk girl if he was honest with himself, but that was probably something he should have foreseen. The fox then returns to the rest of the group. He couldn't help but marvel at the gang sort of just... having a nice lunch, or... dinner, or whichever meal this was for them. He felt a little off, this was unlike the gangs he knew. There was something to their leader. He was a brute, sure. But the calm on that guy. The yeen overbosses were usually... well, no. He's not gonna go back there. The last one he'd seen was the stuff of nightmares. "I wonder what he put in these." Magnus murmurs to himself as he chows down. They were suspiciously delicious~

"Well, that went a lot better than expected!" Arris turns and shoots a bright smile to her companion. "You can only hope for the best by preparing for the worst, or something like that." As she returns to her now-kinda-cold burger, she pauses for a moment. "Hey, come to think, I don't think I've introduced myself." Putting down that burg again, she extends a hand for Leighton to shake. "Arris. Pleasure to meet you."

Xry happily barks up at Magnus but otherwise wiggles free to go trot after the yeeny bunch, perhaps to but sniff at them or sit at the punky yeen girl's side and whine and beg for some love cocaine and ketchup. Perhaps to lick up loose fries or drippings about the party eating fries by the bucket load apparently.

"Oh! Yes. Hello." Leighton shakes the crocodile's hand. "Leighton, at your service." She glances over to Magnus. "Turned out they are....well maybe not perfectly...but civil nontheless, huh?" She offers the fox a small smile, before turning her attention back to Arris and - more importantly, her burgers...well, burger now, taking another large bite.

The Boss, since that is the only name he has given finishes his burger, looks at his underlings feasting, then stomps up to the open truck and grabs the minotaur cook by the apron, dragging him down to be face to face with the snarling hyena. "I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS!" he roars, spittle flying, while his gang looks on, stunned. The boss rips a half eaten burger from the scrawny hyena's hand and throws it on the ground. "YOU THINK I CAN'T TELL A VEGGIE BURGER FROM THE REAL DEAL!?"

"Oh jeeze, really?" Magnus covers his face and sighs. He knew the cook was Fenris however... that poor hyena didn't know who he was dealing with. He'd cast a glance towards the others and gesture for them to wait a moment. "I know the cook... Fenris is tougher than a buncha smelly mutts. Give it a moment." he'd murmur to them, before averting his gaze back towards the hyenas. When he'd first confronted them, the fox' intention was to prevent, well... this. Now though? Well, the shit has hit the fan it seems. One can only wonder how the tanuki champion handles this. "I wish I had some popcorn right now."

"Nice to meet ya." After shaking her hand, Arris picks up her burger and quickly finishes what was left of it. The perks of having a long maw! "Well, I mean, if you want burgers, and burgers are being given out for free, then there's no real reason to cause a ruckus to get your free burgers. Just get your free burgers."

As it turns out, though, there was a reason to get feisty about burgers. Once the leader starts raising a fuss, Arris bolts up from her seat, shooting once into the air before lowering the barrel of the revolver at the hyena. "Easy there, bud."

Xry simply leaps to his feet the moment he senses violence and barks! And barks and barks, barking at the boss. Standing right next to the pink haired yeeny girl barking like a dog would at a stranger. No biting snarling growling or much of anything but doubled barking from either head!